Articles To Theories To Practices (Sheena Velayo)
Articles To Theories To Practices (Sheena Velayo)
Articles To Theories To Practices (Sheena Velayo)
Practices- Convergence of our ideals based from the presented article and theory
School personnel and the public in general must be reminded that corporal punishment and violence in any form is not allowed in public schools whether committed by adults or childrens peers..Education Secretary Armin Luistro.
Theory Behaviorism is a philosophy of learning that only focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discounts mental activities. Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior.
Theory Erik Eriksons Psychosocial theory-- Autonomy means self-reliance. This is independence of thought, and a basic confidence to think and act for oneself. Shame and Doubt mean what they say, and obviously inhibit self-expression and developing one's own ideas, opinions and sense of self. The parental balancing act is a challenging one, especially since parents themselves are having to deal with their own particular psychosocial crisis, and of course deal with the influence of their own emotional triggers which were conditioned when they themselves passed through earlier formative crisis stages. What are the odds that whenever a parent berates a child, "That's dirty.." it will be an echo from their own past experience at this very stage.
It is inevitable not to consider the background of our students. Thus, one must realize on how they will be treated and disciplined. And we say that there is no perfect formula to discipline students or pupils.
~Children learn best through direct experiences that let them safely experiment and explore their world. Offer your child choices and let him or her be the leader in deciding which activities he or she would like to do. Each child learns and develops language skills in his or her own unique time frame, but all young children need the following: Opportunities to develop and practice emerging skills. Encouragement and positive reinforcement for their effort--- Dr. Claudio Cerullo, principal of Christ the
King Regional School
Theory John Deweys learning by doing Practice We believe that through hands-on activities students have bigger percentage than learning will retain and will be meaningful.
The outdoors is the perfect place for banging nails and sawing wood. A preschool woodworking learning center may include a platform containing a tool storage cabinet, real tools and work benches. Children enjoy designing and constructing their wood masterpieces. They also learn to change physical properties like size, shape and texture as they master the tools and manipulate the material. However, before you let the children construct wooden masterpieces, teach them about hammering with something a little softer like a pumpkin! Its malleable skin will make it easier for children who are hammering nails for the first time-- Clark Kugler, president and owner of The
Adventurous Child Inc.
Theory Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in. Each of us generates our own "rules" and "mental models," which we use to make sense of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our mental models to accommodate new experiences.
It is a vital role of teachers and parents to know how students will learn gradually. It is then a must that the we should be aware of the needs and interest of our students (at their chronological and mental age)