Caeserian Section
Caeserian Section
Caeserian Section
VENUE Classroom
Wound Dehiscence
This is when the wound bursts open, usually after the
sutures are removed.
Contributing factors
Poor nutritional Status
Deep retention sutures
Improve Nutrition
Bleeding may be from the placental bed, or from a tear into
major blood vessels.
Risk factors:
Placenta praevia, Placental abruptio
Atonic uterus due to multiple pregnancy
Ringers Lactate
Syntocinon I.V. bolus (10 i.u. of oxytocin) then, 40 i.u.
in 1,000mls of normal saline.
If bleeding continues then the woman may require to
be return to theatre to have the bleeding vessel ligated.
Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
Early ambulation
At administration of anticoagulants to women at risk
of DVT is debatable.
Dextran given I.V during surgery for those at risk.
Urinary Tract Infection
Associated cause:
Catheterisation before surgery (indwelling catheters result
in a greater risk).
In/out catheters reduce infection although the procedure
may have to be repeated several times, as 20% of women
following C/Shave difficulties voiding and 11% have post
micturition residual urine.
This could be reduced with adhering to strict sterile
Urinary Complications
There is a risk of bladder damage during a caesarean
The Ureters could be damaged.
Necrosis of the bladder due to obstructed labour.
Vesico-vaginal fistular, following obstructed labour.
This can be reduced with cricoid pressure during
intubation and antacids prior to delivery
Electrolyte Imbalance
In women following caesarean section the normal
diuresis is delayed or diminished by the alterations in
kidney function associated with metabolic response
(Lawson Stewart 1967). It is therefore important not
to overload the woman following surgery
Women are less likely to breast feed and are less
confident with themselves.
More prone to depression
Due to lack of contact at delivery there is a feeling of
maternal incompetence and lack of confidence.
Women who have an emergency C/S feel that they
have failed or have done something wrong (Marut
Mercer 1979).
Women have fewer positive feeling about their birth
(Kirchmeier 1984).
Regional anaesthesia results in a more positive
The presence of the partner in the theatre also
increases positive feelings.
Fathers often feel left out of it.
The baby
Care Immediately following delivery
Call the paediatrician when the surgeon is ready to
commence the operation, if not already present.
Scrub up and take the baby from the surgeon
Hold the baby with his head slightly tilted downwards
Put the baby on the resuscitation trolley
Note the sex of the baby and inform the mother of the
sex and the condition of the baby if she is awake.
The baby will need his air ways clean due to the extra
fluids in the lungs.
Give Vitamin K 1mg should be given.
If the mother is awake then show the baby to the
mother as soon as possible.
It is usually possible for her to stoke the baby
Depending on the condition of the mother and the
willingness of the anaesthetist it may be possible to
allow her to hold the baby and breast feed the baby.
The father if present could be given the baby to hold.
The labels for the baby should be checked by the
mother or another member of staff in the room.
Weigh and dress the baby and return it to the father.
Once the operation is over and the woman is out of
theatre, assist her with the first breast feed.
Subsequent Attention