Iner Ear
Iner Ear
Iner Ear
It resembles extracellular fluid and is rich in sodium
ions. The aqueduct of cochlea provides
communication between scala tympani and
subarachnoid space. Perilymph percolates through
the arachnoid type connective tissue present in the
aqueduct of cochlea.
1. Filtrate of blood serum from the capillaries of
spiral liga- ment.
2. CSF reaching labyrinth via aqueduct of cochlea.
Endolymph fills the entire membranous labyrinth
It resembles intracellular fluid and is rich in potassium ions.
Protein and glucose contents are less than in perilymph.
1. Stria vascularis.
2. Dark cells of utricle and ampullated ends of semicircular
Absorption: There are following two opinions regarding the
absorption of endolymph:
1. Endolymphatic sac: The longitudinal flow theory believes
that from cochlear duct endolymph reaches saccule, utricle
and endolymphatic duct and is then absorbed by
endolymphatic sac.
2. Stria vascularis: The radial flow theory believes that
endolymph is secreted as well as absorbed by the stria
This sensory organ of the hearing, is situated on the
basilar membrane.
Hair cells of both types may have contact with the same
nerve calyce.
i. Type 1 cells: These cells are found only in birds and
mammals. They are flask-shaped and correspond to the IHC of
organ of Corti. Each cell has a single large cup-like nerve
terminal that surrounds the base.
ii. Type 2 cells: They are cylindrical and have multiple nerve
terminals at the base. They resemble OHC of organ of Corti.
2. Maculae:
1. Vestibulocochlear nerve.
cochlear nerves.
The vestibular nerve contains the axons of neurons whose cell bodies are found in the vestibular ganglion,
The vestibular ganglion consists of superior and inferior parts, from which the superior and inferior branches
of vestibular nerve arise and proceed to innervate the vestibular apparatus (utricle, saccule and semicircular
The anterior ampullary, lateral ampullary and utricular nerves arise from the superior branch, while the
posterior ampullary and saccular nerves are given off from the inferior component.
These nerves collect information related to motion and position of the head and transmit it to the vestibular
nuclei (the superior, inferior, medial and lateral vestibular nuclei) in the lower pons/upper medulla oblongata in