Collection Slides
Collection Slides
Collection Slides
External data
• If the information is collected from outside sources
Advantages of secondary data
• Economical and faster to access
• Gives a way to use the work of the best intellectuals all over the world
• Imparts a persuasion to the researcher about the direction he /she
should follow for the topic
• Adds value to the research study
• Preserves effort ,time and money
• Provide a vast amount of data from a wide range of sources
• Researchers can compare data from different sources to identify
Disadvantages of secondary data
• The data collected by someone else may not be as reliable and as
accurate compared with primary data
• Data collected at one location may not be acceptable for the other
location because of inconsistent environmental conditions
the data gathered are both systematic and accurate and that succeeding decisions based
• The data collection process gives an idea about a baseline from which to measure and in
certain cases an indication of what to improve.
The objective of observation method is to observe people in their natural ways as they
follow their everyday lives.
Observation methods can be preferred because it can overcome the issues like validity,
bias in quantitative research methods.
The researcher observes actual situation carefully by putting himself in that situation.
The results of participant observation completely depends on the talent and skills
of the researcher. This method can be used only by experts and experienced
The data obtained can be invalid as observed people may behave differently
hence this approach is sometimes criticized
Advantages of observation
Data can be efficiently collected from the informants by cross examining them.
It gives quantitative data and evaluates explicit data. This method is applicable to
validate information
Questions can be asked about skills, knowledge and strengths and should be
answered formally similar to structured interview.
Advantages of interviewing
• This method allows the researcher to gather information from illiterate humankind
• As interviewer tactfully collects the data by cross examining the responders hence
collected data is very reliable
To obtain statistically useful information about a given topic a series of questions have been asked
to individuals.
The feedback forms often prepared with blank spaces where answers can be written.
Sets of such forms relating to research topic have been distributed among groups and the answers
are collected. Sometimes it is helpful to provide an example of how to complete a question
question must be simple and easily answered
To improve the flow of the instrument, questions concerning major subject areas should
be grouped together and introduced by headings or short descriptive statements.
More sensitive questions can then be placed in the middle, and questions about personal
characteristics such as income or sexual function are often placed at the end of the
For each question or set of questions, particularly if the format differs from that of other
questions on the instrument, instructions must indicate clearly how to respond.
If the instructions include different time frames, it is sometimes useful to repeat the
time frame at the top of each new set of questions. For example, questions such as
How often have you visited a doctor during the past year?
During the past year, how many times have you been a patient in an emergency
How many times were you admitted to the hospital during the past year?
During the past year, how many times have you visited a doctor?
Closed-ended questions are more common and form the basis for most standardized measures. These
questions ask respondents to choose from two or more pre selected answers:
Which of the following do you believe increases the chance of having a stroke?
Drinking alcohol
Mailed questionnaire
The respondents who are located at a long distance or across borders and other
communication ways are difficult then mailed questionnaire is used for collection
of data.
The required thing is that the researcher should have the postal addresses of the
• Can be carried out by the researcher or by any number of people with limited affect to
its validity and reliability
• Quick and easy quantification of the results can be done by either a researcher or
through the use of software
• Scientific and objective analysis can be done effectively compared to other forms of
• The response rate is very less due to low literacy rate or lack of interest in the
research Topic Research Methodology