Asperger Syndrome
Asperger Syndrome
Asperger Syndrome
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects the way a person communicates and relates to people around them. A person who has autism is said to have Autistic spectrum disorder ASD. This is because the symptoms of autism can vary from person to person, and can range from mild to very severe. Asperser's syndrome is an ASD, on the mild end of the spectrum.
Asperser's syndrome-It is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by deficit in social interaction, motor c00rdination and restricted pattern of interest.
genetic causes are also reported in some of the cases. These are-Pre-natal Exposure to viral infection.
-Impairment in establishing peer relationship. Delay in social interaction and participation. -Restricted pattern of behavior. -Inflexibility or rigidity, sticking to a set, sometimes non-functional routine, repetitive motor movement etc.
EpidemiologyEpidemiological study shows-Prevalence- 7- 17 per 10,000 of children. -Age- 4 to 16 years. -Sex-Mostly male children are affected. -75% of AS affected children having concomitant mental retardation. -Recent study from United Kingdom found the prevalence of ASD is 63 per 10,000.
There is no such a specific treatment or cure for AS. All the interventions are symptomatic- These are1-Special education measures like audio visual projectors. 2-Drama Classes. 3-Supported Employment Scheme for rehabilitation. 4-Individual task. 5-Medication for concomitant symptoms. 6-Family support. 7-Psychosocial and psychoedutational measures. 8-Parent education and training for better parenting and care. 9-language therapy. 10-Sensory integration training usually performed by occupational therapist.
Many of national and international institute like NIH and others are sponsoring research to understand what causes AS and how it can be effectively treated. There are 2 study-
One study is using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to show how abnormalities in particular area of brain causes changes in brain function that result in the symptoms of AS and other ASDs. Second study include a clinical trial testing the effectiveness of an Anti-depresent in individual and with AS and High Functioning Autism who exhibits high level of obsessive and ritualistic behavior and long-range study to collect and analyze DNA samples from a large group of children with AS and HFA and their families to identify genes and genetic interaction that are linked to AS and HFA.
1- The Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Asperser Syndrome are mostly due to genetic changes . 2- Behavioral and occupational therapy are the effective way to treat the AS and ASDs.
-- from-Public health