Sample Standard Deviation Control Chart
Sample Standard Deviation Control Chart
Sample Standard Deviation Control Chart
The reader should note that the standard deviation, σ0, is the same as the value obtained
from the range in the preceding section.
Using the standard values of X0 bar = 6.40 and σ0 = 0.038, the revised control limits are
Control limits are usually established at 3 standard deviations from the central line. They
are used as a basis to judge whether there is evidence of lack of control.
The choice of 3σ limits is an economic one with respect to two types of errors that can
One error, called Type I by statisticians, occurs when looking for an assignable cause of
variation, when in reality a chance cause is present.
When the limits are set at 3 standard deviations, a Type I error will occur 0.27% (3 out of
1000) of the time.
In other words, when a point is outside the control limits, it is assumed to be due to an
assignable cause, even though it would be due to a chance cause 0.27% of the time. We
might think of this situation as “guilty until proven innocent.”
The other type error, called Type II, occurs when assuming that a chance cause of
variation is present, when in reality there is an assignable cause.
In other words, when a point is inside the control limits, it is assumed to be due to a chance
cause, even though it might be due to an assignable cause.
We might think of this situation as “innocent until proven guilty.” Table 6-4 illustrates the
difference between the Type I and Type II errors.
If control limits are established at, say, ±2.5 standard deviations, Type I errors would
increase and Type II decrease.
Abundant experience since 1930 in all types of industry indicates that 3σ limits provide an
economic balance between the costs resulting from the two types of errors.
Unless there are strong practical reasons for doing otherwise, the ±3 standard deviation
limits should be used.
When a process is in control, only chance causes of variation are present. Small variations
in machine performance, operator performance, and material characteristics are expected
and are considered to be part of a stable process.
When a process is in control, certain practical advantages accrue to the producer and
(1) Individual units of the product or service will be more uniform - or, stated another way,
there will be less variation and fewer rejections.
(2) Because the product or service is more uniform, fewer samples are needed to judge the
quality. Therefore, the cost of inspection can be reduced to a minimum. This advantage is
extremely important when 100% conformance to specifications is not essential.
(3) The process capability or spread of the process is easily attained from 6σ. With a knowledge
of process capability, a number of reliable decisions relative to specifications can be made, such
as (a) to decide the product or service specifications or requirements, (b) to decide the amount
of rework or scrap when there is insufficient tolerance, and (c) to decide whether to produce the
product to tight specifications and permit interchangeability of components or to produce the
product to loose specifications and use selective matching of components.
(4) Trouble can be anticipated before it occurs, thereby speeding up production by avoiding
rejections and interruptions.
(5) The percentage of product that falls within any pair of values may be predicted with the
highest degree of assurance. For example, this advantage can be very important when adjusting
filling machines to obtain different percentages of items below, between, or above particular
(6) It permits the consumer to use the producer’s data and, therefore, to test only a few
subgroups as a check on the producer’s records. The X bar and R charts are used as
statistical evidence of process control.
(7) The operator is performing satisfactorily from a quality viewpoint. Further improvement in
the process can be achieved only by changing the input factors: materials, equipment,
environment, and operators. These changes require action by management.
When only chance causes of variation are present, the process is stable and predictable over
time, as shown in Figure 6-10 (a). We know that future variation as shown by the dotted
curve will be the same, unless there has been a change in the process due to an assignable
A process can also be considered out of control even when the points fall inside the 3s
This situation occurs when unnatural runs of variation are present in the process.
First, let’s divide the control chart into 6 equal standard deviation bands in the same
manner as Figure 6-9.
For identification purposes the bands are labeled A, B, and C zones, as shown in Figure 6-
12 .
It is not natural for seven or more consecutive points to be above or below the central line
as shown in Figure 6-12 (a).
Also, when 10 out of 11 points or 12 out of 14 points, etc., are located on one side of the
central line, it is unnatural. Another unnatural run occurs at (b), where six points in a row
are steadily increasing or decreasing.
In Figure 6-12 (c) we have two out of three points in a row in zone A and at (d) four out of
five points in a row in zone B and beyond. There are many statistical possibilities, with the
four common ones being shown in the figure.
Actually, any significant divergence from the natural pattern as shown in Figure 6-9 would
be unnatural and would be classified as an out-of-control condition.
Rather than divide the space into three equal zones of 1 standard deviation, a simplified
technique would divide the space into two equal zones of 1.5 standard deviations.
The process is out of control when there are two successive points at 1.5 standard
deviations or beyond.
The simplified rule makes for greater ease of implementation by operators without
drastically sacrificing power.
10 It is shown in Figure 6-13 and replaces the information of Figures 6-12 (c) and (d).
(1) CHANGE OR JUMP IN LEVEL: This type is concerned with a sudden change in level to
the X bar chart, to the R chart, or to both charts. Figure 6-14 illustrates the change in level.
For an X bar chart, the change in the process average can be due to
a. An intentional or unintentional change in the process setting
b. A new or inexperienced operator
c. A different material
d. A minor failure of a machine part
Some causes for a sudden change in the process spread or variability as shown on the R
chart are
a. Inexperienced operator
b. Sudden increase in gear play c. Greater variation in incoming material
Sudden changes in level can occur on both the X and the R charts.
This situation is common during the beginning of control chart activity, prior to the attainment
of a state of control.
There may be more than one assignable cause, or it may be a cause that could affect both
charts, such as an inexperienced operator.
A steady change in level or trend on the R chart is not as common as on the X chart.
It does, however, occur, and some possible causes are
(a) An improvement in operator skill (downward trend)
(b) A decrease in operator skill due to fatigue, boredom, inattention, etc. (upward trend)
(c) A gradual improvement in the homogeneity of incoming material
(3) RECURRING CYCLES: When the plotted points on an X or R chart show a wave or
periodic high and low points, it is called a cycle. A typical recurring out-of-control pattern is
shown in Figure 6-16.
For an X bar chart, some of the causes of recurring cycles are
(a) The seasonal effects of incoming material
(b) The recurring effects of temperature and humidity (cold morning start-up)
(c) Any daily or weekly chemical, mechanical, or psychological event
(d) The periodic rotation of operators
The out-of-control pattern of a recurring cycle sometimes goes unreported because of the
inspection cycle.
Thus, a cyclic pattern of a variation that occurs approximately every 2 h could coincide with
the inspection frequency.
Therefore, only the low points on the cycle are reported, and there is no evidence that a
cyclic event is present.
(4)TWO POPULATIONS (ALSO CALLED MIXTURE): When there are a large number of
points near or outside the control limits, a two-population situation may be present. This type
of out-of-control pattern is illustrated in Figure 6-17.
For an X chart the out-of-control pattern can be due to
(a) Large differences in material quality
(b) Two or more machines on the same chart
(c) Large differences in test method or equipment
Some causes for an out-of-control pattern on an R chart are due to
(a) Different operators using the same chart
(b) Materials from different suppliers
The causes given for the different types of out-of-control patterns are suggested
possibilities and are not meant to be all-inclusive.
These causes will give production and quality personnel ideas for the solution of problems.
They can be a start toward the development of an assignable cause checklist, which is
applicable to their particular organization.
When out-of-control patterns occur in relation to the lower control limit of the R chart, it is
the result of outstanding performance.
The cause should be determined so that the outstanding performance can continue.
Calculations of the average for both the individual values and for the subgroup averages are
the same, X bar = 38.9.
However, the sample standard deviation of the individual values (s) is 4.16, whereas the
sample standard deviation of the subgroup average (sXbar) is 2.77.
If there are a large number of individual values and subgroup averages, the smooth polygons
of Figure 18 would represent their frequency distributions if the distribution is normal.
The curve for the frequency distribution of the averages is a dashed line, whereas the curve
for the frequency distribution of individual values is a solid line.
In comparing the two distributions, it is observed that both distributions are normal in shape;
in fact, even if the curve for individual values were not quite normal, the curve for averages
would be close to a normal shape.
The base of the curve for individual values is about twice as large as
If the population from which samples are taken is not normal, the distribution of sample
averages will tend toward normality provided that the sample size, n, is at least 4.
This tendency gets better and better as the sample size gets larger.
Furthermore, the standardized normal can be used for the distribution of averages with the
The central limit theorem is one of the reasons the X bar chart works,
in that we do not need to be concerned if the distribution of X’s is not
normal, provided that the sample size is 4 or more.
Figure 20 shows the results of a dice experiment.
First is a distribution of individual rolls of a six-sided die; second is a
distribution of the average of rolls of two dice.
The distribution of the averages (X bar) is unimodal, symmetrical,
and tapers off at the tails.
This experiment provides practical evidence of the validity of the
central limit theorem.
The true process capability cannot be determined until the X bar and
R charts have achieved the optimal quality improvement without a
substantial investment for new equipment or equipment modification.
Process capability is equal to 6σ0 when the process is in statistical
In Example Problem 1 for the X bar and R charts, the quality
improvement process began in January with σ0 = 0.038.
The process capability is 6σ = (6)(0.038) = 0.228 mm.
By July, σ0 = 0.030, which gives a process capability of 0.180 mm.
This is a 20% improvement in the process capability, which in most
situations will be sufficient to solve a quality problem.
This chart is mathematically equal to the X bar chart and has the added
advantage of simpler calculations.
Only addition and subtraction are required.
Figure 28 Subgroup Sum Chart
where D5 and D6 are factors for determining the 3σ control limits based on
RMd and are found in Table 7.
An estimate of the population standard deviation can be obtained from σ =
RMd ÷ D3.
TABLE 7 Factors for Computing 3σ Control Limits for
Median and Range Charts from the Median Range
The principal benefits of the median chart are as follows: (1) there is
less arithmetic, (2) it is easier to understand, and (3) it can be easily
maintained by operators.
However, the median chart fails to grant any weight to extreme values
in a subgroup.
When these charts are maintained by operating personnel, a subgroup
size of 3 is recommended. For example, consider the three values 36,
39, and 35.
The Md is 36 and R is 4 - all three values are used. Figure 31 is an
example of a median chart.
Another chart that has the ability to detect small shifts in the process
average is called the cusum chart.
It is more difficult to understand and calculate, and it does not react as
well as the EWMA chart to large shifts. Details are given in Juran’s
Quality Control Handbook.
Actually, the control limits for the first few samples use different equations; however,
the control limit values increase rapidly to their limiting values as determined by the
equations given above.