College of Applied and Natural Science Department of Food Science and Applied Nutrition Nutrition Assessment (FSAN3122) 2Cr - HR
College of Applied and Natural Science Department of Food Science and Applied Nutrition Nutrition Assessment (FSAN3122) 2Cr - HR
College of Applied and Natural Science Department of Food Science and Applied Nutrition Nutrition Assessment (FSAN3122) 2Cr - HR
March /2024
Past Intake Assessment Methods
• Concerning the items in the quick list. For each item of food or drink,
respondents are asked to provide additional detail.
The time at which the food or drink was consumed.
A full description of the food or drink, including brand name where available.
Any foods likely to be eaten in combination e.g. milk in coffee
Recipes and other combinations of foods e.g. sandwiches
The quantity consumed, based on household measures, photographs of different
portion sizes of foods or weights.
Any leftovers or second helpings
3. A Recall Review
24 hour record
Time Quantity eaten Detail of food and drink
1 Fried egg
1cup Tea
1 Lemon
• It gives the dietary habits of an individual or a group of people
over a longer periods of time
• It is possible to target the dietary questions to specific dietary
habits or intake of specific nutrients of interest
• Less respondent burden
• It over emphasizes the regularity of the dietary pattern
• It is very difficult to validate
• It needs a very highly trained interviewer
• It gives just a relative if not an absolute information
3. Food Frequency Questionnaire
• Assesses energy or nutrient intake by determining the frequency
of consumption of a limited number of foods.
• Consists of a list of approximately 100 or fewer individual foods
or food groups (important contributors to energy or nutrients)
and a frequency response section.
• Subjects indicate how many times a day, week, month, or year
that they usually consume the foods
Principle of FFQ
• Average long-term diet (over weeks, months, or years) is the
conceptually important exposure rather than intake on a few
specific days.
• It may be advantageous to sacrifice precise intake measurements
obtainable on 1 or more days in exchange for more crude
information relating to an extended period of time.
• It is easier to describe one’s usual frequency of consuming a food
than to describe what foods were eaten at any specific meal.
• FFQ method is based on the preparation of a food frequency
questionnaire, which is based on the local staple diet to
determine the frequency of consumption of a particular
• This could be achieved through self or interviewer
administration of the questionnaire.
• Sometimes the quantities consumed could be included, in
such circumstances, the FFQ is called semi-quantitative FFQ.
• If the quantities consumed are weighed and recorded as
Quantitative FFQ
• Portion size can be either proposed or not
• Subjects can be allowed to indicate whether their usual portion
sizes are small, medium, or large with respect to a stated medium
or standard portion for certain age/sex groups
• If portion size indicated- semi-quantitative FFQ
• Some FFQ are designed to assess intake of individual nutrients or
food components (vitamin A, fat, calcium……)
• Some are designed to assess a wide spectrum of macro and
• Is the goal to rank individuals in terms of intake or to provide a
measure of absolute intake?
• Important to select carefully the most informative items for the
food list to avoid fatigue and boredom that can impair
concentration and accuracy.
• Individuals are generally willing to complete relatively long
dietary questionnaires, probably because of strong general
interest in food
• Examine published food composition tables and identify the foods that
contain substantial amounts of the nutrient(s) of interest.
• Start with a long list of foods that are potentially important nutrient sources
and systematically reduce the list
• Conduct a focus group interview in the community to identify foods with the
nutrient(s) of interest.
• Use open-ended data (dietary records or 24-hour recalls) to identify the foods
that contribute most importantly to the total absolute intake of a nutrient by
the group
• The organization and structure of a food list is important because
one item can change the interpretation of another.
• Related items should be clustered together, such as by traditional
food groups.
• For closely related foods, more specific items should precede
general items (low calorie dressings before other dressings).
• Ask about single items rather than several at the same time
(peaches vs. peaches, apricots or plums).
FFQ-Time Frame
Daily Every other day Once per week Once per month Portion size
Advantages and Disadvantages of FFQ
• It is usually used for areas where there is a geographically widely
scattered study population
• It is less costly especially if self administered
• Less respondent burden
• It is very difficult to develop especially in multi-cultural society
where different staple foods are consumed
• It needs literate and numerate subjects