Unit 3, Cost Analysis
Unit 3, Cost Analysis
Unit 3, Cost Analysis
Unit 4
Concepts of Cost
• A direct payment made to others in the course
of running a business, such as wages, rent, and
materials, as opposed to implicit costs, which are
those where no actual payment is made.
• The opportunity cost equal to what a firm must
give up in order to use factors which it neither
purchases nor hires.
Economic Cost
• The difference between the total revenue received
by the firm from its sales and the total opportunity
costs of all the resources used by the firm.
Accounting Cost: The total revenue minus costs,
properly chargeable against goods sold.
AFC = TFC/Output
TFC is constant as production increases, thus
AFC falls.
Average Fixed Costs (AFC):
0 50 0 50 - - - -
1 50 20 70 70 20 50 20
2 50 30 80 40 10 25 15
4 50 34 84 21 2 12.4 8.5
5 50 40 90 18 6 10 8
• Buying economies
• Selling economies
• Managerial economies
• Financial economies
• Technical economies
• Research and development economies
• Risk-bearing economies.
Buying Economies.
• These are the best known type. Large firms that
buy raw materials in bulk and place large orders
for capital equipment usually receive a discount.
This means that they have paid less for each item
purchased. They may receive a better treatment
because the suppliers will be anxious to keep
such large customers.
Selling Economies.
• Every part of marketing has a cost – particularly
promotional methods such as advertising and running a
sales force. Many of these marketing costs are fixed
costs and so as a business gets larger, it is able to spread
the cost of marketing over a wider range of products
and sales – cutting the average marketing cost per unit.
Managerial Economies.
• As a firm grows, there is
greater potential for managers
to specialize in particular tasks
(e.g. marketing, human
resource management,
finance). Specialist managers
are likely to be more efficient
as they possess a high level of
expertise, experience and
qualifications compared to one
person in a smaller firm trying
to perform all of these roles.
Financial economies
• Many small businesses find it hard
to obtain finance and when they
do obtain it, the cost of the
finance is often quite high. This is
because small businesses are
perceived as being riskier than
larger businesses that have
developed a good track record.
Larger firms therefore find it
easier to find potential lenders
and to raise money at lower
interest rates.
Technical Economies.
• Businesses with large-scale production can use
more advanced machinery (or use existing
machinery more efficiently). This may include
using mass production techniques, which are
a more efficient form of production. A larger
firm can also afford to invest more in research
and development.
Research and development economies.
• A large firm can have a research and
development department, since running such
a department can reduce average costs by
developing more efficient methods of
production and raise total revenue by
developing new products.
Risk-bearing economies.
• Larger firms produce a range of products. This
enables them to spread the risks of trading. If
the profitability of one of the products it
produces falls, it can shift its resources to the
production of more profitable products.
Internal Diseconomies of scale.
• Growing beyond a certain output can cause a
firms average costs to rise. This is because the
firm may encounter a number of problems
including difficulties :-
• controlling the firm.
• communication problems.
• poor industrial relations.
Difficulty controlling the firm.
It can be hard for those managing
a large firm to supervise
everything that is happening in
the business.
Management becomes more
complex and meetings are
necessary quite often.
This can increase administrative
costs and make the firm slower in
responding to changes in
marketing conditions.
Communication problems.
• Difficult to ensure that everyone is aware
about their duties in a large firm and available
opportunities like training etc.
• The may not get a chance to exchange their
views and innovative ideas to the
management team.
Poor industrial relations.
• Higher risk for larger firms as there will be
more conflicts and diverse opinions.
• Lack of motivation of workers, strikes will be
seen at certain situations in larger firms due to
poor industrial relations.
External economies of scale.
• A skilled labour workforce – A firm
can recruit workers who have been
trained by other firms in the
• A good reputation – An area can
gain a reputation for high quality
• Specialist suppliers of raw
materials and capital goods –
When an industry becomes large
enough, it can become worthwhile
for other industries, called
subsidiary industries to set up for
providing for the needs of the
External economies of scale.
• Specialist services – Universities and
colleges ma run courses for workers in
large industries and banks and transport
firms may provide services, specially
designed to meet the particular needs of
firms in the industry.
• Specialist markets – Some large
industries have specialist selling places
and arrangements such as insurance
• Improved infrastructure – The growth of
an industry may encourage a govt and
private sector firms to provide better
road links, electricity supplies, build new
airports and develop dock facilities.
External Diseconomies of scale.
• Just as a firm can grow too
large, so can an industry.
• Larger firms ->
transportation increase ->
congestion -> increased
journey time -> high
transport cost -> reduced
workers productivity.
• Growth of industry may
increase competition for
resources, pushing up the
price of key sites, capital
equipment and labour.
Law of variable proportion
Law of variable proportion
• The law of variable proportions states that as the
quantity of one factor is increased, keeping the
other factors fixed, the marginal product of that
factor will eventually decline. This means that up
to the use of a certain amount of variable factor,
marginal product of the factor may increase and
after a certain stage it starts diminishing. When
the variable factor becomes relatively abundant,
the marginal product may become negative.
Assumptions of the Law
1 2 2 2
2 6 4 3
3 12 6 4
4 16 4 4
5 18 2 3.6
6 18 0 3
7 14 -4 2
8 8 -6 1
Three Stages of the Law of Variable
These stages are illustrated in the following figure where labour is measured on the X-axis and
output on the Y-axis.
• Stage 1. Stage of Increasing Returns:
• In this stage, total product increases at an increasing rate up to a
point. This is because the efficiency of the fixed factors increases
as additional units of the variable factors are added to it.
• In the figure, from the origin to the point F, slope of the total
product curve TP is increasing i.e. the curve TP is concave
upwards up to the point F, which means that the marginal
product MP of labour rises. The point F where the total product
stops increasing at an increasing rate and starts increasing at a
diminishing rate is called the point of inflection.
• Corresponding vertically to this point of inflection marginal
product of labour is maximum, after which it diminishes. This
stage is called the stage of increasing returns because the
average product of the variable factor increases throughout this
stage. This stage ends at the point where the average product
curve reaches its highest point.
Stage 2. Stage of Diminishing Returns:
• In this stage, total product continues to increase but
at a diminishing rate until it reaches its maximum
point H where the second stage ends. In this stage
both the marginal product and average product of
labour are diminishing but are positive. This is
because the fixed factor becomes inadequate relative
to the quantity of the variable factor. At the end of the
second stage, i.e., at point M marginal product of
labour is zero which corresponds to the maximum
point H of the total product curve TP. This stage is
important because the firm will seek to produce in
this range.
Stage 3. Stage of Negative Returns:
• In stage 3, total product declines and
therefore the TP curve slopes downward. As a
result, marginal product of labour is negative
and the MP curve falls below the X-axis. In this
stage the variable factor (labour) is too much
relative to the fixed factor.
• In the long run all factors of production are
variable. No factor is fixed. Accordingly, the
scale of production can be changed by
changing the quantity of all factors of
• Definition:
• “The term returns to scale refers to the
changes in output as all factors change by the
same proportion.” Koutsoyiannis
• Returns to scale are of the following three
The marginal unit is not bringing in Rs. 4 which is its price, but only Rs. 2.
This is because the additional one unit is sold at Re. one less and the first 2
units which could have been sold for Rs. 5 are also sold at Rs. 4. i.e., Re.
one less.
Fig. A shows that as additional units are sold when price comes down not only for
the marginal units but also for other previous units. As a result, marginal units do
not bring revenue equal to its price. In fig. 10 B. TR increases at a diminishing rate,
becomes maximum at point N and then begins to decline. This has been
represented by the curve TR. AR at any point on the TR curve is given by the slope
of straight line joining the point to the origin. For instance, AR at any point N on TR
curve is given by the slope of line