Organizational Development - HRM

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Group No. 9, MMS - B

Team Members:
103 – Deepti Nayak
104 – Sachin Pillai
105 – Parvathidevi G
106 – Pratik Patil
107 - Ismail
What is Organizational Development
Organization development is a planned process of change in an
organization’s culture through the utilization of behavioral science
technology, research, and theory. (Warner Burke)

Organization development involves an ongoing, systematic, long-

range process of driving organizational effectiveness, solving
problems, and improving organizational performance. It is also one
of the capabilities identified in the Talent Development Capability
Applies to changes in the strategy, structure,
and/or processes of an entire system.

Based on the application and transfer of

behavioral science knowledge and practice.

OD Involves Concerned with managing planned change

Involves the design, implementation, and the

subsequent reinforcement of change

Oriented to improving organizational

OD Process
Entering &

Evaluation &
institutionalizatio Diagnostics
n of change

Leading & Data Collection &

managing change analyzing

Characteristics of OD

Clarity of
Decentralization Self-analysis Adaptation

Structural Constant
Group formation through
dynamism training
Uses of OD
Improve Communication: OD interventions can help improve communication, reduce
misunderstandings, enhance collaboration, and increase productivity.

Enhance Leadership: OD can be used to develop leadership skills and create effective leaders, helping
them become more effective, build better relationships, and improve organizational performance.

Address Performance Issues: OD can be used to identify performance gaps, create metrics, and develop
training and development programs to improve performance, increase accountability, and support career
Manage Change: OD can help organizations manage change and remain competitive by identifying the
need, creating a plan, and implementing interventions to support the process.

Foster Innovation: OD can be used to foster innovation within an organization. This involves creating a
culture of innovation, encouraging creativity, and providing resources for innovation. This can result in
new ideas and products, increased competitiveness, and improved performance.
Intervention Mechanism Of OD
Organizational Development (OD) Interventions are structured program designed to solve a problem,
thus enabling an organization to achieve the goal.

Some common intervention mechanisms used in OD include:

● Team Building: Team building interventions aim to improve the effectiveness of teams by enhancing
communication, collaboration, and trust among team members.
● Change Management: Change management interventions help organizations transition to a desired
future state by developing a plan, providing training, and implementing communication strategies.
● Performance Management: Performance management interventions aim to improve the performance of
individuals and teams within an organization.
● Employee Development: Employee development interventions aim to improve the effectiveness of
leaders within an organization by developing their skills, knowledge, and abilities. This may involve
providing leadership training, coaching, and mentoring.
OD Interventions
Target Group Interventions Designed to Improve Effectiveness

Individuals/ Employees Employee Empowerment

Lab Learning
Interpersonal style
Transactional Analysis
Career life planning
Stress management

Teams/ Groups Team Building

Quality Circles
Role Negotiation
Role Analysis Technique

Total Organization Beckhard Confrontation Meeting

Strategic Management
Survey Feedback
Grid Organizational development
Employee Intervention

A range of OD intervention activities strive to enhance the

development and empowerment of the individual members
of the organization. These approaches are based on
assumptions that if the employee becomes more effective,
more involved and more skilled, the total organization will
also be improved.
Techniques discussed

1. Employee Empowerment
2. Lab Learning
3. Interpersonal style
4. Transactional Analysis
5. Career life planning
6. Stress management
Employee Empowerment
● Employee empowerment is a technique for unleashing human potential in organizations.
● Empowerment is the process of giving employees and work group members the ability to make decisions
about their work, being held accountable for the outcomes of their decisions, accepting responsibility for
the outcomes of their decisions, and solving problems on their own.
● Employees who are empowered are more proactive and self-sufficient in helping their organizations to
achieve their goals.
● It attempts to move the organization from the traditional “I just work here, I don’t make the rules” type of
culture to one of a shared vision and goals. The purpose is to have the individual’s purpose and vision align
with the organization’s.
● Management is responsible for creating a supportive climate and removing barriers. Organizations that
embark upon programs to empower employees need to recognize that empowerment is not a “magic bullet”
that can solve every ill of the organization. Empowerment of employees is more likely to be used in an OD
program in conjunction with other intervention techniques.
How to empower employees?
⮚ Deliver honest feedback on their performance. Be clear and specific when providing feedback and make it a point to
highlight your colleagues' strengths to boost motivation.
⮚ Coaching, Friendly learning environment.
Laboratory Learning
● Laboratory learning involves using a group as a laboratory for experimenting, learning, and discovering
cause-and-effect relations in interpersonal communication.
● The learning is unstructured in the sense that there is no appointed leader and no assigned topic.
● Goal is for participants - to develop self-insight, with greater sensitivity to their effect on others, and to
become aware of their blind spots and hidden areas.
● The laboratory provides a safe climate away from the work organization where participants can try new
behaviours and receive candid feedback from others on the effectiveness of those behaviours.
Participants can then return to work with new ways of behaving and working with others.
● Problem of Fade out. Fade out occurs when participants, after having learned new ways of working with
others, return to their work organizations, where support is often lacking.
● There is evidence to suggest that laboratory learning provides increased self-insight and awareness of
impact upon others and that observable changes in behaviour do occur on the job.
⮚ No. of Participants – 10 to 12. Don’t know each other.
⮚ Session time span – 1 to 2 weeks, sometimes 3 or less than 3 days.
⮚ Location – away from workplace.
⮚ Uses - To increase interpersonal skills in leadership, group, and organization situations.
Career Life Planning

● Career life planning is the process of choosing occupational, organizational, and career
paths. The purpose of career planning is to develop and promote high-potential employees
in channels where their abilities will be used to the fullest.

● Helps employees with information to make better career decisions. One research study
found that individuals who were committed to both their organizations and their careers
reported higher job satisfaction and career satisfaction. They felt more empowered than
other employees did.
Step 1 Each participant independently prepares a list of career life goals; this would usually include career,
professional, personal, and relational goals (List 1).

Step 2 Working in a pair with the participant, the practitioner goes through the list, reality testing (are the
goals realistic?), helping set priorities, and looking for conflicting goals.

Step 3 Each participant makes a list of important achievements or happenings, including peak experiences and
satisfactions (List 2).

Step 4 The practitioner works through a comparison of the individual’s goals (List 1) and achievements (List 2),
looking for conflict or incongruence between the two lists.

Step 5 The participants prepare detailed plans of action specifying how to get from where they are to where
the goals show they would like to be.
Stress Management Interventions
● A stress management intervention is any activity or program that attempts to reduce the cause of
work-related stresses or helps individuals to cope with the negative outcomes of exposure to
stress. OD interventions The OD program itself can be a stress management intervention.
● The disadvantage of teaching individuals how to cope with stress is that it does not reduce the
source of the stress.
● Job burnout refers to the emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced
accomplishment. Burnout is most common among professionals who must deal extensively with
other people—clients, subordinates, and customers on the job. The professionals who seem most
vulnerable to job burnout include managers, accountants, lawyers, nurses, police officers, and
social workers.
● Seminars to help employees understand the nature and symptoms of job problems, such as
workshops on role clarity and analysis have been used in many large companies, including IBM,
Johnson & Johnson, and Xerox.

● Includes Wellness programs like nutrition counselling, etc., Stress Management Training, Seminars
on Job burnt.
Interpersonal Style : Johari Window
Johari Window is a technique for identifying
interpersonal communication style.

Open Area - One underlying assumption -

interpersonal effectiveness is directly related to the
amount of mutually shared information. The larger
this area becomes, the more effective the
communication will be.

The ideas of the Johari Window can be used with

laboratory learning to help participants understand
their effect on others (disclosure) and how their
behaviour comes across to others (feedback).
Transactional Analysis
● Transactional analysis (TA) is a practical and useful interpersonal relationship model that some OD
practitioners apply in organization change programs. It is a way for people to understand how they
communicate with others and how they can improve on their communications.
● According to TA, every person has three separate sources of behaviour called Ego States.
● The Parent. This ego state is a set of feelings, attitudes, and behaviours copied from a parental
figure. Behaviour may include prejudicial, critical, consoling, or nurturing actions.
● The Adult. This ego state is an independent set of feelings, attitudes, and behaviours involving the
basis of objective facts. An individual who gathers facts, tests reality, and computes a rational,
objective answer is in an adult ego state.
● The Child. This ego state is a collection of feelings, attitudes, and behaviours retained from the
individual’s childhood. The child ego state usually shows emotions of some kind, such as anger,
excitement, sadness, and fear.
● All three ego states exist within everyone, and they are not related to a person’s age. A certain
amount of each ego state is necessary for a well-integrated personality. When people are in an
organization setting, all three ego states will be engaged and can be appropriate depending on the
● The best way to examine ego states is to
look at oneself and others for behavioral
clues, such as words, gestures, and tone
of voice.
● This increased awareness of one’s
personal style can help in improving one’s
effectiveness in an organization.
● The size of the circles for the three ego
states may reflect the degree that an ego
state is used.
● An organization that relies on power
strategies and manipulation to solve
problems would have a larger parent ego
state than adult and child ego states. In
contrast, an organization that uses problem
solving and consensual decision making
to solve problems would have a larger
adult ego state than parent and child ego
states. See Figure for an example.
Team Building

Quality Circles
Mechanism for Brainstorming
Team/ Group Role Negotiation Technique

Role Analysis Technique

1. TEAM BUILDING : It is based on the concept of
synergy creation for streamlining organizational
resources and for the improving organizational

The main of this is to get members of different work

group to diagnose work processes, recognize deficient
areas and screen out productive work flow.

2. QUALITY CIRCLES : It requires 10-12 team

members to come together on their own accord in
order to discuss important work related issues and
come up with efficient solutions.

Quality circles have been shown to heighten moral,

reduce costs and boost quality in the working
3. BRAIN STORMING : It aims to promote creative
thinking, whilst bringing team leaders together and
helping them engage in discussions of fixing a
common issue.
It involves 6–8 managers coming together and
pitching ideas for solving a problem. The participants
are required to critically assess the matter that is put


imposed structure for controlled negotiations between
two or more parties in which each party agrees in
writing to change certain behaviors in exchange in
behavior by the others.

Sometimes people in a team are unwilling to change

because it would mean a loss of power or influence to
the individual. This resistance to change causes team
ineffectiveness. This technique are often used to great
advantage in such situations.
5. ROLE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE : This technique clarifies the role
expectations and obligations of team members to improve team

The individuals have to fulfil different specialized roles in oranizations, in

each role they have to manifest different behaviours.

This technique is particularly useful in case of new teams, but it may also
be helpful in case of established teams where role ambiguity or confusion
Intervention for Organization

Comprehensive Intervention
This are used to directly create change throughout an entire
organization, rather than focusing on organizational change
through subgroup interventions.
Beckhard’s Confrontation Meeting

➔ The confrontation meeting was developed by Richard Beckhard, is a one day

meeting of the entire organization, in which they take a reading of their
own organizational health.
➔ In a series of activities, the management group generates info about its
major problems, analyzes the underlying causes, develops action plans to
correct the problem, and sets a schedule to complete remedial work.
➔ This intervention is an important one in organizational development. It is
quick, simple,and reliable way in which to generates data about an
organization and to set the action plan.
The steps involved in confrontation meeting are as follows:
1. Climate setting (45-60 min). The top manager introduces the session by starting his or her goals for the meetings.
Citing the necessity for free and open discussion of issues and problem and making it clear that individuals will not be
punished for what they says.

2. Information collecting (60 min). Small group of 7-8 members are formed based on heterogeneity of composition
that is maximum mixture of people from different functional area and working situations compose each team. The
only rule is that bosses and subordinates cannot be put together on the same team.

3. Information sharing (1hour). Reporters from each small group reports the group’s complete findings to the total
group, which are placed on newsprint on the walls. The total list of items is characterized usually by the meeting
leader, into few major categories that may be based on types of problems (eg. communication problems), types of
relationships (eg. trouble with top management) ot types of area (eg. problems with the accounting deptt.)

4. Priority setting & goal action planning (1hour and 15 min). This step typically follows a break during which time
the items from the lists are duplicated for distribution to everyone. In a 15 min general session, the meeting leader goes
to the list of items. The group are asked to do three tasks. First, they are to identify the problems they should be the
priority issues for top management. Second to find the solution to the problems. Third they are determining how they
will communicate the results of the confrontation meeting to their subordinates.
5. Immediate follow up by top team (1 to 3 hours). The top management team meets the
rest of the participants have left to plan the first follow-up actions steps and to determine
what actions should be taken on the basis of what they have learned during the day. These
follow up action plans are communicated to the rest of the management group within
several days.

6. Progress review (2 hours) A follow up meeting with the total management group is
held 4-6 weeks later to the report progress and to review the action resulting from, the
confrontation meeting.
Strategic Management Activities
It is defined as the development and implementation of the organization’s grand design or overall
strategy for relating to its current and future environmental demands.

The concept is described by schendel and hofers as- it comprises six major tasks as:

Environment Strategy Strategy

Goal Formulation
Analysis Formulation Evaluation

Strategic Control
Survey Feedback

● Collecting data about the system and feeding back the data for individuals and groups
at all levels of the organization to analyze, interpret meanings and design corrective
action steps.
● Survey feedback has been shown to be an effective change technique in organization
● A well design survey helps organizational members to develop valid models of how
organizations works and also provide feedback about progress towards goals.
Grid Organizational development

❖ This was design by Robert R. Blake and Jane S.Mouton.

❖ Six phase program lasting about 3-5 Years.

❖ An Organization can move systematically from the stage of examining managerial behaviour and style
to the development and implementation of an ideal strategic corporate model.

❖ It enable individuals and groups to assess their own strengths and weaknesses
Phases in Grid Organizational development

Phase 1. The managerial grid - Grid seminar is conducted by the company manager. Attention is given to assessing an
individual’s managerial styles Problem solving and Communication skills.

Phase 2. Teamwork Development - The goal is perfecting teamwork in the organization through analysis of team culture,
traditions etc. Feedback given to each manager about their individual team behavior.

Phase 3. Intergroup Development - The goal is to move groups from their ineffective ways towards an ideal model. The
phase includes building operational plans for moving the two groups.

Phase 4. Developing an ideal strategic corporate model - The focus shifts to corporate planning. Top management design
an ideal strategic corporate model that would define what the corporation would be like.

Phase 5. Implementing the ideal strategic model - The organizational implement the model developed in phase 4. Each
component appoints a planning team whose job is to examine every phase of the component’s operation. After the planning
and assessment steps are completed, conversion of the organization to the ideal condition is implemented.

Phase 6. Systematic Critique - Systematic critiquing, measuring, and evaluating lead to knowledge of what progress has
been made, what barriers still exist and must be overcome.

•Organization Development – Wendell French, Cecil Bell Jr. – Pearson Pub.

•Organisation Development – Donald R. Brown – Pearson Pub.
•Organization Development and Change – Cummings & Worley
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