Peer Counseling in An Academic Setting
Peer Counseling in An Academic Setting
Peer Counseling in An Academic Setting
October 6, 2023
As a student, who do
you first approach
when you find that
you have a problem or
when you are worried
about something?
A friend or a
trusted adult?
Peer counseling is a
helping process that
PEER involves one-on-one
COUNSELING interaction or interaction
between members of a
group, who have several
things in common.
•Conflict resolution
•Building confidence and self-esteem,
•Academic difficulties, exam stress
•Adjustment issues with teachers, other students
•Issues adjusting to hostel life
•Ragging, bullying and many more.
•Active listening skills,
without being intrusive
Even with the •Empathy and sensitivity
training, a student •They must keep the
student's information
should have certain
confidential, not gossip
qualities to become about it
a peer counselor. •Good communication skills
and the ability to dig deep
into a student's psyche
•Amiable in nature 8
Innately interested in helping the other student
with their issues.
Peer counselors gain too
• Students can list peer • Teaches leadership skills.
counseling experience in • Helps them learn empathy,
their resume when applying respect and other life skills.
to such institutions.
• Increases their self esteem
and problem-solving skills.
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Effective Counselling Skills
Core Counselling
Core listening skills are basic counselling skills, or practiced techniques, that help the counsellor to empathetically listen to the speaker.
Skills include:
active listening
being aware of nonverbal communication
building rapport
The core counselling skills
Attending in counselling means being in the
company of someone else and giving that
person your full attention, to what they are
saying or doing, valuing them as worthy
Presentation Title 17
Reflecting in counselling is part of the ‘art of
listening’. It is making sure that the client knows
their story is being listened to.
This is achieved by the helper/counsellor by
both repeating and feeding a shorter version of
their story back to the client. This known as
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Questions in counselling are classed as a basic
skill. The counsellor uses open questions to clarify
his or her understanding of what the client is
Leading questions are to be avoided as they can
impair the counselling relationship.
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Focusing in counselling involves making decisions about
what issues the client wants to deal with.
The client may have mentioned a range of issues and
problems and focusing allows the counsellor and client
together to clear away some of the less important
surrounding material and concentrate on the central
issues of concern.
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Building rapport with clients in counselling is
important, whatever model of counselling the
counsellor is working with.
Rapport means a sense of having a connection
with the person.
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Summaries in counselling are longer
paraphrases. They condense or crystallise the
essence of what the client is saying and feeling.
The summary 'sums up' the main themes that are
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Using immediacy means that the therapist reveals how they
themselves are feeling in response to the client.
According to Feltham and Dryden (1993: 88), immediacy
is ‘the key skill of focusing attention on the here and now
relationship of counsellor and client with helpful timing, in
order to challenge defensiveness and/or heighten
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