Unit No. 5 Maintenance Logistic Slideshare
Unit No. 5 Maintenance Logistic Slideshare
Unit No. 5 Maintenance Logistic Slideshare
After codifying the spare parts and assigning stock location numbers, all the
users should be made aware of and should be supplied with the relevant
codes and stock location numbers in the form of a spare parts catalogue. The
spare parts catalogue should contain the following information:
Spare parts codification plan
Spare part code
Spare part description
Drawing number
Manufacturer's code & part number
Stock location number.
The spare parts catalogue may be produced in sufficient copies so as to
make available for all the users such as the maintenance personnel, stores
personnel and purchase personnel. This is a very important aspect often
neglected in the organisation.
Physical access and space limitation- This may call for jobs like removing covers,
guards, stoppers or cutting a portion machine housing etc for better approach,
Facilities for disposal of water, oil, gases and hazardous materials which may leak
or come out during dismantling.
Space for keeping the dismantled parts and safety enclosures for machine under
Maintenance Planning & Scheduling
• Steps of Job Planning
3. Identify and document the work. Knowing earlier two
steps and knowing the needs of preventive, predictive and
other maintenance jobs, a complete job/ work list is made.
Pending and leftover jobs from previous schedules may
also be included. The planner often consults concerned
operating and maintenance personnel and PdM and CBM
inspectors also for any special problema and cross-
checking. A trained planner may review the inspection
results for common problems (eg misalignment, imbalance
etc) and also not so common problems (e.g. resonance etc).
Maintenance Planning & Scheduling
• Steps of Job Planning
4. Development of Repair Plan. Preparation of step-by-step procedures
which would accomplish the work with the most economical use of time,
manpower and material. It may include making of sketches, line diagrams
and rough networks etc. For first time jobs, provision of still and video
photography can also be planned before starting the job and during critical
dismantling Weight of each item to be determined estimated before hand and
planning should be done to avoid double or multiple handling of the same
item. The total job should be broken in small measurable activities at this
Fig. 7.1 shows a sample plan for a small job of changing V belt of blower-
X. In the figure SH-1 means Store House No. 1. Cost column can be filled at
initial planning stage or, better, an review stage, after knowing exactly the
number of parts changed.
Maintenance Planning & Scheduling
• Steps of Job Planning
5. Preparation of Tools, Tackles & Facilities List. In smaller
plans, like Fig. 7.1, this can be done in the plan sheet itself,
but for bigger jobs, a separate list may be attached indicating
the needs of special tools, tackles and facilities needed, with
sketches etc, such as special porter bar and other lifting
tackles, arranging special long boom crane and transfer cars,
special torque wrenches and big spanners etc. Advance
action has to be taken for most of these. Surveying
equipments may also have to be arranged to mark the level
of machine foundations (if earlier markings are not seen)
before dismantling.
Maintenance Planning & Scheduling
• Steps of Job Planning
• 6. Estimation of Time Required to do the Job, For smaller
jobs, as shown in Fig 7.1, as easier, but for bigger jobs it may
need knowledge of "work simplification", "work measurement"
and Critical path analysis etc.
• Job Manuals are almost permanent about methodologies, tools,
tackles and facilities for all
Different types of schedules are made suiting the respective job plans and
different techniques
used for making and following those schedules. The first step of all scheduling is
to break the job
into small measurable elements, called activities and to arrange them in logical
sequences considering
preceding activities and concurrent activities can start together, Arranging these
activities in different fashion makes different types of schedules. The schedules
may be Weekly General Schedule, Daily Schedule, Gantt Chart, Bar Chart,
PERT network and CPM or CPA schedules etc.
• Daily Schedule