Law Sle Group 14
Law Sle Group 14
Law Sle Group 14
Group- A14
HSBC0093 Prerna Varyani
HSBC0094 Ziyah Vastani
HSBC0095 Shiv Vaswani
HSBC0096 Shrishti Vora
HSBC0097 Ekta Wadhwa
HSBC0098 Hindavi Wagh
HSBC0099 Prajakta Waichal
Concept of Partnership
In a partnership, the partners are free to form an agreement and decide the mutual rights
and duties
Relation of partners in the partnership is of utmost good faith, therefore, it is the duty of
every partner to work for the greatest common advantage of the firm and to work
diligently to avoid any loses to the firm.
Mutual rights of the firm generally depend upon the provisions of the agreement but,
there are certain rights which are conferred by the act in the case when there is no
explicit agreement between the partners, these rights can be abrogated by entering into
an agreement to the contrary
Right to be Consulted
In case of matters affecting the business, each partner can has the right to be consulted. Further, every partner has the right to express
his views in front of other partners also. Sometimes, difference of opinion arises among the partners If it is over an ordinary matter, the
same may be settled by most of the partners
Right to be Indemnified
The partner of a firm is entitled be indemnified by the firm in the following circumstances. Expenses incurred in the ordinary course of
business, and Expenses incurred in an emergency.
In the absence of any contract to the contrary, each partner is presumed to have an equal share in the property of the partnership and is
entitled to have them held and used only for the purpose of the business. Partners should not use it as their own property. When at any point
of time, a partner uses the property of the business firm to his own benefit either directly or indirectly, the profits thus earned are accountable
to the firm
Duties of Partner
Section 16(b): To account and pay for profits of competing for business
If a partner carries on a company of the same nature as the firm and competes with that of the
firm, the partner must be accountable for and nav to the firm all the
Case Laws
The plaintiff and the defendant bought a mine jointly A partner was given the charge to wind up the firm. He
with a view to reselling it at a profit of pound 10,000. delayed disposal of some bales of cotton even after suggestion
Defendant resold the same to a company in which he of a fellow partner. Subsequently the price of bales of cotton
had interest at the much higher price. Whether plaintiff fell considerably. Whether liable for willful neglect?
is entitled to half the profit amount or only of 10,000
pound. Court held that it was not a willful neglect only error of
Court held that the defendant was duty bound to disclose
the real facts to the plaintiff. The other partners are not
deprived of their right to share the actual sale proceed.
In a partnership, the partners are free to form an agreement and decide the mutual rights and duties.
Relation of partners in the partnership is of utmost good faith, therefore, it is the duty of every
partner to work for the greatest common advantage of the firm and to work diligently in order to
avoid any loses to the firm.
Mutual rights of the firm generally depend upon the provisions of the agreement but, there are
certain rights which are conferred by the act in the case when there is no explicit agreement between
the partners, these rights can be abrogated by entering into an agreement to the contrary.
While deciding the shares of the partners in a firm it becomes highly important to determine the partnership property. Theoretically
speaking, the partnership property is nothing but the joint property of all the partners.
If there is any change in the constitution of the firm or if the partnership continues after the expiry of the term or undertaking for
which it was constituted, then it does not affect the mutual rights and duties of the partners
Thank you!