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Curriculum presentation
Curriculum for Diploma in
Neonatal Intensive Care
 The Neonatal Intensive Care is the constant monitoring of the
critically ill newborn. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a
particularly challenging environment for newborns who are sick or
born with complications. It is made up of specialist medical
professionals, and equipment to look after premature or critically ill

 All facilities are arranged in NICU for the newborn who need highest
medical support. Most of these newborns go to the NICU within 24
Introduction cont’d…
 In 2022, nearly half (47%) of all death’s children under 5 years of age,
occurred newborns period (first 28 days of life), which is among the
most vulnerable period of life and requires intensified quality
intrapartum and newborn care including newborn intensive care (WHO,

 The nurses and midwives who are trained, understand why a newborn
may need to be in the NICU and they are dedicated health
professionals who care for the most vulnerable and premature
Introduction cont’d….
 This diploma in Neonatal Intensive Care Curriculum is designed to
produce competent and qualified Nurses-Midwives for providing
NICU services with highest level of competency to reduce the
mortality of newborn and the morbidity of them regarding
complications during birth and afterwards.

 So, this curriculum cover well designed theoretical and practical

contents with the respective modules which are mostly relevant to
the care of sick newborns or who needs intensive support from
Description of the Course
Title of the Curriculum Diploma In Neonatal Intensive Care

Duration 1(one) Year

Type of the course Specialized course

Course awarded Bangladesh Nursing & midwifery Council (BNMC)

Licensing Authority Bangladesh Nursing & Midwifery Council (BNMC)

Medium English

Total number of students 20

Venue Gaskin Nursing & Midwifery College, Gulsan 1,

Dhaka 1212

 Gaskin Nursing & Midwifery College (GNMC) will be the best

institute in the South Asian countries for providing the highest
standard level of quality care to the critically ill newborn cases.
It will be a center of excellence to make competent nurses and
midwives in the management of critical newborn cases in the
sub-continent state.
 The organization will be committed to maintain the all-
operational activities in term of desired vision to make
competent nurse and midwives who will serve neonate by
providing high quality critical care to reduce mortality, morbidity
and sufferings rate that would be helpful to achieve SDGs
(Sustainable Development Goals).The institution will provide
efforts to maintain an optimum balance between input and
outcome of the education program.
Institutional Philosophy
The faculty of Gaskin Nursing and Midwifery College believes
1.This course will enable to preparing expert, competent and confident
NICU nurses/midwives in nursing/midwifery practice to care for NICU
newborn with a holistic approach.
2. The course will provide comprehensive care to the critically ill
newborn in the neonatal intensive care unit.
3. The specialty of Neonatal intensive care course should set forth the
highest standards of nursing practice for critical newborn care.
Institutional Philosophy cont’d….
4. The students will be able to monitor and care for newborn in the
NICU and often take on the role as primary caregiver.
5. It will prepare the Nurses and Midwives to be dedicated, specialized
to provide the highest quality of care in a professional, comfortable,
and caring atmosphere for newborn.
6. This course will help students to educate the newborns family for
care with Newborn problems and it will help to provide psychosocial
support to the parents and their family.
Institutional Philosophy cont’d….
7. The program will enable the nurses or Midwives to identify the
critically ill newborn and for taking immediate action.
8. The trained students will be able to apply evidence-based
nursing in caring newborn during emergency situation.
9. The students will be competent to support nutritional
requirements according to health condition to the newborn.
10.The ethical and legal issues relevant to critically ill newborn
are important for the students.
Institutional goal

 The goal of the institute is to produce competent

nurses/midwives who will be able to demonstrate their
knowledge, skills and attitudes for providing Critical newborn
care in Neonatal Intensive Care unit.
Specific course objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

1. Explain the concept of holistic care applied to Comprehensive Neonatal

Intensive Care

2. Analyze the important system of anatomy and physiology for recalling

the information or facts that they already learnt.
3. Explain the nurses /midwives’ roles and responsibilities for the
management of Neonatal Intensive Care.
4. Explain how to manage critically ill newborn.
5. Demonstrate advanced health assessment of newborn.
Specific course objectives cont’d…..
6. Recognize and manage newborn emergencies.
7. Counsel the families about babies’ conditions and sudden disabilities
and death.
8. Identify the psycho-social needs of the parents while providing holistic
9. Provide nutritional support and dietary requirements of patients.
10.Prevent the spread of infections in intensive care setting to ensure a
safe healthy hospital environment.
11. Ensure ethical and legal issues that are most important for handling the
ill newborn.
Curriculum Design and Structure

Curriculum Design:

The curriculum is designed in such a way that a melodious blend of

professional, foundation and social science subjects are included in
the program, transforming by teaching- learning activities, lab
practices, assessment technique which will produce the competent
Nurses/Midwives on Neonatal Intensive Care unit in one year. This
course will help the learners to develop their comprehensive
knowledge so that they can handle the Neonate competently.
Curriculum Design and Structure cont’d….
• Teaching &

Specialist NICU
Nurses/ Practice
Midwives skill

• Assessment &

Figure: Conceptual Framework of Curriculum

Design(Ako Aotearo ,2003)
Curriculum structure

The course is divided into two modules. The curriculum frame is made in
the following ways such as;
1 week = 6 working days,
1 day = 6 hours for theory and 8 hours for practice.
Therefore, out of 52 weeks,
• Nineteen (19) weeks will be allocated for theory
• Three (03) weeks for lab practice,
• Twenty-one (21) weeks for practicum;
Curriculum structure cont’d….
The remaining weeks are allocated for…
 Four (04) weeks for annual leave,
 Two (02) weeks for final examinations
 One (01) week for term examination,
 One 01) week for revision class and
 One (01) week for examination preparatory leave.
Each month consists of four (04) weeks. Each week consists of six
(06) working days and six (06) hours a day for theory, (08) hours for
clinical practice and (06) hours for lab practice.
Master plan:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52


T= Theories 19 weeks = 648 hours

CP= Clinical practice 21 weeks =1008 hours
LP= Lab practice 3 weeks 108 hours
TE= Term Exam 1 week -
PL= Preparatory leave 1 week -
R= Review 2 weeks -
EX= Exam 1 weeks -
AL= Annual Leave 4 weeks -
Grand total 52 weeks =1800 hours
Description of program

Administration of the program:

1. Number of students: 20
2. Duration of Course: 1 (one) Year
3. Students’ registration: After admission every student must
do students registration according to BNMC regulation as a
Registered Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse & Midwive.
4. Certificate: Will be provided by Local institution.
Description of program cont’d…

5. Licensure: Will be provided by Bangladesh Nursing &

Midwifery Council as a registered Intensive Care Nurses and
6. Medium of Instruction: English language is the medium of
instruction with supplements of Bengali language if necessary.
7. Venue: will be selected by concerned institutions & hospital.
Admission criteria for candidates
Applicants who meet the following criteria will be eligible to enter the

1. Completed Diploma in Nursing science and Midwifery/ Diploma in

Midwifery degree recognized by Bangladesh Nursing and
Midwifery Council (BNMC).

2. Service experience: At least two years’ service experience from

any Government or Non-Government organization.

3. Age limit not more than 45 years old.

Admission criteria for candidates cont’d…

4. Having valid registration under BNMC.

5. Candidate must be physically and mentally fit.

6. Candidates must apply through proper channel where pertinent.

7. English language and computer skill will be preferred.

8. Must be Bangladeshi citizen.

9. Candidate to be qualified the neonatal intensive care course admission

Admission process
1. The admission advertisement should be based on the
admission criteria.
2. A written test followed by viva-voce will be carried out to
select the candidates.
3. Admission test questionnaire will cover Bangla, English, and
General Knowledge and Nursing and Midwifery Science
related questions.
4. Examination will be conducted by using MCQ. Each question
will carry 01 marks.
5. Duration of examination will be 01(one) hour with 80 MCQ. A
candidate must have 60% marks in both written and oral
Admission process cont’d…
6. Marks distribution:
i. Written 80

a) Nursing and Midwifery Science (Professional)- 40

b) English-20

c) Bangla-10

d) General knowledge- 10
ii. Oral Exam-20
• Total 100 marks
Admission committee
The admission committee will be comprised of-
i. Director / Representative from the hospital attached to the concerned
ii. Director Nursing Education / Representative from DGNM.
iii. Register/Representative from BNMC.
iv. Nursing superintendent
v. Course co-coordinator.
vi. Principal of the Institution.
vii. One Senior Nursing Officer from the hospital is attached to the
Admission requirement

The following documents are required with application form-

 Update curriculum vitae (CV)

 SSC & HSC certificate

 Permission letter from the authority

 All nursing certificates

 All registration (update) certificates

Admission requirement cont’d…

 Recent passport size photograph- two (2) copies

 National identification card (NID)

 Physical fitness certificate

 Application must be submitted through proper channel (where


 All document must be attested by the authority or first class

Teaching -Learning strategies
Teaching methods:
 Problem-based learning,
 Lecture method
 Team based Learning
 Group discussion
 Skill labs
 Brainstorming
 Clinical practice
 Simulation
 Mini Project
 Seminar / workshop and
 Journal Club
Teaching -Learning strategies cont’d…
Teaching Aids:

• White board, markers and • Mama-Natalie

Duster. • Neo-Natalie newborn
• Flip chart and marker pen educational manikin

• Charts and models • Skeleton

• Computer and Multimedia • Current Books and journals

Projector • Internet facilities

• Dummy model/ doll

Course Requirements

1. Class attendance: at least 80% present

2. Actively participate in class, group work, individual / group

assignments, and other related activities.

3. Submit individual / group assignments in time.

4. Attend in term and final examination

Course Requirements

5.Attend and actively participate in clinical conference as


6.Practice and participate in the clinical rotation as scheduled,

7.Write, submit, and present case studies as allocated
interest within the given time.
Evaluation of the course

1. The regular final examination will be held in each academic year in

December under the Gaskin nursing and midwifery college.

2. Every student must appear in term Examination and Year Final

Examination. A student must pass in each modules and she/he must
pass in each individual assessment area of that specific module.

3. Term Examination will include written, oral and practical.

4. Term and final examination will be conducted by local institution.

Evaluation of the course cont’d…
5. Term Examination will be conducted as formative assessment.
However, it will be preserved in the record book of individual

6. The obtained mark in the formative assessment will be added with

the final year mark-sheet. The formative assessment mark-sheet
must be signed by external examiner.

7. Assessment area included written, oral and practical/ clinical of that

specific module.
Evaluation of the course cont’d…

8. Pass Mark: 60% marks must be obtained in written, oral and

practical papers separately in each module individually.
9. In order to pass the year final exam, a student must achieve a
pass grade in all of the modules in the final examination.
10.The Student who failed (obtained less than 60%) in any parts of
the assessment of the module (s) will have a chance to retake
the examination in respective time.
Evaluation of the course cont’d…
11.If a candidate fails in either written or practical paper, she/he has to
appear again for both the written and practical examination.
12. If a student fails in the first chance, he/she will get two more chance
13.If a student fails to meet the clinical practice requirements of
the course for any genuine reason (sick, emergency leave
etc.). She/he has to make up her /she clinical practice
requirements time with submission of necessary
Evaluation of the course cont’d…

14.Students will be placed for clinical practice of theoretical and

laboratory classes.
15.If a student remains absent for more than 3 months with
information, the concerned authority will place this case to the
Academic Council and Academic Council will take action. But if a
student remains absent 1 month without information, he/she will
be terminated from the course.
Evaluation of the course cont’d…

16.The student will be informed about the rules and regulation

from beginning of the course.
17.Maximum number of participants for practical examination
should not exceed 15 per day.
18.One internal and one external examiner (outside of the
institution) should jointly conduct the examination.
Procedures for teaching and placement in
clinical areas:

1. There will be one teacher for each course and at least 2 co-teachers for
each course and the ideal ratio between teacher and student should be
1:10 for clinical practice.

2. Rotation plan will be developed by the concerned subject’s teacher.

3. The Subject teacher will harshly follow the rotation plan for each course
as specified in the curriculum.
Academic council : (Public and Private):

• Director /Deputy Director Academic

• Course Co-coordinator

• Assistant course co-coordinator

• Nursing superintendent

• Senior Nursing/Midwifery Preceptor

Examination Committee

Examination committee will be formed before final examination of each

year. Members will be selected by Director/Head of the Institution.
1. By virtue of the post, the Director/Head of the institution will be
chairperson of the examination committee.
2. Registrar/ representative from BNMC.
3. Respective subject teacher or coordination will be the convener of
the examination.
Examination Committee cont’d…
4. Subject teacher of the respective courses will coordinate and act as
internal examiner during examination.
5. The external examiner of each course will be selected by BNMC.
6. Question setter, moderator, script examiner, tabulator will be selected
by the examination committee.
7. Course coordinator will coordinate with other members and integrate
teaching learning activities.
8. All examination will be conducted according to the criteria by BNMC.
Evaluation system

Examination system and distribution of marks:

Total marks in each module of these programs are as
Module -1 = 200
Module- 2 = 200
Total = 400
Evaluation system cont’d…

Methods of assessment(For each module):

Total Formative assessment = 50

Class attendance = 2 (80%)

Class test =8
Total = 10
Clinical practice and presentation = 20
Case presentation = 10
Clinical practice =10
Assignment (course work) = 20
Evaluation system cont’d…
Summative Assessment:

1. Written Examination = 100

 Group A
a) Essay type Question (EQ) =20
b) Short Answer Question (SAQ) = 20 2. Oral Examination = 30
c) MCQ objective type question =10 3. Practical Examination
Group B (OSCA) = 20
a) Essay type Question (EQ) =20
b) Short Answer Question (SAQ) =20
c) MCQ objective type question =10
Evaluation system cont’d…
EQ-Essay Type Questions:
In this part, there will be total 3 (three) questions in each group. 2 (two)
questions have to be answered out of 3 (three).
SAQ Short Answer Question:
In this part, there will be total 5 (five) questions in each group. 4 (four)
questions have to be answered out of 5 (five).
Objective type Question:
• It will cover total 20 marks(10 MCQ & 10 True /False question )
• Number of item : 10 (Ten) MCQ &10 (Ten) True /False question.
• Time allocation : 20 (Twenty)minutes for 20(twenty) question.
• Marks allocation : Each question will carry 01(one) mark.
Description of the modules

Module-1: Initial Newborn Module-2: complicated

Care (description): newborn care (description):

Theory hours :468 hours Theory hours : 216 hours

Lab hours : 36 hours Lab hours : 72 hours
Practical hours :432 hours Practical hours : 576 hours
Marks : 100 Marks : 100
Oral and practical: 100
Oral and practical: 100
Contents of module-1(partial
• Introduction to Neonatal Nursing • Management of high-risk newborn
• Normal Newborn • Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)
• Introduction of Behavioral Science • Neonatal Feeding
• Infection control and prevention
• Introduction of Microbiology
• Transport of High-risk neonate
• Introduction of Anatomy and
• Management of cardiac disorder
Physiology of body system:
• Management of Gastrointestinal and
• Common Congenital Malformation of
hepatobiliary disease
• Nutrition
• Care of Newborn (Evidence Based
Practice) • Management of Neurological disorders
• Concept of Neonatal Intensive Care • Management of Fluid & electrolyte
Unit (NICU) imbalance and renal disorders
• Admission of Neonate in NICU • Management of Respiratory problems
Contents of module-2
• Concept of complicated • Neonatal infections; concept,
newborn. clinical features,
• Routine care of newborn in pathophysiology, management
NICU and prevention.
• Fluid Management of newborn • Outcome of NICU of newborn
in NICU • Crisis intervention and
• Oxygen therapy: Methods of management
administrating oxygen • Recording and reporting
• Management of congenital • Practical Procedures (Practice
malformations, of newborn skill)
• Surgery and orthopedics • Procedures Performed (Practice
Todays healthy children are tomorrow & healthy nation.
A healthy nation is not population but manpower for the country.’’

• The special neonate who do not receive adequate advanced

treatment after birth, as a result, they suffer from various
complications with comorbid, infections as well that hamper their
normal growth and development.

• Therefore, advanced treatment is very important for those children

who are born with illness or are affected by
serious diseases immediately after birth.
Conclusions Cont’d...
• In order to provide advanced treatment, nurse midwives must have
adequate knowledge about modern treatment & technology, and also
the proper use and maintenance of equipment.

• To fulfill this purpose the Gaskin nursing and midwifery college

developed the standard curriculum on neonatal Intensive Care. It will
open a new door in the field of modern medical science in Bangladesh
that will help to reduce neonatal mortality and also meet the
achievements of SDGs.
• Clinical practical Evaluation
• Case plan form for clinical practicum
• Format of lesson plan
• Rotation plan for clinical practice
• Clinical practice log Book
• Checklist for IV cannulation
• Checklist for nasogastric tube feeding
• Marksheet
• Testimonial
• Certificate
Bachelor of Science in Post Basic Midwifery Curriculum. (2020).Bangladesh
Nursing and Midwifery Council.
Curriculum for Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery . (2018). Bangladesh
Nursing and Midwifery Council.
Diploma in Midwifery Curriculum.(2019). Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery
Dutta, D.C. (2018).Textbook of Obstetrics. (9th edition). New Delhi: The Health
Sciences Publisher.
Dutta ,P. (2014). Pediatric Nursing.(3rd Edition). Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P)Ltd, New Delhi,India:P66-69
Kabir, A & Islam, K.(2019).kangaroo mother care module. National
Newborn Health Package. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, p 6-
Neeraja, KP. (2003). Textbook of Nursing Education. (1st ed.) New Delhi.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
PanelLauren C. Reynolds .(2013).Nursing Perceptions of Clinical
Research in the Neonatal Intensive Care. Newborn and Infant Nursing
Reviews .13, (2),62- 66.
Texhammar, R. Colton, C. (1993). AO/ASIF Instruments and Implants: A
Technical Manual. 2 nd ed: Berlin. Sringer-Verlag.
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