1.3 CLC Strategic Plan Template
1.3 CLC Strategic Plan Template
1.3 CLC Strategic Plan Template
Statement of HR Strategy: [Clear and concise statement that summarizes key Functional objectives]
3. [Functional Initiative]
• [Metric] [Current State] • [Metric] [Target]
4. [Functional Initiative]
• [Metric] [Current State] • [Metric] [Target]
1. [Assumption]
2. [Assumption]
3. [Assumption]
4. [Assumption]
Our business
strategy for 20XX is Business Goals Description
focused on meeting
the following goals. 1. Example: Drive top- • Example: Design and implement best-in-class sales
[Customize key line growth through processes that drive revenue growth.
message for the higher share of wallet • Example: Improve the selling skills and capabilities of
from key account sales staff.
2. [Business Goal] • [Description]
• Supporting details
in sentence format.
Delete if
unnecessary. 3. [Business Goal] • [Description]
• [Trend]
Technological • [Trend]
• Supporting details
in sentence format. [Competitive Trend] [Competitive Trend] [Competitive Trend]
[Economic Trend] [Economic Trend] [Economic Trend]
Delete if [Consumer Trend] [Consumer Trend] [Consumer Trend]
unnecessary. [Regulatory Trend] [Regulatory Trend] [Regulatory Trend]
[Technology Trend] [Technology Trend] [Technology Trend]
Degree of Uncertainty
[insert major
capabilities] are Example: Drive top-line
growth through higher
critical to support share of wallet from key [Business Goal] [Business Goal]
business goals. account
[Customize key
message for the
slide.] High Example: Advise on
Critical Business Partner [Functional capability] [Functional capability]
Importance to Supporting Business Goals
• Supporting details
in sentence format.
Delete if Example: Provide
Financial Input and [Functional capability] [Functional capability]
unnecessary. Funding for Strategy
• Supporting details
in sentence format.
Delete if
Improving the
maturity level of Capabilities Current State Desired State
[enter capability] is Example: Advise on Example: Advising line leaders is Example: Business liaisons are
a high priority area. Critical Line Leader a part time responsibility for senior roles who focus on the
Decision managers that focuses on the most impactful engagement
efficient delivery of business activities such as defining strategy
• Supporting details requests. and setting priorities, and partner
with managers.
in sentence format.
Delete if [Functional Capability] [Current State] [Desired State]
Note: Measured on a scale ranging from 1 (low) to 5 (high), maturity is an organization’s performance relative to CEB’s best practice
research. Maturity scores are refined with a (+) or (-) to indicate intermediate levels of maturity. © 2015 CEB. All rights reserved
12 Version: X.X Last modified: <insert date format: DD Month YYYY>
Line Leader Feedback
Low High
Line Leader Importance Score
• Supporting details
in sentence format. 3. [Business Goal] • [Functional Objective]
Delete if
4. [Risk Mitigation or • [Functional objective based on emerging trends, risks,
and governance priorities]
Improvement Goal]
Statement of HR Strategy
Example: To help achieve company goals of improving growth by providing solutions that help line
leaders make better talent management decisions.
Description of HR Initiative: [Clear and concise statement that captures the essence of the initiative]
[Name, Role] [Name, Role] [Business Goal #1] [Functional Objective #1]
[Metric] [What It Measures]
[Name, Role] [Name, Role]
[Business Goal #2] [Functional Objective #2]
[Name, Role] [Name, Role]
[Metric] [What It Measures]
[Business Goal #3] [Functional Objective #3]
• Supporting details
in sentence format.
Delete if
Low High
Risk Occurrence Likelihood
The following
events will trigger Type Description Trigger Event HR Action Plan
HR strategy reviews
and course
corrections. Example: Proposed Example: BU A Example: Review
[Customize key Example: Strategy strategy changes by accelerates timeline recruitment schedule
Redirection head of strategic for expansion in to align with new
message for the business unit China and India timeline
Executive Committee • [Level of Detail] • [Level of Detail] • [Level of Detail] • [Level of Detail]