Microeconomics II
Microeconomics II
Microeconomics II
Product Differentiation and the Demand Curve
Equilibrium Under Monopolistic Competition
The way a firm maximizes its profit differs
significantly when it is in the short run and when
it is in the long run
Even in the long run, equilibrium could be
achieved, through price competition, through
competition from entry and when both these are
in play
According to Chamberlin there are two
assumption to analysis the equilibrium of the
firms in monopolistic competitive market
Uniformity Assumption: Both demand
conditions and cost conditions, and demand and
supply curves are uniform throughout the group
for all products produced
This requires that consumer’s preferences be
evenly distributed among the different sellers and
that difference between the products doesn’t give
rise to differences in costs
This ensures again that the ability of a firm to
influence buyers is not caused by a difference in
the demand or cost structures of the firm
The influence of the firm must arise purely out of
its ability to differentiate products
He made this assumption to show the equilibrium
of the firm and the ‘group’ on the same diagram
Symmetry Assumption: Any adjustment made
in the price or the product by an individual firm
spreads its influence over a large number of
The impact of such adjustments is insignificant
The net effect of these two assumptions is on the
demand curve of a product differentiating firm
The other important assumption that underly
Chamberlin’s debates is that the long run consists
of a number of identical and independent short
run periods
That means the optimum decision for one period
is the optimum decision for any other period
Short run Equilibrium of the Firm
A firm is considered to be at its short run
equilibrium if it operates at a profit maximizing
In the short run, the monopolistically
competitive firm faces limited competition
There are other firms that sell products that are
good, but not perfect substitutes for the firm's
own product
Every firm has therefore a monopoly of its own
product 5-15
When the product is differentiated, that means the
firm has some monopoly power – may be not
much, if the competing products are close
substitutes, but some monopoly power
That means we must use the monopoly analysis to
see the short run equilibrium situation
In order to maximize its profit, the firm should
operate at the level of output in which its marginal
cost of production is equal to its marginal revenue
The shaded area in the above graph shows the
abnormal profit the firm in a monopolistically
competitive market is getting
But the fact that the firm is at its equilibrium does
not guarantee that it will make abnormal profit
This depends totally on the value of average cost
in relation to average revenue or demand at the
point where marginal cost (MC) equals marginal
revenue (MR)
Therefore, it is possible that a firm operating in
monopolistic competition could earn abnormal
profits, normal profits or make a loss
MR= MC, price and average cost are equal
The above figure shows break evening firm in its
short run equilibrium (Neither profit nor loss)
It is also possible for the firm to make a loss at
In our previous discussion we said that “a firm
is considered to be at its short run equilibrium if
it operates at a profit maximizing situation”
How you match these two concepts?
As indicated in figure below the firm is making
a loss since AR is lower than AC at the
equilibrium position.
Long Run Equilibrium
In a monopolistically competitive firm
equilibrium explanation, Chamberlin has made
two heroic assumptions, namely, that firms have
identical costs, and consumers’ preferences are
evenly distributed among the different products
That is, although the products are differentiated,
all firms have identical demand and cost curves
Under these assumptions, the price in the market
will be unique
Using the heroic assumptions, three distinct
models of long run equilibrium of the firm
were developed
The first model assumes that all the existing
firms are in their short run equilibrium and
realizing abnormal profits
As a result, the existing firms do not have any
incentive to adjust their price
In this case, long run equilibrium is attained
by new entrants who are attracted by the
existing abnormal profits and high profit
In the second model, it is assumed that the
number of firms in the industry is optimal
That is, there would be no entry of new firms
or exit of the existing firms
In this case, long run equilibrium is attained
through price adjustments or price
competitions of the existing firms
In the third model, the assumptions in the
previous two models don’t hold
That is, neither the existing firms are in their short run
equilibrium (and hence, to maximize their profit, there
is an incentive for price adjustment) nor the number
of firms in the industry is optimal
Thus, in this last model long run equilibrium is
reached through both price adjustments of
the existing firms and by new firms entering
the industry
The three models therefore can be listed as:
a. Equilibrium through entry of new firms;
b. Equilibrium through price competition, and
c. Equilibrium through both price competition and
entry of new firms
In this third model: The idea that the existing firms at
optimal, and at short run equilibrium and realizing
abnormal profit are not hold. Hence, equilibrium can
be achieved both via enter of new firms in industry
and price competition.
Equilibrium with New Firms Entering the
Price adjustments are shown along the dd’ curve
while entry (exit) cause shifts in the DD’ curve
Equilibrium is stable if the dd’ curve is tangent to
the AC curve and expected sales are equal to actual
sales , that is, if the DD’ curve cuts the dd’ curve at
the point of its tangency to the AC curve
It is assumed that profits at point e1 are assumed
Hence, new firms are attracted until DD shifts to
One might think that long run equilibrium takes
place at e2 (with price P and output X) since only
normal profits are earned
However, this is not the case because each
entrepreneur thinks that dd is his/her demand curve
and believes that if he/she reduces his/her price their
sales would expand along dd and profits would
However, each firm has the same incentive and all
firms reduce their price
As price is reduced by all firms, dd slides down D’D’
and every firm realizes a loss instead of positive
abnormal profits
For example, at position d’d’ the firm has reduced its
price to P’ but, as all firms act similarly, X1 is
produced with a total loss equal to the shaded area
However, the firm acts on ‘the myopia curve’ d’d’
and so long as this lies above the LAC it believes that
it can obtain the profits by cutting its price
The loss increases still further since dd slides further
down along D’D’
This process would not stop even when dd becomes
tangent to the LAC
This would be so if the firms could produce X*
However, there are many firms in the industry and the
share of the firm is only X2
The firm still on the ‘myopia assumption’ believes
that it can reach X* if it reduces price to P*
However, all firms do the same and d*d* falls below
the LAC with ever increasing loss
The financially weakest firms will leave the industry
first, and allow the surviving firms to have larger
D’D’ moves to the right along with dd
Exit will continue until dd becomes tangent to the AC
curve and DD cuts dd at the point of tangency, E.
Equilibrium is then stable at point E with normal
profits earned by all firms no entry or exit taking
The equilibrium price, P*, is unique and each firm
has a share equal to OX*.
Excess Capacity and Welfare Loss in
Monopolistic Competition
The long run equilibrium of the firm in monopolistic
competition takes place at the point of tangency of the
demand curve to the LAC curve
That is, at this point, MC=MR and AC=P but P>MC
while in pure competition the LR equilibrium condition
is MC=MR=AC=P.
As a consequence of the different equilibrium conditions
price will grow higher and output will be lower in
monopolistic competition as compared with the
competitive model
However, profits will remain just normal in the LR in
both models
In monopolistic competition there will be too many firms
in the industry or product group, each producing an
output less than optimal i.e. at a cost higher than
This is because the tangency of AC and demand occurs
necessarily at the falling part of the LAC, i.e., at a point
where LAC has not reached its minimum level
This means firm’s profit maximizing output is less than
the output associated with minimum average cost
In monopolistic competition firms incur selling costs
(like the costs for advertisement) which are not present
in pure competition and this is another reason for the
total cost (and price) to be higher
In monopolistic competition, there are ‘too
many, too small’ firms, each working with
‘excess capacity’, as measured by the
difference between the ‘ideal’ output and the
actual output
The ‘ideal’output is the output level
corresponding to the minimum point on the
LAC curve (point XF in Figure below )
The actual output is the one actually attained in
long run equilibrium (point XE in Figure
Here, there is misallocation of resources in the
long run because the firm in monopolistic
competition doesn’t employ enough of the
economy’s resources to reach minimum
average cost
That is, it works at suboptimal scales having
unexhausted economies of scale
Excess capacity
Consumer surplus: the difference between
the maximum price a consumer is willing to
pay and the actual price they do pay
Producer surplus: the amount that producers
benefit by selling at a market price that is
higher than the lowest price at which they
would be willing to sell
The quantity produced by monopolistic firms
is less than what would be produced in a
perfectly competitive market
It also means that producers will supply goods
below their manufacturing capacity
As compared to perfect competition, in monopolistic
competition, there is a loss of welfare that is not being
appropriated either by consumers or producers which is
called dead weight loss
Let Pmc and Ppc are prices in monopolistic and
competitive market structures respectively, while Qmc
and Qpc are equilibrium quantities in monopolistic and
competitive markets respectively
The change (reduction) in consumers’ surplus as a result
of monopolistic competition is equal to area A + B
Reduction from producers’ surplus is C while increase in
producer’s surplus is A
Therefore, B + C would be deadweight loss
Dead weight loss
Chamberlin argued that the criticism of excess
capacity is valid only if one assumes that demand
curve of the firm is horizontal
Chamberlin’s argument is based on the association of
active price competition and free entry
Under this circumstances output will be very close to
the minimum cost output because firms will be
competing along their individual dd curves which are
very elastic
Chamberlin argued that if firms avoid price competition
and instead enter into non-price competition, there will be
excess capacity in each firm insufficient productive
capacity in the industry; that is, unexhausted economies
of scale for the firm and the industry.
Without excess capacity (according to Chamberlin)
Chamberlin argued that excess capacity and higher
prices are the result of non-price competition coupled
with free entry
In this case, the firm ignores its dd curve (since no price
adjustments are made) and concern itself only with its
market share. i.e. DD becomes the relevant demand
curve of the firm
Here, long run equilibrium is reached only after entry
has shifted the DD curve to a position of tangency with
LAC curve
According to Chamberlin, excess capacity is the
difference between X and XE, the later being the ideal
level of output in a differentiated market
Chamberlin's excess capacity
Socially optimal output is where MC=P
This is because, when the firm increases price, other firms
will not do the same
Hence, the firm that increased price would lose some of its
customers to firms that maintained their previous price
The firm will then face a demand curve given by CD
If, on the other hand, the firm decreases its price from P 0 to
P2, the firm will sell only OQ3 amount
This is because following the price decrease other firms
will also decrease their price in order to keep up their
Hence, the firm will not be able to sell OQ4 as given by the
demand curve CD. Rather the firm will sell only OQ 3
The firm’s demand curve would, therefore, be kinked at
point E as depicted in the figure by the bold line CEB.
In this model the demand curve is kinked or
shows a bend rather than being continuous.
The kinked demand curve model explain as to
why a price is rigid at a given price level such
as P0.
This is because increasing price as well as
decreasing price would only bring lose to a
firm changing its price
Given a certain production cost increasing
price above P0 will be followed by a larger fall
in sales, on the other hand, reducing price will
be followed by a smaller increase in sales.
Hence, if a firm increases price above P0 or reduces
price below that point, the revenue of the firm will
reduce implying that the profit of the firm will
Due to this, all firms will be reluctant to change
the established price irrespective of their cost
Hence, once a given price is established, it tends to
remain in effect for long periods
How a firm experiencing a kinked demand curve
maximizes its profit?
The curve AD in the demand curve is steeper
Any increase in price above Pe will have the
opposite effect
Competing firms will not match the increase
and as a result, the demand curve above point
A will be relatively elastic
A relatively flatter demand curve above point A
is due to the reason that the firm that increased
its price will lose most of its customers for
other firms that did not increase their price.
As a result, the percentage decline in sales will
then be more than the percentage increase in
price resulting in a relatively flatter demand
The drawbacks of kinked demand curve model
2 8 8 4 8 4 8 4
Properties of Isoprofit Curves
For any given output that firm B may produce,
there will be a unique level of output for firm A
which maximize the latter’s profit
This unique profit-maximizing level of output
will be determined at the point of tangency of
the line through the given output of firm B and
the lowest attainable isoprofit curve of firm A
The profit-maximizing output of A (for any
given quantity of B) is established at the highest
point on the lowest attainable isoprofit curve of
firm A
3. For firm A, the highest points of successive
isoprofit curves lie to the left of each other. Look
at the following figures( figure 2.6a and 2.6b)
Firstly, for any level of output that firm B may
produce, there is a unique level of output for firm A
that maximize the profit of firm A
This unique profit maximizing level of output is
obtained at the point of tangency between the
horizontal lines through the given level of output of
firm B and the isoprofit curve for firm A nearest to its
output axis – QA.
As shown in Figure 2.6a above, these unique points
that maximize the profit of firm A are shown by the
points a, b, c, and d that corresponds to the given
level of output of firm B as given by B1, B2, B3, and B4.
Secondly, as we go farther away from QA-axis, these
successive highest points of the isoprofit curves of
firm A (point a, b, c, and d) lie to the left of each other,
that is, ‘b’ lies to the left of ‘a’, ‘c’ lies to the left of ‘b’, ‘d’
lies to the left of ‘c’
This happens to be so because, as the rival firm (firm
B) increases its output from B1 to B2, the other firm
(firm A) must decrease its output in order to
maximize its profits
But, given larger increase in output by firm B
followed by smaller decline in output by firm A, the
total supply in the market increases resulting and
price would fall
Thus, firm A will face two things – its sales will fall
and will also be facing lower price resulting in lower
The same condition occurs as the firm moves from
‘b’ to ‘c’ and ‘c’ to ‘d’
Similarly, B's isoprofit curves are concave to the Q B
Their shape and position are determined by the
same factors as the ones underlying firm A's
isoprofit curves.
The highest points of the isoprofit curves of B lie to
the right of each other as we move to curves further
away from the QB axis ( b’ lies to the right of a’, c’ lies
to the right of b’, d’ lies to the right of c’)
Reaction Curves
Reaction curve: It is the locus of points of the
highest profit that one firm can attain given the
level of output of its rival
For example, we have two firms, firm A and
firm B in a given market. Each point on the
reaction curve shows how much output A must
produce in order to maximize its own profit,
given the level of output of its rival B
Connecting point a, b, c, and d together gives us
firm A’s reaction curve ( see figure 2.6a).
The reaction curve is shown by an arrow
pointing towards the quantity axis of firm A
implying that given its rival output, A chooses
an isoprofit curve more near to its quantity axis
Reaction curve of a firm is the locus of points of
highest profit that the firm can attain given the
level of output of its rival
The contract curve is the locus of points of
tangency between the isoprofit curves of the
respective firms
Points on the contract curve correspond to
situations where profits for the industry are
maximized; points off the contract curves
corresponds to non-profit maximizing
situations for the industry
The Cournot equilibrium, e, is off the contract
Only points (output combinations) on the contract
curve maximize joint or industry profits
The independent acting firms that produce at
Cournot equilibrium point if enter in to a contract
can increase the profit of the industry. How???
Mathematical Derivation of the Reaction Curves: A
Mathematical Version of Cournot's Model
Ri Ci
2 2
X i X i
Each duopolist’s MR must be increasing less rapidly than his MC, that is, the MC must cut the MR from
below, for both duopolists.
Bertrand's Duopoly Model
Bertrand argues that it is more realistic to suppose that a
rival firm will select the price that maximizes its profit
rather than the output
Each firm then assumes that the rival firm will not
change its price
Bertrand further assumes that in duopoly, that each firm
has sufficient capacity to meet the entire market demand
Bertrand's model differ from Cournot's in that it
assumes that each firm expects that the rival will
keep its price constant, irrespective of its own
decision about pricing
Thus, each firm is faced by the same market demand,
and aims at the maximization of its own profit on the
assumption that the price of the competitor will remain
The competition in Bertrand duopoly model is on price
not on quantity of output as in the case of Cournot
duopoly model
In Cournot duopoly model, isoprofit curves are concave
to the quantity axes, but in that of Bertrand’s, their
shape is convex to the price axes
The convex shape shows the fact that if firm B cuts its price
successively from PB1 to PB2 and then to PBe, firm A must react by
lowering its price in successive stages from P A1 to PA2 and then to
PAe, in order to maintain the level of its profits at π A2.( See figure 2.11a
However, after that price level has been reached and if B
continues to cut its price, firm A will be unable to retain
its profits (at πA1), even if it keeps its own price
unchanged (at PAe).
If, for example, firm B cuts its price from PBe to Pe (see
figure 2.11a), firm A will find itself at a lower isoprofit
curve (πA1), which shows lower profits (an isoprofit curve
that lies near to a price axis shows lower level of profit)
The reduction of profit of A is due in part to a fall in B’s
price that take consumers (and therefore revenue) from
A, and possibly in part to higher average costs now A is
facing (as a result of the loss of output causing existing
plant to be run by A at suboptimal levels)
Bertrand's model does not lead to the
maximization of the industry (joint) profit, due
to the fact that firms behave naively, by always
assuming that their rival will keep its price
They never learn from their past experiences
which showed that the rival didn’t in fact keep
its price constant
The industry profit could be increased if firms
recognize their past mistakes and abandoned
the Bertrand pattern of behavior
If firms moved on any points between c and d on the
Edgeworth contract curve (which is the locus of
points of tangency between the isoprofit curves of the
two firms), one or both firms would have higher
profits, and hence industry profit would be higher
At point c firm B would retain the same profit as at
point e, (because B is on the same isoprofit curve B8
as point e) while firm A would move to a higher profit
level - A12
Alternatively, at point d, firm A would have the same
profit A6 as Bertrand equilibrium e, but firm B would
move to a higher level of profit curve - A14
Finally, at any point between c and d, both firms would
realize higher profits
Criticism of Cournot’s and Bertrand’s
Duopoly Models
The same ‘naivety’ assumption applies in both cases in
that firms fail to learn from past experience
In both cases, a stable equilibrium point exists
In both cases the equilibrium condition will not maximize
the industry’s profit rather each firm maximizes its own
profit based on the assumption that the rival firm would
keep –
In Cournot its output or in Bertrand its price – constant
In the same way as in the Cournot’s model, Bertrand’s
model is also closed model in the sense that it assumes no
entry or exit of firms
Stackelberg’s Duopoly Model
If firm A is the sophisticated oligopolist, it will
assume that its rival will act on the basis of its
reaction curve
This recognition will permit firm A to choose and set
its output at the level which maximizes its own profit
This is point a which lies on the lowest possible
isoprofit curve of A (a profit level of πA3 which is the
nearest possible isoprofit curve to the quantity axis
of firm A), denoting the maximum level of profit firm
A can attain given B’s reaction curve
Look carefully at the two points a and c on an isoprofit
curve - A3
If firm A produces at point c, for A it is the maximum
attainable level of profit given firm B’s quantity of q b
However, if firm A chooses output level of qa, firm B will
react by producing at qb1 as indicated by its reaction curve
Output combination qaqb1 in turn forces firm A to react by
reducing its output (because this output combination does
not enable A to attain A3) and this action and reaction
will finally lead to point e – Cournot equilibrium.
Firm by recognizing interdependence, it takes another
What if, for example, firm A produces at point a? For firm A, point
a yields the same profit as point c.
Nevertheless, point a leads to Stackelberg’s equilibrium because at
this point, firm B will not react because it is on its reaction curve.
Point a leads to a stable equilibrium because of
two reasons:-
First, a is on the same isoprofit curve - A3 as
point c and
Secondly, A recognize that point c will not lead
to a stable equilibrium because at that point B
is off of its reaction curve, and it will inevitably
react by producing qb1 not qb
For this two reason, firm A, the sophisticated firm,
acting as a monopolist (by incorporating B’s
reaction curve in his profit maximizing
computation) will produce QA, and firm B will
react by producing QB according to its reaction
The sophisticated oligopolist becomes in effect the
leader, while the naïve rival (firm B) who acts on
the Cournot’s assumption becomes the follower
Clearly, sophistication is rewarding for A because
he/she reaches an isoprofit curve closer to his axis
than if he behaved with the same naivety as his rival
The naïve follower is worse off as compared with the
Cournot equilibrium, since with this level of output he
reaches an isoprofit curve further away from his axis
In summary, if only one firm is sophisticated, it will
emerge as a leader and a stable equilibrium will
emerge since the naïve firm will act as a follower.
What happen to market situation if both firms are
Market situation becomes unstable and this is known
as Stackelberg’s disequilibrium.
The effect will either be a price war until one of the firm
surrenders and agrees to act as a follower or a collusion is
reached, with both firms abandoning their naïve reaction
functions and moving to a point closer to the Edgeworth
contract curve with both of them attaining higher profits
(see Figure 2.15 below).
Figure 2.15 clearly depicts that naïve behavior does not
Any points on the Edgeworth contract curve, as shown in
figure 2.15 above, at least one firm or both firms will be
better off if they inter into some form of agreement – or
contract than they would otherwise be in Cournot’s
The rivals should recognize their interdependence.
By recognizing each other’s reactions, each duopolist can
reach a higher level of profits for himself.
If both firms start recognizing their mutual interdependence, each
starts worrying about the rival’s profits and the rival’s reactions.
If one ignores the other, a price war will be inevitable, as a result of
which both will be worse off.
Numerical examples of Stackelberg’s model
Isoprofit functions
Reaction functions
X 1 95 X 1 (9)
X 2 50 0.25 X 1 (10)
Given the above isoprofit and reaction functions, let us now see together the derivation of Stackelberg
equilibrium. As you have seen in the Stackelberg’s model, the model assumes one firm as a sophisticated
and the other as a follower. The different scenarios are shown below.
1. Stackelberg’s solution with 1 being the
sophisticated leader
Firm 1 will substitute firm 2’s reaction function in its
own profit function, which it will then maximize as if it
were a monopolist.
After you get the profit function of the sophisticated firm,
you can just differentiate it with respect to X 1 and equate the
result to zero.
Firm 2 would be the
follower. It would
assume that firm 1
would produce 93.33
units; thus, firm 2
substitutes this amount
in its reaction function.
One way of avoiding the uncertainty arising from
oligopolistic interdependence is to enter into
collusive agreements
There are two main types of collision, cartels and
price leadership
Both forms generally imply tacit (secrete)
agreement since open collusive action is
commonly illegal in most countries at present
Collusion-agreement between firms in an industry
is to set certain prices or to share markets in
certain ways
Cartel is a combination of firms whose objective
is to limit the scope of competitive forces within
the market.
It may take open the form of collusion, the
member firms entering into an enforceable
contract pertaining to price and possibly other
On other words, a cartel may be formed by secrete
collusion among sellers
Two forms of cartel: cartels aiming at joint profit maximization
and cartels aiming at the sharing of the market
The key objective of the cartel is the maximization of the
joint profits on behalf of its members
The firms may, therefore, seek to use some form of
centralized body to coordinate their price, output and
other policies to achieve maximum profits for the
members of the cartel
In extreme cases, the firms may act together as a
monopoly, aggregating their marginal costs and equating
these with marginal revenue of the whole market
If successfully implemented, the situation is identical with
that of a multi-plant monopolist who seeks the
maximization of his profit
Example: OPEC (Organization for Oil Producing and Exporting Countries),
in which many oil exporting countries meet regularly to agree on prices and set
production quotas.
In the Cournot’s case, each firm attempts to maximize
only its own profit (by producing at the highest point of
its isoprofit curve), given the existing level of output the
rival is producing
The firm does this because it assumes that the rival will
keep on producing that level of output
However, their want will not materialize because the rival
firm will also do the same
These independent actions and reactions will finally lead
firms to a condition which is less than it would otherwise
be if firms recognized their interdependence and acted
Two points to note are: 1. Firms can maximize their joint profits
(the profit of the industry) through collusion
They can raise the industry’s profit from 4100 to 5525
That is, they can attain higher level of joint profit if both
recognize their interdependence and abandon their naïve
2. Collusion under such cartel requires some
arrangements about the distribution of profits between
the two firms
If each firm is going to earn only the profit generated by
its self, there is a danger that one firm will be better off
leaving the other worse off
Firm 1 will be better off because it can raise its profit
from 3200 (under Cournot’s equilibrium) to just 4275 (in
the cartel)
However, firm 2 will be worse off, under this
circumstance, if it joins the cartel for its profits declines
from 900 to 250 (a loss of 650)
But one appealing feature of cartel is that the cartel can
arrange and control the distribution of profit in such a
way that either both firms or at least one firm will be
better off
This could happen, for instance, if the cartel compensated
firm 2, by just deducting from firm 1, by an amount equal
or greater than it has lost due to collusion (which is 650).
Deducting 800 from firm 1 and redistribute to firm 2 will
make both firms better off (firm 1’s profit increases from
3200 to 3475 and firm 2’s increase from 900 to 1050).
If cartel has this advantage, why then all such firms
Cartels are illegal in most countries as they restrain
When permitted, cartels are in most cases unable to
realize maximum joint profit
Problem in reaching at agreement
Remain in the cartel and honor the agreements is
another problem
Problems associated with profit distribution
By how much the most advantageous firm must
compensate the disadvantageous one? this question
as remains to be one of the difficult question that get
Dear students, hope you are the generation that try to solve
such question using different techniques. Try your best 5-121
Market Sharing Cartel
The firms agree to share the market, but keep a
considerable degree of freedom concerning the
style of their output, their selling activities and
other decisions
There are two basic methods of sharing markets:
market sharing through non-price competition
and through determination of quotas
Non-price competition
In this form of ‘loose’, cartel the member firms
agree on a common price, at which each of
The price is set by bargaining, with the low-cost
firms pressing for a lower price and the high cost
firms for a high price
The agreed price must be such that it would allow
some profits to all members
The firms agree not to charge a price below the
cartel price, but they are free to vary the style of
their product and/ or their selling activities
This form cartel is indeed ‘loose’ in the sense that
it is more unstable than the complete cartel aiming
at joint profit maximization
P is not the joint profit maximizing price level
rather it is decided through bargaining
From the figure, if each firm wants to maximize
their individual profit, firm A will charge Pa and
firm B will charge Pb (i.e., at the point where their
MR is equal to MC)
Hence, in the bargaining process firm A will
press towards Pa and B will press towards Pb
Finally, they will agree in between these two
But the problem is that the agreed price, P, will
not be stable because firm B has an incentive to
reduce price in order to sell a profit maximizing
output level
This can be seen in the graph, in Figure 2.17 (b), the
figure shows that if firm B reduces price from P
(agreed price) to Pb, it can sell more and earn an
additional profit represented by the shaded area
Firm B may do this without the knowledge of the
cartel and the other partner, firm A
However, this reduction of price by firm B will
attract some existing customers away from firm A Due
to this, firm A will be the looser and this could lead to a
price war
Firm B has lower costs than A, and hence B will have the
incentive to decrease price and prefer to split from the cartel but
firm B prefer to remain in the cartel
Thus, the cartel is inherently unstable, unless supported by
tight legislation
Sharing of the Market by Agreements on Quotas
The second method for sharing the market is
the agreement on quotas that is agreement on
the quantity that each member may sell at the
agreement price (or prices)
If all firms have identical costs, the monopoly
solution will emerge, with the market being
shared equally among member firms
For example, if there are only two firms with identical
costs, each firm will sell at the monopoly price one-half
of the total quantity demanded in the market at that price
In Figure 2.18 the monopoly price is P and the quotas
which will be agreed are XA = XB = ½X 5-127
However, if costs are different, the quotas and
shares of the market will differ
Allocation of quota-shares on the basis of costs is
again unstable
Shares in the case of cost differentials are decreed
by bargaining
The final quota of each firm depends on the level
of its costs as well as on its bargaining skill
Price Leadership
In this form of coordinated behavior of oligopolies, one
firm sets the price and the others follow it because it is
advantageous to them or because they prefer to avoid
uncertainty about their competitors’ reactions even if this
implies departure of the followers from their profit
maximizing position
Price leadership is widespread in the business world
and practiced either by explicit agreement or
In nearly all cases, price leadership is tacit (secret)
since open collusive agreements are illegal in most
The most common types of price leadership
1.Price leadership by a low cost firm;
2.Price leadership by a large (dominant) firm and
3.Barometric price leadership.
The Model of the Low Cost Price Leader
The important condition for this model is that the
firms have unequal costs
Firms produce homogeneous product at different
costs which clearly must be sold at the same price
The firms may have equal markets (or they may
come to an agreement to share the market equally
or they may have unequal markets (or agree to
share the market with unequal shares)
The Model of the Dominant Firm Price Leader
In this model, it is assumed that there is a large
dominant firm which has a considerable share
of the total market and smaller firms, each of
them having a small market share
The market demand is assumed to be known to the
dominant firm
In addition, the dominant firm knows the supply function of
small firms and can derive the market supply curve of
small firms.
Barometric Price Leadership
In this model, it is formally or informally agreed
that all firms will follow (exactly or
approximately) the changes of the price of a
firm which is considered to have a good
knowledge of the prevailing conditions in the
market and can forecast better than the others
the future developments in the market
In short, the firm chosen as the leader is
considered as a barometer, reflecting the
changes in economic environment.
The barometric firm may be neither a low-cost
not a large firm
Usually, it is a firm which from past behavior
has established the reputation of a good
forecaster of economic changes