Unit 01
Unit 01
Unit 01
• OS Services and components
• Multitasking
• Multiprogramming
• Multiprocessing time sharing
• Buffering
• Spooling
• Distributed OS
Operating System
• An Operating System(OS) is software that
manages and handles the hardware and software
resources of a computer system.
• It provides interaction between users of computers
and computer hardware.
• An operating system is responsible for managing
and controlling all the activities and sharing of
computer resources.
• An operating system is a low-level Software that
includes all the basic functions like processor
management, memory management, Error
detection, etc.
• No matter its size and application, every computer
needs an operating system to make it functional and
• The operating system is an integral part of modern
computer systems.
• It is a well-organized collection of programs that
manages the hardware.
• An Operating System provides an interaction between
the users and computer hardware.
• A user is a person sitting at the computer terminal
concerned about the application rather than the
architecture of the computer.
• The user never interacts with the hardware directly. To
get the services of the hardware, he has to request
through the operating system.
• The operating system is a primary resource
• It manages the hardware, including processors,
memory, Input-Output devices, and
communication devices.
• The operating system operates either in kernel
mode or user mode.
• Compilers and editors run in user mode, whereas
operating system code runs in kernel mode.
Operating system services
o Program execution
o Control Input/output devices
o Program creation
o Error Detection and Response
o Accounting
o Security and Protection
o File Management
o Communication
Program execution
Storage allocation
Free space management
Disk scheduling
6. I/O Device Management
• One of the important use of an operating system
that helps to hide the variations of specific
hardware devices from the user.
• The I/O management system offers the following
functions, such as:
It offers a buffer caching system
It provides general device driver code
It provides drivers for particular hardware
I/O helps you to know the individualities of a
specific device
7. Security Management
• The various processes in an operating system need
to be secured from other activities.
• Therefore, various mechanisms can ensure those
processes that want to operate files, memory CPU,
and other hardware resources should have proper
authorization from the operating system.
• Security refers to a mechanism for controlling the
access of programs, processes, or users to the
resources defined by computer controls to be
imposed, together with some means of
8. Command Interpreter System
• Disadvantages of Multiprogramming OS
• Multiprogramming systems provide an
environment in which various systems resources
are used efficiently, but they do not provide any
user interaction with the computer system.
• Multiprocessing Operating System