4.2.1.cloud Models
4.2.1.cloud Models
4.2.1.cloud Models
● On-premise
○ Your applications are on local hardware
○ Your servers are in your data center in your building
● Hosted
○ Your servers are not in your building
○ They may not even be running on your hardware
○ Usually a specialized computing environment
● Cloud
○ Entire application instances can be created and torndown
○ Resources are available as needed
Shared resources
● Internal cloud
○ No resources are shared
○ Build your own cloud
○ Pay for everything up front
○ No ongoing costs
● External cloud
○ Share resources with a public cloud
○ Underlying infrastructure owned by a third-party
○ Cost may be metered or up-front
Cloud computing characteristics
● Rapid elasticity
○ Scale up and scale down as needed
○ Seamless to everyone
● On-demand self-service
○ Adding software, networks, servers, storage is a
○ challenge outside the cloud
○ The cloud enables instant resource provisioning
● Resource pooling
○ All of the computing power in one place
○ One large resource instead of many small resources
● Measured service
○ Costs and utilization are very closely tracked
○ Resource planning and granular chargebacks
Metered and non-metered