Geographical Introduction Revision
Geographical Introduction Revision
Geographical Introduction Revision
Hello Year 7!
I hope you had a good break.
When completing your Geography work, please work your way through the
powerpoint slides/PDF slides where tasks have been provided.
You may wish to complete your work on lined paper and take a picture
afterwards of what you have done. Another option is to write your answers on
the Microsoft word document named ‘Geography worksheet’ provided on
Microsoft teams – it is entirely up to you!
Miss Scarth
Complete the Do Now activity
Q Question
1 What is human geography?
2 What is physical Geography?
3 What is environmental Geography?
4 What does social mean?
5 What does economic mean?
6 What does environmental mean?
7 What does the UK stand for?
Learning Objectives:
1. You will be able to identify the topics you have learnt Physical
2. You will be able to Describe the topics you have learnt
3. You will be able to explain the topics you have learnt
2– A compass are important to show us which way we are going. T A good way to remember these points is a saying "Never East Shredded Wheat"
Map Skills There 8 compass points to read from. Reading a compass clockwise > north > north east > east > south east > south > south west > west > north west >
Contour lines > imaginary lines on maps > show how high land is above sea level > lines close together on map means land is steep in real life
Measuring Distance on a map > To measure the straight-line distance is easy > You get a ruler and simply measure the distance between the
two points > Then compare it to the scale at the bottom of the map page to find out how far it is in real life..
grid references > used to find places on maps Golden rule for reading a grid reference is > ‘Bottom left corner, along the corridor, up the stairs’.
Grid reference of star is > 4733
3 – Global Capital City - often the largest city and where the government is located
Geography City - is a large human settlement. It can be defined as a permanent and densely settled place
Country - a nation with its own government, occupying a territory
Continent - any of the world's main continuous expanses of land
4 – UK and British Isles - 5 nations > Scotland (capital Edinburgh), England (capital London), Wales (capital Cardiff), Northern Ireland (capital
Europe Belfast), Republic of Ireland (capital Dublin)
Great Britain - 3 nations > Scotland (capital Edinburgh), England (capital London), Wales (capital Cardiff)
United Kingdom - 4 nations > Scotland (capital Edinburgh), England (capital London), Wales (capital Cardiff), Northern Ireland
(capital Belfast)
Seas around the British Isles - North Sea (east of England), English Channel (south of England), Irish Sea (west of England),
Atlantic Ocean (west of British Isles)
Europe - continent > large area of land > north of Equator > bordered by Arctic Ocean and Atlantic Ocean > countries such as the
UK, Norway and Spain are located in the continent of Europe
European Union - a group of 27 countries following similar laws à the UK left the EU on the 31st January 2020 (BREXIT)
5 – Lines of Latitude - imaginary horizontal lines around the Earth à show how far north or south a place is from Equator
Latitude Longitude - imaginary vertical lines around the Earth > show how far east or west a place is from Prime Meridian
and Equator - line of latitude > separates Northern Hemisphere from Southern Hemisphere > 0° latitude
Longitude Tropic of Cancer - line of latitude > north of Equator > 23.5° N
Tropic of Capricorn - line of latitude > south of Equator > 23.5° S
Prime Meridian - line of longitude > separates Eastern Hemisphere from Western Hemisphere > 0° longitude
Northern Hemisphere - everything north of Equator
Southern Hemisphere - everything south of Equator
6 – Cycles The Rock Cycle - There are three main types of rock: igneous (for example, basalt and granite), sedimentary
(for example, limestone, sandstone and shale) and metamorphic (for example, slate and marble). Rocks are
continually changing because of processes such large earth movements and are recycled over millions of years.
The Water Cycle - The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or the hydrological cycle, describes
the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth
The Nutrient Cycle - The nutrient cycle is nature's recycling system. Materials such as carbon, nitrogen
and water are recycled in the ecosystem. When organisms die, decomposition will recycle minerals and
nutrients back to the environment.
Revision Resource
Your task is to create a revision resource summing up your learning on Geographical skills!You
may wish to create the following:
A mind map
A powerpoint presentation
A poster
A quiz
UK Australia
Russia Africa
Asia Ethiopia
Nepal Tunisia
Japan South America
Where do we live?
Cardiff London
5–9 1-12 down on your sheet, what are these
10 - 12 continents and oceans
Self Assessment
Name the Continents Name the Oceans
1. Africa 8. Arctic
2. Antarctica 9. Atlantic
3. Asia 10. Indian
4. Australia 11. Pacific
5. Europe 12. Southern
6. North America
7. South America 5–9
10 - 12
• I Identify what is in the image
• D Describe what is in the image
• L Explain what is in the image
• E Locate throughout (foreground, background, left and right)
I Identify what is in the image TASK: In your books complete the following
D Describe what is in the image
L Explain what is in the image sentences:
E Locate throughout (foreground, In the image there are…in the foreground… and
background, left and right) in the background there is….
Furthermore there is…
This suggests that…
Investigate what the lines of longitude and latitude are and how they are used.