Zakat Almsgiving
Zakat Almsgiving
Zakat Almsgiving
Zakat, or giving of a portion of one’s income to benefit others.
It Is an important pillar of Islam.
Zakat comes from the word Zakah which means to purify or to clean.
Its similar to cleaning up your wealth and giving it to the people who are
in need.
If one’s wealthy they are required to give a modest portion of their wealth
to the underprivileged, 2.5 percent approx.
Order of Zakat was delivered in Makkah in Surah Mominoon and it was
made obligatory in 2ndAH.
Zakat supports development of Islam, people in need and those who are
in debt.
• Quran says: “ Take charity from their belongings in order to
purify and sanctify them” (Al- Taubah 9:103) this also symbolizes
that one of the purposes of Zakat is the purification of soul and
• (Al Baqarah 2:261) also shows that those who give Zakat are 7
hundred times rewarded.
• The word Zakat is mentioned in the Quran 30 times individually
and is mentioned along with prayer 27 times.
• Zakat is given from privileged and given to the non privileged to
keep balance among the society.
Importance Of Zakat
• Zakat promotes brotherhood and removes hatred or jealousy
from the hearts of Muslims.
• It helps to run such institutions which provide free services to
the poor and needy.
• It reminds Muslims that they are God’s creatures and part of a
single community.
Obligation of Zakat
• Zakat is obligatory on every adult free Muslim who has wealth
equal to the Nisab.
• If a person has 7.5 tolas (87.48 grams) of gold
• Or has 52.5 tolas (612.32 grams) of silver
• Or holds cash equals to gold and silver and one whole year has
been passed on it. Then its obligatory to pay Zakat on him.
Because he/she is sahib e nisaab.
Zakat Obligation
• Zakat is not payable on buildings, shops, or total capital, but on
the saving of the incomes that may have generated from them.
• Zakat is not payable on precious stones, immovable property or
on machinery.
• A verse of Quran says: “Establish prayer and pay Zakat”.
To Whom Zakat Can Be Paid
• Surah Taubah verse 60 says:
• ۞ ِإَّنَم ا ٱلَّص َد َقٰـ ُت ِلْلُفَقَر ٓاِء َو ٱْلَم َس ٰـ ِكيِن َو ٱْلَعٰـ ِمِليَن َع َلْيَها َو ٱْلُم َؤ َّلَفِة ُقُلوُبُهْم َو ِفى ٱلِّر َقاِب
٦٠ َو ٱْلَغٰـ ِرِم يَن َو ِفى َس ِبيِل ٱِهَّلل َو ٱْبِن ٱلَّس ِبيِل ۖ َفِر يَض ًۭة ِّم َن ٱِهَّللۗ َو ٱُهَّلل َع ِليٌم َح ِكيٌۭم
• “Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and
for those employed for it ad for bringing hearts together for
Islam and for freeing captives or slaves and for those in debt and
for the cause of Allah and for the stranded traveler an obligation
imposed by Allah. And Allah is knowing and wise”.
To Whom Zakat Can Be Paid
• Zakat is mostly paid in Ramadan.
• There are 8 kinds of people to whom zakat can be paid according to the Holy
1.The poor who has no wealth to afford basic necessities of life.
2. One whose entire wealth is destroyed by any natural disaster.
3. New converts who need financial support.
4. The slaves so that they can buy their freedom.
5. People in debt.
6. The collector of Zakat.
7. Travelers who lost their wealth in their journey.
8. People who are engaged in the activities related to Islam.
To Whom Zakat Can Not Be Paid
• Zakat can not be paid to the rich Muslims.
• To one’s husband or wife.
• To one’s blood line.
• To the descendants of Prophet.
• According to Shariah the recipient should be made the owner of
it. So zakat can not be spent on coffins, schools, bridges or other
How Does Zakat Keep The Community Together
• Zakat keeps the Muslim community together in a way that rich Muslims
go to the poor Muslims to complete an obligation of Islam.
• So it brings them into contact with eachother and make their ties
• It brings balance among the society and removes the difference between
rich and poor as the wealth is distributed among the Muslim community
• It strengthens brotherhood as Muslims feel part of the same Ummah.
• It removes the inequality and reduces the crime rate.
• It also remind Muslims that they are also responsible for others beside
Benefits Of Zakat
• It purifies heart of the giver of love of wealth, greed, miserliness
and inculcates in him the love of Allah.
• It purifies lawful money and brings it under the assurance of
• It removes sins of a person.
• It brings one closer to Allah.
• It helps receiver being financially stable and to fulfil his needs
celebrate Eid happily.
• Its also a blessing to the giver as his wealth is multiplied.
People Who Pay Zakat
• Nearly 7 in 10 Pakistanis claim to have paid Zakat, to either a
family or non-family member. About 76% said they paid Zakat in
the past year, while 72% claimed that they did so in the past