Geometric Dimension Ing

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What is Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T)? A means of dimensioning and tolerancing a drawing with respect to the actual function or relationship of part features which can be most economically produced

Importance of GD&T
GD&T provides a universal language for designers, manufactures and quality inspector and does not leave any scope for ambiguity. The Designers intent is clearly communicated to all. absence of tolerance of form, orientation and location defined in In GD&T way, the design is open to subjective interpretation. GD&T focuses on functional assembly. Cumulative effects of all types of tolerance are taken into account to work out worst condition. Components with dimensions departing to the worst possible extremes within the tolerance zones are also assured of problem-free functional fitment.

Importance of GD&T
GD&T defines through datum, the way in which the components needs to be manufactured, assembled and perform. This ensures a uniform method of manufacture. Design based on GD&T principles assures interchangeability across millions of parts produced at independent locations. In the age of Global sourcing and Just In Time, components manufactured at independent locations and assembled at a location half way around the globe is a common phenomenon.

Types & Levels of Tolerances

GD&T refers to dimensions and tolerances on part features. According to the ASME Y14.5M standard, feature is the general term applied to a physical portion of a part such as a surface, shaft, hole or a slot. feature is subject to four different levels of tolerance. Each higher A level tolerance adds a degree of constraint, subjecting the feature simultaneously to many constraints.

Types & Levels of Tolerances

Level 1: Control on size Control on size defines the limits of smallest and largest size of the feature. It contains the size within the maximum material condition (MMC) and the Least material Condition (LMC) of the feature. Level 2: Form control Form tolerance constrains the shape of the feature. Form tolerance are independent on datum and are always applied without datum features. Straightness Flatness Roundness / Circularity Cylindricity

Types & Levels of Tolerances

Level 3 : Orientation Control Orientation control constrains the orientation between two features. Foam tolerances can assure assembly only if the features are freely floating and have no restrain on orientation and location. Orientation tolerance are applied as Parallelism Angularity Perpendicularity

Since orientation tolerance define the relationship between two features, they are applied with references to datum. They are applicable to hole and slot boundaries, on axes of features, or on surface elements.

Types & Levels of Tolerances

Level 4 : Location Control The Location control constraint on location of the feature. It is applied in terms of tolerances on Position Concentricity Symmetry

Types & Levels of Tolerances

Other types of geometric tolerance that are applied are Profile Tolerances These define the bounds of variation of sectional profiles as well as surfaces. They are applied as Profile of a line Profile of a surface Runout Tolerances Runout tolerance defines the boundary of surfaces revolving around defined axis. They are applied either at an individual cross sections or along the axis as Circular runout Total runout

Traditional way of expressing Tolerance

The traditional way of tolerancing position results in a rectangular / square tolerance zone. This

leads to a greater value of position tolerance in a diagonal direction than in the orthogonal direction.

GD&T way of expressing Tolerance

Defining the position tolerance as a circular tolerance zone resolves the issue indicated in previous slide. As shown, the circular tolerance zone defines a circular locus zone within which the center of the feature will be located. The tolerance of position can be defined for features like holes, shaft and slots. The theoretical location is defined by basic dimensions. The tolerance zone is further defined around this theoretical position.

Concept of MMC
The tolerance of size on a feature is defined by its material condition. The Maximum Material Condition (MMC) on a feature occurs at that value of size, when maximum material is left on the work piece. A hole is at its MMC when it is at the lowest limit of tolerance. On the other hand, a shaft is at MMC when at its highest limit of tolerance.

Concept of LMC
The Least material condition (LMC) on a feature occurs at that value of size at which least material is left on the work piece. A hole is at its LMC when it is at the highest limit of tolerance. On the other hand, a shaft is at LMC when at its lowest value of tolerance.

Virtual condition

Virtual Condition is the worst case envelope of boundary that occurs due to the combination of all tolerances restraining a feature. Virtual conditions are applicable for all features & assembly.

Virtual condition - Shaft

The figure right side shows the virtual condition for a shaft due to the tolerance of size and

tolerance of location acting on the feature.

25.7 (+) Position tolerance - 0.1 Shaft MMC Virtual condition 25.8

The shaft is largest at its MMC. In addition to the MMC size the location tolerance of the shaft will create an outer envelope that defines the bounds within the feature will be contained.
25.8 Virtual Condition

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Virtual condition - Shaft

The worst case envelope (Virtual condition) acts as an outer boundary for shaft resulted due to all the tolerances reaching their worst case.

Virtual condition - Hole

The figure right side shows the virtual condition for a hole due to the tolerance of size and tolerance of location acting on the feature.
25.3 (-) Position tolerance - 0.1 Hole MMC Virtual condition 25.2

The hole is smallest at its MMC. In addition to the MMC size, the location tolerance of the hole will create an inner envelope that defines the inner bounds within the feature will be contained.
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Virtual Condition

Virtual condition - Hole

The worst case envelope (Virtual condition) acts as an inner boundary for hole that result in guaranteed clear opening available for a mating feature. Virtual conditions occur due to tolerances of foam, orientation and location acting simultaneously with the tolerance of size on a feature. Virtual conditions at MMC are very imported to design a clearance fit between mating features.

Virtual condition boundary using MMC concept External Feature

Virtual condition boundary using MMC concept Internal Feature

Resultant condition
The variable boundary generated by the collective effects of a size features specified MMC & LMC, the geometric tolerance for that material condition.

Resultant condition boundary using MMC concept External Feature

Resultant condition boundary using MMC concept Internal Feature

Tolerance of form, orientation and location are applied as

Regardless of feature Size (RFS)

RFS means that the value of form, orientation & location tolerance are not dependent on the actual size of the feature.

Modifier of MMC or LMC
It means that the value of the tolerance is defined at one of these material conditions. This value changes as the size of the feature changes. The additional tolerance that becomes available as a result of change in actual size is popularly termed as a Bonus Tolerance.

Modifier of MMC

Modifier of LMC

ASME Y14.5M Rule-1

If no material condition is specified, then tolerance denotes regardless of feature size.

Modifier concept - Virtual & Resultant condition - Shaft

Material Shaft Position Virtual Resultant condition diameter tolerance condition condition LMC 2.3 0.9 1.4 2.4 0.8 1.6 3.2 2.5 0.7 1.8 2.6 0.6 2.0 MMC 2.7 0.5 2.2

Modifier concept - Virtual & Resultant condition - Hole

Material Hole Position Virtual Resultant condition diameter tolerance condition condition LMC 2.7 0.9 3.6 2.6 0.8 3.4 1.8 2.5 0.7 3.2 2.4 0.6 3.0 MMC 2.3 0.5 2.8

Virtual condition boundary using LMC concept External Feature

Virtual condition boundary using LMC concept Internal Feature

Resultant condition boundary using LMC concept External Feature

Resultant condition boundary using LMC concept Internal Feature

MMC concept - Virtual and Resultant condition

LMC concept - Virtual and Resultant condition

ASME Y14.5 Rule-2

The example indicated in previous slide has the combined effect of size and location for virtual condition.

In assembling features, each of the tolerances (viz. Foam, orientation and location) is going to place additional restraint on the feature. All restraints have to be taken into consideration while computing the virtual condition.

Virtual condition for mating parts

The figure below shows the assembly of features designed to have a clearance fit. The virtual condition of the Hole needs to be of a larger or equal size then that of the mating shaft. Even when both the features are at their MMC, and are shifted in location in diametrically opposite orientation, there will be no surface contact, since MMC size of the shaft is smaller then the MMC size of the mating hole.

Shaft & Hole design

Shaft Diameter 86+0.3-0.2 Positional tolerance 0.2 mm w.r.t A & B datums Design the hole. Derive the normal value of the size of the hole. Conditions : 1. Zero clearance between hole & shaft. 2. Tolerance of the size of the hole is same as that of the shaft.

Shaft & Hole design

Steps : 1. Find shaft MMC 2. Find Shaft VC 3. Shaft VC = Hole VC 4. Find Hole MMC 5. Find Hole Nominal
Solution : Shaft MMC Position tolerance Shaft VC Hole VC Position tolerance Hole MMC Hole nominal = 86.30 = 0.20 = 86.50 = 86.50 = 0.20 = 86.70 = 86.90+0.30-0.20

Shaft & Hole design


Shaft Diameter 50+0.3-0.1 Positional tolerance 0.2 mm w.r.t A & B datums What is the nominal dimension of hole & nominal dimension of flat Conditions : 1. Zero clearance between hole & shaft. 2. Tolerance of the size of the hole is same as that of the shaft.

Shaft & Hole design

Solution : Shaft MMC Position tolerance Shaft VC Hole VC Position tolerance Hole MMC Hole nominal = 50.30 = 0.20 = 50.50 = 50.50 = 0.20 = 50.70 = 50.80+0.30-0.10
Shaft Flat MMC Position tolerance Shaft Flat VC Hole Flat VC Position tolerance Hole Flat MMC Flat nominal = 15.20 = 0.10 = 15.30 = 15.30 = 0.10 = 15.40 = 15.600.20

6 Degree of freedom

Datum Arresting 6 degrees of freedom

Datums are frames of reference from which the dimensions are measured. They can be treated as starting points from which the dimensions are stated. It is necessary to state datums that are unambiguous and adequate to immobilize the part. The part is immobilized using the primary, secondary and the tertiary datums. The part is located on three points on the primary datums, two points on the secondary datum and one point on the tertiary datum.

True Geometric Counterpart

Features on work pieces are also used as datums. Since the features themselves are subject to a variation of size, the assumption of the material condition for the datum has to be clearly started.

Here, the concept of true geometric counterpart becomes re levant. True geometric counterparts represents the datum of size. The size of the true geometric counterparts is the size of the feature at its virtual condition.

For a external feature of size the true geometric counterpart is the smallest circumscribing cylinder that touches the surface. This takes into account, the virtual condition of the feature.

Similarly for an internal feature the size of the true geometric counterpart is the size of the largest inscribed cylinder that touches the surface internally.

Primary Internal Datum width - RFS

Dimension Origin
Dimension origin is indicated by a small circle at the start of the dimension. As shown in the figure below, arrow heads at both sides of the dimension lie can be interpreted in two different ways. One interpretation assumes the dimension starting point on the smaller arm of the bracket. The other interpretation assumes the dimension starting point on the longer arm. The two interpretations results the tolerance being applied at different locations on the bracket. In absence of explicit of orientation tolerance, the orientation can very within this tolerance of size.

Tolerance Representation

Feature control frames Alphabets of GD&T

Feature Control Frames are read from the left to the right.

The first indicator defines whether the frame refers to a location, form, profile, runout or an orientation tolerance.

Feature control frames Alphabets of GD&T

The second indicator indicates the value of the tolerance, followed by modifier if applicable. In the above frame, the presence of the modifier symbol suffixing the tolerance on location indicates that a bonus tolerance is applicable to the tolerance on location as the size of the feature changes from MMC to LMC.

The last part of the frame denotes the datum stated in the order in which they apply.

The datum symbols are suffixed with modifiers if we are referring to the datums of size, i.e.. features on the work piece that are subject to variation in size. It is necessary that only as many datums as are required to uniquely define the location or orientation should be stated. Stating of redundant datums will lead to confusion.

Symbols Quick reference

Form tolerance - Straightness

Straightness is a form tolerance that is applied as shown in the figure. Straightness can be applied to axes as well as surface elements. Straightness is often expressed over unit length of the element it is applied on.

ASME Y14.5M Rule-3

GD&T states that unless explicitly specified, the undulations of form must be contained within the limits of size tolerances. It assumes a feature at MMC to be with perfect form, unless the form tolerance is explicitly stated over and above the tolerance of size.

Form tolerance - Flatness

Flatness is defined by the separation of two parallel planes at minimum distance that encompass the entire form. Flatness is often expressed over any unit patch of the surface it is applied on.
Being a form tolerance, flatness is expressed without any datum reference.

Form tolerance Roundness / Circularity

Roundness is the radial separation of two concentric bounding circles that encompass the form at a given section. Roundness is measured at sections perpendicular to the axis of the feature under measurement.

Form tolerance Cylindricity

Cylindricity is the combined effect of roundness, straightness and taper. It is defined as the radial separation between two coaxial bounding cylinders that encompass the form of cylindrical features. Cylindricity is expressed in combination with restriction on roundness, at any given section of the cylindrical feature.

Orientation tolerance Perpendicularity

Perpendicularity is an orientation tolerance that defines the orthogonal orientation of axes and planes with respect to the datum feature under consideration. Perpendicularity is also expressed on axis and is defined by bounding cylindrical zones rather than planes

Orientation tolerance Angularity

Angularity is expressed in a manner similar to perpendicularity, but at an orientation other than 90 degrees to the datum feature. Angulariity is also expressed on axis and is defined by bounding cylindrical zones rather than planes

Orientation tolerance Parallelism

Parallelism is expressed in a manner similar to angularity, but at an orientation of 0 degrees to the datum feature. Parallelism is also expressed on axis and is defined by bounding cylindrical zones rather than planes

Location tolerance Concentricity

Concentricity is a location tolerance, and is defined a way similar to the symmetry tolerance. An axis is derived for the datum feature. A cylindrical tolerance zone of the specified value (in this case dia.0.2) is defined around the datum feature axis. Diametrical generators are defined through the surface of the feature being toleranced. For the feature to confirm to the specified concentricity tolerance, all the medians of the diametrical generators need to lie within the cylindrical tolerance zone of the datum feature axis.

Location tolerance Symmetry

Symmetry is a location tolerance. As shown in the figure, an axis is derived for the datum reference feature. A tolerance zone of the specified value (here 0.5) is defined around the datum feature axis. Opposite surface generators are drawn along the surface of the feature under the tolerance of symmetry (in this case the slot). For the feature to have the specified symmetry around the datum feature axis, the medians of all the generators defined above need to lie within specified tolerance zone around the datum feature axis.

Profile tolerance
Profile of a line and profile of a surface fall under the category of profile tolerance. Profile of a line is defined by the normal direction separation between offsets of the theoretical profile that bound the actual profile. Profile of a surface is defined by a normal direction separation between offset surfaces of the theoretical surface that envelope the actual surface.

Runout tolerance
Circular runout and total runout fall under the category of runout tolerances. Circular runout is the total indicator movement of a dial gage that probes the runout of features when rotated about the datum axis. It is expressed at individual sections. Total runout involves total indicators reading measurement of runout when the dial is moved along the axis of the feature while probing.

Projected Tolerance Zone

Many times in assembly as shown in the figure, the bottom plate hole is machined without any consideration to the other assembling plate. This results in fouling of fasteners and locators with the other plate. A projected tolerance zone projects the tolerance beyond the surface of the plate and accounts for the assembly into other features.

Free state Tolerance

Tolerance are often defined as free state tolerances. This implies that the measurement needs to be done when all the restraining forces on the workpiece that are applied for clamping or machining are removed. The distortion that occurs due to restraining forces needs to be eliminated before the tolerance is verified. A free state tolerance is often applied to parts with thin section and parts which can easily be distorted due to external forces.

Datum precedence
Apart from clearly stating the datums, it is also important to state the assumptions about the order in which the datums are to be located. Change in the order of location of datums can change the value of dimensions being measured. The illustration shown below shows the effect of change in the order of location on datums A and B.

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Effect of Material Condition and Datum Precedence

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Partial Datum

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Secondary and Tertiary Datum Features - RFS

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Secondary and Tertiary Datum Features at MMC

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Secondary and Tertiary Datum Features at LMC

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LMC applied to Boss and Hole

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LMC applied to Boss and Hole

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LMC applied to Pattern of slots

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LMC applied to Pattern of slots

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Hole pattern identified as Datum

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Location tolerance on pattern of features

Location tolerance on patterns of features is very often defined by composite frames as shown in the figure. The feature is simultaneously governed by both the tolerances. The tolerance in the top segment of the frame is termed as the Pattern Locating Tolerance Zone Framework (PLTZF). It restricts the zone in which the entire pattern of features can be located. The tolerance in the bottom segment of the frame is termed as the Feature Relating Tolerance Zone Framework (FRTZF). This tolerance is tighter and restricts the relationship of individual feature location with each other within the pattern.

Relationship of Feature-relating Tolerance zone framework to Pattern-locating Tolerance zone framework

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Relationship of Feature-relating Tolerance zone framework to Pattern-locating Tolerance zone framework

Same Positional Tolerance for Holes & Counterbores, same Datum Reference

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Different Positional Tolerance for Holes & Counterbores, same Datum Reference

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Positional Tolerance for Holes & Counterbores, different Datum Reference

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Positional Tolerance for Holes & Counterbores, different Datum Reference

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Positional Tolerancing of Elongated Holes, Boundary concepts

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Positional Tolerancing of Elongated Holes, Boundary concepts

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Positional Tolerancing for Coaxial holes of same size

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Simultaneous Position & Profile Tolerance

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Decision Diagrams for Geometric control

assist the user in selecting the correct geometric characteristic for a To particular application. The diagrams encourage the user to think in terms of design intent and functional requirement

Decision Diagram for Geometric control

Design Requirements Establishing Datums

For Individual Features Use Form Controls Straightness Flatness Circularity Cylindricity

For Related Features

For Individual or Related Features


Line Surface

Location Position Concentricity Symmetry

Orientation Perpendicularity Angularity Parallelism

Runout Circular Total

Decision Diagram for Geometric control

Form Consider Limits of Size





Surface Elements

Axis or Center Plane

Consider Material Conditions

RFS - Implied Condition

MMC - Specify

Decision Diagram for Geometric control

Concentricity Center plane Position Symmetry

Axis Cylindrical Feature Projected Tolerance Zone ? Threaded Feature

Fixed or Floating Individual Consider material condition Composite

RFS Implied condition

MMC - Specify Datums See Datum selections

LMC - Specify

Decision Diagram for Geometric control

Angularity Parallelism Consider limits of Size Consider limits of Location Feature Perpendicularity

Plane surface

Threaded feature

Diameter or width
Projected Tolerance zone?

Consider material conditions

RFS Implied condition

MMC Specify Datums

LMC Specify

See Datum selections

Decision Diagram for Geometric control


Consider limits of size

Circular Datums


See Datum selections

Decision Diagram for Geometric control


Consider limits of size

Profile of line
Tolerance Zone

Profile of surface

Unilateral Inside or Outside Feature

Bilateral Equal or Unequal


Related Datums See Datum selections

Decision Diagram for Geometric control

Datum selections
Datum Feature Feature of Size Axis Consider Material Conditions Center plane


RFS Implied conditions

MMC Specify

LMC Specify


Are Secondary & Tertiary Datum Required?



Hole pattern located by composite Positional Tolerancing

Hole pattern located by composite Positional Tolerancing

Hole pattern located by composite Positional Tolerancing

Hole pattern located by composite Positional Tolerancing

Hole pattern located by composite Positional Tolerancing

Hole pattern located by composite Positional Tolerancing

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