renewable energy
Thermochemical conversion process
Dhia Jarray
Hazem Ben Saad
Ghazi Koubaa
Table of contents
01 Combustion process
03 Used technologies
04 Technology costs
05 Environmental impacts
Combustion Process
Process A&D Technology Costs Impacts
What is combustion ?
Combustion is a reaction of a fuel with oxygen in air to release heat. This process is
used every day in households for heating and cooking and in industries for generating
heat or steam. Combustion accounts for 85 percent of our world’s energy usage and is
vital to our current way of life. Combustion is a complex interaction of physical and
chemical processes.
Process A&D Technology Costs Impacts
Good fuels for combustion are materials rich in hydrogen and carbon, called
hydrocarbons. Such fuels include natural gas, coal, diesel, gasoline, propane, wood,
agricultural residues and municipal solid waste. Ideally, all hydrogen and carbon
would split off and combine with the oxygen in the air to create water vapor, carbon
dioxide and heat. Below is the generalized formula for a combustion reaction:
Fuel + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water Vapor + Heat
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Since biomass fuels are primarily composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, the
main products from burning biomass are carbon dioxide and water. Flame
temperatures can exceed 2000°C, depending on the heating value and moisture
content of the fuel, the amount of air used to burn the fuel and the construction of the
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Complete combustion of biomass requires a certain amount of air. Air consists of 21 percent
oxygen and about 79 percent nitrogen. Therefore, the product of a stoichiometric combustion
of biomass in air will include carbon dioxide, water vapor and nitrogen. This reaction will
generate heat. The stoichiometric equation for the combustion of biomass is given as follows:
Biomass + Air Carbon Dioxide + Water Vapor + Nitrogen + Heat
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Process A&D Technology Costs Impacts
For solid biomass to be converted into useful heat energy, it has to undergo
combustion. Although there are many different combustion systems available, the
principle of biomass combustion is essentially the same for each. There are three main
stages to the combustion process
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- Drying :
- Pyrolysis :
When the temperature of the dry biomass reaches between 200ºC and 350ºC, the
volatile gases are released. Pyrolysis products include carbon monoxide (CO),
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and high molecular weight compounds
(tar) that condense to a liquid if cooled. These gases mix with oxygen from the
air and burn producing a yellow flame. This process is self-sustaining as the heat
from the burning gases is used to dry the fresh fuel and release further volatile
gases. Oxygen has to be provided to sustain this part of the combustion process.
Char is the remaining material after all the volatiles have been burned off.
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- Oxidation :
Combustion is complete when 100 % of the energy in the biomass has been extracted.
It is important to strive for complete combustion to preserve fuel and improve the cost
efficiency of the combustion process. There must be enough air in the combustion
chamber for complete combustion to occur. The addition of excess air greatly lowers
the formation of carbon monoxide (CO) by allowing CO to react with O2. More
complete combustion will result in less CO in the flue gas.
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The amount of heat produced by combustion depends on the type of fuel and the
combustion efficiency of the equipment used. The quantity of heat produced by a material’s
complete combustion at a designated standard temperature and pressure (atmospheric
pressure and 25°C) is called the material’s Heating Value (HV) or Calorific Value (CV). In
the following table is a selection of typical materials and their HV in BTUs per pound. One
BTU is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1
degree Fahrenheit.
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Process A&D Technology Costs Impacts
While the advantages of biomass energy are plenty, there are also some shortcomings, including:
1. Biomass energy is not as efficient as fossil fuels
Some biofuels, like Ethanol, is relatively inefficient as compared to gasoline. In fact, it has to be fortified with
fossil fuels to increase its efficiency.
2. It is not entirely clean
While biomass is carbon neutral, the use of animal and human waste escalates the amount of methane gases,
which are also damaging to the environment. Additionally, the pollution created from burning wood and other
natural materials can be considered just as bad as that resulting from burning coal and other types of energy
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Advantages Disadvantages
Biomass co-firing
Biomass co-firing (or co-combustion) involves “supplementing existing fossil-based
(mostly pulverised coal) power plants with biomass feedstock” There are three types
of biomass co-firing:
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1. Direct co-firing: The biomass is burnt directly in the existing coal furnace. Direct
co-firing can be done either by pre-mixed the raw solid biomass (generally in
granular, pelletised or dust form), with the coal in the coal handling system or by the
milling it and directly injecting it into the pulverised coal firing system.
2. Indirect co-firing: The biomass is first gasified before the resulting syngas is
combusted in the coal furnace; and
3. Parallel co-firing: The biomass is burnt in separate boilers, with “utilisation of the
steam produced within the main coal power station steam circuits”
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Existing plants
Bio4 at Amagerværket, run by the Greater Copenhagen Utility (HOFOR) is one of the largest
biomass CHP (cogeneration) plants worldwide with a wood chip fuel capacity of 500 MW,
providing heat and power to the city of Copenhagen (Denmark).
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Existing plants
The RSCR system has been operating successfully for as long as five years on four wood-fired
boilers in the US — two 15 MW units in New Hampshire, a 54 MW unit in Vermont, and a 50
MW unit in Maine. Both 15 MW plants and the 54 MW plant use whole tree chips as fuel; the 50
MW plant uses whole tree chips, waste wood, and construction and demolition wood as fuel for
the boilers.
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Existing plants
For power and CHP applications, supportive regulatory framework conditions are
essential. Further major influencing factors are biomass fuel costs and electricity
market prices. Depending on electricity prices, biomass combustion-based power is
often economically feasible only if financial supporting schemes such as feed-in
tariffs or contracts for difference (CFDs) are available.
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However, this is also the case for other renewable sources, as a recent study by
Fraunhofer ISE concludes for the case of Germany. Levelised costs of electricity
(LCOE) from biomass combustion systems were calculated at 7–15 €cent/kWh which,
although higher than the average wholesale electricity prices of the past years, falls
into a similar range to most of the other technologies investigated. Only utility-scale
photovoltaics (PV) and on-shore wind power plants tend to reach lower LCOE,
whereas coal and gas power are found at the upper end of the cost range of 20€cent/
kWh and above. For fossil fuel systems, moderate emission certificate prices (within
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Environmental Impacts
Process A&D Technology Costs Impacts
- Air Pollution
- Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Effects on Human Health
- Toxic Waste and ashes
Process A&D Technology Costs Impacts
Biomass combustion refers to the burning of organic Pyrolysis combustion involves the thermal decomposition
materials such as wood, crop residues, and animal of organic materials in the absence of oxygen. This
waste for energy production. While biomass is process produces biochar, a carbon-rich solid, and
syngas, a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen
considered a renewable energy source, its
(H2), and methane (CH4). While pyrolysis can be a more
combustion releases carbon dioxide (CO2), a
efficient and cleaner form of combustion compared to
greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.
traditional biomass combustion, the release of syngas
containing methane, a potent greenhouse gas, contributes
to climate change.
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❑Waste Management
Waste management is a critical aspect of biomass and pyrolysis combustion. It involves the
proper handling, storage, and disposal of waste materials generated during the combustion
❖Variety of waste materials: Biomass and pyrolysis combustion can generate a wide range of
waste materials, including ash, char, and unburned residues. Each type of waste requires
specific handling and disposal methods.
❖Environmental impact: Improper waste management can lead to pollution of air, water, and
soil. It is crucial to implement effective waste management practices to minimize the
environmental impact.
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