Ignite Milestone 4

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Pitch Deck
Milestone 4
Who we are
Name of your Venture: KREATORS
Why ?
Explain why do you want to pursue this Business Idea.
We want to pursue this idea because we encountered many people on social media as well as local people who make magnificent sketches,
but they don’t have any source of income from their work at the same time there are a lot of people who appreciate art and would be
happy to purchase these products

What ?
Provide a brief on what does your venture do.
Our venture will provide a platform to these local artists to sell their arts to those who love and appreciate arts, furthure more these can
be sold to decoration companies. It is just an intermediate platform. We will make a website which will be used to sell and buy these
portraits and we will also sell photographed images.

How ?
Explain how your venture solves the problem and make its revenue.
As our venture will make a website we will generate revenue from advertizements and we can also launch a premium version which will offer additional
features and ad free experience
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When does the problem occur? What is the root cause of the problem? What do customers do now to fix the problem?

The problem occurs when someone who makes Root cause is the unavailability of resources and the gap Adobe Stock
magnificent arts(portraits) and do not have any means between the customers and creators Alamy
of earning with that or is underpaid, we will offer them Image Bazaar
a platform where they can sell their products and earn
money for working on their passion


Who has the problem most often? How does the customer feel? What are the disadvantages of the alternatives?

The customer who love arts would not seriously Customer will buy their favourite arts and get satified. Highly Expensive
like to miss any magnificent art. So, all they
need is to surf through website to find what
they truly love. By arts we mean portraits and
Problem Interviews And Surveys Results Place your
logo here

• How many customers did your interview?


• What was the interview mode?

Online as well as offline

• How many of them agree this is a problem and wants a


• How many of them said they don't need a new solution?

Market Size Estimation Place your
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TAM How to calculate market size?

1. Start with Total Addressable market- 67.8 Billion USD
TAM refers to the total market demand for a product or service.
SAM If you’re entering a pre-existing space (like small business banking) you can research, it and
provide credible sources or reference points on how you arrived at the TAM. If you’re
creating a new product or space (like Slack), you can estimate the number of customers that
would want your product and approximate how much you could charge them.

. 2. Take your target market (SAM), within that TAM, which varies depending on geography
and other logistical factors. Determine the penetration potential of your target market. This
is the portion of the market you can reasonably compete with 100x 2500 = Rs.250000
3.By conducting research with existing competitors, distributors etc., understand the likely
penetration rate = 25-30

4. Multiply target market by penetration rate to find your market size (25 to 30) x2500 = Rs.

Sources: Statista Global Art Market

Customer Persona
Personality trait Personality trait Personality trait

Needs a good portrait

Unable to find painting for decoration of home in a reasonable prize
Unable to get a good artist who will make my portrait. Those
online artists charge unfair prize for their work as well as
delivery charge
Age: 21
Occupation: Runs Tech Shiva
Location: Kushinagar
Personality Shishir Singh is a student who runs his youtube
channel Tech Shiva encounters trouble in finding
genuine and good artists who can make portrait and
sketches, painting for decorations and that too in
affordable price.
Place your

Value Proposition Canvas .

logo here

I would LOVE it if:

What do you offer that makes the customers happy? ? What would make the customer happy?
We will offer them a orgainised platform with various ? What do the clients want when facing the problem?
categorisationso that they don’t have to bother about
missing a great piece of work This refers to the feeling/action of customers before he
gets in contact with your solution.

What is the product or service that you

are offering? I would WANT:
We will offer them a orgainised platform GAIN CREATORS FIT GAINS What do the clients do (actions) when facing
with various categorization. the problem?
SERVICE JOBS This refers to the feeling/action of customers
before he gets in contact with your solution.


I would HATE it if:

Which features of your offering relieve the
customer's pains? What are the pains of the clients when facing the
Favourable price problem?
Smooth platform for surfing through and
comparing various arts This refers to the feeling/action of customers before he gets
in contact with your solution.
Solution Place your
logo here

Describe your Solution: List the Benefits of Your solutions

We offer: A platform to artists where they can sell 1. Customer can order his favourite
their products to the customers and earn money. sketches and images online and can
The details of our offering consist of: also order for his portrait.
1. A website where they can sell their products to 2. With the option of comparing
the customers
different sketches and images
2. We will give me a way to compare different customer can select the best out of the
3. We will offer over services in affordable prices.
4. We will offer photographed images and portratis
also. 3. All these services are in affordable
prices which is the biggest advantage.
Competition Analysis Place your
logo here

Benefits Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4 My Venture

Product Adobe Stock Alamy Images Bazaar Shutter Stock Kreators
Price 29.99US$/month - 20$ for a single image – Rs.8000- Rs 32000 229$-1699$ Rs.2000-Rs.4500
199.99US$/month 755$ for 25 image pack
Branding channels Sincere, Trustworthy & Optimism Capturing feeling of daily Shutterstock is using its We will not only sell
reliable Humanity lives, globally known and platform to showcase the photographed images but
Fearlessness trusted perspectives of those also hand made portraits.
Inclusivity artists and the world in
which they live. It asks one
to show them his/her
reality with candor and in
a way that feels true to
one’s unique self.

Packaging - - - - -
Market reviews Excellent, Trustworthy Trustworthy, Relaible Trustworthy, Reliable Customer friendly

UVP Royality free photos, Non-exclusive: Alamy First Indian stock Shutterstock has the Our brand is cost effective
Illustrations, 3D Assests doesn't tie you in with a photography company, largest library of stock and customer friendly. We
long-term contract Contains world’s largest images, as well as a not only sell photographed
You receive 40% of the collection of Indian photos sizeable number of videos images but also hand
share: Unlike microstock and audio. made portraits which
Quality control The collection is also boosts the economy of
Unique collection quickly growing, with local creators
200,000 images and videos
added weekly.
Lean Canvas
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Artist or seller have to UNFAIR ADVANTAGE
send the verifications UNIQUE VALUE
(pictures) that PROPOSITION • ?
customer have to Without it , buyers won’t • ? CUSTOMER SEGMENTS
Business Model (Explain with a process diagram)
satisfy with the sketch have a reason to purchase Many customer wants
What are the verification
before delivering. what you sell mainly A4 size sketch with
that must be given to the
customer before full
• ? • Social media
• ? • Email marketing
• ? • Content marketing
……………………………………… EARLY ADOPTERS
……………………………………… They provide more
Making the sketch in front
……………………………………… consumers with insights on
of customer and giving the
……………………………………… how the product will
hand to hand delivery of
……………………………………… function.

COST STRUCTURE This canvas explains

• A4 size page , 1500 Rupees REVENUE STREAMS how the venture makes
• A3 size page , 2500 Rupees • Revenue type is Fixed Revenue. money (attracts, serves and
• A2 size page , 3500 Rupees • Revenue is depend on delivery of sketch , if customer take hand to keeps customers)
hand then delivery charge is not included in fixed revenue.
MVP Validation
What is your MVP : Our MVP is selling photographs and hand-made portraits to the Conclusion:
interested consumers.
Test Details: Initially we will offer only those functionalities mentioned above and then
check the response of customers. Pivot
How long will we test this MVP? We are thinking to test this for a month
Not conclusive
Who is our target audience for the test? How many of them? Our target audience is
those who are interested in beauty of nature and like to capture moments of life for eternity.

How will we get to that audience? We will reach this audience through social media, & through the advertizements on youtube,etc.

Results of Test:
Realizations / Insights : Test is yet to
Did enough customers buy? Why or why not? Test is yet to be performed be performed

Did customers pay the price we expected? Why or why not? Test is yet to be performed

Next Steps: Yet to be performed

Did customers come back to our product or show interest in doing so? Why or
why not? Test is yet to be performed

Did customers recommend our product to others or evangelize about

it? Why or why not? Test is yet to be performed
Sales Plan Customer Acquisition Plan Place your
logo here

1 2 3 4 5
Target Customer Target Customer Channels to be Estimated Estimated cost to convert these leads to actual
Customer Sales Funnel Segment (Type) Segment used to attract number of customers
(Number) the target leads
Internet 10k Feeling of 10000 1000x12(site hosting cost yearly)+
820 Million (Internet users in India)
Users in UP connecting per year 135x 100x12(Courier /delivery
LEADS: 18-54 Year old across the charges of 1 Packet 150rs)+
2 Million(shutter stock has world 100kx12= 292000 Anually
2Million active users)
Internet 100K Connectiven 100k per Rs 1 Million management + Hiring
Users in (considering ess, Branding year costs
India (18-54 people who
years) can afford)
100k (approx.)

Shutterstock 2 Million Relaibility, 2

active users Trustworthy Millions

(Image bazar an indian company
has 8000 active customers so
they can also be our‘s customer
Start-up Costs
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Forecast P&L
Profit and loss forecast
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40000 45000 50000 55000 60000 60000 55000 55000 50000 57000 60000 70000 657000
Cash sales

Collections from accounts receivable

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Other cash receipts - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Sales 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Cost of goods sold 25000 25000 25000 27000 27000 27000 33000 33000 33000 35000 35000 35000 360000
Gross profit 15000 0.00 20000 0.00 25000 0.00 28000 0.00 33000 0.00 33000 0.00 22000 0.00 22000 0.00 17000 0.00 22000 0.00 25000 0.00 350000.00 297000

Operating Expenses
1100 1100 1100 1200 1200
1100 1200 1300 1300 1300 1400 1400 1400 0.00 15000
Salaries and Consultant Fees 1100 0.00 1100 0.00 1100 0.00 1100 0.00 0.00 1100 0.00
1100 0.00 1100 0.00 1100 0.00 1100 0.00 11000.00 1100
6000 55950 0.00
Marketing and Promotion
5000 5000 5000 6000 6000 6500 6500 6500 7000 7000 7000
5000 5500 5500 6000 6000 6000 54950 0.00
Utilities (Electricity etc.)
5000 6000 6500 7000 7000 7000
Transportation (Shipping, Courier, Taxis etc.) 3200 3200 3000 3400 3500 3600 3750 3750 3000 3500 3500 40400 0.00
Office Supplies 2500 2500 2500 2700 2700 2700 2900 2900 2900 2700 2700 2700 32400 0.00
Repairs and Maintenance 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 60000 0.00
Office Supplies 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 60000 0.00
Misc. Expenses 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 42000 0.00
Interest on Loan 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 36000

Loss, Theft, Wastage 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 24000 0.00
Total Expenses 35100 0.00 35800 0.00 35100 0.00 364000.00 373000.00 378000.00 387000.00 388500.00 388500.00 390500.00 395000.00 395000.00 420700

Net Profit/Loss 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gross profit margin
Net profit margin
Financial Projections Place your
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Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Number of sales 250 260 270 285 300
Value of each sale (Contribution 2700 2800 2900 3000
Total Revenue 625000 702000 756000 826500 900000
Capital costs 100000 120000 140000 160000 200000
Land and Buildings - - - - -
Equipment 25000 35000 40000 50000 55000
Product Development costs - - - - -
others 5000 6500 7000 8000 9000
Total 130000 162000 187000 218000 264000
Expenses (Annual) 400000 420000 450000 500000 550000
Salaries - - - - -
Marketing and Promotion 5000 5000 5200 5500 6000
Utilities (Electricity etc.) 50000 52000 56000 59000 63000
Transportation (Shipping, Courier, Taxis etc.) 9000 11000 12500 14000
Office Supplies 10000 10000 11000 12000 13000
Repairs and Maintenance - - - - -
Office Supplies - - - - -
Misc. Expenses 5000 5200 5500 6000 7000

Earnings (EBDITA)
300000 350000 400000 450000 500000
Unit Economics
Unit Economics Year 2024.
P & L/ unit Year ….. CAC -
Revenue 800000-1000000
ARPU 3200
COGS 360000-500000
Gross Profit 400000-500000
Gross Profit Margin 50000-100000
Operating Costs
Operating Profit 500000-600000

The above is the Unit Economics for year 1 (year ……). Refer to P&L statement for year 1 in slide 16.
Assumptions (Year: 2024)

​Terms Explanation (For the actual calculations, refer to the Financial Plan Excel sheet link)​
CAC​ (Cost of Sales + Cost of Marketing ) / Number of new customers acquired (in currency terms)​
CLV Average purchase value x Average purchase frequency x Average Customer Lifespan x Gross Margin
ARPU​ Total revenue in specific period/Total number of customers during the same period (in currency terms)​
GROSS PROFIT​ Total revenue – Total COGS (In currency terms)​
OPERATING COSTS Cost of goods sold (COGS) + operating expenses (OPEX)
OPERATING PROFIT Revenue from Core Operations – Cost of Goods Sold – Operating Expenses – Depreciation – Amortization
CHURN RATE (Customers at the beginning of the period – customers at the end of the period) / customers at the beginning
of the period
Funding Plan Place your
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How much funds required to reach to the next level Funds utilization strategy (Details)
of the venture?
• 800000-1000000 • Equipment
• Product cost
How much have been bootstrapped? If not, why ? • Transportation
- • Office supplies
How much can be bootstrapped? • Electricity bill
• - • Maintenance
• Marketing
How much external funding required? If not, why? • Promotion
• 300000-500000 • Internal setup
Team Composition

Team member 1 Team member 2 Team member 3

What makes us a good team to solve the problem we chose?
We are good friends and know each other for more than two years.
We have also made many projects together and we are honest with
each other so this makes us a good team. Even if we fail we will never
Picture Picture blame each other instead we will start afresh again. We are men &
Men are brave

Role/Position: Role/Position: Role/Position:


Key Strengths and abilities :

Key Strengths and abilities Key Strengths and abilities
Communication Skill
Communication Skill Communication Skill
MS Office
MS Office MS Office
Management Skill
Drone Integration & Testing Management Skill
Proteus, Multisim, Matlab
Content Writer Proteus, Multisim, Matlab
Leadership Skill
Leadership Skill Leadership Skill
Management Skill
Management Skill Management Skill
Proteus, Multisim, Matlab
Thank You!

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