This document discusses grain molds that can infect corn, including Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Diplodia species. It describes the life cycles and symptoms caused by these fungi, as well as the mycotoxins they can produce like aflatoxin, fumonisin, and vomitoxin. Key recommendations to manage grain molds and reduce mycotoxin contamination include planting resistant hybrids, minimizing plant stress and mechanical damage, ensuring proper storage conditions of temperature and moisture, sanitizing storage facilities, and controlling insects.
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This document discusses grain molds that can infect corn, including Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Diplodia species. It describes the life cycles and symptoms caused by these fungi, as well as the mycotoxins they can produce like aflatoxin, fumonisin, and vomitoxin. Key recommendations to manage grain molds and reduce mycotoxin contamination include planting resistant hybrids, minimizing plant stress and mechanical damage, ensuring proper storage conditions of temperature and moisture, sanitizing storage facilities, and controlling insects.
This document discusses grain molds that can infect corn, including Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Diplodia species. It describes the life cycles and symptoms caused by these fungi, as well as the mycotoxins they can produce like aflatoxin, fumonisin, and vomitoxin. Key recommendations to manage grain molds and reduce mycotoxin contamination include planting resistant hybrids, minimizing plant stress and mechanical damage, ensuring proper storage conditions of temperature and moisture, sanitizing storage facilities, and controlling insects.
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This document discusses grain molds that can infect corn, including Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Diplodia species. It describes the life cycles and symptoms caused by these fungi, as well as the mycotoxins they can produce like aflatoxin, fumonisin, and vomitoxin. Key recommendations to manage grain molds and reduce mycotoxin contamination include planting resistant hybrids, minimizing plant stress and mechanical damage, ensuring proper storage conditions of temperature and moisture, sanitizing storage facilities, and controlling insects.
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Grain Molds and
Mycotoxins in Corn
Dr.Kedar Karki Grain Mold Pathogens
• Molds are fungi that grow by producing
long filaments called hyphae (Figure 1). In general, hyphae are important to the survival and dispersal of fungi. Hyphal growth allows the fungus to colonize a food source (e.g., a corn kernel) as well as to grow from one food source to another; e.g., from root to root through soil or from one kernel to an adjacent kernel in a pile of stored grain Grain Mold Pathogens
• It is usually masses of spores that give the
mold a characteristic color. Spores are dispersed passively by wind and rain. Insects can serve as vectors of these fungi usually by transporting the spores on the surface of their bodies; this is particularly important within grain storage bins. Grain Mold Pathogens
• Managing grain storage insects can
reduce contamination by grain molds and mycotoxins. Most species of grain mold fungi are well adapted to the conditions of grain production and postharvest handling and storage. Grain Mold Pathogens
• They can survive long periods in storage
facilities making sanitation of the facility an important part of a grain mold management plan. Grain Mold Pathogens
• The most striking external symptom of
grain mold is the presence of the mold itself. The degree of growth on the kernels and the appearance of the mold (e.g., color and density) varies with the species of mold, the quality of the grain being colonized, and the prevailing environmental conditions Grain Mold Pathogens
• Aspergillus species tend to be more prevalent
when there is drought during the latter half of the growing season. Fusarium verticillioides is associated with a high proportion of corn kernels under most growing conditions but Fusarium ear and grain mold develops more often when cool wet weather during silking is followed by hot dry weather. Gibberella grain mold is more prevalent in hybrids with tight husks. Unlike F. verticillioides, F. graminearum is rarely seed- borne. Common Grain Molds • Fusarium Grain Mold Fusarium grain mold is probably the most common grain mold pathogen in Nebraska. It is caused by three seed- borne species of Fusarium: F. verticillioides, F. proliferatum, and F. subglutinans. The role of seed-borne inoculum to the development of grain mold is uncertain. Disease symptoms and severity vary with hybrid genetics and environmental conditions. Moldy kernels may be clumped at the tip of the ear or randomly dispersed across the entire ear. Infected kernels may be pink or show a white starburst pattern radiating from the top of the kernel. Gibberella Grain Mold
• Gibberella grain mold is also common in
Nebraska. It is caused by the fungus Gibberella zeae; the asexual stage of the pathogen is Fusarium graminearum. Unlike F. verticillioides, F. graminearum is rarely seed-borne. Disease symptoms and severity vary with hybrid genetics and environmental conditions. Infected kernels are usually clumped at the tip of the ear and the mold is reddish in color. Penicillium Grain Mold • Penicillium grain mold is probably the second most common grain mold pathogen in Nebraska. It may be caused by several species of Penicillium, including P. oxalicum and P. chrysogenum. Which species is the most prevalent in Nebraska is unknown. Penicillium species are well adapted to survival in many types of storage facility. Kernel infection can occur in the field or in storage. Symptoms range from external mold development to internal discoloration ("Blue Eye") of the embryo. Symptoms caused by Penicillium are easy to confuse with those caused by Aspergillus glaucus. Aspergillus Grain Mold
• Aspergillus grain mold is probably the least
common grain mold pathogen in Nebraska. At least three species of Aspergillus can cause grain mold in corn, including A. flavus, A. parasiticus, and A. glaucus. Like Penicillium species, Aspergillus species are very well adapted to survival in many types of storage facility. Infection of kernels can occur in the field or in storage. Also like Penicillium, symptoms range from mold development on the surface of kernels to internal discoloration ("Blue Eye") of the embryo. Fusarium Penicillium Diplodia Mycotoxins
• The nature of the toxic effects caused by mycotoxins
varies greatly. Some mycotoxins cause acute toxicities (i.e., immediate effect) where a certain organ (e.g., liver, kidney) loses complete or partial function; other mycotoxins cause chronic toxicities (i.e., long-term) resulting in symptoms such as weight loss and reproductive dysfunction. Still other mycotoxins impair the immune system predisposing the affected animal to a variety of infections or other ailments. For some mycotoxins damage is not permanent and affected animals can recover from ingestion if the contaminated feed is removed from the diet. Table I. Toxigenic fungi, their metabolites and target effects.
Toxin Grain Mold Fungus Produced Toxic Effects Species Affected
Aspergillus flavus aflatoxin acute toxicity (liver) many
liver cancer human immune suppression humans, animals Aspergillus alutaceus ochratoxin acute toxicity (kidney) swine, poultry cancer human Fusarium fumonisin blind staggers horse verticillioides pulmonary edema swine esophageal cancer human Fusarium trichothecenes acute toxicity many (not ruminant graminearum immune suppression s) many vomitoxin acute toxicity many zearalenone reproductive dysfunction swine Penicillium spp. ochratoxin acute toxicity (kidney) swine, poultry Grain Mold and Mycotoxin Management • Preharvest Hybrids that are less susceptible to grain mold should be planted where available in areas with perennial grain mold and/or mycotoxin problems. Identifying the prevalent grain mold pathogens will be necessary prior to selecting the appropriate hybrids. After planting, the overall strategy for grain mold management is to minimize plant stress during and after silking. Common stresses associated with grain mold include: high moisture in mid-to-late season after a dry early season, moisture stress early in season and during grain fill, high leaf disease pressure, and insect damage. Post harvest • All grain storage facilities should be monitored regularly to detect grain mold development. Grain molds rarely develop uniformly throughout a storage unit; development of hot spots is common. Monitoring requires a systematic sampling plan to account for the unique design characteristics of each storage facility. Ensure Proper Storage Conditions • To minimize the potential for mold growth and mycotoxin production, grain moisture content should be reduced to less than 15 percent within 48 hours after the grain is harvested. This may be difficult to achieve in many storage facilities, especially larger capacity elevators. A storage temperature of less than 40° F should be maintained. Good air circulation throughout the storage bin is important. Storage conditions optimal for maintaining grain quality will minimize mold development and mycotoxin contamination. Minimize Mechanical Damage • Harvest and postharvest grain handling should be designed to minimize mechanical damage. Although most mold pathogens can directly penetrate plant tissues, mechanical damage provides additional entry sites, facilitating infection and spread from kernel to kernel during shipping and storage. Key management steps to minimize grain mold and mycotoxin contamination.