Chapter3 OOP
Chapter3 OOP
Chapter3 OOP
Objectives - Content
Think OOP
Object concept - Class
3 features of OOP
Structure of class
Data abstraction
OOP concept
Starting point: All are objects.
The real world are objects
Each object has properties and behaviors
Objects interact with each other.
New ways of thinking to solve problems on computers
adapt the computer to the problem - instead of describing the
problem according to what is familiar to computer.
Replace data structures and data manipulation functions with
Create a new type of association - stronger between data and
data processing functions
New way of organizing source code
OOP concept..
OOP programming is
indicate the objects that relevant the problem,
simulate objects with classes,
let objects to interact with each other.
OOP techniques help describe real-world problems into
relationships between objects in a programming problem.
Tightly associate real-world objects with programming objects
OOP programs are images of objects exchanging information (sending
Way for programmers to describe the problem, solving the problem
Writing a sales management program, how would you start?
Advantages of OOP
OOP techniques guide the process of analyzing,
designing & implementing software projects, using
project business concepts & terminology.
expressed in a business language instead of a programming
Object-oriented analysis and design
Increase programming productivity & efficiency
Reusable code
Ability to edit, upgrade, customize quickly.
Promote sharing of programming source codes
Ease of isolation & error handling
Limit accidental errors caused by random data
Object - Class
The components involved in a problem are represented
as objects.
The object is a black box that hides its internal structure,
communicating with the outside by sending & receiving
An object is actually a collection of data and operations on that
data set.
An object includes:
Attributes: data, information about the object
Behaviors: methods, operations that change the properties of
the object
Objects of the same type are described as class
A class is a description of a collection of objects that
share the same properties (data) and behavior
Class is actually a data type
defined in accordance with the problem
Object attributes
Attribute, property, field, data member : nouns
Use nouns to name attribute.
Store the data of an object.
The value of the data is determined only after the
object is created
Are member variables declared inside a class
Shared attributes between all objects
“School name” of all students in a school
Static variable, class variable: use static keyword
Instance attributes, individual attributes
Student's "Date of Birth"
Each object has it own attributes
Object behaviors
Behavior, method, function member : verbs
Methods, functions, behaviors:
use verbs to name method
A method is an object's behavior
In programming terms, a method is a function
Defines the steps of an action to be performed by the object
when the method invocation is passed to the object.
A way to change the status - instance variables- of an object.
Method define the interface of an object
"send a message to the object"
Ways for objects comunication
Data abstraction
Data abstraction
The process of identifying objects with properties and
Class definition - syntax
class ClassName {
//declare data member: variables, properties
//declare function member: function, behavior
class Fraction {
private int nom, denom; // instance variable
public Fraction(int t,m) { // constructor
nom=t; denom=m;
public Fraction simplify() { //returns fraction after simplification
// code to simplify a fraction
return this;
Class definition
Components of class
Data member : 2 types
+ instance variable – the unique properties of each object
+ static variable – common properties for all objects
Function members: 3 types
+ Constructor
+ Method - the behavior of the object
+ Static function – library function, independent with all objects
class variables and functions declared after the static . keyword
Ex: schoolName is a common attribute for all students of a school – static var.
studentID, fullName, dateOfBirth are unique properties of each student – instance var.
class Student {
String studentID, fullName;
Date dob;
static String schoolName;
A special method for object initialization of a class.
allocate memory for data members
initialize the object's data members
Being called when instantiating object using new operator
Fraction a= new Fraction(3,4);
All classes must have constructor
Notes on syntax
Constructor name is the same as class name
No return type
The constructors call each other by syntax this(argument);
Default constructor
Has no arguments
automatically generated by the compiler when the class did not declare
any constructor
There can be multiple constructors up on the initialization context of
an object
Method - function
Method - represent the behavior of object.
changes object's properties/ states
Can access all other members
Mechanism for interactions between objects
Example: multiply method in class Fraction
Fraction multiply(Fraction p) {
return new Fraction(this.nom*p.nom, this.denom*p.denom);
Static Function – shared function, library function
Independent of class objects
static members can be accessed each others
Ex: static function to multiply 2 fractions
static Fraction multiply(Fraction p, Fraction q){
return p.multiply(q);}
Access class members
Access within the class
use this when it is necessary to distinguish member variables of a class
has the same name as local variables.
Access from outside the class
Constructor: call the constructor using the new operator
Non-static member
Static member
Static methods are only allowed to reference static
members of the class
Three characteristics of OOP
Encapsulation, data hiding
Protect data from unauthorized external access
Use access modifiers: public, private, protected
Inheritance: the most "expensive" idea of OOP
Re-use the source code – code re-usable
Base Class (- parent class) and Derived Class (child)
Abstract class and interface
Diversity when subjects exhibit behaviors
Overload – override method
Encapsulation – data hiding
Hide the internal structure of the class, including:
Implementation details
Access modifiers are used to implement the idea of
public – private - protected
Data is always hide: member variables almost private access
Method for communication with the outside world: public access
Protected access for sub-class that inherited
The encapsulation feature allows the internal content of
the class to be changed without affecting the related
Encapsulation.. Keywords specifying access
Access modifiers:
control access to class & class members
No limitation access
apply to class, applet, application, class members
only allow access inside the class
does not apply to class declaration
allow access from subclass
No declaration of access: default access
allow access by other classes in the same package
Allows a class to share members defined from
another class.
Define a new class from an existing class.
Inherited class is called Sub-class or derived
The class for inheritance is called the base
class or super class
Multiple inheritance - is implemented on
Inheritance.. Subclass
Use extends keyword to define subclasses
public class MyPoint extends Point
Inherit all members of the base class
Direct access to private members of the base class is
not allowed
may have members with the same name as the base
use keywords super to refer to the direct superclass of a
Use this to refer to the class itself
inherited from only 1 base class - single inheritance
Inheritance.. subclass constructor
The subclass constructor must initialize data members that inherited from the
superclass, by calling the superclass constructor –
use the syntax super(argument);
call to super must be the first statement in the subclass's constructor.
the compiler will automatically call the default constructor of the parent class
if the subclass does not invoke–> all classes should have default constructor
class Point2D {
private int x,y;
public Point2D() { x=y=0;}
public Point2D(int a, int b) { x=a; y=b;}
//..other components
class Point3D extends Point2D {
private int z;
public Point3D(int x, int y, int z) {
super(x,y); this.z=z;
is the feature that a task can produces different
effects depend on referencing context.
allow multiple methods with the same name in the
same class or in classes with inheritance relations
Two mechanisms of polymorphism in Java:
overloading method
overriding methods
Helps improve code organization, extensibility
adds new features without affecting old
Polymorphism.. overloading
Define methods with the same name in the same class
must have argument lists that differ in type or order
regardless of the difference in return type, access scope of
overloaded methods
public int max(int x, int y, int z)
public void max(int a,int b, int c)
private double max(double a, double b, double c)
private double max(double a, double b)
public int max(int a, int b)
Polymorphism.. overriding
Re-define methods of super-class in sub-class
Override method has same signature with overridden method
Access scope should not be narrow as compared to base class
method in subclass xxx() can invoke overridden method xxx() in
parent class by
Late binding mechanism – link source code at runtime
The Object class is the default base class of all other classes
public String toString() of the Object class is overriden by all
other classes
Compare overloading & overriding
Overloaded methods:
unlimited quantity
arguments must be different
return type may be different
Overriding methods:
only one
arguments must be the same
return type must be the same
Dynamic binding
Binding is the process of linking the executable
code with the function call.
Static linking: binding is determined at compile time
dynamic binding: binding is determined at run time
In Java, binding takes place at run time - depending
on the reference object that invokes the method -
not the type of the variable. This mechanism is
called -late binding or -dynamic binding
Dynamic binding is the basis of polymorphism in OOP
The instanceof operator allows to check the actual class
of the object at run time.
OOP Design
Modularization: is the process of decomposing a problem into a set
of modules to reduce the overall complexity of the problem.
Hierarchy - hierarchical: create related sub-systems until the most basic
components are reached.
IS – A: inheritance type relationship
+ a Rose is a Flower
+ class Rose extends Flower
HAS – A : aggregation relationship– PART OF
+ a Car has 4 wheels, brake..
+ member of a class are other classes..
Reusability of design through creation of new classes by adding
features to existing classes
Generalization – Specialization
Aggregation or Composition
Practice Lab: Chapter 3
Write IntArray class in OOP . style
Draw class diagram
Every operation on the array is replaced by a
Write main() from another class to run
Assignment 1: Virtual Shop
Individual asignment
See virtualshop.doc description
Constructive Questions.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of object-oriented
programming and functional programming.
Indicate the objects of the human resource management program
according to your assumptions and understanding.
Find examples of classes with static properties.
The counter variable i is used in most of the class functions, where
should the variable i be declared?
How many constructors should a class have? Declare at least 5
constructors of class Student(id, name, dob, tel, password)
Declare a method that allows to recover forgotten password of
Student class? Assume the conditions for the pass to be reissued.
Point out the similarities of the base class-subclass relationship in
OOP programming and the relationship in a family
Constructive Questions.
Design the classes of a hospital's cost management system
according to your understanding and reasonable assumptions.
Find practical examples that illustrate the need to use protected
keyword when declaring class members.
What if a class declares all its members private?
Compare override and overload characteristics of polymorphism
Design the Medicine class - representing the drugs in the
management system of a pharmaceutical company - according to
your knowledge.
Designing classes of online sales problems, applying modularity
and hierachy ideas.