Chapter 6 - Economic Development
Chapter 6 - Economic Development
Chapter 6 - Economic Development
1. Absolute poverty
• A condition in which the gross monthly income of a
household is insufficient to purchase certain minimum
necessities of life (clothing, rent, fuel).
• Quantifies the number of people below a poverty threshold
(independent of time and place)
• For the measure to be hardcore, the line must be the same in
different countries, cultures and technological levels.
2. Hardcore poverty
A household is defined as hardcore poor if his monthly household
income is less than the half of PLI
3. Relative poverty
A person lacks the necessary resources to enable them to participate
in the normal and desirable patterns of life that exist within a given
society at a given time. (As the proportion of household earning in
incomes less than half the mean or median income)
Defined in terms of inequality between groups and is measured by
using income disparity ratio of income group ethnic urban and rural.
E.g. Rural dwellers as being relative poverty to another group such
as Urban dwellers.
1. The introduction of new land development and settlement scheme - to provide land and
employment for the landless poor e.g. FELDA
2. The establishment of development authorities to manage rural development e.g. Land
development authorities (LDAs – e.g. RISDA & FELCRA) and Regional development
authorities (RDAs – e.g. KEJORA, KETENGAH, KESEDAR, KEDA)
3. In-situ rural development - to encourage replanting, rehabilitating and consolidating
problematic existing agricultural land and areas of low productivity e.g. Integrated
Agricultural Development Projects (IADP – e.g. KADA and MADA agencies)
4. Providing decent shelters and education – e.g. development programme for the hard-
core poor, PPRT
5. Government supports through Microcredit programme e.g. Ikhtiar Loan Scheme (AIM)
6. Encourage public participation in decision making in economic and development
programme e.g. Gerakan desa/daya wawasan (GDW)
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The end
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