For PH New
For PH New
For PH New
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• Introduction of blood
• Composition of Blood
• Characteristics of Blood
• Blood is a constantly circulating fluid providing the body with nutrition, oxygen and
waste removal
Is the only fluid tissue
Constitutes 6-8% of the total body weight
• It is mostly liquid with numerous cells and protein suspended in it.
• The average person has about 5 liter of blood
• It is conducted through vessels (arteries and veins)
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Composition of Blood
Blood is a unique fluid compromised of many
cellular elements and
Suspended in a fluid called plasma.
• about 45% cells and 55% plasma
• The three main formed elements are:
• Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
• White blood cells (leucocytes)
• Platelets (thrombocytes)
• A plasma consisting of proteins, amino acids,
carbohydrates, lipids and elements.
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Composition cont’d
• Plasma
• Is part of the extracellular fluid
• A complex solution of proteins, salts and numerous metabolic substances
• Acts as a transport medium carrying its constituents to specialized organs of the body.
• Consists of: about 91.5% water and about 8.5% solutes of which about 7% are
• Out of the 7% protein:
• 54 % Albumin
• 38 % Globulins
• 7 % Fibrinogen
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Composition of Plasma
Constituent Percentage of plasma
Water 90-92 %
Protein 6-8%
Globulin 2.5%
Fibrinogen 0.25%
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Formed Elements
• Platelets (thrombocytes)
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Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)
• Are the most numerous cells in the blood
• The normal RBC count is approximately 4.5 to 6 million cells per microliter.
• Their primary function is gas exchange.
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Erythrocytes cont’d
• Shaped like biconcave disks
• The biconcave disk shape gives RBCs the flexibility to squeeze their way through
capillaries and other small blood vessels.
• approximately 7 to 8 µm in diameter with a thickness of 1.7-2.4m
• In stained smears, RBCs look like a circle with central pallor, which is approximately
one-third the diameter of the cell.
• normally survives in the blood stream for approximately 120 days
• after finishing its life span, it is removed by the phagocytic cells of the reticuloendothelial
• Broken down 05/31/2024
and some of its constituents re utilized for the formation of new cells. 11
• Note that the size of the erythrocytes is about the same as the nucleus of the
small resting lymphocyte.
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Function of Blood
• Transportation
• O2 to tissues & CO2 from tissues to lung
• Nutrients from GIT to cells
• Heat and waste products from cells for excretion
• Hormones from endocrine glands to other body cells
• Regulation
• pH
• Temperature
• Osmotic pressure (influence water and ion content of cells)
• Protection
• From bleeding (by the clotting mechanism)
• Immunity (phagocytes, lymphocytes, antibodies, complement proteins, etc)
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Developmental phases of Hematopoiesis
• During fetal development, hematopoiesis occurs in different areas of the developing fetus.
• Where as in adults, all of these processes are restricted primarily to the bone marrow.
• The developmental process is divided into three phases of hematopoiesis :
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Figure 2. An outline of the origin and development of erythropoiesis during embryogenesis
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Mesoblastic Phase (Yolk Sac Phase)
• Begin around the 19th day of development of embryonic fertilization.
• Progenitor cells of mesenchymal origin migrate from the AGM region of the developing
aorta-splanchnopleure to the yolk sac and give rise to HSCs.
• Mesodermal cells, which line the cavity of the yolk sac, migrate to the yolk sac and give rise
to primitive erythroblasts.
• The yolk sac hematopoiesis is characterized by the development of primitive erythroblasts
that produce measurable amounts of Hgbs:
• Portland, Gower-1, and Gower-2
• This phase occurs within a developing blood vessel and cannot contribute to definitive
• The cells surrounding the cavity of the yolk sac called angioblasts will develop into the blood
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Hepatic Phase
• Begins at 4 to 5 gestational weeks and characterized by recognizable clusters of developing
• Mesodermal cells migrate to AGM region and give rise to HSCs for definitive or permanent adult
• occurs extravascularly, in the liver during the second trimester of fetal life.
• Hematopoiesis in the fetal liver reaches its peak by the third month of development.
• Spleen, kidney, thymus, and lymph nodes contribute to the hematopoietic process.
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Detectable levels of HbF , HbA, and HbA2 may be present 17
Medullary (Myeloid) Phase
• During the 5th month of fetal development, hematopoiesis begins in the developing
bone marrow cavity.
• occurs in the medulla or inner part of the bone marrow.
• Mesenchymal cells migrate into the bone and differentiate into skeletal and
hematopoietic blood cells.
• Myeloid: Erythroid ratio reaches adult level of 3:1 by 21 weeks of gestation.
• Detectable levels of EPO, G-CSF, GM-CSF, HbF, Hb A2, HbA are produced.
• The cells leave the marrow parenchyma by passing through fine "windows "in the
endothelial cells andemerge into the venous sinuses joining the peripheral circulation.
• Begins with the development of primitive erythrocytes in the embryonic yolk sac
• RBC are derived from pluripotent HSCs
• share a common precursor (or progenitor cell ) with other myeloid lineage cells
• Megakaryocytes and erythroid cells originate from the CMEP/CFU-GEMM
• The process begins with differentiation of the CMP into the MEP intermediate.
• Progression beyond the MEP stage is associated with lineage commitment to either the
erythroid or megakaryocyte lineages.
• The MEP initially differentiates into a highly proliferative burst forming unit-
megakaryocytic or burst forming unit-erythroid (BFU-Mk or BFU-E),
• Further maturation to colony forming units (CFU-Mk or CFU-E, respectively).
• Either megakaryocyte/platelet formation or erythroid cell production.
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• Specific transcription factors play roles in determining whether MEPs proceed down the
differentiation pathway towards erythropoiesis or megakaryocytopoiesis are:
• Fli-1 and EKLF appear to play antagonistic roles,
• With Fli-1supporting the development of BFU-Mk, and EKLF the formation of BFU-E.
• MEP maturation along the erythroid pathway occurs, they lose CD41 expression, and
• Express the transferrin receptor (CD71) at the BFU-E stage, and subsequently erythroid
membrane proteins, erythroid enzymes, and hemoglobins
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Figure 2. An outline of the origin and development of erythropoiesis during embryogenesis
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Progenitor cells Blast Forming Unit-Erythroid & Colony Forming Unit-Erythroid
• Colony Forming Unit gives rise to the earliest identifiable colony of RBC Called BFU-E
• BFU-E produces a large multi clustered colony(16 or more clusters)
•Few receptors for erythropoietin (EPO)
• Develop into CFU-E colonies
• Has many receptor sites for EPO, highly sensitive
• Proliferate into pronormoblasts
• Normal red cells are produced in the bone marrow from erythroid precursors or
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Erythroid precursors
• The earliest morphologically recognizable red cell precursor is derived from
an erythroid progenitor cell
• It is derived from a multipotent haemopoietic progenitor cell.
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Erythropoiesis, (Formation/genesis of RBC)
• Erythrocyte maturation is terminal cell differentiation involving hemoglobin synthesis and
formation of a small, anucleated, biconcave corpuscle.
• Major changes that take place during erythropoiesis are:
• Cell and nuclear volumes decrease
• Nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio decreases
• The nucleoli diminish in size and disappear
• Chromatin density increases until the nucleus presents a pyknotic appearance and
• is finally extruded from the cell.
• The number of polyribosomes (Basophilia) gradually decrease,
• Mitochondria and other organelles gradually disappear.
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Pro erythroblast/ Pro normoblast/ Rubriblast
• Earliest recognizable large cell
• 1% of bone marrow cells
• Has homogeneous nucleus with nucleoli and loose lacy(fine) chromatin pattern
• Nucleus stains reddish-blue (dark appearing)
• Size: 12 -20 micrometer in diameter.
• Nucleus large round and not condensed with stippled chromatin
• Mitosis present
• Nucleoli are sometimes apparent.
• Cytoplasm: Scanty, only a rim around the nucleus; deep basophilic
• No hemoglobin (globin production begins)
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• Normal proerythroblast in the bone marrow.
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Basophilic erythroblast/ Early normoblast / prorubricyte
• Nuclear material has begun to coarsen
• Nuclear chromatin shows sharp contrast between light & dark areas
• Spherical nucleus,
• Basophilic cytoplasm
• No evidence of pink color that indicate
Hgb development
• Active mitosis
• 1-4% of BM cells
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Polychromatophilic erythroblast/ Intermediate Normoblast/ Rubricyte
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Mature erythrocyte
• Size:6-8m in diameter
• Reddish, circular, biconcave cells filled with hemoglobin
• One third of the cell area (central pallor) due to biconcave shape
• No visible internal structure.
• What is its functional advantage?
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Factors regulate Erythropoiesis
General factors Maturation factors
• Erythropoietin • Cobalamin (Vit.B12)
• Thyroxine • Intrinsic factor
• Hemopoietic growth factors • Folic acid (VitB9)
• Vitamins. Vitamins
For Hgb Formation • Vit-C
• First class protein & amino acids • Riboflavin
• Iron, Copper • Nicotinic acid
• Cobalt & Nickel • Pyridoxin (VitB6)
• Produced in kidney (85%) and liver (15%)
• Its action is in the bone marrow
• Regulated by the level of tissue oxygen
• The stimulus to the production of the hormone is the oxygen tension in the tissues
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Factors regulate Erythropoiesis
1.Androgens: increase erythropoiesis by stimulating EPO production but inhibited by Estrogen
2.Thyroid hormones: Stimulate the metabolism of all body cells, increasing erythropoiesis.
• Hypothyroidism is associated with anemia and hyperthyroidism results polcytemia
3.Glucocorticoids: Stimulate the general metabolism and stimulate the bone marrow to produce
more RBCs.
• In Addison’s disease (hypofunction of adrenal cortex) -anemia
• Cushing’s disease (hyperfunction of adrenal cortex) –polycythaemia
4. Pituitary gland:
• Affects erythropoiesis both directly and indirectly through the action of several hormones
5.Haematopoietic growth factors:
• Are secreted by lymphocytes, monocytes & macrophages
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• Regulate the proliferation and differentiation of progenitor stem cells to produce blood cell
State of liver & bone marrow:
• Healthy liver is essential for normal erythropoiesis
• The liver is the main site for storage of vitamin B12 , folic acid, iron & copper.
• In chronic liver disease anemia occurs.
2.Bone marrow:
• When bone marrow is destroyed by ionizing irradiation or drugs, aplastic anemia occurs.
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1. What is hemopoiesis and how is the process regulated?
2. What are the hemopoietic tissues during fetal life, in infancy, in childhood and in
3. What are the effects of the hormone erythropoietin on red cell development and
4. Describe the microenvironment briefly.
5. Explain megaloblastic erythropoiesis.
6. Describe general Characteristic feature of cells during maturation (nuclear ,
cytoplasmic, etc )
7. State the composition of blood.
8. State the main functions of blood.
9. List main characteristics of blood.
10. What is extramedullary hemopoiesis and when does it occur?
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• Hemoglobin is normally present in red cells only
• Two primary structures
– Globin
– Heme which is composed of
• Protoporphyrin
• Iron
• The heme structure consists of a ring of C, H and N atoms called
Protoporphyrin IX with an atom of Ferrous ( Fe 2+) iron attached
( ferroprotoporphyrin).
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Methods of Hemoglobin Measurement
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I. Spectrophotometric
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2. Hemoglobin - HemoCue®
• HemoCue® photometer
• Uses dry reagent system (cuvettes)
• Determines concentration of azide met hemoglobin photo
metrically Specimen
• Electronic check and whole blood control samples must be run to cuvette
– No dilution necessary
– The instrument reads the result when it is ready (no need to let stand for lysing of
– Result is reported directly eliminating errors in reading from a calibration chart.
– High accuracy
• The simplest and quickest method for general use with a photoelectric colorimeter but no longer
widely used.
• A 1:251 dilution of blood is made with 0.007N NH 4OH with thorough shaking to ensure mixing
and oxygenation of Hb.
• The absorbance of the solution is read at 540nm in a photo-/spectrophotometer against a 0.007N
NH4OH solution as a blank.
– Lack of a stable oxyhemoglobin standard.
1. Sahli-Hellige
• Is not recommended because of its imprecision and inaccuracy
• Principle
• 20 L of blood is mixed in a tube containing 0.1mol/l HCl which lyses the RBC and
converts the Hgb to Acid Hematin
• After 10 minutes (more),0.1mol/l HCl or water is added drop by drop, with
mixing ,until the color of the solution matches the color of the glass standard positioned
along side the dilution tube
• The concentration of Hgb is read from the graduated scale on the dilution tube
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Sahli-Hellige cont’d
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2. Alkaline Hematin Method
• Certain forms of Hb are resistant to alkali denaturation, in particular, Hb-F and Hb Bart.
• More cumbersome and less accurate than the HiCN or HbO2 methods and thus is
unsuitable for use as a routine method.
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3. BMS Hemoglobinometer
• A drop of blood is mixed with a saponin impregnated stick.
• This lyses the red cells giving a clear solution of Hb
• The absorption of light by the hemolysed patient blood sample ( existing in one half of
the field of view of the meter ) is matched with a scale on the meter( that of the standard
in the other half)
• The Hb value in gm/dl is obtained from a scale on the meter
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III. Copper Sulphate Densitometry
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• ‘Rules’ only apply if red cells are normal in size and hgb content
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packed cell volume (PCV)
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Hematocrit Determination cont’d
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Hematocrit Determination
• Macro method
– Wintrobe
• Micro methods
– Based on the principle that the average red cell volume is determined,
the red cell count made , and the hematocrit found by calculation e.g.
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coulter counter
Microhematocrit Method
iv. Specimen:
• Either well mixed EDTA ant coagulated blood or
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• Capillary tubes
– plain (blue band) or heparinized (red band) capillaries
– measuring 75 mm in length(3/4th should be filled)
– internal diameter of 1 mm and
– wall thickness of 0.2 – 0.25 mm
• Sealant
– plastic sealant, modeling clay, or plasticine.
Note: heat sealing should be avoided since it distorts the end of the tube resulting
in breakage, or the heat damages the red cells resulting in an incorrect PCV.
Do not also use soap or any other sealing substances for sealing Hct tubes since
detergents lyse RBCs
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ix. Interpretation
• Reference range varies between age, gender and altitude
Children at birth 44-54%
Children 2-5 years 34-40%
Children 6-12 years 35-45%
Adult men 40-54%
Adult women 36-46
• Systemic diseases
• Infections
• The film should be covered with a cover glass using a neutral medium as a
mountant this step is not, however, mandatory
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Morphology of Normal Mature Red cells (Discocytes)
• In health, red cells are said to be normocytic and
• Macrocytosis is seen in
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Size Variation (Anisocytosis)
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Variation in Shape (Poikilocytosis)
Echinocytes ('crenated cells')
• Red cells showing numerous, short, evenly distributed
spicules of equal length
• These are probably the most common artifacts in a blood
• Consistently found in blood samples that have been
stored for some time at room temperature and
• Because of diffusion of alkaline substances from the
slide into the cells resulting in an increase in pH and
thus crenation of the cells
• In vivo they are seen in uremia, pyruvate kinase deficiency
and neonatal liver diseases
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Variation in Shape (Poikilocytosis)
Echinocytes ('crenated cells')
• Red cells showing numerous, short, evenly distributed
spicules of equal length
• These are probably the most common artifacts in a blood
• Consistently found in blood samples that have been
stored for some time at room temperature and
• Because of diffusion of alkaline substances from the
slide into the cells resulting in an increase in pH and
thus crenation of the cells
• In vivo they are seen in uremia, pyruvate kinase
deficiency and neonatal liver diseases
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Variation in Shape (Poikilocytosis)
Echinocytes ('crenated cells')
• Red cells showing numerous, short, evenly distributed
Echinocytes ('crenated cells')
spicules of equal length
• In vivo they are seen in uremia, pyruvate kinase
deficiency and neonatal liver diseases
Elliptocytes /ovalocytes
• Elliptical or oval shaped red cells.
• Normally less than 1% of the red cells are elliptical/oval
shaped. Elliptocytes /ovalocytes
• These are cells with a narrow slit like area of central
• They are common findings in liver diseases
associated with chronic alcohol abuse
Variation in Shape cont’d
Spherocytes / Microspherocytes
• Dense staining spherical cells with smaller
diameter and greater thickness than normal
• They are formed as a result of loss of
membrane due to:
• Genetic lack of structural proteins in the red
cell membrane
• Chemicals
• Bacterial toxins (Clostridium welchii)
• Antibody-mediated hemolytic anemias
• Burn injury
• They are commonly seen in hereditary
spherocytosis that is associated with:
• abnormalities in membrane protein
• lipid loss and
• excessive flux of Na+ across the membrane
Variation in Shape cont’d
Rouleaux formation
• Red cells are aligned in formations resembling stacks of coins
• May be seen as artifacts in the thick areas of the blood film
• They are often associated with:
– Hyperproteinemia
– chronic inflammatory disorders
– multiple myeloma
– macroglobulinemia
Abnormalities in Red cell Hemoglobinization
• Hypochromia/Hypochromasia
• Hypochromic red cells: Hypochromia/Hypochromasia
• Dimorphism/Anisochromasia
• This is the presence of two populations of red cells, namely
hypochromic and normochromic, in the same film in
• It is a finding in:
• Treated iron deficiency anemia where there is the new
normochromic red cell population and the original
hypochromic population, and
• Patients with hypochromic anemia who have been transfused
Red cell inclusions+
Basophilic stippling / Punctate basophilia
• The red cells contain small irregularly shaped granules with
stain blue distributed throughout the cell surface.
• It is a common finding in:
• lead poisoning
• anemias associated with disorders of hemoglobin synthesis
Howell-Jolly bodies
• Small, round inclusions that contain DNA and are usually
eccentrically located in the cell
• They stain deep purple
• Found:
• In megaloblastic anemia
• In some hemolytic anemias, and
• After splenectomy
Red cell inclusions cont’d
Cabot's rings
• These are incomplete or complete rings, even figures of
• They appear as reddish - violet fine filamentous
configuration sin Wright- stained films
• They are remnants of the microtubules of the mitotic
Overview of immunohematology:
• Immunohematology :
• Is more commonly known as "blood banking“
• Deals with the concepts & clinical techniques related to modern transfusion therapy
• Is the area of laboratory medicine dealing with the general procedures involved
• Collecting
• Preparing
• Storing &
• Transfusing of the blood
• Refers to immunologic reactions involving blood components
• An application of the principles of immunology to the study of
• Karl Landsteiner
• It became clear that the incompatibility of many transfusion was caused by the presence
• The anti-serum
• To determine a person’s blood type, some sort of substance must be available to show
what antigens are present on the red cell.
• The substance used for this purpose is referred to as anti serum
• Is highly purified solution of antibody
• Named on the basis of the antibody it contains
• For Example:
The ABO blood group system
ABO blood grouping
Routine ABO phenotyping…
• The ABO phenotype is determined when the RBCs are directly tested for the
presence or absence of either A or B antigen.
• Serum testing provides a control for red blood cells testing, since ABO
antibodies would reflect Landsteiner’s rule.
• When an antigen is mixed with its corresponding antibody under the right conditions it
causes agglutination or haemolysis of the red cells.
Clinical significance
• For safe blood transfusion
• Prevention of Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN
• For prevention of hemolytic transfusion reaction
Routine ABO phenotyping…
The methods for grouping
1. Tube method
2. Emergency tile or slide grouping
3. Tile or slide grouping of blood donors
Other methods of Detection of Ag-Ab Reaction
A. Gel Technology method
B. Micro plate testing methods
Routine ABO phenotyping…
7. Decide what a blood group of a patient is and record the result in the book provided and one the
patient’s form.
Anti- A and Anti- B should be controlled using known A (preferably – A2) cells and B cells.
ABO phenotyping Reaction
A + O O +
B O + + O
AB + + O O
O O O + +
+= agglutination, O= no agglutination
Interpretation of tube method
2. Emergency tile or slide grouping
• Emergency tile grouping is carried out using a white glassed porcelain tile,
Perspex tray or slides.
• Patient’s serum
• Patient’s cells
3. Tile or slide grouping of blood donors
• This is a rapid method used to group donors , using a white tile or two glass slides
• It consist only cell grouping using anti-A serum and anti-B serum .
• Whole blood
• Interpretation
1. Strong agglutination of red cells in the presence of any ABO typing reagent
constitutes a positive result
2. A smooth suspension of red cells at the end of 2 minutes is a negative result
3. Samples that give weak or doubtful reactions
Should be retested using test tube method
ABO discrepancies
• Is a condition at which the ABO test result of forward is varied from
reverse result
• May be indicated by the following observations
• Weaker reactions
• Missing reactions
• Extra reactions
Can be technical or sample –related problems
Technical Error
• Identification or documentation error.
• Reagent or equipment errors.
• Standard operating procedure errors
Sample- Related ABO discrepancies
• ABO discrepancies that affect the ABO red blood cell testing.
Rh blood group system
1. D antigen is the most immunogenic antigen in the Rh system
2. More than 80% of D-negative people receiving a D-positive red blood cell
transfusion produce an antibody with anti-D specificity
3. For that reason, a D-negative patient should receive D-negative red blood cells
4. Most RBC can be typed for the D Ag directly with anti-D reagents
5. When the D-Ag is weakly expressed on the RBC
Detected by the indirect antiglobulin test (IAT)
6. Red blood cells that are positive for D only by the IAT are referred to as weak D (D u)
Rh blood group system
• Rh typing
2. Specimen: whole blood or red cell suspension (in saline, serum, or plasma)
Slide method
1. Place 1 drop of anti-D onto a clean, labeled slide
2. Place 1 drop of the appropriate control reagent, if needed, onto a second labeled slide
3. To each slide, add 2 drops of a well mixed 40% to 50% suspension of the red cells to be
4. Thoroughly mix the cell suspension & reagent using a clean applicator stick for each
test, spread it over an area approximately 20 × 40 mm.
5. Tilt the slides gently & continuously observe them for agglutination for not more than 2
Interpretation slide method----
1. Agglutination in the anti-D slide, combined with a smooth suspension in the control
3. Donor blood must be further tested for the presence of weak D antigen
Test tube method
1. Place 1 drop of anti-D in a clean, labeled test tube
2. Place 1 drop of control reagent, if needed, in a second labeled tube
3. Add to each tube 1 drop of a 2-5% suspension of the red cells to be tested
4. Mix gently & centrifuge for the time & speed specified by the manufacturer
5. Gently re-suspend the cell button & examine it for agglutination
6. Record test & control results
• Agglutination with anti-D & a smooth suspension on the control tube constitute a
positive test result indicates Cells being tested are D+
• No agglutination with either anti-D or the Rh control indicates Cells are D–
• If there is agglutination on the negative control slide
• Results of the anti- D test must not be interpreted as positive without further
testing 109
Test for Weak D
1. Some red cells express the D antigen so weakly
• Most anti-D reagents do not directly agglutinate the cells
2. Weak D expression can be recognized most reliably by an indirect antiglobulin
procedure after incubation of the test red cells with anti-D
• Specimen:
The Red Cell Indices
• Red blood cell indices are measurements that describe the size and Hgb content of RBCs.
• They are also called red cell absolute values or erythrocyte indices.
• The indices are used to help in the differential diagnosis and classification of anemia.
• Red cell distribution width (RDW) is important red cell parameter obtained by electronic
• They are absolute values calculated from: hemoglobin, PCV and RBC count
• Anemia is defined as a reduction in the concentration of circulating Hgb below the level
• that is expected for healthy persons of same age and sex in the same environment.
• Hence, the evaluation of a patient with anemia is directed at elucidating the causes for the
patient’s decreased red blood cell mass.
• Clinical diagnosis of anemia is made by:
– Patient history
– Physical exam
– Signs and symptoms
– Laboratory findings
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Clinical presentation of anemias
Physiologic response to Anemia
• Ability to adapt to anemia depends on:
– Rate at which anemia develops (BM can compensate easier if the onset of anemia is
– Underlying disease
• Symptoms of hypoxia: decreased oxygen delivery to the tissues/organs causes:
– Storage iron deplation;1st; Serum Iron depletion ;2nd; cell morphology ;3rd
• Storage iron depletion/ low serum ferritin; serum iron & TIBC are normal, no anemia, .
• Serum iron depletion/TIBC increases (increased transferrin); no anemia, normal red
• Anemia with microcytic/hypochromic red cells = IDA
• Daily Iron Cycle
Iron absorption, Transport and storage
• Iron absorbed from duodenum and jejunum in the GI Tract, moves via circulation to the bone ,
– Transferrin: transports iron from the plasma to the erythroblasts in the marrow
for erythropoiesis
– Transferrin will bind to Transferrin receptor on the erythroblast membrane
• Iron tests
– Used to differentiate microcytic hypochromic anemias or detect iron
overload (repeat transfusion or hemochromatosis)
– Iron circulates bound to the transport protein transferrin which carries iron
to bone marrow red cells for Hgb synthesis or to tissue sites (liver, spleen,
bone marrow) for storage as ferritin
Lab Investigation cont’d
1. Serum iron level - measures the amount of iron bound to transferrin; normally
about 33% of transferrin binding sites are occupied with iron (% saturation).
3. Serum ferritin level - indirectly reflects storage iron in tissues without doing a
bone marrow or tissue biopsy.
Lab Investigation cont’d
• Serum transferrin receptors (sTfR) reflect the number of receptors in
immature red blood cells and thus the level of erythropoiesis.
• It is unaffected by infection or inflammation .
RBC count May be within normal range May be within normal range Decreased
Sideroblastic Anemia (SA)
• This group of anemias are characterized by defective protoporphyrin synthesis
(blocks) resulting in iron loading and
• a microcytic/hypochromic anemia due to deficient hemoglobin synthesis.
Sideroblastic Anemia Continued
• Siderocytes are RBCs in the blood containing abnormal iron granules called Pappenheimer bodies
• Sideroblasts are immature nucleated RBCs in the bone marrow containing iron in the cytoplasm.
Ringed Sideroblast
Be aware that the diagram at the top is similar with the stained preparation at 128
the bottom
Types of Sideroblastic Anemia (SA)
• Blocks in the synthesis of protoporphyrin may be
– primary and irreversible (idiopathic = cause unknown) or
– secondary and reversible
Types of Sideroblastic anemia cont’d
Secondary Types of SA
• cause of blocks in the protoporphyrin pathway can be identified and are reversible
• Cause include
– Complex etiology, pts have iron but are unable to use it, history is important
• Associated conditions
– Bind to macrophage and liver cells (because they have receptor for lactoferrin)
• Though iron is present in abundance in bone marrow macrophages,
– Inadequate erythropoiesis
Lab Diagnosis/Blood findings
• Early stage: normocytic normochromic and late stage: hypochromic microcytic,
• severity parallels disease
• Very common anemia
• Leukocytosis
• Abundant storage of iron in macrophage (Prussian blue)
• Low serum iron, low TIBC, normal or high serum ferritin
– Iron therapy of no value (harmful), EPO may help in some patients 134
• Inherited hemoglobinopathy due to
• Decrease in alpha or beta globin chain synthesis needed for Hgb A; quantitative
– All have microcytic/hypochromic RBCs and target cells
• Genetic mutations classified by:
– ↓ beta chains = beta thalassemia…Greek/Italian
– ↓ alpha chains = alpha thalassemia…Asian
– Both in African ancestries
Target cells/Codocytes
Thalassemia's cont…
• A normal adult will synthesize four types of globin chains to produce hemoglobin's
• Normal globin chain production is balanced with alpha and beta chains produced in
about a 1:1 ratio (high α, high β).
• Normal adult Hgb contains
– HgbA (95-98%
– HgbA1 (3-6%)
– HgbA2 (2-3%)
– HgbF <1% 136
• α –Thalassemia is more common than β-Thalassemia
Beta Thal Major (Homozygous)
• Clinical findings
• Lab findings
Beta Thal Minor (Heterozygous)
• One abnormal beta gene
Alpha Thalassemia
• α -Thalassemia: characterized by decreased synthesis of α -globin chains
– classified into 4 types on the basis of deletion of one or more of the 4
alpha genes (2 on each chromosome).
– The severity of disease correlated to the number of genes deleted.
– The deletion of 4 alpha genes is fatal (frequent cause of stillbirth in
AlphaSouth East Asia)
Thal Major/Homozygous
• Deletion of all 4 alpha genes results in complete absence of alpha chain production
• No normal hemoglobin types made
• The fetal Hgb in this situation is composed of 4 gamma chains and is designated as “Bart’s
• Bart’s Hgb has high affinity for O2 and is unable to release O2 to the fetal tissues
• Known as Barts Hydrops Fetalis
• Die of hypoxia 142
Alpha Thal Intermedia = Hgb H Disease
• Three alpha genes deleted
– Moderate anemia
– Lab findings: Hgb, and red cell indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC) decreased,
– Retics increased, Hgb electrophoresis reveals Hgb-H (4-30%)
Alpha Thal Minor (Heterozygous)
• One or two alpha genes deleted (group)
– Slight decrease in alpha chain production
– Mild or no anemia, few target cells
– Essentially normal electrophoresis;
– many undiagnosed
– Vitamin B12 & folate are DNA coenzymes necessary for DNA synthesis and
normal nuclear maturation
• Only vitamin B12 deficiency causes neurological symptoms…required for myelin synthesis 145
Megaloblastic Anemia
Megaloblastic RBC maturation macrocytic red cells
• Low RBC and HGB values with mildly decreased WBC and PLT counts (fragile cells)
due to ineffective hematopoiesis
Megaloblastic Anemia Lab findings cont’d
• Advanced anemia:
• Howell-Jolly bodies, NRBCs, basophilic stippling, pappenheimer bodies and Cabot rings
• markedly increased LD levels and high bilirubin
• Iron levels due to destruction of fragile red cells in the bone marrow and blood
• Hyper segmented neutrophils (>5 lobes)
• May see giant platelets
Megaloblastic Anemia
• Clinical findings:
– Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency ‑ pale skin, weakness, smooth
sore tongue = glossitis, jaundice.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Deficiency
• Dietary deficiency – rare (except when long term deficiency especially in strict vegetarians)
• IF is a glycoprotein secreted by the parietal cells, along with HCL, and is needed to bind B12 for
absorption into the intestine.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Deficiency
• Concurrent IDA can develop due to the lack of an acid pH needed to reduce iron to Fe+2
for absorption.
• May see a dimorphic RBC population due to the production of both microcytic and
macrocytic red cells.
• MCV unreliable (falsely normal) and RDW is high.
• Competition for B12
– Diphyllobothrium latum - fish tapeworm competes for B12
– Intestinal blind loops - bacteria use B12.
• Malabsorption syndromes
– Regional enteritis - inflammation of small bowel.
– Non‑tropical sprue with steatorrhea - chronic wasting disorder.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Deficiency
• Pernicious anemia
– Characterized by achlorhydria (40%) and atrophy of the gastric parietal cells; results
in decreased IF secreted
– Pregnancy;
– Growing infants
– Disorders associated with rapid
proliferation. RBCs
– Alcoholic cirrhosis
– Malabsorption syndromes
Microcytic RBCs
Non-Megaloblastic Anemia
• Non-megaloblastic anemia is a macrocytic anemia that is not due to Vitamin B12
or folate deficiency
• Cause: example accelerated erythropoiesis
– Regenerating marrow or marked retic response following recent
blood loss
• Liver disease (including alcoholics)
– Complex & multiple problems
– Degree of anemia varies, round Macrocytes
– Target cells/acanthocytes - due to abnormal lipid metabolism.
– Echinocytes
NRBC are also commonly found on the smear in liver disease
Polychromatophilic RBCs
Wright’s stain 154
lab investigation of anemia
Normocytic/Normochromic Anemias
• Is a condition in which the size & Hgb content of RBCs is normal but the number of
RBCs is decreased.
• Due to increased RBC loss or decreased RBC production
• Majority are hemolytic caused by increased destruction due to increased RBC loss or
decreased RBC production
– Majority are hemolytic caused by increased destruction
• It includes
• Aplastic anemia due to BM failure
• Blood loss anemia
• Hemolytic anemia
• Red cell loss due to aging (1%) is compensated by daily bone marrow replacement
Hemolytic Anemias
• Classification of hemolytic anemias
– Mode of transmission:- Hereditary versus acquired
– Type of defect
• Intrinsic, the red cell is abnormal
• Extrinsic, an external agent or trauma destroys red cell
– Site of destruction
• Extravascular or Intravascular
• Compensated hemolytic disease
– RBC replacement = RBC destruction:-anemia does not develop
• Uncompensated hemolytic disease
– RBC destruction > RBC replacement by marrow
• anemia with high retic count but too low to keep up with rate of RBC loss
Hemolytic anemias
• Hemolytic anemia has the following features:
• Shortened life span of RBC b/c. , RBC breakdown occurs:
• Elevated erythropoietin that results increased erythropoisis.
• Accumulation of the products of Hgb catabolism.
• More commonly within mononuclear phagocyte system (extravascular hemolysis) which
undergoes work related hyperplasia marked by splenomegaly &
• Less commonly, lysis occur within the vascular compartment
• Anamias result from an increase in the rate of red cell destruction.
• It is characterized by premature destruction of RBC with retention of iron & other products
of destruction.
• Result from an increase in the rate of pre mature red cell destruction
• RBCs are produced in the BM but are destroyed after they enter blood stream.
Hemolytic anemias
• Bone marrow is able to increase production 6 –8 times normal in an attempt to compensate
for the losses.
• Hemolysis can occur in the absence of anemia (compensated production)
• Hemolysis is due to:
• Inherited abnormalities of RBCs
• Acquired causes
Classifications of hemolytic anemia
Mode of transmission: Hereditary versus acquired
–Type of defect:
•Intrinsic -The red cell is abnormal
•Extrinsic -An external agent or trauma destroys red cell
–Site of destruction: Extravascular or Intravascular
Causes of hemolytic anemia can be divided into three groups:
• Loss of structural integrity of red cell membrane and cytoskeleton in hereditary
spherocytosis, elliptocytosis, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), and immune
and drug-associated antibody damage.
• Defects within red cells from dysfunction of enzyme-controlled metabolism , abnormal
hemoglobin, and thalassemia
• Damage by outside factors such as mechanical trauma, microangiopathic conditions,
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and chemical toxins
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The laboratory findings in hemolytic anemia are conveniently divided in three groups
1. Features of Increased Hemoglobin Breakdown
i. Jaundice and Hyper-bilirubenemia
ii. Reduced plasma Haptoglobin and Hemopixin
iii. Increased serum LDH
iv. Haemo-globinemia
v. Hemoglobinuria
vi. Meth hemoglobinuria
vii. Haemosidrinuria
Note:Decreased serum haptoglobin is characterics of intravascular hemolysis
2. Features of Increased Red cells Production CompensatoryErythroid Hyperplasia)
i. Reticulocytosis
ii. Macrocytosis and Plychromasia
iii. Erythroid hyperplasia of marrow
iv. Radiological changes in bones (seen only in congenital anaemia)
3. Feature of Damage to Red Cell:
i. Spherocytes
ii. Increased red cells fragility
iii. Red blood cells fragmentation
H Spherocytosis
• Intrinsic defects of the RBC membrane
• Such as Hereditary Spherocytosis Polychromasia
• Severity depends on inheritance of homozygous or heterozygous state
– Homozygous = disease; both beta chains abnormal
– Heterozygous = trait; one beta chain is abnormal Sickle cells
• Hemoglobin S disorders are most common
– RBCs contain Hgb S sickle when oxygen is removed or
low pH
– Rigid sickle cells block vessels leading to organs,
increases tissue hypoxia Target cell
– Irreversibly sickled forms on blood smear Sickle Cell Disease
• Hemoglobin C disease/Hgb CC
– Two C genes inherited
• Lab findings
– Mild anemia
– Many target cells
– Intracellular C crystals
– No Hgb A, >90% Hgb C 167
Hemoglobin S Disorders
Target cell
• Hemoglobin S disease/Sickle cell anemia/Hgb SS
– Two sickle cell genes inherited
– Symptomatic by 6 months of age Sickle cell
• Clinical findings
– Vascular occlusive disease; organ damage & pain
• Laboratory findings HGB S Disease (Hgb SS)
– Severe anemia
– Targets, sickle cells C crystals
– NRBCs, inclusions
– No Hgb A, >80% Hgb S, ↑ F
Target cell
Normocytic Anemias due to Marrow Failure
• Impaired cell production and/or pancytopenia
– Normal or decreased Retic count
– Not hemolytic, normal RBC destruction tests and damaged red cells
are not evident on blood smear
• Marrow replacement anemia
– Infiltration or replacement of normal marrow cells
– Immature WBCs (neutrophils) & immature RBCs (nucleated RBCs)
escape from bone marrow
• Leuko-erythroblastic blood picture
• May result in extramedullary production
Aplastic Anemia
– Condition of blood pancytopenia caused by bone marrow failure,decreased
production of all cell lines
– Due to damaged stem cells, damaged bone marrow environment or suppression by
immune mechanisms
– No extramedullary hematopoiesis to compensate for bone marrow failure
• because the injury also affects hematopoietic cells in the liver and spleen
• Types of aplastic anemia
– Primary/idiopathic: about 50%, no cause of injury identified
– Secondary/acquired….
• Chemicals (benzene, insecticides), radiation, drugs(chloramphenicol, sulfonamides), infections
– Congenital/hereditary.Fanconi’s Anemia
• Aplasia plus dwarfism, skeletal abnormalities, mental retardation, abnormal skin pigmentation.
High association with leukemia development 170
Aplastic Anemia
• Blood findings Normal RBCs
No Platelets
– Pancytopenia
– Moderate to severe anemia with normocytic
or slight macro RBCs
• Hypocellular marrow < 30% cellularity Blood
– M:E ratio ~3:1 - no change since all cell 10X
precursors are decreased in number.
• Complications
– Bleeding & infection
• Lab findings:
– Plasma and red cells are lost (surgery/accident) so initially no change in Hgb/Hct values.
– In 12-24 hrs, fluid replacement occurs....normocytic anemia with low Hgb/Hct/RBC &
relatively normal red cell findings on the smear.
– increased WBCs (neutrophilia) and increased PLTs due to bone marrow outpouring
of WBCs and PLTs along with RBCs 172
Polycythemia vera (PV)
• Stem cell disorder, a clonal malignancy with excessive production of
mature hematopoietic cells, especially RBCs
• Refers to a pattern of blood cell changes that includes:
• An increase in Hgb above 17.5g/dl in adult males and 15.5g/dl in females
• An accompanying rise in red cell count (above 6.0 x 1012/l in males and 5.5x1012/l in
• Hematocrit (above 55% in males and 47% in females)
• The increase in red cell volume is caused by endogenous myeloproliferation
• The stem cell origin of the defect is shown in many patients by an over-production of
granulocytes and platelets as well as of red cells
• This is a disease of older subjects with equal incidence in males and females
Laboratory findings in PV
• The Hgb, Hct and red cell count are increased
• A neutrophil leukocytosis is seen in over half the patients, and some have
increased circulating basophils
• Increased platelet count is present in about half the patients
• The leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) score is usually increased above normal
Laboratory findings in PV cont’d
• The bone marrow is hypercellular with increased presence
of megakaryocytes
• Best assessed by a trephine biopsy
• Clonal cytogenetic abnormalities may occur, but there is no
single characteristic change
• Circulating erythroid progenitors increased and grow in vitro
are independently of added
• Blood viscosity is increased
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1. WBC counting…
Interpreting WBC count
1. Leukocytosis
• Acute infection, metabolic disorders, inflammation & tissue necrosis, poisoning,
leukemia, pregnancy, acute hemorrhage, etc
1. Leukopenia production failure, bonemarrow infiltration, Viral, bacterial, parasitic
infections; drugs, radiation, hypersplenism, etc
05/31/2024 177
Differential counting
In differential counting the following points should be checked:
1. Erythrocytes:
Size, shape, distribution, & degree of hemoglobinization
Presence of nucleated red cells, if so, the total leukocyte count must be corrected
2. Hemoparasites: Malaria, Borrelia, etc.
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Differential counting
Healthy Adult
Cell Type Absolute Relative
05/31/2024 179
Differential counting….
Approximately 40-75% in peripheral blood
2-5 lobes of nucleus joined by thin filament
Faint pink cytoplasm sprinkled with pink or
purple neutrophilic granules
Neutrophilia/neutrophilic leucocytosis:
• an increase neutrophils above normal (>2.0-7.0 x 10 9/L)
• Overwhelming infections
• Metabolic disorders: uremia, diabetic acidosis
• Drugs and chemicals: lead, mercury, potassium chlorate
• Physical and emotional stress
• Hematological disorders: myelogenous leukemia
• Tissue destruction or necrosis: burns, surgical operations
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Reactive Neutrophilia
Is a condition at which increased neutrophil or abnormal neutrophil
It coexist with toxic changes and multilineage abnormalities in sepsis
It occurs in bacterial infections,, drugs and inflammation
Blood findings with clinical features & chemical analysis, cytogenetic analysis
If a neoplastic disorder is suspected as the presumptive diagnostic consideration
• Leukemoid reaction needs to be differentiated from Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
• Leukocytosis with marked left shift of immature neutrophils; bands,
myelocyte, metamyelocyte
• Infection, malignancy, burn, hemolysis, hemorrhage
• Differential: chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML),reactive neutrophilia have
• Increase in granulocytes, Toxic granulation, Dohle body,
vaculation in granulocytes, increased LAP score
• a neutrophil count below 2.0 x 109/L
• Myeloid hypoplasia
• Drugs (chloramphenicol, phenylbutazone)
• Ionizing radiation
Hyper granular neutrophils (neutrophils with toxic granules):
• indicative of severe infection or other toxic conditions.
• seen in progressive muscular dystrophy
Hyper segmentation:
• neutrophils with more than six lobes to their nucleus
• indicative of megaloblastic erythropoiesis (vitamin B12 and/or folic acid deficiency),
iron deficiency anemia and uremia.
A granular Neutrophils:
• neutrophils devoid of granules
• having a pale blue cytoplasm( features of leukemia)
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5. Lymphocytes (small & large lymphocytes)
Approximately 40% in peripheral smear
Small round nucleus, clumpy, chunk chromatin pattern
• absolute lymphocyte count above 4.0 x 109/L in adults and above 8.0 x 109/L in
Seen during
• Infectious lymphocytosis associate viral infection
• Acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia
• Toxoplasmosis
. Lymphocytopenia:
• a lymphocyte count below 1.0 x 109/l in adults and below 3.0 x 109/l in children
• Seen in
• Immune deficiency disorders: HIV/AIDS
• Drugs, radiation therapy
Atypical lymphocytes:
• infectious mononucleosis
• infectious disease of the reticuloendothelial tissues
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Approximately 5% in peripheral smear
Large, convoluted, brainy looking nucleus with lacy looking
Pale, gray blue, ground glass cytoplasm (fine azurophilic granules)
• a monocyte count above 1.0 x 109/l
• Occurs during
• Recovery from acute infections
• Tuberculosis
• Monocytic leukemia
• a monocyte count below 0.2 x 109/l
• Occurs during
• Treatment with prednisone
• Hairy cell leukemia
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7. Eosinophils
Approximately 2-7% in peripheral blood
Bi-lobed or banded nucleus
Large, red-orange & distinct granules
an eosinophil count above 0.5 x 109/L
Occurs during:
• Allergic diseases: bronchial asthma, seasonal rhinitis
• Intestinal parasitic infections: e.g. trichinosis, taeniasis
• Skin disorders
• Chronic myelogenous leukemia
an eosinophil count below 0.04 x 109/L
Occurs during:
• Acute stress due to secretion of adrenal glucocorticoid and epinephrine
• Acute inflammatory states
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8. Basophils
Approximately 0-2% in peripheral blood
Nucleus is bi-lobed & obscured by granules
Cytoplasm is pale, washed out & contains intense large blue black granules
Granules are scattered throughout the cell & it is hard to distinguish any distinct
nuclear characteristics
• Basophilia
• a basophil count above 0.2 x 109/L
• Rare condition
• Occurs during:
• Allergic reactions
• Chronic myelogenous leukemia
• Polycythemia vera
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Normocytic/Normochromic Anemias due to blood loss
• Acute post‑hemorrhagic anemia - Normocytic anemia with high retics
• Lab findings:
– Plasma and red cells are lost (surgery/accident) so initially no change in Hgb/Hct values.
– In 12-24 hrs, fluid replacement occurs....normocytic anemia with low Hgb/Hct/RBC &
relatively normal red cell findings on the smear.
– In 3-5 days following hemorrhage, increased polychromasia and possibly nucRBC's; a very
high # of circulating retics may increase the MCV
– increased WBCs (neutrophilia) and increased PLTs due to bone marrow outpouring
of WBCs and PLTs along with RBCs 188
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Classification of leukemia
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Classification of Leukemia cont’d
• ALL is subdivided on a morphological basis according to the FAB classification into L 1,
L2, and L3
• A blood count and blood film is an essential first step whenever a hematological
neoplasm is suspected.
• The next step in the diagnostic process depends on the clinical features and the
specific condition that is suspected.
• It is of crucial importance that all laboratory investigations are done with an
awareness of the medical history and physical findings.
• It is also essential that a conclusion as to diagnosis is based on integrating the results
of all laboratory investigations and imaging in the context of the clinical features.
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Three important factors contribute to accurate diagnosis:
1.The provision of very detailed clinical information to laboratories
2.The correct sample, e.g. blood or bone marrow aspirate or biopsy
3 The integration of information technology across different sites dealing with diagnostic
samples from a single patient.
• It is also necessary to ensure that a diagnosis is achieved in a timely manner,
• particularly when treatment may be urgent, as in acute leukemia and aggressive
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Blood count
• The red cell indices should also be noted since macrocytosis and, less often, microcytosis can
occur in hematological neoplasms.
• The automated instrument will generally provide a differential count and ‘flags’
• indicating the likely presence of blast cells, abnormal lymphocytes or granulocyte precursors.
• Even if the blood count is normal, a blood film should be examined for the presence of
abnormal cells
• it provides strong evidence of a specific diagnosis that can be confirmed on further testing.
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CLL CML AML FAB M0 subtype
• A heterogeneous disease with respect to clinical features and acquired genetic aberrations
• Malignant proliferation of early myeloid precursor cells develops as the consequence of a series of
genetic changes in a hematopoietic precursor cell.
• These changes alter normal hematopoietic growth and differentiation, resulting in an accumulation
of large numbers of abnormal, immature myeloid cells
• are capable of dividing and proliferating, but cannot differentiate into mature hematopoietic
• Occurs at all age but more common in adult with exponential increase in incidence with over 40
• Only 10-15% of childhood leukemia are AML
• It Can occur either as a primary disease ,secondary to MDS/MPD or anti-neoplastic
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Clinical and laboratory features of AML
• Clinically AML typically presents with Short history of illness, Bruising/hemorrhage,
Serious infection involving lung and Metabolic complication.
• The morphology usually corresponds to acute myeloid leukemia with neutrophilic maturation,
• Represent 5%–12% of AML, predominance in young patients
• Blasts are 20% or greater in the marrow (or blood), and maturing neutrophilic precursors
constitute more than 10% of marrow nucleated myeloid cells
Immuno phenotype and cytochemistry
• On Immuophenotyping, all B and T lineage markers were negative
• CD34, Cd13, Cd33 and sometime CD56
• MPO positive
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Acute myeloid leukemia FAB M0 subtype
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Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL)
– Cell morphology,
– Immunophenotype ,
– Gene expression features
– Genetic abnormalities
• Some of which are associated with disease aggressiveness and treatment response
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Child hood Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
• Childhood ALL is clinically heterogeneous
• In some patients, there is a history of vague illness lasting from week to month other case may
show acute presentation
• ALL can be traced to bone marrow failure and/or leukemic cell infiltration
• The most common presenting features include:
• Mediastinal mass: 50-75 is anterior, bulky, and associated with pleural effusions
– can produce such complications: superior vena cava syndrome, tracheal obstruction, pericardial
• Some patients presenting with symptoms progressing slowly and others presenting more acutely
• patients present with extranodal disease (eg, skin, testicular, or bony involvement).
• Peripheral blood: lymphoblasts vary from small cells to larger cells (occasional)
• A few azurophilic cytoplasmic granules may be present.
• Auer rods are never seen
• Precursor T cell ALL is morphologically indistinguishable from precursor B cell .
• The blasts often show "chunky" positivity on periodic acid Schiff (PAS) staining,
• variable positivity for nonspecific esterase and sudan black B,
• Negativity for myeloperoxidase.
• lymphoblasts are typically positive for CD7 and either surface or cytoplasmic CD3, and
variably express CD2, CD5, CD1a, CD4 and/or CD8
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Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemias
05/31/2024 211
Laboratory features
• CBC:
• Marked absolute lymphocytosis (20-50X109/L)
• Variable degree of anemia
• Peripheral blood film:
• Confirms lymphocytosis
• Small matured-looking lymphocyte
• Smudge or smear cells
• Between 70% and 99% of white cells in the blood film appear as small lymphocytes
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Laboratory features
Bone marrow Aspirate:
• Normo-or hyper-cellular, with prominent lymphocytosis(typically >30%)
• Erythriod hyperplasia in the bone marrow(AIHA)
• Pure red cell aplasia
BM biopsy:
• Nodular, interstitial or diffused infiltration by small lymphocytes
• 50-100 times the normal lymphoid mass in the blood, bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes
and liver may be related to immunological non-reactivity and excessive lifespan
• The cells are a monoclonal population of B lymphocytes
• CLL cells: express CD19, Cd20, CD23, CD5, low surface membrane Ig
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Hairy cell leukemia
PBF examination:
• Hary cells’-large lymphocyte with eccentric nuclei of variable appearance, reticular
chromatin and indistinct nucleoli
• Bone marrow trephine:
• Infiltration: diffused, focal or interstitial
• Strongly positive for CD19, CD20, CD22, and CD25, and
• usually lack expression of CD5, CD10, CD21, and CD23
• CD11c, CD103, CD123, cyclin D1
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The Chronic Myeloid Leukemias
• Approximately 20% of all the leukemias and mostly seen frequently in middle age
• In over 95% of patients there is a replacement of normal bone marrow by cells with an
abnormal chromosome-the Philadelphia chromosome
• This is an abnormal chromosome 22 due to the translocation of part of a long (q) arm of
chromosome 22 to another chromosome usually 9, with translocation of part of
chromosome 9 to chromosome 22
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CML: clinical and laboratory features
05/31/2024 217
CML: clinical and laboratory features
• Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome on cytogenetic analysis of blood or bone marrow
• Hyper cellular bone marrow with granulopoietic predominance
• Variety of granulocyte abnormality
• Leukocyte MPO , AP ….. score is invariably low
• Increased circulating basophils
• Increased Cytoplasmic maturation relative nuclear maturation
• Normochromic, normocytic anemia is usual
• Platelet count may be increased (most frequently), normal or decreased
• Serum vitamin B12-binding capacity are increased
• Serum uric acid is usually raised
• Increased granular promylocyte
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• Hemostasis is complex physiological process, that keeps circulating blood in fluid state.
• When injury occurred, it produce clot to stop bleeding and confine the clot to the site of
injury, dissolve the clot as the wound heal.
• When hemostasis systems are out of balance hemorrhage or thrombosis can be life
• It involve the interaction of vasoconstriction, platelet and coagulation system activation to
stop bleeding.
• Its major component are blood vessel, platelet, coagulation proteins and its inhibitors
and fibrinolysis proteins and its inhibitors.
05/31/2024 219
• When blood vessels are damaged, hemostasis (clot formation) will
arrest bleeding.
• This process is divided into three phases :
1.Primary hemoestasis
I. Vascular Phase
Cutting or damaging blood vessels leads to vascular spasm of the
smooth muscle in the vessel wall.
Produces a vasoconstriction which will slow or stop blood flow.
Response will last up to 30 minutes.
05/31/2024 220
• Hemostasis is complex physiological process, that keeps circulating blood in fluid state.
• When injury occurred, it produce clot to stop bleeding and confine the clot to the site of
injury, dissolve the clot as the wound heal.
• When hemostasis systems are out of balance hemorrhage or thrombosis can be life
• It involve the interaction of vasoconstriction, platelet and coagulation system activation to
stop bleeding.
• Its major component are blood vessel, platelet, coagulation proteins and its inhibitors
and fibrinolysis proteins and its inhibitors.
05/31/2024 221
• When blood vessels are damaged, hemostasis (clot formation) will
arrest bleeding.
• This process is divided into three phases :
1.Primary hemoestasis
I. Vascular Phase
Cutting or damaging blood vessels leads to vascular spasm of the
smooth muscle in the vessel wall.
Produces a vasoconstriction which will slow or stop blood flow.
Response will last up to 30 minutes.
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II. Platelet phase
Damaged endothelial cells lining the blood vessel release von Willebrand's Factor.
Makes the surfaces of the endothelial cells "sticky“ and close small blood vessels.
In larger blood vessels, platelets begin to stick to the surfaces of endothelial cells and
form Platelet Adhesion
The platelets that adhere to the vessel walls secrete ADP and causes the aggregation.
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2.Coagulation Phase
• Begins 30 minute after phases one have commenced.
• The overall process involves the formation of the insoluble protein Fibrin from
Fibrinogen by the action of Thrombin.
• Fibrin forms a network of fibers which traps blood cells and platelets form clot.
• The breakdown of the clot is due to the production of a powerful proteolytic enzyme
• These reactions demonstrate that materials which induce clot formation (Thrombin and
Factor XII) will eventually assist in the breakup of the clot.
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Causes of Bleeding HEREDITARY
Hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency)
1.Vessel wall disorders Hemophilia B (factor IX deficiency)
2. Platelet disorders : von Willebrand disease
Clinical conditions related to hemorrhage due to vessel wall abnormalities
The inflammation causes blood vessels in the skin, intestines, kidneys, and
joints to start leaking.
Clinical conditions related …..cont’d
Acquired disorders
Vitamin-K deficiency = Due to deficient carboxylation of factors II, VII, IX ,X and
protein C.
Liver diseases ↓ synthesis of factors.
DIC acquired syndrome characterized by the intravascular activation of coagulation
with loss of localization arising from different causes
Oral anti coagulants.
Coagulopathy (a bleeding disorder) is a condition in which the blood’s ability to coagulate
is impaired
This condition can cause a tendency toward prolonged or excessive bleeding (bleeding
diathesis or bleeding disorder), which may occur spontaneously or following an injury or
medical and dental procedures.
Hemorrhage is a severe form of bleeding that requires intervention.
Hemorrhage may be:
acquired or congenital
Localized or generalized
mucocutaneous or a soft tissue (anatomic)
Acquired coagulopathies
Can be caused by acquired bleeding disorders secondary to:
Liver Disease
Acquired coagulopathies
Procoagulant deficiency in liver disease
Liver produces nearly all of the coagulation factors & regulatory proteins.
Acquired coagulopathies due to Liver Disease
Liver Disease affects predominantly the production of:
vitamin K–dependent factors and control proteins C, and S.
Factor VII is the first factor to exhibit decreased activity
PTis particularly sensitive to factor VII activity, & will
be prolonged in mild liver disease, serving as a sensitive early marker.
However, Vitamin K deficiency caused by dietary insufficiency produces
a similar effect on the PT.
So measuring non–vitamin K dependent factors such as factor V activity is a more
specific marker of liver disease than others.
to distinguish liver disease from vitamin K deficiency.
Perform factor V activity assay VII assay.
Acquired coagulopathies …. (Liver Disease)
Fibrinogen is an acute phase reactant that is frequently elevated in early or mild liver disease.
Moderately and severely diseased liver results in dysfibrinogenemia, in which the fibrinogen
functions poorly.
It causes generalized soft tissue bleeding associated with a prolonged thrombin time &
Reptilase clotting time.
In end-stage liver disease, the fibrinogen level may fall to less than 100 mg/dL, which
is a mark of liver failure (Fibrinogen:150-400 mg/dL
Acquired coagulopathies
Platelet abnormalities in Liver Disease
Acquired coagulopathies
Acquired coagulopathies
In acute, uncompensated DIC,
the only elevated test result may be the D-dimer assay value.
Acquired coagulopathies ………
Vitamin K Deficiency
Vitamin K is a fat soluble compound
Vitamin K serves as an essential carboxylase
that catalyzes carboxylation residues on vitamin K-dependent proteins.
The key vitamin K-dependent proteins include:
Coagulation proteins: factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX and X.
Anticoagulation proteins: proteins C, S and Z
Acquired coagulopathies ………
Vitamin K types and sources:
1) Vit K1 (Phylloquinone)
natural form
found in plants, green leafy vegetables
Hepatic insufficiency
Acquired coagulopathies
Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn Caused byVitamin K Deficiency
Newborns are prone to vitamin K deficiency because;
1. The neonatal gut is sterile.
2. Breast milk is not a good source of vitamin K.
Results in a hemorrhagic disease called vitamin K deficiency bleeding
Laboratory Diagnosis for Vitamin K Deficiency
Prolonged PT with or without a prolonged PTT.
In PT and PTT mixing studies, yields normal (corrected) PT and PTT
Factor assays depressed activity
Vitamin K administration
Congenital coagulopathies Deficiency of Factor
VIII-vWF complex
Haemophilia -A and vWF disease
Most common inherited disorders of bleeding.
Estimated frequency-1%.
clotting 62
Congenital coagulopathies
Congenital coagulopathies Hemophilia-A (Factor VIII Deficiency)
Most common hereditary disease with serious bleeding.
Congenital coagulopathies
Hemophilia-A (Factor VIII Deficiency)
Wide range of clinical severity that correlates with the level of factor VIII activity.
Explained by heterogeneity in causative mutation.
Symptoms usually develop in severe cases (factor VIII <1% of normal) – easy
bruising, massive hemorrhage after trauma or surgery
‘’Spontaneous’’ hemorrhage in areas subject to
Petechiae are characteristically absent
• Normal bleeding time, platelet count, PT and a prolonged PTT
• Insufficient generation of thrombin by
– F-IXa/VIIIa complex through the intrinsic pathway of coagulation cascade
– Bleeding severity complicated by excessive fibrinolysis
Hemophilia-B (Christmas Disease)
Factor IX deficiency.
X-linked recessive.
Hemophilia C
Factor XI Deficiency
Autosomal recessive disorder seen primarily in the Jewish population
Symptoms range from mild to severe
X-Linked Recessive Inheritance
New mutation in
germ cell
New mutation in
maternal or paternal
germ cell
Carrier female
Affected male
Normal male
Congenital coagulopathies
1. Primary: bruising and bleeding
Minor bleeds:
Symptoms of hemophilia
Major bleeds
central nervous system
severe injury
neck/throat, eye, gastrointestinal, hip, iliopsoas, late joint and muscle, testicles, and
retroperitoneum bleeds
Congenital coagulopathies
Congenital coagulopathies
Clinical severity corresponds with level of factor activity.
Severe hemophilia
Factor coagulant activity <1% of normal
Frequent spontaneous bleeding into joints and soft tissues
Prolonged bleeding with trauma or surgery
Moderate hemophilia
Factor coagulant activity 1-5% of normal
Occasional spontaneous bleeding
Excessive bleeding with surgery or trauma
Mild hemophilia
Factor coagulant activity >5% of normal
Usually no spontaneous bleeding
Excessive bleeding with surgery or trauma
Congenital coagulopathies
Clinical presentation of hemophilia
Readily diagnosed
Diagnosis based on
Family history
Physical exam
Laboratory evaluation
Congenital coagulopathies
Laboratory Diagnosis of Hemophilia A
The laboratory workup starts with the PT, PTT, and thrombin time and continues with factor
assays based on the results of the screening tests.
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation /DIC
Can be either an explosive and life-threatening bleeding or a relatively mild or
subclinical disorder.
Most frequently associated with metastatic malignancy, massive trauma, pregnancy
complications, incompatible blood transfusion or septicemia
Tentative triggering mechanisms of DIC;
Tumors and traumatized or necrotic tissue release tissue factor into the
Table. Causes of DIC
DIC Cont’d…
Early phase- Potent thrombogenic stimuli cause the deposition of small thrombi and
emboli throughout the microvasculature.
Followed by a phase of procoagulant consumption and secondary fibrinolysis
Continued fibrin formation and fibrinolysis lead to hemorrhage from the coagulation factor
and platelet depletion and the antihemostatic effects of fibrin degradation products.
Clinical presentation varies with the stage and severity of the syndrome.
Most patients have extensive skin and mucous membrane bleeding and hemorrhage from
surgical incisions or venipuncture or catheter sites.
Some patients, particularly those with chronic DIC and malignancy, have laboratory
abnormalities without any evidence of thrombosis or hemorrhage 27
Fig .Pathophysiology of DIC
Conditions that may precipitate DIC
Course of DIC
DIC: How Does It Occur?
Step 1: Out of control clotting
Causes widespread fibrin deposits in vessels of tissues and organs
Subsequent event: Hemorrhage
• Clotting proteins consumed at a high rate
– Causes multiple factor deficiencies, especially fibrinogen group
• Platelets caught in thrombi and removed
Step 2: Triggers Fibrinolytic system to remove fibrin
Results in:
• Circulating degradation products (FDPs) that interfere with
platelet function & normal clot formation
• Degradation of Factor V & VIII
DIC: How Does It Occur?
Step 3: Uncontrolled plasmin and thrombin enter circulation
– Why?
Occlusions in organs
Shock 99
DIC cont’d…
Antithrombin (AT) Deficiency
AT inhibits blood coagulation by inactivating thrombin and the other serine proteases, i.e.,
factors XIIa, XIa, Xa, and IXa.
Disorder is inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder.
There are two types of AT deficiencies: type I and type II.
Type I is a quantitative disorder & Type II is a qualitative disorder
Deficiency of AT is associated with recurrent venous thrombosis
Thrombotic event may be primary or may be followed by another risk factor such as
pregnancy, surgery, or any other acquired factors.
Acquired AT deficiency may be associated with DIC, liver disease, nephrotic syndrome,
oral contraceptives and pregnancy.
• Specimen of choice is venous whole blood collected by venipuncture and mixed 9:1 with
a 3.2% sodium citrate anticoagulant.
• whole blood for platelet function and platelet-poor plasma for coagulation test.
• Patients need not fast for hemostasis testing.
• Drugs such as aspirin &warfarin (Coumadin) affect the outcomes of coagulation tests;
therefore the phlebotomist should attempt to record all drugs the patient is currently
• Coagulation tests are performed on 3.2% citrated plasma,
• Platelets are not included in most coagulation tests
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• Hemolyzed samples cannot be tested (free hemoglobin activates platelets and in
vitro clotting).
• Lipemic samples, samples from patients receiving intravenous fat emulsions or
from patients with very high bilirubin levels and
– those with low fibrinogen concentrations may give erratic results.
• Do not refrigerate any blood sample sent for coagulation testing other than
• Serum does not reflect the in vivo state of circulating blood (Serum
contains no fibrinogen, or factors V, VIII or XIII.).
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Coagulation and bleeding Tests
Screening tests:
Specific tests:
•Bleeding Time-Platelet & Blood vessel function •Factor assays–hemophilia.
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1. Platelet Function Test
Initial approach to diagnosing platelet dysfunction:
• When investigating suspected bleeding disorder, before choosing the laboratory tests to be undertaken,
• it is essential to obtain: a detailed clinical condition, family history and Perform aphysical examination.
• The laboratory evaluation of platelet dysfunction should always include some basic clotting tests:
• Once the clinician suspects a platelet defect, it is always important to exclude thrombocytopenia as a
primary cause of bleeding by performing a full CBC of then in conjunction with ablood-film examination.
• The blood film can give valuable information about platelet size, granule content and number
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Bleeding Time (BT)
• The bleeding time is a measure of vascular ,platelet plug formation and platelet integrity.
• It is measured by determining the time required for bleeding to stop from small
subcutaneous vessels that have been severed by a standardized incision.
• It involves making a puncture wound in a superficial area of the skin and monitoring the
time needed for bleeding to stop
• It is an in vivo screening examination for the interaction between platelets and the blood
vessel wall.
Occasionally, the bleeding time test will be ordered on a patient scheduled for surgery.
Clinical significance of Bleeding time
Diagnosis (particularly of platelet disorders)
Prediction of clinically important bleeding
Assessment of the adequacy of various forms of therapy.
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Four procedures for determining the bleeding time:
1.The Duke method.
• This is the oldest and easiest method which is performed by puncturing the earlobe
or finger with a lancet.
2.The Ivy Method.
• a blood pressure cuff is placed on the upper arm and inflated to 40 mmHg to control
capillary tone and to improve the sensitivity and reproducibility
3.The Mielke Method.
• The blade is placed in a special handle containing a gauge in order to standardize the
depth of the incision.
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4.The Simplate or Surgicutt Method.
IV. Template/Simplate / Surgicutt Method
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• Normal Values
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The bleeding time is dependent upon
The efficiency of tissue fluid in accelerating the coagulation process
Capillary function
The number of blood platelets present and their ability to form a platelet plug
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2. Tests of the Coagulation Cascade:
• Coagulation time is the time required for a measured amount of blood to clot under certain
specified conditions
• Clinical tests of coagulation are functional assays that evaluate the rate of clot formation
from the time that the coagulation cascade is activated
• These tests are commonly used to identify defects of the extrinsic, intrinsic, and final
common pathways of the coagulation cascade so that more advanced testing can be done
to identify specific defects
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Laboratory Investigations of Coagulation System
• Coagulation time
• Prothrombin time (PT)
• Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
• Thrombin time (TT)
• International Normalization ratio (INR)
• Reptilase time
• Mixing tests.
• Fibrinogen assay
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Coagulation time
• is the time required for a sample of blood to coagulate in vitro under standard conditions
1. For the clot formation prothrombin is converted into thrombin
2. Thrombin converts soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin
3. For this process clotting factors are needed along with calcium
4. Also assisted by the factors produced by platelets and damaged tissue.
5. So clotting time is the time needed for the generation of thrombin from the complex
system of clotting
6. When there is any deficiency in these factors, will lead to prolonged clotting time
7. Now, it is rarely used because of the variation, instead, the clotting factors are
more accurate.
• Clotting Time is done on a fresh sample of blood and the patient needed to be in
the lab.
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3. Two minute after puncture happened break a small piece of capillary tube and separated the
two halves slowly .
4. Repeated this procedure at 30 second intervals for clotting and see for fibrin threads
the normal case clotting begins 1- 8 minutes 295
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If you don't see fibrin, leave all tubes in water bath for 1/2 min and see the clot formation.
7. Stop the watch immediately if you see the fibrin (clotting)
Normal range of clotting time is 5-11 minutes (usually 6-7 minute at 37OC).
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2.1. Screening Tests
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International normalized ratio (INR)
• PT test may also be called an INR test.
• INR stands for a way of standardizing the results of prothrombintime tests, no matter the
testing method.
• Results understood in the same way even when they come from different labs and
different test methods.
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International normalized ratio (INR)
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Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
• Principle: Measures the clotting time of plasma after the
activation of contact factors and PL & Ca but without added
tissue thromboplastin.
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Thrombin Time
• Principle
• Thrombin is added to plasma and the clotting time is measured.
• TT is affected by the concentration and reaction of fibrinogen and
by the presence of inhibitory substances including fibrinogen/fibrin
degradation products(FDPs) and heparin
• •Normal range:15–19 sec.
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Clinical Significance
• markedly prolonged in the presence of heparin or direct thrombin inhibitors such as dabigatran. .
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