Objectives of DGs
Objectives of DGs
Objectives of DGs
where fv is the voltage function, Pij, Rij and Xij are the active power, resistance and reactance of branch
between nodes i and j, respectively.
Voltage profile is one of the most important and frequently considered quantities in the DGAP domain
Reliability of the Distribution System
DG Dynamic Stability Analysis
Generator dynamic stability studies have been traditionally reserved for transmission
systems .
DG are usually not scrutinized in this sense mainly because they are connected to radial
networks and because the influence of eventual tripping is usually localized.
However, DG sizing and sitting can be used as a measure for power system transient
stability enhancement.
The broader context is mainly concerned with the increase in the popularity of micro grids
and the capability of network to operate in both standalone and grid connected mode.
In this sense, transient stability and small signal analysis are becoming important and are
required in order to ensure safe and effective operation of the micro grid.
This is mainly because of an interaction of control systems of DGs, switching operations
required for transition from standalone to grid connected mode (and vice versa) and low
inertia inherent to small DG.
For these reasons, the DG stability analysis represents an important future research
direction which will try to ensure safe and effective operation