Development Combined
Development Combined
Development Combined
Individual Perspective- National Perspective -
• What you would What a country should be
like to do in future? like?
• How should people live
• How you would together?
like to live? • Can life be better for
• What are the all?
essential things we • How should people live
require? together?
• Can there be more
What is economic
What is economic
• Economic development usually refers to
• a sustained increase in real per Capita
• transition from agriculture-based to
industry-based economy,
• adoption of new technologies,
• and general improvement in living
What is the difference
between development
and growth?
Development Growth
Development vs Growth
Improvement in circumstances Increase in size and numbers
Has qualitative measure Has quantitative measures
Encompasses overall changes Involves increase in size and
including growth and other numbers.
progressive changes
Example: Living standards, Example: GDP, PER CAPITA
poverty, health facilities INCOME,HDI INDEX
Different Indicators of development
Per capita income, also known as income per person, is the average
income of the people in a country or city. It is calculated by taking
the total income of the country divided by its total population
PCI –AS PER 2019