Paper - Conference - MMT 2017 - (Gabriel Rasoi)
Paper - Conference - MMT 2017 - (Gabriel Rasoi)
Paper - Conference - MMT 2017 - (Gabriel Rasoi)
Solar power plant based on Stirling technology for sustainable energy generation with
optimized storage over an extended period
Gabriel Răsoi, Ioan Iordache, Dan Mocanu, Adrian Armeanu
INC-DTCSI-ICSI Rm. Valcea, Raureni, Uzinei Street No. 4, Post code 240050, Rm. Valcea, Romania
This paper presents a case study of a thermo-electrical system (CSP Dish Stirling) designed to produce electricity and heat, from renewable sources with low levels of pollution such as solar energy, which was developed and implemented within of a
research project.
Concentrating Power Plants based Stirling technology are designed for combined production of electrical and thermal energy, and represents an unique energetic and ecological equipment, which uses effectively renewable sources energy only.
Parabolic concentrator with mirror surface reflects solar radiation to the focal point where is the PCU - power conversion unit.
This system provides an annual period of about five months during the summer, heat and electricity from renewable energy, such as solar, and has the ability to store electrical energy over a long period, as chemical energy using the hydrogen that is
obtained through water electrolysis, and it will be used to generate energy when the weather conditions are not favourable for solar energy use.
The system features fully automatic controlling and positioning of the concentrator in two axis and meets the requirements in order to be built and engaged in harsh conditions.
The electrical energy can be used for immediate consumption, can be accumulated through battery system, or can be stored as hydrogen, which can be used at any time in the systems of fuel cells to produce electricity.
System Overview
• Robust and resistant concentrator‘s
construction diameter 8,5 m;
• Designed and verified by static and
engineer‘s office according to relevant Consumers
standards. Parabolic concentrator
(50kW/DNI>1000 W/m2) with reflective
surface Concentrator‘s axis height above
the ground level 5,3 m. Finished steel Solar Energy
construction - zinc coated. CSP unit total
weight: 5 000 Kg.
Hot water
• Raw concentrator surface is 58m2.
Geometric concentration ratio is 1150.
Focal length is 6 m.
• Segment specially shaped highly Thermal energy Automation and Solar System
reflectance precise mirrors. Positioning of
the concentrator and operating conditions
• Stirling heat engine 10 kWe (1500 storage tank Thermal energy control system batteries Storage
rpm), single action α modification,
position according to wind velocity.
swept volume 183 cm3, maximum
control system Electricity
• Maximum elevation positioning range -
efficiency is 25%. Thermal energy production
20° to 90°, azimuthal 30° to 330°. Variable
• Max output 10kWe + 25kWh (on storage Thermal energy Electricity Electricity
stabilized (parking).
• Positioning meets the requirements for
DNI 1000 W/m2),~400VAC/50Hz/3 Consumers
phases, IP55, min coolant temp.
safe operating in very demanding
• Working gas temperature 600-700°C,
max. mean pressure 15 MPa, working
• Maximal allowed wind speed during
gas Helium, volume of motor oil 2
operation is 65 kmph (optionally 75 kmph)
litres. PCU weight: 500 kg. Control
in stable position is130 kmph (opt. 150
system with remote access50°C, output
kmph). Power Conversion Unit (PCU 35)
heat water 60°C.
35 kW with Stirling Engine SBT V-183
• Automatic and manual control. Hot water
ic i
efficiency 25%.
c tr
excedent PEM
Fuel-Cell Stack
Fuel-Cell Automation Hydrogen Hydrogen Electrolyser
Control Unit Storage System Compressor
Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen Deionized water
supply delivery compression supply
Number of cells................................................................48
Rated power.............................................................2000W
Rated Performance........................................28.8V@70A
Hydrogen supply valve voltage..................................12V
Blower voltage...............................................................12V
Reactants...............................................Hydrogen and Air
Hydrogen pressure......................................0.45-0.55 Bar
Cooling...................................Air (integrated cooling fan)
Flow rate at max output.........................................26L/min Pressure hydrogen storage cylinders, 50 ELECTROLYTE: (PEM) Caustic - Free
Hydrogen purity.....................................≥99.995% dry H2 liters capacity, volume 10Nm3. Net Production Rate: 1.05 Nm3/hr
Start up time.........................≤30s (ambient temperature)
Efficiency of system.......................................40% @28.8V Nm3/hr @ 0° C, 1 bar, SCF/hr @ 70° F, 1
Low voltage protection..................................................24V atm, SCF/hr
Over current protection.................................................90A Delivery Pressure - Nominal 8 barg
Over temperature protection.......................................65°C Purity 99.995% (Water Vapor < 34 ppM
ppm, All Others Undetectable)
Temperature 5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F)
208 to 240VAC, single phase, 50/60 Hz
This paper presents a case study of a research project that has been implemented, the main objective of which is the development of an integrated system for the production of electricity and heat from renewable sources of energy
with low levels of pollution, such as solar energy.
The case study analyzed in this paper shows that the development of such an energy system concept, consisting of a concentrated solar engine coupled with a Stirling engine based entirely on solar energy, can bring significant
benefits to securing energy in various distant areas.
Solar power plant based on Stirling technology for sustainable energy generation with
optimized storage over an extended period
Gabriel Răsoi, Ioan Iordache, Dan Mocanu, Adrian Armeanu
INC-DTCSI-ICSI Rm. Valcea, Raureni, Uzinei Street No. 4, Post code 240050, Rm. Valcea, Romania
This paper presents a case study of a thermo-electrical system (CSP Dish Stirling) designed to produce electricity and heat, from renewable sources with low levels of pollution such as solar energy, which was developed and implemented within of a
research project.
Concentrating Power Plants based Stirling technology are designed for combined production of electrical and thermal energy, and represents an unique energetic and ecological equipment, which uses effectively renewable sources energy only.
Parabolic concentrator with mirror surface reflects solar radiation to the focal point where is the PCU - power conversion unit.
This system provides an annual period of about five months during the summer, heat and electricity from renewable energy, such as solar, and has the ability to store electrical energy over a long period, as chemical energy using the hydrogen that is
obtained through water electrolysis, and it will be used to generate energy when the weather conditions are not favourable for solar energy use.
The system features fully automatic controlling and positioning of the concentrator in two axis and meets the requirements in order to be built and engaged in harsh conditions.
The electrical energy can be used for immediate consumption, can be accumulated through battery system, or can be stored as hydrogen, which can be used at any time in the systems of fuel cells to produce electricity.
Solar Energy
Hot water
Hot water
ic i
c tr
excedent PEM
Fuel-Cell Stack
Fuel-Cell Automation Hydrogen Hydrogen Electrolyser
Control Unit Storage System Compressor
Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen Deionized water
supply delivery compression supply
This paper presents a case study of a research project that has been implemented, the main objective of which is the development of an integrated system for the production of electricity and heat from renewable sources of energy
with low levels of pollution, such as solar energy.
The case study analyzed in this paper shows that the development of such an energy system concept, consisting of a concentrated solar engine coupled with a Stirling engine based entirely on solar energy, can bring significant
benefits to securing energy in various distant areas.
Solar power plant based on Stirling technology for sustainable energy generation with
optimized storage over an extended period
Gabriel Răsoi, Ioan Iordache, Dan Mocanu, Adrian Armeanu
INC-DTCSI-ICSI Rm. Valcea, Raureni, Uzinei Street No. 4, Post code 240050, Rm. Valcea, Romania
This paper presents a case study of a thermo-electrical system (CSP Dish Stirling) designed to produce electricity and heat, from renewable sources with low levels of pollution such as solar energy, which was developed and implemented within of a
research project.
Concentrating Power Plants based Stirling technology are designed for combined production of electrical and thermal energy, and represents an unique energetic and ecological equipment, which uses effectively renewable sources energy only.
Parabolic concentrator with mirror surface reflects solar radiation to the focal point where is the PCU - power conversion unit.
This system provides an annual period of about five months during the summer, heat and electricity from renewable energy, such as solar, and has the ability to store electrical energy over a long period, as chemical energy using the hydrogen that is
obtained through water electrolysis, and it will be used to generate energy when the weather conditions are not favourable for solar energy use.
The system features fully automatic controlling and positioning of the concentrator in two axis and meets the requirements in order to be built and engaged in harsh conditions.
The electrical energy can be used for immediate consumption, can be accumulated through battery system, or can be stored as hydrogen, which can be used at any time in the systems of fuel cells to produce electricity.
Consumatori Consumatori
Apa calda solara
Boiler stocare automatizarea
Sistem stocare
enetgie termica Sistem control proceselor
Stocare Producere baterii solare
energie termica energie
energie Producere
termica electrica Electricitate
energie termica
ic a
el e
Apa calda
gi e
Sistem pile Electrolizor
Sistem automatizare Sistem stocare Compresor hidrogen PEM
de combustie
Pile de combustie hidrogen hidrogen
Alimentare Furnizare Comprimare Producere Alimentare apa
hidrogen hidrogen hidrogen hidrogen deionizata
Energie electrica
This paper presents a case study of a research project that has been implemented, the main objective of which is the development of an integrated system for the production of electricity and heat from renewable sources of energy
with low levels of pollution, such as solar energy.
The case study analyzed in this paper shows that the development of such an energy system concept, consisting of a concentrated solar engine coupled with a Stirling engine based entirely on solar energy, can bring significant
benefits to securing energy in various distant areas.
A schematic diagram of the hybrid energy concept system proposed for the research, it is
shown in figure 5.
In the event that are conditions for biogas production to complement the energy
requirement of the greenhouse, can also be integrated a small system to produce the fuel
gas by decomposing organic matter.
In figure 7 is presents a biomass processing system through chemical fermentation
reactions that produce biogas.
The use of biogas in the agricultural greenhouses, providing heat and electricity, is one of
the most effective solutions to ensure their sustainability.
8. Conclusions and perspectives
• This paper presents the case study of a research project in progress, which has as main
objective development of an integrated for the production of heat and electricity, a bio-
organic emissions, using renewable sources with low polluting.
• The case study analyzed in this paper, reveals that the development of a concept of
sustainable greenhouse, which has an integrated energy system hybrid, based exclusively
on renewable sources such as solar power, hydrogen energy, biomass and biogas can bring
significant benefits on agricultural development and economic growth, by reducing energy
consumption, increase security of supply and environmental protection.
• In order to reduce production costs, it is necessary to implement a hybrid thermal power
based on renewable designed and dimensioned according to requirements so that by
contributing to this system, the production costs to be reduced significantly, considering
that heating accounts for about 30% of total energy used in the greenhouse.
• Further development of fuel cell systems could allow the development of a "hydrogen
economy" based on clean technologies and environmentally friendly, the production of
• Hydrogen is a clean energy vector, which is likely to be the main source of clean energy
in the near future.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the research team of the
National Project "Stationary energy sources with fuel cell for bio-organic farming in
greenhouses"-FC-Farm, PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1102, regarding access to the documentary
study, for this work to be developed.
Tel: 0250/732744
National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI,
Rm.Valcea, Uzinei Street, No. 4, Romania