Micro Teaching
Micro Teaching
Micro Teaching
Chanlin Chacko
Invented in the mid-1960s at Stanford University by Dr. Dwight Allen, microteaching has been used with success for several decades Now as a way to help teachers acquire new skills.
Meaning of microteaching
Micro teaching is a procedure in which a student teacher practices teaching with a reduce number of pupils in a reduced period of time with emphasis on a narrow and specific teaching skill.
Scaled down teaching encounter in which a teacher teaches a small unit to a group of 5-10 students for a small period of 5-10 minutes and one teaching skill is practiced during the teaching
Microteaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in class size and time - D.W.Allen(1966)
Microteaching is defined as a system of controlled practice that makes it possible to concentrate on specified teaching behaviour and to practice teaching under controlled conditions. - D.W. Allen & A.W.Eve (1968)
Microteaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in which a teacher teaches a small unit to a group of five pupils for a small period of 5 to 20 minutes - L.C. Singh (1977)
Objectives of Microteaching
To enable teacher trainees to learn and assimilate new teaching skills under controlled conditions. To enable teacher trainees to master a number of teaching skills. To enable teacher trainees to gain confidence in teaching.
Microteaching is a highly individualized training device Microteaching is an experiment in the field of teacher education which has been incorporated in the practice teaching schedule It is a student teaching skill training technique and not a teaching technique or method Microteaching is micro in the sense that it scale down the complexities of real teaching
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Practicing one skill at a time Reducing the class size to 5 10 pupil Reducing the duration of lesson to 5 10 minutes Limiting the content to a single concept immediate feedback helps in improving, fixing and motivating learning The student are providing immediate feedback in terms of peer group feedback, tape recorded/CCTV Microteaching advocates the choice and practice of one skill at a time
Phases of Micro-teaching
There are three phases of the Microteaching procedure They are : 1. Knowledge Acquisition Phase. 2. Skill Acquisition Phase. 3. Transfer Phase of Micro-teaching.
Giving opportunity to use the mastered skill in normal class room teaching. Integrate the different skill practiced
Micro-teaching Cycle
The six steps generally involved in micro-teaching cycle are Plan Teach Feedback Replan Reteach Refeedback
There can be variations as per requirement of the objective of practice session.