Postal Presentation Masonry
Postal Presentation Masonry
Postal Presentation Masonry
Masonry constructions are the pervasive building stock in India. 1. Seismic resistance: The primary objective of confined masonry
Nonetheless, in some of the cases, such constructions are designed for is to enhance the seismic resistance of masonry structures. By
gravity loads only without any engineering measures for earthquake adding reinforced concrete elements, such as vertical and horizontal
resistance. As a result, masonry buildings suffer widespread damage even confinement elements, to masonry walls, the structure becomes
at moderate ground shaking. This has necessitated for alternative building better able to withstand earthquake forces.
technologies with improved seismic performance. Confined masonry (CM) 2. Structural strength: Confined masonry aims to increase the
construction shows better promise as a technology that performs well in overall structural strength of masonry buildings. The reinforcement
earthquake. However, there are a very few experimental efforts to provided by confined masonry elements, such as concrete columns
seismically evaluate the technology in the country and lack of Indian and beams, improves the load-bearing capacity of the structure,
standards, which restrains to adopt the technology. allowing it to withstand vertical loads and lateral forces more
3. Ductility and energy dissipation: Confined masonry aims to
INTRODUCTION improve the ductility of masonry structures. Ductility refers to the
ability of a structure to undergo large deformations without losing
its structural integrity. By confining masonry walls with reinforced
Confined masonry is a construction concrete elements, the structure can absorb and dissipate seismic
system where the masonry walls are energy more efficiently, reducing the risk of collapse during
built first, and the concrete columns and earthquakes.
beams are poured in afterwards to
enclose (confine) the wall
The walls of a building are generally classified as either in-plane or out-of-
plane walls (Figure ), and it is necessary for the walls to have sufficient Confined masonry offers several advantages over other types of
strength to withstand both in-plane and out-of-plane loading. In-plane masonry construction methods.
seismic effects have been found to be critical in ground-story walls . On the 1. Structural Integrity
other hand, OOP effects are prominent in the upper stories of CM buildings. 2. Improved Seismic Performance
3. Flexibility in Design
4. Enhanced Fire Resistance
5. Durability and Longevity
6. Construction Speed and Cost Efficiency
While confined masonry offers significant advantages, it is
important to note that proper design, construction, and
maintenance practices must be followed to ensure its
effectiveness and safety. Consulting with qualified professionals,
Shear Failure: Shear failure occurs when the masonry walls or the mortar such as structural engineers experienced in confined masonry
joints in the walls experience excessive horizontal forces. This can lead to design, is crucial to achieve the desired results and comply with
sliding or crushing of the masonry units or the mortar, resulting in the loss local building codes and regulations.
of load-bearing capacity.
Diagonal Cracking: Diagonal cracking can occur in the masonry walls
when the applied loads cause tension forces. These cracks typically form at TEAM MEMBERS
a 45-degree angle to the horizontal. Diagonal cracking can weaken the walls
and compromise their structural integrity. PRADEEP S PATIL - 1BM20CV113
Flexural cracks:- in confined masonry structures typically occur when the RAKSHITH D PATIL - 1BM21CV413
masonry walls are subjected to bending or flexural forces. Although this ROHAN SAJJAN - 1BM20CV133
technique enhances the overall strength and stiffness of the masonry, MANJUNATHA S - 1BM21CV407
flexural cracks can still develop due to various factors ROASHAN JAMEER - 1BM20CV136
NICEE. National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology: Kanpur, India (
2. EERI. Confined Masonry Network. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute: Oakland, CA (
3. Blondet M. Construction and Maintenance of Masonry Houses for Masons and Craftsmen. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú: Lima, Peru,
2005 (