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Mobile and Pervasive

Computing - 1
Introductory Lecture
Presented by: Dr. Adeel Akram
University of Engineering and Technology,
Taxila, Pakistan
What is Ubiquitous Computing
 Ubicomp is a post-desktop model of human computer interaction in
which information processing has been thoroughly integrated into
everyday objects and activities.

 Integrate computers seamlessly into the world

– invisible, everywhere computing.
– Often called pervasive/invisible computing.

 Computers are mostly not invisible , t hey dominate interaction

with them.

 Ubicomp is about making computers invisible.

Ubiquitous computing = mobile computing + intelligent

Technology View
 Computers everywhere – embedded into fridges, washing
machines, door locks, cars, furniture.
 Intelligent environment.
 Mobile portable computing devices
 Wireless communication – seamless mobile/fixed.

User View
 Invisible – implicit interaction with your environment.
 Augmenting human abilities in context of tasks
Ubicomp vs. Virtual Reality

 Should we live in virtual computing world? Or should computing

come out and live in our physical world?

 VR is about simulating physical world & putting people inside

virtual computing world. (Limited applications & activities.).

 Ubicomp is about bringing computing to people’s physical world,

integrating with everyday objects and activities.

 Ubiquitous computing is an integration of human factors,

computer science, engineering, and social sciences.
Ubiquitous, Mobile, and
Nomadic Computing

 Nomadic computing: “portable”; no mobility while


 Mobile computing: “on-the-go”, e.g., while sitting on a

train; possibility of network connections remaining

 Ubiquitous computing:
computing everywhere… OR
computers everywhere…most of them
State of Art and
The Future of Computing
State of Art and
The Future of Computing
Future of Computing
– M2M Opportunity
Internet of Things
M2M Anatomy
Text Book
 Title: Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals
 Author: John Krumm, PhD
 Affiliation: Microsoft Research
 Published in: Redmond, Washington, USA
 Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
 Publication year = 2010
 Editor: John Krumm
 ISBN: 978-1-4200-9360-5
Reference Books
 Title: Fundamentals of
Mobile and Pervasive
 Author: Frank Adelstein,
Golden Richard III, PhD
 ISBN: 0071412379
 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
 Publication Year: 2004
Reference Books

IoT-From Research
and Innovation to
Market Deployment

IERC Cluster eBook

978-87-93102-95-8 P
Section 1: Pervasive Computing
 Golden Richard. Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive
Computing. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing ; December
2004. (with special emphasis on security issues)
 Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklous, T. Stober.
(Edt.) Pervasive Computing, 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag
Telos; May 2003.
 Jochen Burkhardt, Horst Henn, Stefan Hepper, Klaus
Rindtorff and Thomas Schaeck. Pervasive Computing: A New
Class of Computing Devices. Addison-Wesley Pub Co;
January, 2002.
 Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklous, and
Thomas Stober. Pervasive Computing Handbook. Springer-
Verlag, 2001.
Section 2: Mobile Computing
 Reza B'Far. Mobile Computing Principles: Designing and
Developing Mobile Applications with UML and XML. Cambridge
University Press, 2005.
 Evaggelia Pitoura, George Samaras. Data Management for
Mobile Computing (Advances in Database Systems). Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2004.
 Dharma P. Agrawal and Qing-An Zeng. Introduction to Wireless
and Mobile Systems. Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning, 2003.
 Ivan Stojmenovic, Edt. Handbook of Wireless Networks and
Mobile Computing. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston ,
February 2002.
 Evaggelia Pitoura and George Samaras. Data Management for
Mobile Computing. January 1998.
 Tomasz Imielinski, Tamasz Imielinski, and Henry F. Korth.
Mobile Computing. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston ,
January 1996.
Section 3: Distributed Systems
 George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg.
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, 4th Edition.
Addison-Wesley, 2005.
 Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen.
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms. Prentice
Hall, 2002.
 Randy Chow and Theodore Johnson. Distributed
Operating Systems and Algorithms. Addison Wesley,
 Kenneth P. Birman.
Building Secure and Reliable Network Applications.
Manning Publications Co., 1996.
 Sape Mullenter (ed.), Distributed Systems, 2nd Edition,
ACM Press, 1993.
Papers: Introduction to Mobile
and Pervasive Computing
 Mark Weiser, "The Computer for the 21st Century," Scientific American,
September 1991. (HTML, PDF)
 Mark Weiser, "Some Computer Science Issues in Ubiquitous Computing",
Communications of the ACM 36(7):75-84, July 1993. (PDF)
 M. Satyanarayanan, "Pervasive Computing: Vision and Challenges," IEEE
Personal Communications, August 2001. (PDF)
 D. Saha, A. Mukherjee, "Pervasive Computing: A Paradigm for the 21th
Century," IEEE Computer, March 2003, pp. 25-33. (PDF)
 G. H. Forman and J. Zahorjan, "The Challenges of Mobile Computing,"
IEEE Computer 27(4):38-47, April 1994. (PDF)
 J. Barton and T. Kindberg, "The Challenges and Opportunities of
Integrating the Physical World and Networked Systems," HP Labs
Technical Report, Jan 31, 2001. (PDF)
 G. Banavar, J. Beck, E. Gluzberg, J. Munson, J. Sussman, and D.
Zukowski, "Challenges: An Application Model for Pervasive Computing,"
Proc. 6th ACM MobiCom, Boston, MA, Aug 2000. (PDF)
 Andrew C. Huang, Benjamin C. Ling and Shankar Ponnekanti, "Pervasive
Computing: What is it Good for?" MobiDE, pp. 84-91, 1999. (HTML)
Papers: Context-Aware Computing
and Location-Based Services
 H. Lieberman and T. Selker, "Out of Context: Computer
Systems That Adapt to, and Learn from, Context, IBM
System Journal 39(3-4), 2000. (PDF)
 G. Chen and D. Kotz, "PA Survey of Context-Aware
Mobile Computing Research," Dartmouth College, 2000.
 M. Korkea-aho, "Context-Aware Applications Survey,"
Helsinki University of Technology, 2000. (HTML)
 Sven Meyer and Andry Rakotonirainy, "A Survey of
Research on Context-Aware Homes," 2003. (PDF)
Papers: Sensor Networks
 Ian F. Akyildiz, Weilian Su, Yogesh Sankarasubramaniam,
and Erdal Cayirci, "A Survey on Sensor Networks", IEEE
Communication, 102-114, Aug 2002. (PDF)
 Chee-Yee Chong and Srikanta P. Kumar, "Sensor
Networks: Evolution, Opportunities, and Challenges,"
Proceedings of the IEEE 91(8), Aug 2003. (PDF)
 Archana Bharathidasan and Vijay Anand Sai Ponduru,
"Sensor Networks: An Overview," Technical Report, Dept.
of Computer Science, University of California at Davis,
2002. (PDF)
 Heinzelman, W.B., Murphy, A.L., Carvalho, H.S. and
Perillo, M.A., "Middleware to support sensor network
applications," IEEE Network 18:6-14, 2004.(PDF)
 Deepak Ganesan, Alberto Cerpa, Yan Yu and Deborah
Estrin, "Networking Issues inWireless Sensor Networks,"
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 64(7):799-
814, July 2004.(PDF)
Case Studies

 OXYGEN Project
 Carnigie Mellon University
 Aura Project
 University of Washington
 University of California, San Diego
 Active Campus
Case Studies

 Georgia Tech University

 Aware Home Research Initiative
 Cyber Desk
 Cyber Guide
 NUCES Fast Karachi
 Ubiquitous Computing Research Group ( )
Seminar Presentations


 Students will select their project of

interest and give presentation and
formal report on them
History of Ubicomp

 Mark Weiser coined the phrase "ubiquitous computing"

around 1988, during his tenure as Chief Technologist of
the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).
 Both alone and with PARC Director and Chief Scientist
John Seely Brown, Weiser wrote some of the earliest
papers on the subject, largely defining it and sketching
out its major concerns.
 Andy Hopper from Cambridge University UK proposed
and demonstrated the concept of "Teleporting" - where
applications follow the user wherever he/she moves.
 Bill Schilit (now at Google) also did some earlier work in
this topic, and participated in the early Mobile
Computing workshop held in Santa Cruz in 1996.
History of Ubicomp

 Dr. Ken Sakamura of the University of Tokyo, Japan

leads the Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory (UNL),
Tokyo as well as the T-Engine Forum.
 The joint goal of Sakamura's Ubiquitous Networking
specification and the T-Engine forum, is to enable any
everyday device to broadcast and receive information.
 Roy Want, while a researcher and student working under
Andy Hopper at Cambridge University, worked on the
"Active Badge System", which is an advanced location
computing system where personal mobility that is
merged with computing.
History of Ubicomp

 MIT has also contributed significant research in this

field, notably Things That Think consortium at the
Media Lab and the CSAIL effort known as Project
 Other major contributors include University of
Washington's Ubicomp Lab, Georgia Tech's College of
Computing, Cornell University's People Aware Computing
Lab, NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program, UC
Irvine's Department of Informatics, Microsoft Research,
Intel Research.
History of Ubicomp

Mark Weiser Father of Ubicomp
History of Ubicomp
 Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is an advanced
computing concept where computing is made to appear
everywhere and anywhere.
 In contrast to desktop computing, ubiquitous computing
can occur using any device, in any location, and in any
 A user interacts with the computer, which can exist in
many different forms, including laptop computers,
tablets, terminals and phones.
 The underlying technologies to support ubiquitous
computing include Internet, advanced middleware,
operating system, mobile code, sensors,
microprocessors, new I/O and user interfaces,
networks, mobile protocols, location and positioning
and even new materials.
Ubicomp core concepts

 At their core, all models of ubiquitous computing share

a vision of small, inexpensive, robust networked
processing devices, distributed at all scales throughout
everyday life and generally turned to distinctly
common-place ends.
 For example, a domestic ubiquitous computing
environment might interconnect lighting and
environmental controls with personal biometric
monitors woven into clothing so that illumination and
heating conditions in a room might be modulated,
continuously and imperceptibly.
 Another common scenario posits refrigerators "aware" of
their suitably tagged contents, able to both plan a
variety of menus from the food actually on hand, and
warn users of stale or spoiled food.
Ubicomp core concepts

 Ubiquitous computing presents challenges across

computer science and engineering: in systems design and
engineering, in systems modelling, and in user interface
 Contemporary human-computer interaction models,
whether command-line, menu-driven, or GUI-based, are
inappropriate and inadequate to the ubiquitous case.
 This suggests that the "natural" interaction paradigm
appropriate to a fully robust ubiquitous computing has yet
to emerge - although there is also recognition in the field
that in many ways we are already living in an Ubicomp
Ubicomp core concepts
 Ubiquitous computing may be seen to consist of many layers,
each with their own roles, which together form a single
 Layer 1: task management layer
 Monitors user task, context and index
 Map user's task to need for the services in the environment
 To manage complex dependencies
 Layer 2: environment management layer
 To monitor a resource and its capabilities
 To map service need, user level states of specific capabilities
 layer 3: environment layer
 To monitor a relevant resource
 To manage reliability of the resources

 Embedded Computing for enhancing physical objects.

 Achieve intelligence through interconnection of physical objects.

 Achieve intelligence through location awareness (without AI)

For example:
Automated call forwarding (context awareness – should know
where the person is)
lighting control  smart sensor wall - control heating and lighting.
Early work


 very small – smart badge with user info, calendar, diary, etc.

 allow personalized settings to follow a user

 Carried around by a person

 Hundreds in a room
 Remote controllers
 Badges
 Tags / Labels (RFID)
 Locating system (tags as library catalogs)
 Animate static physical objects (active calendar, active map)
Current Trends

Touch Pads:

 Foot-scale Ubicomp devices

 A sheet of paper / tablet PC.
 Portable computers but not laptop metaphor

 Tens in a room
 Like scrap papers that can be grabbed and
used anywhere, no unique ID.
Currently in use in Academia
and Enterprise

 larger display – whiteboard size.

 Personalized electronic bulletin boards.
 Multiple pens.
 Meeting capture.
 Lots of bandwidth available because they’re plugged
into the wall (LAN Network)
 White board with e-chalk
Shared white board with remote participants.

 Video screen.
 Electronic Bookcases
Current Technology

 Portable information appliances

– laptops, notebooks, and sub-notebooks
– hand-held computers
– PDAs and smart phones
 Wireless communication networks
– multiple networks “covering” the globe
 Internet:
– TCP/IP& de-facto application protocols

 Common user interface for workstation and mobile

device applications.

 Adaptive information display.

 Flexible voice based input-output.

 Voice recognition + text to speech conversion.

 Gesture recognition.

 Intelligent agents
Mobile computing

Mobile computing - wireless transmission.

 Uses a computing device.

 Many types of mobile computers have been

introduced since the 1990s, including the:
 Personal Digital Assistant
 Enterprise Digital Assistant
 Smart phones
Mobile computing Vision
 Universal connectivity – anywhere, anytime

 Accommodate heterogeneity of networks and communicators.

 Ubiquitous intelligent environment - embedded computers


 Easy user interaction

 Context independent access to services + context dependent

 How to integrate mobile communicators into complex
information infrastructures?

 What effect will they have on work and leisure?

 Privacy

 How to develop and manage adaptable, context-aware

software systems?

 What support is needed within the network?

 Power supplies
Integration of Mobile Systems
 Not stand alone devices.
Need to interact with complex legacy information systems
e.g. large databases – merging updates, displaying tables etc.

 Systems development
Requirements specification for adaptable systems
Component composition to meet global QoS, security,
reliability & performance requirements.

 Mobility models
Behaviour specification and analysis
Modelling context aware systems
Context Aware Computing
 It is a powerful and long-lasting, concept in human computer

 Interaction with computation is by explicit acts of communication

(e.g. pointing to a menu item), context is implicit (e.g. default

 Goal of context-aware computing is to acquire and utilize

information about the context of a device to provide services that
are appropriate to the particular people, place, time, events, etc.

 For example, a cell phone will always vibrate and never beep in a
concert, if the system can know the location of the cell phone and
the concert schedule
Context Adaptation

 A context adaptive system enables the user to

maintain a Certain application (in different
forms) while roaming between different
wireless access technologies, locations, devices
and even simultaneously executing everyday
tasks like meetings, driving a car etc.
Issues : Context Awareness
 Current location
Need location detection e.g. GPS or base station Indoors – radio beacon, IR.

 User activity
Walking, driving a car, running for a bus – how to detect this?

 Ambient environment
In theatre, alone, in meeting

 Local resources or services available

Device capabilities

 Screen, input, processing power, battery life ….

 Current QoS availability – particularly for radio links

Intelligent Environment

 An intelligent environment is a location (e.g. home, office, hospital, etc.)

that is equipped with sensors, actuators and computers that are
networked with each other and the internet.

 The components are controlled by "intelligent agent" software that knows

the preferences of the occupants.

 It tailors the environment to suit them.

 The occupants can talk to the environment using speech and natural
language and the sensors can monitor the environment.

 What means of communication?

 Radio
 Light based

 Batteries would be impractical power source for 100K

processors per person.

 Solar cells are not suitable for all environments.

 Solar cells, fuel cells, body heat power?

 Power not speed is the key issue for future processor

Major Challenges

Hardware Prototype Issue:

 Power consumption: impossible to change batteries to

many Ubicomp devices frequently.

 Balance of HW/SW feature: display, network, processing,

memory, storage capability, multitasking, QoS, etc.

 Ease of expansion & modification (integration vs.

Major Challenges
Network Issue:

 Wireless Media Access (802.11, Bluetooth, Cellular


 Quality of Services (RSVP, etc.).

 Ubicomp devices changing network attachment points

(Mobile IP).
Major Challenges
Application Issue:

 “Applications are of course the whole point of ubiquitous computing”.

 Locating people (active badges)

Automated call forwarding
Tracking down people for meeting
Watching general activity in a building (feel in touch with
surrounding environments)

 Shared drawing in virtual meeting

Scalability to 5000 peoples (multicast for bandwidth efficiency)
 Interactions will be cross multiple organisational boundaries
specification, analysis and integration for heterogeneous
OS, databases, firewalls, routers.

 Everything worth hacking gets hacked.

 Need for secure ‘out of the box’ set up that can identify
friend or foe - level of trust.

 Small communicators, with confidential data, are easily

lost or stolen – biometric authentication.

 Necessary security technology exists.

 Location service tracks movement to within metres.

 Clearly indicate you are being sensed or recorded + user control to stop
recording or control distribution of information.

 You are now predictable System can co-relate location, context and
behaviour patterns

 Do you want employer, colleagues or insurance company to know you

carry a medical monitor?

 Tension between authentication and anonymity – business want to

authenticate you for financial transactions and to provide ‘personalized’
service web sites.

 Constant spam of context dependent advertising


 Huge, complex systems

 Billions of processors
 Multiple organisations
 Managing physical world, controlling sensors, actuators
 Hacker and virus paradise

 System propagates false information about individuals

or organisation.

 Complexity of s/w installation on a workstation or

server – how do you cope with billions?
Proposed Management
 Intelligent agents, mobile agents, policy.

 QoS Management

Fat pipes and large storage can convert media streams to

short traffic bursts in core network but still needed for wireless

 Adaptive self-management is the only answer

Partitioned domains of responsibility

Genetic algorithms may be suitable for long-term
strategy but need more deterministic solutions for
short term decision making
Video Links

VU Video Lecture on Mobile & Pervasive Computing by Dr. Abdul Aziz

 (Introduction to Mobile and Pervasive Computing)

Presentation – The dawning age of ubiquitous computing

By Adam Greenfield


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