(Lecture - 4) Neuropsychology of Human Behavior
(Lecture - 4) Neuropsychology of Human Behavior
(Lecture - 4) Neuropsychology of Human Behavior
The nervous system
The nervous system is a complex, highly coordinated network of tissues
that communicate via electro chemical signals.
It is responsible for receiving and processing information in the body and
is divided into two main branches:
The spinal cord connects the brain to the rest of the body.
It runs from the brain down to the small of the back and
is responsible for spinal reflexes, which are automatic
behaviors that require no input from the brain.
The spinal cord also sends messages from the brain to
the other parts of the body and from those parts back to
the brain.
The Brain
The brain controls many functions and sensations, such
as sleep, sexual activity, muscle movement, hunger, thirst,
memory, and the emotions.
Direction of impulse
Structure & Function of Brain
Brain & Behavior
Cerebral Cortex
The average human brain weighs about 1,400 grams (3 lb). The brain can be divided down
the middle lengthwise into two halves called the cerebral hemispheres. Each
hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is divided into four lobes …
Although most people have the same patterns of gyri and sulci on the cerebral cortex, no
two brains are exactly alike.
Midbrain & its Function
Eye Movement
Pupil Dilation
• The superior and inferior colliculi are two rounded
components located near the top of the midbrain that
play a role in vision and hearing.
Subdivision of the hindbrain
Major Structures of Brain
Neurotransmitter & their
Nerve Signaling