Poem Analysis The Right Word by Dharker
Poem Analysis The Right Word by Dharker
Poem Analysis The Right Word by Dharker
Imtiaz Dharker
About the poet
• She was born in 1954 to Pakistani parents.
• Brought up in Scotland.
• She is an award-winning poet, artist and
• Many of her poems focus on home, freedom
and displacement and feminism.
About the poem
• This poem was written in 2006, five years after the (11 September 2001) terrorist
attack in the USA. For some people the perpetrators of “9/11” were people fighting
oppression while others saw them as murderers.
• The poem explores the power of words and their connotations. The poet tries
different ways of describing the person outside her door but eventually, in stanza six,
she abandons words and just uses her eyes. In this way she moves from fearfully
describing the person as a ‘terrorist’ to inviting a child into her home.
• This poem is written in free verse – there are no rhyming words and no regular
rhythm. This could be indicative of her bafflement and confusion.
• Conversational/colloquial style, albeit in nine separate stanzas.
• The poem is a conversation that the poet is having with herself about the perceptions
and the connotations of words. She states: “I work with film, and I know that I can
take one image and edit it ten different ways, write ten different sets of words, and
make it into ten different stories. That's one of the things that I'm trying to do in the
poem 'The right word'. There is just one image, but it's an image that is interpreted in
different ways depending on the preconceptions that fit into each verse.”
The poem
fully understand.
Stanza 1
to a human desire to ignore or fear what we do not
Extended Metaphor.
1. “door” – serves as a barrier between the
narrator and the person outside.
2. “shadows” – can be a welcoming shelter for the
person outside/means to hide evil intensions.
The poet has made up her mind and has erased all society’s
judgements and prejudices – she has decided for herself
what to call this person outside the door.