Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
information information
assurance security
Department of Industrial and
Information Technology
the term "information" refers to digital data or knowledge
Think of an email or message you received that
that is critical to an organization and needs to be protected asked for personal information. What made it
from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or
Department of Industrial and
Information Technology
Information Assurance
“Assurance” in security is defined as the degree of confidence that the security
needs of a system are satisfied.
Information assurance (IA) is the practice of assuring information and managing risks
related to the use, processing, storage and transmission of information.
• According to https://www.techopedia.com/definition/5/information-assurance-
ia IA refers to the steps involved in protecting information systems, like
computer systems and networks. There are commonly five terms associated
with the definition of information assurance:
Department of Industrial and
Information Technology
Information Assurance
• Integrity - making sure that an information system remains unscathed and that
no one has tampered with it.
• Availability - information must be available for use by those that are allowed
to access it.
• Authentication - ensuring that users are who they say they are.
• Confidentiality - only those authorized to view information are allowed access
to it; information needs to be kept confidential.
• Nonrepudiation - someone cannot deny having completed an action because
there will be proof that they did it.
Department of Industrial and
Information Technology
Information Assurance
IA includes computer and information security, but more besides. According to Blyth
and Kovacich, IA can be thought of as protecting information at three distinct levels:
Levels of IA
The Physical Level
The lowest level focus of IA is the physical level: computers, physical networks,
telecommunications and supporting systems such as power, facilities and
environmental controls.
• Implementing physical security measures
• Ensuring the physical security of hardware devices, including servers, routers, and
storage devices, to prevent theft, tampering, or unauthorized access.
• Establishing protocols for the secure disposal of hardware and media
Department of Industrial and
Information Technology
Levels of IA
The Infrastructure Level
The second level focus of IA is the information structure level. This covers
information and data manipulation ability maintained in cyberspace, including: data
structures, processes and programs, protocols, data content and databases.
• Implementing network security measures such as firewalls
• Deploying encryption technologies to protect data both in transit and at rest
• Establishing robust access controls, authentication mechanisms, and audit trails to
manage and monitor user access to information assets.
Department of Industrial and
Information Technology
Levels of IA
The Perception Level
The third level focus of IA is the perceptual level, also called social engineering.
This is abstract and concerned with the management of perceptions of the target,
particularly those persons making security decisions.
• Conducting regular security awareness training and education programs
• Promoting a culture of security within the organization
• Encouraging a proactive approach to security
Department of Industrial and
Information Technology
Information Security
According to https:cisco.com Information security, often referred to as InfoSec,
refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive
business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.
information information
assurance security
centers on the protection of
focuses on ensuring the information and information
availability, integrity, systems from unauthorized
authentication, confidentiality, access, use, disclosure,
and non-repudiation of disruption, modification, or
information and systems. destruction in order to
provide confidentiality,
integrity, and availability.
Although related, information assurance and information security are two different
Department of Industrial and
Information Technology
Department of Industrial and
Information Technology
Self Assesment
1. In your own words, how do you define IA?
2. Define the importance of each of the five IA qualities. Cite an example of you being
a student who can also apply this in your personal life.
In passing this assessment, it should be in a pdf file format. Upload it in the provided Google Drive with a file name of your full name.