Spine Biomechanics, Intervertebral Disc &LBP
Spine Biomechanics, Intervertebral Disc &LBP
Spine Biomechanics, Intervertebral Disc &LBP
Cervical Spine
Seven vertebrae
C 1-7
Peripheral nerves
Arms Shoulder, Chest and diaphragm
Thoracic Spine
Mid-back or dorsal region Twelve vertebrae
T 1-12
Lumbar Spine
Lower back Five vertebrae
L 1-5
Peripheral nerves
Legs Pelvis
Few small bones Remnant of tail
In the sagittal plane
S shape
As a small child
When starts to sit Cervical lordosis
Stress-Strain Curve
Motion Segment
Two adjacent vertebrae Intervertebral disc Six degrees of freedom
Flexion-extension Lateral flexion Axial rotation
Types of motion
Motion Segment
Intervertebral Disc
Soft fibro-cartilaginous cushions
Between two vertebra Allows some motion Serve as shock absorbers
Total 23 discs th of the spinal column's length Avascular Nutrients diffuse through end plates
Act to pad and maintain the space between the twenty-four movable vertebrae Act as shock absorbers Allow extension and flexion
Anulus Fibrosus
Strong radial tirelike structure Series of lamellae Concentric sheets of collagen fibers
Connected to end plates Orientated at various angles Under compression
Become horizontal
In Bending
Increased tensile force posteriorly Increased compressive force anteriorly
In Rotation
Reorientation of collagenous fibers Tightening of fibers traveling in one direction Loosening of fibers traveling in opposite direction
Nucleus Pulposus
Has more water and PGs PG are macro-molecules
Attract and retain water Hydrophilic gellike matter
Resists compression
Amount of water
Activity related Varies throughout the day
Increases stiffness
Of end plate and annulus fibrosus
Mechanical Characteristics
Tensile stiffness of the disc annulus in different directions Highest along 150 Lowest along the disc axis
Highest Along normal direction of annulus fibers ( 3 times stronger than that along horizontal direction)
Creep Characteristics
Grade 0 - Non-degenerative disc ( more viscoelastic) Grade 2 Mild degenerative disc (less sustenance) Grade 3 Severe degenerative disc ( more deformation)
Spine rarely fails in pure shear Similarly under normal physiologic activities
Pure tensile loading doesnt occur But annulus undergoes tensile loading during
Bending Axial rotation Extension
Cortical bone
Small deformation
Up to 2% before failure
Normal viscoelasticity is exceeded Cannot stabilize or limit motion Nucleus pulposus exerts pressure on weak part Buckling occurs - Disc Bulge
* - Hampton et al
Back Pain
Pain is a protective mechanism Nerve endings near the spine receive abnormal stimulation Signals are transmitted from affected area to the brain
They are interpreted as pain
Types of pain
Based on source
Mechanical Chemical
Based on nature
Transient Acute Chronic
Causes of LBP
Dysfunction Predisposing factors
Postural stress Work related stress Disuse and loss of mobility Obesity Debilitating conditions
Precipitating factors
Misuse Overuse Abuse or trauma
Forward bending
Hands are pushing in opposite direction Tissues from skin to central core
Elongate posterior Compress anterior
Back Examination
Nerve tension signs Nerve compression signs
Passive knee flexion in a prone position Passive internal and external hip rotation
knee at 900 of flexion
Force transmission
To extensor of hip
Posterior rotary movement on ilium
Spinal flexion
Continue support
Begin non-destructive movement Decrease destructive behavior
Establishment of limits
Movement Loads Positions Frequencies
Treatment Options
Cryotherapy Thermotherapy
Superficial heating Deep Heat
A medio-lateral curve of the vertebral column Exceeding 100
Structural Neuromuscular Idiopathic Non-structural
Exercises Bracing
Detection of Scoliosis
An exaggerated curvature in the sagittal plane Long rounded curve (round back) Sharp posterior angulation (hump back) Possible causes
Wedge compression fracture Ankylosing spondylitis Senile osteoporosis Destructive tumors of spine