GEM 2020 Def
GEM 2020 Def
GEM 2020 Def
Monitor 2020
Quantities, flows, and the circular economy potential
Authors: Vanessa Forti, Cornelis Peter Baldé, Ruediger Kuehr, Garam Bel
Supporting Contributors:
The Global E-waste Monitor 2020
Quantities, flows, and the circular economy potential
Vanessa Forti, Cornelis Peter Baldé, Ruediger Kuehr, Garam Bel
Contributions by:
S. Adrian, M. Brune Drisse, Y. Cheng, L. Devia, O. Deubzer, F. Goldizen, J. Gorman, S. Herat, S. Honda, G. Iattoni, W.
Jingwei, L. Jinhui, D.S. Khetriwal, J. Linnell, F. Magalini, I.C. Nnororm, P. Onianwa, D. Ott, A. Ramola, U. Silva, R.
Stillhart, D. Tillekeratne, V. Van Straalen, M. Wagner, T. Yamamoto, X. Zeng
and publication information
C ontact information: Established in 1865, ITU is the intergovernmental body responsible for coordinating the
For enquiries, please contact the corresponding author C.P. Baldé via shared global use of the radio spectrum, promoting international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, improving communication infrastructure in the developing
Please cite this publication as: world, and
Forti V., Baldé C.P., Kuehr R., Bel G. The Global E-waste Monitor 2020: establishingtheworldwidestandardsthatfosterseamlessinterconnectionofavastrangeof
Quantities, flows and the circular economy potential. United Nations University communicationssystems.Frombroadbandnetworkstocutting-edgewirelesstechnologies,
(UNU)/United aeronautical and maritime navigation, radio astronomy, oceanographic and satellite-
Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) – co-hosted SCYCLE based earth monitoring as well as converging fixed-mobile phone, internet, and
Programme, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) & International Solid Waste broadcasting technologies, ITU is committed to connecting the world. For more
Association (ISWA), Bonn/Geneva/Rotterdam. information, visit
ISBN Digital: 978-92-808-9114-0 About IS WA:
ISBN Print: 978-92-808-9115-7 The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) is a global, independent and non-
profit making association, working in the public interest promoting sustainable,
United Nations University (UNU) is an autonomous component of the UN General comprehensive and professional waste management and the transition to a circular
Assembly dedicated to generating and transferring knowledge and strengthening economy.
capacities relevant to global issues of human security, development, and welfare. The Disclaimer:
University operates through a worldwide network of research and training centres The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do
and programmes, coordinated by the UNU Centre in Tokyo. not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations
University (UNU)/ United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is a dedicated International Telecommunication Union (ITU), or the World Health Organization (WHO)
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stakeholders through high-quality learning solutions and related knowledge products symbols are used in an editorial fashion with no intention on infringement of
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level in overcoming global challenges. those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the UNU/UNITAR, ITU,
or WHO, nor does citing of trade names, companies, schemes, or commercial
The SCYCLE Programme, now in transition from UNU to UNITAR, envisions enabling processes constitute endorsement. We regret any errors or omissions that may have
societies to reduce the environmental load from production, use, and the disposal of unwittingly been made.
ubiquitous goods and especially electrical and electronic equipment to sustainable © Maps, photos, and illustrations as specified.
levels by means of independent, comprehensive, and practical research and training, This publication is licensed by the United Nations University/United Nations Institute
providing more thorough fact bases for policy development and decision-making. for Training and Research and the International Telecommunication Union under a
Therefore, SCYCLE activities are focused on the development of sustainable Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 IGO License. Please
production, consumption, and disposal patterns for electrical and electronic take the time to learn more about Creative Commons.
equipment, as well as other ubiquitous goods. SCYCLE leads the global e-waste
discussion and advances sustainable e-waste management strategies based on life-
cycle thinking. For detailed information on SCYCLE and its projects, including its
research and training activities, please visit and © UNU/UNITAR and ITU, 2020.
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the specialized United Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the
Nations agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), driving above.
innovation in ICTs together with 193 member states and a membership of more Credits© Illustrations UNU/UNITAR SCYCLE -Nienke
than 900 companies, universities, and international and regional organizations. Haccoû Credits© Photos UNU/UNITAR SCYCLE -Yassyn
The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 is a collaborative effort of the Sustainable Cycles • Innocent Chidi Nnororm (Abia State University) – Africa
(SCYCLE) Programme presently co-hosted by the United Nations University (UNU) • Percy Onianwa (Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for the African Region)
and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the International – Africa
Telecommunication Union (ITU), and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). • Daniel Ott (RLG Americas) – Latin America
• Uca Silva (RELAC) – Latin America
This collaborative effort was made possible by financial contributions from: • Ruweyda Stillhart (SOFIES) – Policy & Legislation – Africa and Southeast Asia
• International Telecommunication Union (ITU) • Dulip Tillekeratne (CleanTech, GSMA) – Policy & Legislation – Africa and
• United Nations University (UNU) Southeast Asia
• International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) • Xianlai Zeng (Tsinghua University) – East and Southeast Asia
• World Health Organization (WHO)
• German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) acting Design:
through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ Nienke Haccoû | Op de Kaart |
Authors Vanessa Forti, Kees Baldé, Ruediger Kuehr (UNU/UNITAR), and Garam Bel Photography:
(ITU) would like to thank the contributing authors and reviewers for their contribution Yassyn Sidki | Yassyn Sidki Photography |
to the preparation of this third edition of the Global E-waste Monitor. Contributing
authors and reviewers have contributed to the report in varying capacities; their Additional thanks to:
affiliations are included for identification purposes. Reed Miller (Yale University Center for Industrial Ecology), Giulia Iattoni
(UNU/UNITAR), Vincent Van Straalen (Statistics Netherlands), Michelle Wagner
P roject steering committee: (UNU/UNITAR), and Tales Yamamoto (Institute of Environmental Science – Leiden
Kees Baldé, Ruediger Kuehr (UNU/UNITAR), Garam Bel (ITU), Aditi Ramola University) for their support in data collection and analysis.
C ontributors: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United
• Stephanie Adrian (US EPA) – North America Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) for their collaboration in distributing questionnaires
• Marie Noel Brune Drisse (WHO) – E-waste Impacts on the Health of Children on e-waste to various countries.
and Workers
• Yu-shu (Candy) Cheng (E-titanium Consulting, Inc) – Taiwan, Province of China Terry Collins and Mijke Hertoghs (ITU) for their support in the launch of the publication
• Leila Devia (Basel Convention Regional Centre for South America) – South and the media campaign.
• Otmar Deubzer (UNU/UNITAR SCYCLE) – The Potential of E-waste in a
Circular Economy
• Fiona Goldizen (WHO consultant) – E-waste Impacts on the Health of Children
and Workers
• Julia Gorman (WHO consultant) – E-waste Impacts on the Health of Children
and Workers
• Sunil Herat (Griffith University) – Oceania
• Shunichi Honda (United Nations Environment Programme) – Japan
• Wang Jingwei (Shanghai Collaborative Innovation Center for WEEE Recycling)
– East and Southeast Asia
• Li Jinhui (Tsinghua University) – East and Southeast Asia
• Deepali Sinha Khetriwal (UNU/UNITAR) – South Asia
• Jason Linnell (Electronic Recycling) – North America
• Federico Magalini (SOFIES) – Policy & Legislation – Africa and Southeast Asia
Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) has become an essential part of everyday This third edition of the Global E-waste Monitor is a result of the GESP and its close
life. Its availability and widespread use have enabled much of the global population to collaborators; a follow-up to the 2017 edition and UNU-SCYCLE’s groundbreaking
benefit from higher standards of living. However, the way in which we produce, Global E-waste Monitor 2014. This report shows that the global growth in the
consume, and dispose of e-waste is unsustainable. Because of the slow adoption of generation of e-waste continues.
collection and recycling, externalities –such as the consumption of resources, the
emission of greenhouse gases, and the release of toxic substances during informal In 2019, the world generated 53.6 million metric tons (Mt), and only 17.4% of this was
recycling procedures– illustrate the problem to remain within sustainable limits. officially documented as properly collected and recycled. It grew with 1.8 Mt since
Consequently, many countries are challenged by the considerable environmental and 2014, but the total e-waste generation increased by 9.2 Mt. This indicates that the
human health risks of inadequately managed Waste Electrical and Electronic recycling activities are not keeping pace with the global growth of e-waste.
Equipment (WEEE), widely known as e-waste. Even countries with a formal e-waste
management system in place are confronted with relatively low collection and Besides a global perspective, this report includes national and regional analysis on e-
recycling rates. waste quantities and legislative instruments. Although 71% of the world’s population is
Monitoring the quantities and flows of e-waste is essential for evaluating developments covered by some form of e-waste policy, legislation, or regulation, greater efforts must
over time, and to set and assess targets towards a sustainable society and circular be made towards implementation and enforcement in order to encourage the take-up
economy. The development of a recycling infrastructure, sound policies, and legal of a collection and recycling infrastructure.
instruments are more efficiently implemented on the basis of sound e-waste data.
Without a global picture of e-waste, the true nature of transboundary movements and, The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 introduces the wider public to the global e-waste
in some cases, illegal shipments will also be incomprehensible. challenge, explains how the challenge currently fits into international efforts to reach
the SDGs, and discusses how to create a circular economy and sustainable societies.
Building on the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, the United Nations In parallel, we encourage decision-makers to increase their activities to measure and
University (UNU), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and the monitor e-waste by using and adopting the internationally recognised methodological
International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), in close collaboration with the United framework developed by UNU-SCYCLE, in collaboration with the Partnership on
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), have joined forces in the Global E-waste Measuring ICT for Development.
Statistics Partnership (GESP). Since late 2019, the United Nations Institute for
Training and Research (UNITAR) has been co-hosting SCYCLE, UNU’s specialized We would like to thank all authors and contributors for this report, and we invite you
programme on e-waste. The GESP collects data from countries in an internationally to collaborate with the GESP and support our continuous efforts to improve the global
standardized way and ensures that this information is publicly available via its open- understanding and environmentally sound management of e-waste.
source global e-waste database, Since 2017, the GESP has
made substantial efforts by expanding national and regional capacity on e-waste
statistics in various countries. Ruediger Kuehr Doreen Bogdan-Martin Antonis Mavropoulos
Ultimately, the GESP assists countries in compiling e-waste statistics that are useful Director of the Director of the President of the
for national policy-making with an internationally recognised, harmonised Sustainable Cycles Telecommunication International Solid Waste
measurement framework. The GESP brings together policy makers, statisticians, and Programme, Development Bureau, Association (ISWA)
industry representatives to enhance quality, understanding, and interpretation of e- UNU & UNITAR, (SCYCLE) International Telecommu-
waste data. At the global level, the GESP contributes to the monitoring of relevant nication Union (ITU)
waste streams, measuring progress made towards reaching the Sustainable
Development Goals 11.6, 12.4, and 12.5. Recently, e-waste has officially been included
in the work plan for the
12.4.2 and 12.5.1 indicator and in the documentation pertaining to this indicator. The
GESP allows international organizations, such as the ITU, to measure progress towards
their own goals. In 2018, the highest policy-making body of the ITU, the
Plenipotentiary Conference, established a target of increasing the global e-waste
recycling rate to 30% by 2023. This would correspond to a 12.6% increase in today’s
global average.
of contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. 12
Literature ..................................................................................................................................... 84
The consumption of Electrical and Electronic op e 2 M
Equipment (EEE) is strongly linked to widespread
s 13. 1 2 4. 9 Mt
ica ia
global economic development. EEE has become er As
indispensable in modern societies and is enhancing
living standards, but its production and usage can be
very resource- demanding, as such also illustrates a Higher le v els of
counter to that very improvement in living standards. disposable i n c o me
Higher levels of disposable incomes, growing c a 2. 9 M ni a0. 7
ri ea
urbanization and mobility, and further industrialization
in some parts of the world are leading to growing 53.6 Mt
amounts of EEE. On average, the total weight 7.3 kg per capita
Gl o
(excluding photovoltaic panels) of global EEE
consumption increases annually by 2.5 million l
wa ed
metric tons (Mt). s t e g e n e r at
After its use, EEE is disposed of, generating a waste
stream that contains hazardous and valuable
materials. This waste stream is referred to as e-
EEE E-waste
waste, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE), a term used mainly in Europe.
14 Mt
update of global e-waste statistics. In 2019, the world
Mt t h
2 0 9. 2
generated a striking 53.6 Mt of e-waste, an
2. ro
a h
average of 7.3 kg per capita. The global generation n u of wt c e
An Gr o s i n
of e-waste grew by 9.2 Mt since 2014 and is
projected to grow to
74.7 Mt by 2030 – almost doubling in only 16 years.
The growing amount of e-waste is mainly fueled by
higher consumption rates of EEE, short life cycles,
and few repair options. Asia generated the highest
quantity of e-waste in 2019 at 24.9 Mt, followed by
the Americas (13.1 Mt) and Europe (12 Mt), while
Africa and Oceania generated 2.9 Mt and 0.7 Mt,
respectively. Europe ranked first worldwide in terms
of e-waste generation per capita, with 16.2 kg per Industrialization Higher c onsumpt io n Short life Few repair
capita. Oceania was second (16.1 kg per capita), rates of EEE cycles options
followed by the Americas (13.3 kg per capita), while
Asia and Africa generated just 5.6 and 2.5 kg per
capita, respectively.
Executive Summary 13
In 2019, the formal documented collection and • The majority of undocumented domestic and In middle- and low-income countries, the e-waste
recycling was 9.3 Mt, thus 17.4% compared to e- commercial e-waste is probably mixed with other management infrastructure is not yet fully developed
waste generated. It grew with 1.8 Mt since 2014, an waste streams, such as plastic waste and metal or, in some cases, is entirely absent. Hence, e-waste
annual growth of almost 0.4 Mt. However, the total waste. This means that easily recyclable fractions is managed mostly by the informal sector. In this
e-waste generation increased by 9.2 Mt, with an might be recycled but often under inferior case, e-waste is often handled under inferior
annual growth of almost 2 Mt. Thus the recycling conditions without depollution and without the conditions, causing severe health effects to workers
activities are not keeping pace with the global growth recovery of all valuable materials. Therefore, such as well as to the children who often live, work and
of e-waste. The statistics show that in 2019, the recycling is not preferred. play near e-waste management activities.
continent with the highest collection and recycling
rate was Europe with 42.5%, Asia ranked second at
11.7%, the Americas and Oceania were similar at
9.4% and 8.8%, respectively, and Africa had the e ge ner
lowest rate at 0.9%. as t at
Global e-waste w Global e-waste
0 1 1. 8
The fate of 82.6% (44.3 Mt) of e-waste generated documented to flows that
wt e 2
2 01
Gl o ba
in 2019 is uncertain, and its whereabouts and the Gr os i n c be collected and are not
environmental impact varies across the different properly recycled 53.6 Mt documented
regions. In high income countries, a waste recycling 17.4% | 9.3 Mt 82.6% | 44.3 Mt
7.3 kg per capita
infrastructure is usually developed, and:
• Around 8% of the e-waste is discarded in waste
bins and subsequently landfilled or incinerated.
This is mostly comprised of small equipment and Collecti on and recycling rates
Af A E
small IT.
is estimated to be
e ri
• Discarded products can sometimes still be ca
exported as
c as
refurbished and reused, and thus are usually 0.9% 9.4% 42.5% 7- second- hand
shipped as second-hand products from high- 20% products or e-waste
income to low- or middle-income countries.
However, a considerable amount of e-waste is
is discarded
aluminium copper
14 Executive Summary
20 20 20
Since 2014, the number of countries that have adopted a national e-waste
policy, legislation, or regulation has increased from 61 to 78. However,
regulatory advances in some regions are slow, enforcement is poor, and policy,
legislation, or regulation does not yet stimulate the collection and proper
management of e-waste due to lack of investment and political motivation. In
addition, the product scope in the legislation is usually different than the e-waste
classification systems suggested by the commonly used, internationally
harmonised methodological framework on e-waste statistics. These differences in 61 countries 67 countries 78 countries
the product scopes lead to a lack of harmonisation of e-waste statistics across covered by covered by covered by
countries. legislati on, policy, an d legislati on, policy, an d legislati on, policy, an d
regulati on regulati on regulati on
E-waste contains several toxic additives or hazardous substances, such as
mercury, brominated flame retardants (BFR), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), or
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). The increasing levels of e-waste, low collection e g e n e ra
as t t
rates, and non-environmentally sound disposal and treatment of this waste stream Global e-waste flows that are
-w Global e-waste documented to be
not documented collected and properly recycled
pose significant risks to the environment and to human health. A total of 50 t of
Gl o b a
mercury and 71 kt of BFR plastics are found in globally undocumented flows of
53.6 Mt
e-waste annually, which is largely released into the environment and impacts the
7.3 kg per capita
health of the exposed workers. 82.6% | 44.3 Mt 17.4% | 9.3
Improper management of e-waste also contributes to global warming. First of
all, if the materials in e-waste are not recycled, they cannot substitute primary raw
materials and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from extraction and refinement of 4 Mt
71 kt amount of raw
primary raw materials. Next, the refrigerants that are found in some temperature Flam e
Retar- dants
exchange equipment are greenhouse gases. A total of 98 Mt of CO -equivalents (BFR) $57 billion USD
2 value of raw
were released into the atmosphere from discarded fridges and air- 98 Mt
materials in e-w aste
conditioners that were not managed in an environmentally sound manner. This is CO2 $10 billion USD
value of raw
approximately 0.3% of global energy-related emissions in 2019 (IEA). Mercury Aluminium
Iron materials
50 t Copper
carbons ((H)CFCs)
E-waste is an 'urban mine', as it contains several precious, critical, and other non-
critical metals that, if recycled, can be used as secondary materials. The value of
raw materials in the global e-waste generated in 2019 is equal to approximately
$57 billion USD. Iron, copper, and gold contribute mostly to this value. With the
current documented collection and recycling rate of 17.4%, a raw material value of In summary, it is essential to substantially increase the officially documented 17.4%
$10 billion USD is recovered in an environmental sound way from e-waste globally, global e-waste collection and recycling rate, especially in view of the rapid growth
and 4 Mt of raw materials could be made available for recycling. The recycling of of this waste stream, which is already projected to reach 74.7 Mt by 2030,
iron, aluminium, and copper contributed to a net saving of 15 Mt of CO2 , combined with increasing recovery of materials towards closed material loops and
equivalent to emissions from the recycling of secondary raw materials substituted reducing the use of virgin materials.
to virgin materials.
Executive Summary 15
Chapter 1
What is EEE and
What is EEE and E-waste?
EEE includes a wide range of products with circuity or electrical components with a
power or battery supply (Step Initiative 2014). Almost any household or business use
products like basic kitchen appliances, toys, tools to music, and ICT items, such as
mobile phones, laptops, etc.
Besides everyday household and business use, EEE are becoming increasingly used in
transport, health, security systems, and generators of energy, such as photovoltaics.
Traditional products, such as clothes and furniture, are often equipped with electrical
components, and consequently are increasingly contributing to the global e-waste
generated. More and more EEE is also employed in the expanding sector of the
Internet of Things (IoT), such as sensors or devices pertaining to the concept of the
“smart home” or “smart cities”.
EEE becomes e-waste once it has been discarded by its owner as waste without the
intent of reuse (Step Initiative 2014). Each product has different material content, is
disposed of and recycled in different ways, and is unequally harmful to the
environment and human health if not managed in an environmentally sound manner.
EEE comprises of a large variety of products. For statistical purposes, however, EEE is
classified by similar function, comparable material composition, average weight, and
similar end-of-life attributes. The E-waste Statistics Guidelines on Classification
Reporting and Indicators – Second Edition (Forti, Baldé, and Kuehr 2018) therefore
divides EEE into 54 different product-centric categories. The categorization is referred
to as the UNU- KEYs. The full list of UNU-KEYs can be viewed in Annex 1.
The 54 EEE product categories are grouped into six general categories that correspond
closely to their waste management characteristics.
E-waste systems and schemes do not yet cover any kind of batteries,
accumula- tors, or electrical components of vehicles.
Currently, this categorization is compliant with both the WEEE directive adopted
by European member states (European Paliament 2003) and the internationally
recognised framework for e-waste statistics described in the aforementioned
Guidelines (Forti, Baldé, and Kuehr 2018) that are used in this report.
Global average number of selected appliances owned per capita, by country's income level
High income High/middle income Middle income Middle/low income Low income
Average household size: Average household size: Average household size: Average household size: Average household size:
Average purchasing power Average purchasing power Average purchasing power Average purchasing power Average purchasing power
parity in USD per capita: parity in USD per capita: parity in USD per capita: parity in USD per capita: parity in USD per capita:
0.7 1.6 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.02 0.1
a st e Ge n
t ed
Gl o
Gl o
53.6 Mt
Gr o 9 . 2
74.7 Mt
wt h of
at e
Gl ob
s in c e 2
44.4 Mt
7.3 kg per capita
9 kg per capita
6.4 kg per capita
17.0% | 7.5
Mt Global e-waste documented Global e-waste flows that are not
be documented
collected and
In 2019, approximately 53.6 million metric tons (Mt) are not keeping pace with the global growth of e-
of e-waste (excluding PV panels) was generated, or waste.
7.3 kg per capita. It is estimated that the amount of Statistics on e-waste collected and recycled are consistent or systematic manner. The lack of data on
e-waste generated will exceed 74Mt in 2030. Thus, based on data reported by countries. The most formally collected and recycled e-waste implies that
the global quantity of e-waste is increasing at an recent information available on the e-waste most of the e-waste generated in 2019 (44.3 Mt) is
alarming rate of almost 2 Mt per year. documented as formally collected and recycled managed outside the official collection system and,
worldwide refers on average to the year 2016 (see in some cases, is shipped to developing countries. In
In 2019, the formal documented collection and Annex 2 for the methodology and Annex 3 for households of higher income countries, small-size
recycling was 9.3 Mt, thus 17.4% compared to e- the country data). electronics can end up in normal waste bins and be
waste generated. It grew with 1.8 Mt since 2014, an In 2019, the large majority of e-waste generated disposed with the municipal solid waste. Therefore, it
annual growth of almost 0.4 Mt. However, the total (82.6%) was most likely not formally collected and is not subjected to proper recycling, resulting in a
e-waste generation increased by 9.2 Mt, with an not managed in an environmental sound manner. loss of materials. It is estimated that in EU
annual growth of almost 2 Mt. This illustrates that Those flows are usually not documented in a countries, 0.6 Mt of e-waste ends up in waste bins
recycling activities (Rotter et al. 2016).
8M Mt
. 7
2014 kg per capita 6.4 44.4 Mt 2014 10 +7% -1%
2015 6.6 46.4 2015
2016 6.8 48.2 2016
2017 6.9 50.0 2017
2018 7.1 51.8 2018
2019 7.3 53.6 2019
2020 7.5 55.5 2020
2021 7.6 57.4 2021 Temperature exchange Screens
2022 7.8 59.4 2022 equipment and monitors
9 .
0. 13
2027 8.6 69.2 2027 +4% +5%
2028 8.8 71.1 2028
10 8 6 4 0 20 40 60 80 100
The global quantity of e-waste in 2019 is mainly (+5%), and Lamps and Small equipment (+4%).
si nc e 2 si nc e 2
comprised of Small equipment (17.4 Mt), Large This trend is driven by the growing consumption of t Mt
. 7
equipment (13.1 Mt), and Temperature exchange these products in lower income countries, where 4.
17 +4% +2%
equipment (10.8 Mt). Screens and monitors, Small the products enhance living standards. Small IT and
IT and telecommunication equipment, and Lamps telecommunication equipment have been growing at
represent a smaller share of the e-waste generated lower speed, and Screens and monitors have shown
in 2019: 6.7 Mt, 4.7 Mt, and 0.9 Mt, respectively. a slight decrease (-1%). This decline can be
Since 2014, the e-waste categories that have been explained by the fact that, lately, heavy CRT USB
increasing the most (in terms of total weight of e- monitors and screens have been replaced by lighter
waste generated) are the Temperature exchange flat panel displays, resulting in a decrease of the
Small Small IT and telecom-
equipment (with an annual average of 7%), Large total weight even as the number of pieces continue equipment munication equipment
equipment to grow.
0.03 Mt | 0.9%
e-waste documented
to be collected and
0.7 Mt (16.1 kg per capita)
e-waste generated
0.06 Mt | 8.8%
In 2019, most of the e-waste was generated in Asia Current statistics show that in 2019, Asia ranked e-waste documented
to be collected and
(24.9 Mt), while the continent that generates the second at 11.7%, the Americas and Oceania stood at properly recycled
most in kg per capita is Europe (16.2 kg per capita). 9.4% and 8.8%, respectively, while Africa ranked last
Europe is also the continent with the highest at 0.9%. However, statistics can vary substantially
documented formal e-waste collection and recycling across different regions as the consumption and
rate (42.5%). In all other continents, the e-waste disposal behavior depends on a number of factors
documented as formally collected and recycled is (e.g. income level, policy in place, structure of the
substantially lower than the estimated e-waste waste management system, etc.).(2)
Progress towards attaining the SDGs and their 169 targets are measured by indicators
and official statistics. Several targets and indicators are defined or are currently in the
process of being measured as part of monitoring progress. Per target, a custodian
agency, or agencies, have been defined to guide the process.
E-waste management closely relates to many SDGs, such as SDG 8 on decent work
and economic growth, SDG 3 on good health and well-being, SDG 6 on clean waste
and sanitation, and SDG 14 on life below water. In particular, given the high raw
material demand for the production of EEE, e-waste also closely relates to the SDG
indicators on the material footprint (SDGs 8.4.1 and 12.1.1) and the SDGs on the
domestic material consumption (SDGs 8.4.2 and 12.2.2). Relatively general indicators
are being used to measure progress towards these SDGs. By contrast, for e-waste, a
more specific sub- indicator has been recognised for monitoring growth in the waste
stream, which is of particular concern due to both its potential hazardousness and its
high residual value. E-waste has been officially included in the work plan for the 12.5.1
SDG indicator and in the documentation around the indicator. (3) The importance of
considering e-waste is discussed further in SDG indicator 12.4.2 on hazardous waste.
Target 11.6: By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities by Total e-waste recycled
SDG 12.5.1 Sub-indicator on e-waste
paying special attention to air quality as well as municipal and other waste = Total e-waste generated
management. Since over half of the world’s population lives in cities, rapid
urbanization requires new solutions to address rising environmental and human health Where the “Total e-waste recycled” is equivalent to the “E-waste formally
risks, especially in densely populated areas. Most e-waste will be generated in cities, collected”, which is defined in E-Waste Statistics Guidelines (Forti, Baldé,
and it is particularly important to properly manage e-waste in urban areas, improve and Kuehr 2018) as the amount of e-waste that is collected as such by
collection and recycling rates, and reduce the amount of e-waste that ends up in
the formal collection system. The “e-waste generated” is defined as the
dumpsites. The move towards smart cities and the use of ICTs for waste
management offer new and exciting opportunities. amount of discarded electrical and electronic products (e-waste) due to
Indicator 11.6.1: Percentage of urban solid waste regularly collected and with adequate consumption within a national territory in a given reporting year, prior to
final discharge with regard to the total waste generated by the city. any collection, reuse, treatment, or export.
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and For methodology and datasets, the custodian agencies UNEP and UNSD
production patterns use the datasets and methodologies developed by SCYCLE, the Global E-
waste Statistics Partnership, and the Partnership Measuring ICT for
Development. With the current data, the SDG 12.5.1 sub-indicator on the e-
Target 12.4: By 2030, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals waste recycling rate is 17.4% for 2019.
and all waste throughout the life cycle, in accordance with agreed-upon international
frameworks, and significantly reduce their release into air, water, and soil in order to
minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.
iron SB
Nati onal
Prevent dumping and emissions, as well Create green jobs in the refur- Establish prioriti es for policy makers, i nfl u - Allocate adequate
as the improper treatment of e-waste bishment and recycling sectors encing regulations, and setting policy targets fi nancia l resource s
At the global level, better data will help to minimize e-waste generation as a result ITU Plenipotentiary Conference of increasing the global e-waste recycling rate to 30%
of taking stock of the challenges and having the basis to make targeted policy by 2023.
interventions. Understanding the quantities of e-waste better helps and setting up
ad-hoc instruments to promote recycling. Understanding the potential for e-waste Meanwhile, at the national level, harmonised and coherent e-waste data will also
recycling and refurbishment activities enables a forecast of potential green job contribute to estimating the magnitude of challenges relating to e-waste, setting
creation in the refurbishment and recycling sectors. Having better e-waste data is appropriate collection and recycling targets, establishing priorities for policy makers,
essential in order to measure progress towards the global target set in 2018 at the influencing regulations, setting policy targets, and allocating adequate financial
1. Total EEE Placed on the Market (POM) (unit kg per capita).This represents the
size of the national e-goods market.
2. Total e-waste generated (unit kg per capita). This represents the size of the
national e-waste generated.
3. E-waste formally collected (unit kg per capita). This represents the amount
of e-waste that is collected as such by the formal collection system.
total e-waste recycled
4. E-waste collection rate x 100 per
= total e-waste generated cent
This indicator represents the performance of the formal collection
Life-tim e
The measurement framework starts with After the equipment has been sold, it stays in The third phase is when the product becomes
tracking the “production and trade” of EEE. households or businesses for some time until it is obsolete to its final owner, is disposed of, and
There is a strong link between trade statistics disposed of. This period is called “lifetime”. The turns to waste, which is referred to as “e-
and national production statistics. In this stage, equipment in households, businesses, and the waste generated”. It is the annual supply of
the data is collected and published by custom public sector is referred to as the “use phase”, domestically generated e-waste prior to
organizations and/or national statistical and includes the items that are in hibernation. collection without imports of externally
institutes. By deducting the exports from the This is destined to become e-waste in the future. generated e-waste.
EEE imported and domestically produced, one The lifetime includes the dormant time in sheds
is able to obtain data on EEE POM. The market and exchange of second-hand equipment
entry includes EEE placed on the market by between households and businesses within the
households, businesses, and the public sector. country.
Scenario 2:
E-waste in waste bins
Scenario 3:
E-waste collected outside of formal systems
in countries with a developed (e-)waste
management infrastructure
Scenario 4:
E-waste collected outside of formal systems
in countries with no developed (e-)waste
management infrastructure
Eastern region
countries (apart from EU countries) Africa
9 Latin
have started compiling national
e-waste statistics
Department of
Statistics, Jordan
equipm ent
Small IT and telecommuni-
cation equipment
Having the best policy or regulatory framework in the world means nothing unless it is
setting reachable targets and effectively enforced. This is, unfortunately too often not
the case, while at the same time, the overarching e-waste management system in
2014 2017 2019 many countries is not appropriately financed – if it is financed at all.
Since the Global E-waste Monitor 2017, policy makers in industrialized and emerging
44% 66% 71% economies have continued focusing much of their policy and legislative efforts on
developing financing and awareness schemes that ensure better participation of both
the private sector and individual consumers. The objective here is to ensure higher
collection and recycling rates and to generate the revenue necessary to meet
population covered by population covered by population covered by
legislation, policy, or legislation, policy, or legislation, policy, or treatment costs. Most legislative instruments concentrate on resource recovery
regulation regulation regulation through recycling and countermeasures against environmental pollution and human
health impacts at the end- of-life of products. The reduction of e-waste volumes and
substantive repair and reuse of EEE has been limited so far.
Since the Global E-waste Monitor 2017, more and more e-waste-related policies,
legislations, and resulting regulations are also considering more upscale design
and production aspects – no longer focusing on the purely curative waste
management aspects. This is in line with the globally increasing policy efforts towards
a Circular Economy. Also, in response to the recently forecasted scenarios for e-waste
61 countries 67 countries 78 countries
increases in 2050 and 2100 (Parajuly et al. 2019), which could result in more than a
covered by legislation, covered by legislation, covered by legislation,
policy, and regulation policy, and regulation policy, and regulation doubling of the annual e-waste generation in the next 30 years, a reconsideration of
the present approaches, or at least a substantial enforcement of the present
legislations and regulations, is required.
Thus far, there have been some attempts to quantify the transboundary movements of
used electronics and e-waste, using several different methods. Most credible reports
Transboundary flows of e-waste have become a major concern for both exporter and regarding transboundary flows of used EEE in the USA were conducted by Duan et al.
importer countries. Some data suggests that the majority of e-waste is shipped from (2013) under the Step umbrella. The study undertook a quantitative analysis of the
the Northern hemisphere for informal disposal in developing countries. Although the transboundary flows of used electronics between and from North American countries
exact volume of the flow of e-waste is difficult to measure – as much of it is exported and used a Mass Balance method together with a Hybrid Sales Obsolescence-Trade
illegally or under the guise of being intended for reuse or as scrap – it is widely Data Method (HSOTDM). By analysing the results, it can be concluded that
accepted that the volume is significant, but a considerable share takes other routes. approximately 8.5% of the used EEE products generated in 2010 were exported
The issue of transboundary movements of e-waste from developed to developing (Lasaridi et al. 2016). Another study presented a similar result for the year 2011: 7%
countries raises concerns both because it causes an additional environmental burden of used EEE were exported from the USA in 2011 (USITC 2013).
in the destination countries and because e-waste is likely to be managed by the
informal sector. As a consequence, the management of e-waste is carried out in an According to a study for the European Commission (BIO intelligence Service 2013),
environmentally unsound manner, which poses significant risks to health and the roughly 15% of used electrical and electronic equipment (UEEE) is exported from the
environment. However, recent trends show that, in some cases, e-waste shipments EU, mainly for reuse. It is important to note that part of this UEEE either becomes
take a regional route (e.g. from Western/Northern Europe to Eastern Europe) rather WEEE during the transport (e.g. if there is not appropriate protection of the product
than a strictly “North-South” route. On the other end, as the e-waste collection during transport) or shortly after arriving in the destination country. This share is
system make progress in developing counties, there is evidence that valuable confirmed by another study undertaken by the Countering WEEE Illegal Trade (CWIT)
components such as Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) are being shipped these days from project, which found that in the EU, 15.8 % (1.5 Mt) of the e-waste generated in 2012
the Southern hemisphere to the Northern hemisphere for recycling. This is the case in (9.5 Mt) was exported. 1.3 Mt departed the EU in undocumented exports. Since the
Ghana and Tanzania, for example. And though transboundary movements were long- main economic driver behind these shipments is reuse and repair, as opposed to the
perceived as exports from the rich to the poor, there are growing indications dumping of the e-waste, an estimated 30% of this volume is e-waste (Huisman et al.
worldwide that historically well-regarded import countries such as China are also 2015). A more recent study (Baldé et al 2020) reports that 8% of the total e-waste
increasingly exporting e-waste to Southeast Asia, Africa, and elsewhere (Lepawsky generated in the Netherlands is exported for reuse. Another study conducted in 2019
2015). Transboundary movement also appears dynamic in time, reacting to social, (Zoeteman, Krikke, and Venselaar 2010) assumed that free riders were responsible
economic, and regulatory changes. One example is the rapid shift of processing for 10-20% of the total e-waste generated being illegally exported to non-OECD
operations from China to Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, and countries, and that a part was exported legally for reuse in developing countries. An
Vietnam as a consequence of the China’s import ban on waste in effect since 2018. earlier study (Geeraerts, Mutafoglu, and Illés 2016) suggested that assuming a
Currently, there are very few statistics based on hard data that are related to imports “minimum export/import scenario”, 10% of EU e-waste is exported illegally from the
and exports of waste, used electronics, and e-waste. The national reporting data by EU, while another 10% of the EU e-waste is exported legally as used EEE.
Parties (meaning country signatories) to the Basel Convention mandated under
Article 13 provides some information to analyse flows and amounts of transboundary Based on the above estimates, it can be concluded that the transboundary
movement of e-waste, but it is insufficient for a comprehensive analysis because of movements of used EEE or e-waste is in the range of 7-20 % of the e-waste
incomplete reporting by many Parties, ambiguous definitions, incorrect generated.
categorization among the
Chapter 6. E-waste Legislation and Transboundary Movement 55
Chapter 7
The Potential of E-waste in
a Circular Economy
From a material design perspective, EEE is very complex. Up to 69 elements from the On the other hand, the recycling sector is often confronted with high costs of recycling
periodic table can be found in EEE, including precious metals (e.g. gold, silver, copper, and challenges in recycling the materials. For instance, the recovery of some materials
platinum, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium), Critical Raw Materials such as germanium and indium is challenging because of their dispersed use in
(CRM) ( 7 ) (e.g. cobalt, palladium, indium, germanium, bismuth, and antimony), and products, and the products are neither designed nor assembled with recycling
non- critical metals, such as aluminium and iron. principles having been taken into account.
Within the paradigm of a circular economy, the mine of e-waste should be considered On the other hand, base metals (e.g. gold) used in certain devices, such as
an important source of secondary raw materials. Due to issues relating to primary mobile phones and PCs, have a relatively high level of concentration: 280 grams
mining, market price fluctuations, material scarcity, availability, and access to per ton of e-waste. Methods employed to separate and recycle e-waste can be
resources, it has become necessary to improve the mining of secondary resources economically viable, especially if carried out manually, where the material losses
and reduce the pressure on virgin materials. By recycling e-waste, countries are less than 5% (Deubzer 2007). Separate collection and recycling of e-waste can
could at least mitigate their material demand in a secure and sustainable way. thus be economically viable for products containing high concentrations and
contents of precious metals. Nevertheless, the recycling rate of most CRMs is still
This report shows that, globally, only 17.4% of e-waste is documented to be formally very low and can be improved for precious metals by better collection and pre-
collected and recycled. Collection and recycling rates need to be improved worldwide. treatment of e-waste.
1 2
H He Elements found in
Hydrog e n
H e l i um
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E l e m e n t s quanti fied
Li B C N O F Ne in the report
9.0121831 10.81 12.011 14.007 15.999 18.998403163 20.1797
Be ryllium Boron C a rb on Nit rog en Ox y g e n F luorin e N e on
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
L it h iu m
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar Critical
22.98976928 24.305 26.9815385 28.085 30.973761998 32.06 35.45 39.948
S od ium Magnesium A l u m i n ium S i l ic on P h os ph or us Sulfur C h lorin e A r g on
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Ni Cu Zn Ge As Se Br Kr
Co Ga
39.0983 40.078 44.955908 47 .867 50.9415 51.9961 54.938044 58.6934 63.546 72.630 74.921595 78.971 79.904 83.798
P ot a s s iu m C a lc i um Sca ndium Tit a n i u m Va na dium C h r om iu m Manganese N i c ke l C oppe r G e rm a n i um Arsenic Selenium Bro m i n e Kr y pt o n
55.845 65.38
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 58.933194 45 46 47 48 69.723 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru
C oba lt
Rh Pd Ag Cd
Z in c
Ga llium
In Sn Sb Te Xe
85.4678 87.62 88.90584 91.224 92.90637 95.95 98 101.07 102.90550 106.42 107.8682 112.414 114.818 118.710 121.760 127.60 126.90447 131.293
Rub idi um St ron t ium Yt t rium Zirc on i um Niobiu m M ol y b de n um Te c h n e t iu m R ut h e n i um R h odi um Pa lla dium Silve r C a dm i u m Ind i u m Tin A n t im on y
Tellurium Iodine X e n on
55 56 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba 57 Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
132.90545196 137.327 71 178.49 180.94788 183.84 186.207 190.23 192.217 195.084 196.966569 200.592 204.38 207.2 208.98040 209 210 222
Caesium Ba ri u m Ha fn ium Ta n t a l um Tu n g s t e n Rh e n ium Os m i u m Iridiu m Pla t in u m Gold M e rc ur y Th a l li um Lead Bismuth P olon iu m A s t a t in e Ra don
87 88 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
89 Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Uut Fl Uup Lv Uus Uuo
Fr Ra
223 226 103 267 268 269 27 0 269 278 281 281 285 286 289 289 293
F ra n c i um Ra d i u m R ut h e rfordium D ubn ium S e a b or g iu m Boh riu m Ha ssium M e i t n e r ium D a r m s t a dt i um R oe n t g e n i um C ope rn ic i um U n un t ri um F le rovi um U n un pe n t i um L ive rm or ium U n un s e pt i um U n un oct i um
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Series La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
138.90547 140.116 140.90766 144.242 145 150.36 151.964 157.25 158.92535 162.500 164.93033 167.259 168.93422 173.054 174.9668
Lanth anum C e ri um Pra seodymium Neodymium P rom e t h i um Sa ma rium Europium Ga dolin ium Terbium D y s pros i um H olm i um Erbium Th ul i um Y t t e rb i um L ut e t ium
Series Actinium Th ori um P rot a c t in iu m U r a n i um N e p t un i um P lut on i um Americium C uri um B e rke li um C a liforn ium E in s t e i n i um Fermium M e n de le vi um N ob e li um La wrencium
Source: Deubzer et al.
20 19
vi rg i al
m an uf a c turi n g f er
t o at
25 Mt 39 Mt m
ra M
estimated amount of the estimated demand
analysed raw materials 10 0 %re c y c l i n g of raw materials for
$57 billion USD in e-waste in 2019 e al EEE the production of
id new electronics
potential value of the analysed
raw materials in e-waste in 2019
kt mill.USD kt mill.USD
Ag 1.2 579 In 0.2
Al 3046 6062 Ir 0.001 53.6 Mt
7.3 kg per capita
Au 0.2 9481 Os 0.002
Pt 0.01
Gl o
108 Rh
Bi 0.1 1.3 Ru
Pd 0.0003
0.1 al
3532 Sb 76 E-
Co 13 1036 w a s t e Ge n ra
Cu 1808 10960
Fe 20466cl 24645
Ge 0.01
e 0.4 644
as t
flows of e-waste could be recovered
w e d
71 kt
amount of Brominated Flame Retardants E- 4 Mt
estimated amount of raw materials
(BFR) from unaccounted flows of e-waste that could be available for recycling
2 01
Gl o b
+ 98 Mt of CO2 equivalents CO2
-15 Mt of CO2 equivalents
potentially released from the their reuse as secondary products
53.6 Mt
inferior recycling of undocumented has helped save up to 15 Mt of
17. 4 %
c ol l um
e ct
e- m
e d/ en
st pr
7.3 kg per capita op d:
en e fl er
te o w ly
d s
cl e
Mt CO2 equivalents
0 aluminium iron
The study concludes that the potential cost reductions that can be realised by non-
compliant treatment exceed the normal economic margins of legitimate recyclers,
applying best available technology and ensuring full compliance, which leads to unfair
Environmental contamination
- Dumping acid used to remove gold into rivers
- L ea c hing of substances from landfills or stored electronics Children
- Particulate matter, dioxins, furans from dismantling
electronics - Ingesting contaminated dust on surfaces
- Contaminants entering the water system and food system - Playing with dismantled electronics
through livestock, fish, and crops - Children and adolescents working in
collection, dismantling, and recycling
Rapid onset of
blood coagulation(25)
Large populations in e-waste recycling hotspots may be at risk. But just because a
country doesn’t have a concentrated neighbourhood of e-waste recycling activity
doesn’t mean it has no e-waste problem. E-waste is part of a larger waste context
and is often collected door-to door or sent to landfills as part of general waste.
Waste-pickers, who are among the poorest and most vulnerable, may be exposed in
communities around the world (Gutberlet J & Uddin SMN 2017). In Latin America, e-
waste is often recycled in small shops across cities, instead of being concentrated in
one area (ITU et al. 2016a).
A growing number of studies have measured the daily intake and body burden of
single e-waste pollutants, but they have been limited to small numbers of participants
(Song & Li 2014). Long-term monitoring of occupational exposure, burdens on the
body, environmental levels, and health is needed to quantify the impact of e-waste
(Heacock et al. 2018). Experts have recommended that exposure and environmental
monitoring include metals, small particulate matter (PM2.5), persistant organic
pollutants (POPs), and PAHs (Heacock et al. 2018). Large biomonitoring initiatives are
being developed to monitor exposure to chemical hazards (Prüss-Ustün A et al. 2011)
and may be a good model for e-waste.
Few countries, such as South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Namibia, and Rwanda, have
some facilities in place for e-waste recycling, but those co-exist with the existence of a
large informal sector. Therefore, some of those recycling companies have struggled to
progress and increase the volumes processed, but interesting pilots and energies are
also mobilized through new initiatives. On the other hand, sizeable countries such as
Nigeria, Kenya, and Ghana are still very reliant on informal recycling. A study
conducted in Nigeria shows that approximately 60,000-71,000 t of used EEE were
imported annually into Nigeria through the two main ports in Lagos in 2015 and 2016.
It was found that most of the imported used e-waste was shipped from developed
countries such as Germany, UK, Belgium, USA, etc. Additionally, a basic functionality
test showed that, on average, at least 19% of devices were non-functional
(Odeyingbo, Nnorom, and Deubzer 2017).
Regulatory advances in Latin America take time, and only a few countries have
managed to establish e-waste laws. Although there has been considerable progress
Countries with the hi g he s t e - regarding the implementation of specific e-waste regulations in Latin America in the
wa s te generation per sub-region past 5-10 years, this progress is limited to a few countries, and for the rest, the road
Caribbean ahead is still very long. Apart from Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Peru – likely the
0.1 Mt | 7.8 kg per capita 1% | 0.001 Mt
leading forces in the region for environmentally sound e-waste management and
which, in 2020, are working on improving the already established systems, only Brazil
16 Jamaica
and Chile are establishing the bases from which to start with the implementation of a
18 kt
formal regulatory framework for e-waste.
Northern America Brazil recently published the “Sectoral Agreement for the Implementation of the
Reverse Logistics System for WEEE from households” for public consultation, and its
7.7 Mt | 20.9 kg per capita 15% | 1.2 Mt 367
formal signature is expected in 2020.
USA America 6.918 kt
Canada 757 kt After enacting the “Framework Law on Waste Management, Extended Producer
1.5 Mt | 8.3 kg per capita
3% | 0.04 Mt 176
Responsibility, and Promotion of Recycling” in 2016, Chile is now working on the
1.220 kt
specific e-waste regulation, which will include collection and recycling targets and set
Guatemala 75 kt the guidelines for the implementation of formal collection systems.
Costa Rica 51 kt
Seven years after implementing Decree 1512 for waste from computers, printers,
South America
0.7% | 0.03 Mt 425 and peripherals, Colombia is working on a new regulation to extend EPR to all e-waste
3.9 Mt | 9.1 kg per capita
categories and make adjustments to the integrated management system for e-
waste, taking into account the lessons learned and the guidelines established by
2.143 kt
Argentina 465 kt WEEE Law 1672 and the National Policy for WEEE Management.
Colombia 318 kt
Legend E - wa st e generated Looking back already on five years since the implementation of its first e-waste
E-waste generated (in Mt 0 to 4 kg per capita management systems, Peru has been evaluating the experience very closely so that
and kg per capita) 4 to 7 kg per capita
E-waste documented to be 7 to 10 kg per capita it can close loopholes and make alignments with the country’s general waste
collected and properly recycled
10 to 15 kg per capita
management strategy. The revised regulation is expected to be published soon and
(in millions) 15+ kg per capita
will also extend the scope of e-waste categories with a mandatory collection target of
small and large household appliances and, in particular, cooling appliances.
Since August 15, 2018, the so-called open scope has been in place. The open scope
Countries with the hi g he s t e -wa s te
E-waste generated
means that EEE products are a priori considered to be in scope in the European
generation per sub-region Legend
E-waste generated (in Mt 0 to 5 kg per capita Union, unless specific exclusions apply. This means, in practice, that new products,
Eastern Europe
and kg per capita)
E-waste documented to be
5 to 10 kg per capita
10 to 15 kg per capita
such as clothes and furniture with electric functionality, can fall under the directive.
3.2 Mt | 11 kg per capita
collected and properly recycled
15 to 20 kg per capita With regard to e-waste statistics, the most important decisions are calculation
20 to 25 kg per capita
23% | 0.7 Mt 289 (in millions)
25+ kg per capita methods for preparation of reuse, exports of e-waste, the e-waste generated
Poland 443 kt
Ukraine Federation 1.631
kt methodology, and the reporting categories. Preparation for reuse is defined as the
weight of whole appliances that have become waste and of components of e-waste
Northern Europe
that, following checking, cleaning, or repairing operations, can be reused without any
4.Mt | 22.4 kg per capita 59% |
further sorting or preprocessing. It also contains a decision on the registration of e-
1.4 Mt 105 United
waste exports. Where e-waste is sent for treatment in another member state or
Kingdom 1.598 kt
Sweden 208 kt exported for treatment in a third country in accordance with Article 10 of Directive
Norway 139 kt
2012/19/EU, only the member state that has collected and sent or exported the e-
Southern Europe waste for treatment may count it towards the minimum recovery targets referred. Note
5.Mt | 16.7 kg per capita 34% | that the directive does not yet cover any decision on exports of reused products, as
0.9 Mt 151 Italy
888 kt
1.063 kt
they are not yet waste. Also, member states have to report the data on the weight of
Greece 181 kt e-waste generated. Another decision is that data shall be reported in the six
Western Europe
categories, but that Category 4, Large equipment, is split into Category 4a (Large
equipment excluding photovoltaic panels) and Category 4b (Large equipment
4 Mt | 20.3 kg per capita 54% | 2.1 Mt
195 including
In Ukraine,photovoltaic panels).
an EPR system based on the EU WEEE Directive is in development, by the
Germany 1.607 kt association agreement from the EU and Ukraine. Thanks to the collaborative project
France 1.362 kt
Netherlands 373 kt supported by the EU, the Ministry of Ukraine Regional Development received support
to establish a legal basis on the disposal of electronic waste and batteries. Recently,
the two-year project “Implementation of Management System for Waste of Electric
and Electronic Equipment and Batteries in Ukraine” has been completed. This project
helped develop two laws: The Bill on Batteries and Accumulators and the Bill on
Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment, which is expected to pass parliament in
76 Chapter 9. Regional E-Waste Key Statistics
In Belarus, there is a general law, Law No. 271-Z on waste management, dated July 20, of in mixed residual waste as well as e-waste that is non-compliantly recycled with
2007. E-waste is managed within a framework of EPR of manufacturers and suppliers. metal scrap. In the Netherlands, the exports for reuse have been quantified as being
The e-waste categories featured are large equipment, whose lengths are over 160 cm; roughly 8% of the total e-waste generated (Baldé et al. 2020). These exports are
medium-sized items, sized 80-160 cm; and small items, under 80 cm in length. mostly comprised of EEE from IT servers and laptops from dedicated refurbishing
Within the “Municipal Waste Management and Use of Recycled Resources” companies, as well as used fridges, used microwaves, and other durable goods that
component of the national programme “Comfortable Accommodation and Favourable are stuffed in second-hand vehicles or containers and shipped to Africa. Exports for
Environment” for 2016-2020 (Order of the Council of Ministers of Belarus, dated April reuse are considered as lifetime extensions and are a part of the circular economy.
21, 2016, No. 326), an objective was set to reach the intermediate target of 20% by But many other EU countries do not have such data, and without it, reaching the
2019. Ferrous metal law bans the collection of e-waste by metal scrap recyclers. collection targets in those exporting countries will be more difficult, if not impossible.
Despite that, such collection probably still happens. Valuable components are taken The lower-income EU countries that have a lower consumption of EEE than higher-
out, and hazardous substances are dumped. In Moldova, a national strategy on waste income countries can also be recipient countries of those exports for reuse. The
has been in effect since 2013. There is an EU-Republic Moldovan association recent studies also indicate that despite the relatively high environmental awareness
agreement, under which several association agreements on environmental legislation in the EU, e-waste is still disposed of in residual waste, and the small e-waste ends up
exist. Within that context, the EPR on e-waste was approved in 2018. In Moldova, e- in residual waste bins. This comprises approximately 0.6 Mt of the EU's e-waste
waste is classified into the 10 categories of the old EU WEEE Directive, as opposed to (Rotter et al. 2016). A positive note is that the share of e-waste in the residual waste
the current 6 categories enforced in the EU. The EPR law specifies that there are also declined in the Netherlands from 11% to 9% of e-waste generated in the past decade
collection and recycling targets based on EEE POM of the three preceding years. In (Baldé et al. 2020). The largest uncompliant flow of e-waste is managed together
2020, there is a 5% collection target. This will gradually increase by 5% each year with metal scrap, but without proper depollution steps in place.
until 30% in 2025. In 2017, Russia has started an EPR programme for electrical and Compared to other European countries in its region, Belarus has a relatively
electronic scrap. Manufacturers and importers must help collect and process advanced e-waste collection and recycling sector. There are municipal drop-off and
obsolete electronics in accordance with Russian circular economy legislation. collection points and private pick-up and collection points, and e-waste is also
E-waste management systems collected from repair and service centers. Belarus collected 23 kt of e-waste in 2019.
In the European Union, there is a very well-developed compliant e-waste management The collection from households is incentivized by a small financial transaction that the
infrastructure to collect e-waste in shops and municipalities by private operators, as compliant waste collector (or recycler) receives from the government. However,
well as to further recover the recyclable components of the collected e-waste and private companies and governmental agencies have to pay for the e-waste collection.
dispose residuals in a compliant and environmentally sound manner. This has been The e-waste collection from public agencies might be hampered because they have to
established by the relatively long-running history of EU e-waste legislation since early pay a small fee, and the agencies are typically underfunded. So, public agencies
in 2003. Consequently, statistics show that 59% of the e-waste generated in Northern typically store the equipment.
Europe and 54% of e-waste generated in Western Europe is documented as being In other Eastern European countries, such as the Balkans, e-waste collection is
formally recycled; the e-waste collection data was reported for 2017. Those are the beginning and an e-waste management infrastructure is currently in development, but
highest percentages in the world. For the reference year 2019, 85% of e-waste not yet achieving same rates of e-waste as in Northern and Western Europe. In
generated, or 65% EEE POM of the three preceding years, has to be collected by a Moldova, there are collection points from municipalities. Some private companies get
member state of the EU, which indicates that collection and recycling must increase equipment from schools, universities, and other public authorities. In Russia and
even further to meet the collection targets. Ukraine, there are enterprises that collect e-waste and manage it in an
environmentally sound manner. However, there are too few e-waste collection points,
The feasibility of achieving the target and the location of other e-waste have therefore and the e-waste management capacity is not enough to recycle all domestic e-waste
been subject to several country studies in recent years. During the writing of this in an environmentally sound manner. Thus, e-waste is likely to be recycled together
study, the most recent studies have been performed in the Netherlands (Baldé et al. with metal scrap or dumped in landfills.
2020) and Romania (Magalini et al. 2019). These studies indicate that an increasing
share of e-waste, compared to the e-waste generated, has been compliantly recycled
in the past. However, significant parts are still managed outside the compliant
recycling sectors in the EU. E-waste management takes place by exporting for reuse,
e-waste that is disposed
Chapter 9. Regional E-Waste Key Statistics 77
E-waste status in Oceania in 2019 The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS) was implemented
in Australia under the Australian Government’s Product Stewardship Act 2011. The
Act went into effect on August 8, 2011. Under the Act, the Product Stewardship
0.7 Mt | 16.1 kg per capita $0.7 billion USD (Televisions and Computers) Regulations 2011 also went into effect on November 8,
e-waste generated value of raw 2011. This regulation provides Australian householders and small business with
materials in e-waste
access to industry-funded collection and recycling services for televisions and
8.8% | 0.06 Mt
e-waste documented to be
1.0 Mt CO2 equivalents computers. The co-regulatory aspect is a key feature of the above regulation,
potential release of GHG emissions from undocu-
collected and properly recycled
mented wasted fridges and air conditioners whereby the Australian Government, through the regulations, has set the outcomes to
1 country be achieved by industry and how the plan to be implemented. The television and
has a national e-waste legisla- 0.001 kt computer industries, operating through the approved co-regulatory arrangements
tion/policy or regulation in place amount of mercury from undocumented fl ows of e-waste
(Producer Responsibility Organisation) will determine how to deliver these outcomes
1.1 kt efficiently. The plan provides approximately 98% of the Australian population with
population (millions)
countries an aly sed
a mount of B F R from undocumented fl ows of e-waste reasonable access to collection services. These services may include a permanent
collection site at a local waste transfer station or retail outlet, or at one-off events.
The television and computer industries are required to fund collection and recycling of
a proportion of the televisions and computers disposed of in Australia each year and
to increase the rate of recycling of televisions and computers in Australia to 80% by
Countries with the hi g he s t e -wa s te E-waste management system
generation per sub-region
Under the Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) Regulations 2011,
Australia and New Zealand approved co-regulatory arrangements are required to provide independently audited
0.7 Mt | 21.3 kg per capita 9% | 0.06 Mt annual reports for the Department to publish. These co-regulatory arrangements
31 Australia report on a range of matters related to their role as administrators of the plan.
554 kt Currently, four co- regulatory arrangements manage the day-to-day operation of
New Zealand 96 kt
NTCRS. Since the plan's inception, more than 291 kt of TV and computer e-waste has
Melanesia been collected and recycled. During the 2017-2018 financial year, the plan recycled
0.02 Mt | 1.5 kg per capita 0% | 0 Mt approximately 58 kt of e-waste, equating to a recovery rate greater than 93%. The
10 Papua New Guinea 9 kt plan also ensured that all recyclers were certified to AS/NZS 5377:2013 standards
Fiji 5 kt
with regard to recycling e-waste safely (Australian Government 2019).
0.0005 Mt | 2 kg per capita 0% | 0 Mt With a ban starting in July 2019, the Government of Victoria is the latest Australian
0.2 Micronesia (Fed. state government to ban e-waste in landfills and has announced an A$16.5 million
St.) 0.20 kt package both to encourage safe management of hazardous materials found in e-
Palau 0.17 kt
waste and to enable greater recovery of the valuable materials, ultimately leading to a
Polynesia more stable industry and more jobs for Victoria. Sustainability Victoria launched a
0.001 Mt | 3.1 kg per capita 0% | 0 Mt Legend E - wa st e generated new campaign, implementing a A$1.5 million community education programme on
0.3 Samoa 0.6 kt
E-waste generated (in Mt
and kg per capita)
0 to 5 kg per capita July 4, 2018 to educate Victorians about the value of e-waste and how it can be
Tonga 0.3 kt 5 to 15 kg per capita
E-waste documented to be 15+ kg per capita recycled. The campaign features a new website,, which includes an
collected and properly recycled
Population animated video showcasing the valuable materials inside our electronics and social
(in m illion s)
media and digital advertising (Sustainability Victoria 2019).
The Pacific Islands region (PICTs), consisting of 22 countries and territories, face
unique challenges due to their spread-out geography. The limited availability of
suitable land on small islands and atolls for constructing landfills, the islands'
remoteness, and the islands' relatively small populations cause issues for large
economies, as waste management technologies, rapid urbanisation, limited
institutional, and human resource capacities are among the key challenges faced by
PICTs. The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has
the lead responsibility for regional coordination and delivery of waste management
and pollution control action and uses the strategic management framework, Cleaner
Pacific 2025, in guiding regional cooperation and collaboration. SPREP also works
with key international and regional partners to achieve greater integration of
sustainable funding and to support mechanisms for waste, chemicals, and pollution
management programmes.
(1) The e-waste collection rate is identical to the sub-indicator defined in SDG (12) Guo Y at al. 2010a; Guo Y et al. 2012a; Huo X et al. 2019a; Li M et al. 2018a; Wu
12.5.1. If the e-waste is collected through official collection systems, it can be K et al. 2011a; Wu K et al. 2012a; Xu X et al. 2012a; Xu L et al. 2015b; Xu L et al.
assumed that e-waste collected equals e-waste recycled, though in practice 2016a; Zhang Y et al. 2018a. > page 65
there might be losses taking place during the treatment phase. > page 23 (13) Zheng G et al 2013a; Xu X et al. 2015a; Zeng X et al. 2019a, Xu X et
(2) E-waste documented as being formally collected and recycled and its respective al. 2015b. > page 65
recycling rate refer to data officially reported by governments (the preferred data (14) Li Y et al. 2008b; Zhang R et al. 2015a; Liu J et al. 2011a; Liu L et al.
source in this report) or, in other instances, by recyclers. In several countries 2015a; Liu L et al. 2018a; Wang X et al. 2012a; Zhang R et al. 2015a. >
and global regions, e-waste is often also collected by the informal system, but (15) page 65 Soetrisno et al. 2020. > page 65
those quantities are not accounted for in either the indicator “e-waste (16) Cao J et al. 2018; Dai Y et al. 2017a; Huo X et al. 2019b; Zhang Y et al 2016a;
documented to be collected and recycled” or the respective recycling rate – for Zhang Y et al. 2017a. > page 65
two main reasons: (17) Zheng G et al. 2013a; Zeng X et al. 2017a; Zeng X et al. 2017b. > page
1) due to the activities' “informal” nature, they are not regulated, and data are (18) 65 Amoabeng Nti AA et al. 2020. > page 65
hardly available at the governmental level; and 2) e-waste managed by the (19) Grant et al. 2013; Xu P et al. 2015a. > page 65
informal system is most likely not recycled in an environmental sound way. (20) Zhang B et al. 2017a. > page
> page 25 65
(21) Li Y et al. 2008a; Ni W et al. 2014a. > page
(3) The workplan and other information is available from (22) 65 Li Y et al. 2011. > page 65 > page (23) Neitzel RL et al. 2020; Alabi OA et al. 2012. > page
30 (24) 65 Liu Y et al. 2018a. > page 65
(4) The Guidelines were endorsed by ESCAP, ESCWA, ITU, (25) Zeng Z et al. 2018a. > page 65
OECD, UNCTAD, UNECA, (26) Cong X et al. 2018a; Lu X et al 2018a. > page 65
EUROSTAT, UNEP/SBC, and UNU. > page 35 (27) Yohannessen K et al. 2019; Ohajinwa CM et al. 2018. > page
(5) E-waste is also often not discarded by its owner and, instead, is stored at (28) 66 Fischer et al. 2020; Decharat et al 2020. > page 66
home or can be donated as a second-hand product. However, by definition, (29) Decharat S 2018; Feldt T et al. 2014. > page 66
the EEE becomes e-waste only once its owner intends to discard the (30) Okeme JO et al. 2019; Decharat et al 2020; Seith et al. 2019. > page
product and, thus, after it leaves the home. > page 37 66
(31) Chen L et al. 2010a; Li K et al. 2014a; Liu Q et al. 2009a; Wang Q et al. 2011a;
(6) Yuan J et al. 2008a. > page 66
Default.aspx > page 54 (32) Neitzel RL et al. 2020. > page
(7) Critical raw materials are identified as one of the priority areas in the EU action (33) 66 Song S et al. 2019a. > page
plan for the Circular Economy. The most recent criticality assessment, (34) 66 Chen Y et al. 2019a. > page
performed in 2017, identified 27 critical raw materials. > page 58 (35) 66
(8) Precious metals (e.g. gold, silver, copper, platinum, palladium, ruthenium, (36) Li Y et al. 2012a; Xu X 2014a. > page
rhodium, iridium, and osmium) and critical materials (e.g. cobalt, (37) 66 Igharo OG et al. 2018. > page 66
palladium, indium, germanium, bismuth, and antimony). > page 59 Regulated Recyclable waste under the 4-in-1 Recycling system: laptops,
(10) The methodology for the calculation of the value of precious metals found motherboards, hard disks, power packs, shells, monitors, printers, keyboards,
in televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, fans, and light
e-waste has been updated from the methodology in the Global E-waste (38) bulbs/tubes (US EPA and Office of Internartional Affairs Tribal 2012). > page
Monitor 2017. This update is explicated in Annex 2. > page 59 75 The Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, generally
(11) The total amount of raw materials found in e-waste generated in 2019 was referred to as “Harmonised System” or simply “HS”, is a multipurpose
compared to the total amount of raw materials found in EEE Placed on the international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs
Market in the same year. The methodology for the calculation of raw materials (39) Organization (WCO).
found in > page 101
e-waste and the related data sources are presented in Annex 2. > page 59 Central Product Classification (CPC), Version 1.1. > page 101
The releases of CO 2 equivalents were estimated by linking the amount and type
of refrigerant used in fridges and air conditioners produced between 1995 and Endnotes 81
Sources to Annex 3: Country E-waste Key Statistics > page
(41) Telecom Argentina.
Australian Ministry of Environment.
(42) Eurostat.
(43) UNSD Questionnaire (UNSD
(44) 2019).
Reporte de Sustentabilidad Bienal 2011-2012.
(45) Solidarite Technologique.
(46) OECD Questionnaire.
(47) Ministry of Environment (Chile).
(48) Ministry of Environment (China).
(49) Hong Kong Environmental Protection
(51) Ministry of (Rush
Litterature Education (El Salvador).
Martínez et. al
(52) 2015). Assocham India.
(53) National Solid Waste Management Authority
(54) (Jamaica). National Statistics Office (Jordan).
(55) Africa Institute
(56) 2012. Namigreen.
(57) Ministry of Health
(58) (Peru).
(59) Analytical Center for the Government of Russian
(60) Federation. Ministry2017).
Litterature (Roldan of Trade and Industry (Rwanda).
(61) IENE.
(62) Litterature (Lydall M. et al.
(63) 2017). Exitcom.
(64) Computers for School Uganda.
(65) Environmental Protection Agency (USA).
(66) Questionnaires conducted by UNSD, OECD and UNECE in
82 Endnotes
Endnotes 83
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About the Authors
Vanessa FORTI is a Programme Associate at UNU- Vie- Dr. Ruediger KUEHR is Director of the UNU Vice
SCYCLE. Vanessa's research is focused on waste Rectorate in Europe, Sustainable Cycles Programme
quantification and the evaluation of its impacts, and she (SCYCLE), focusing its work and activities on sustainable
is the author of various publications that focus on production, consumption, and disposal. Ruediger co-
quantifying e-waste amounts and environmental impacts, founded the Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP)
such as the 2017 edition of the Global E-waste Monitor Initiative and functioned as its Executive Secretary from
2017 (Baldé et al. 2017) and the globally recognised E- 2007-2017. From 1999- 2009, he served as Head of the
waste Statistics Guidelines on classification, reporting UNU Zero Emissions Forum (ZEF) – European Focal
and indicators (Forti et al. 2018). The Global E-waste Point, and from 2000-2002 he was Secretary to the
Monitor 2017 won the European Advanced SDG award Alliance for Global Eco-Structuring (AGES) under UNEP’s
from the Diplomatic Cleaner Production Network. Ruediger has
Academy in Vienna. She is responsible for the regular update of methodologies, co-authored and co-edited several books, studies, and proceedings, including the
programming, data collection, surveying, modelling, and reporting on waste statistics previous Global E-waste Monitors in 2014 and 2017. He also publishes and lectures
(e-waste, mercury, and battery waste), and she attained the role of Data Manager on, inter alia, environmental technology transfer, transnational environmental policies,
within the SCYCLE team. In addition, she has co-developed EEE Placed on Market strategic sustainable development, and development cooperation. Ruediger has also
and WEEE Generated tools and manuals that are used globally. She is also a member been the Project Manager of the “2008 Review of Directive 2002/96/EC on waste
of the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership, which works to help countries produce e- electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)” (2007). A political and social scientist by
waste statistics and to build a global e-waste database for tracking developments education with a PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) from the University of Osnabrück (Germany) and
over time. She is in charge of organizing, developing, and conducting capacity- an MA from the University of Münster (Germany), as well as additional post-graduate
building workshops on e-waste statistics and building institutional capacity on e-waste studies in Tokyo, (Japan), he has served as Senior R&D Specialist with The Natural
in developing countries. Vanessa holds a Master's degree in Environmental Step in Sweden and as a freelance policy-consultant to various national governments,
Engineering from Università degli Studi di Bologna, where she graduated cum laude. international organizations, and companies. He was a visiting fellow to the Free
Dr. Cornelis Peter BALDÉ (Kees) is a Senior Programme University of Berlin (Germany) and the Hitotsubashi University (Japan) and a
Officer at the Sustainable Cycles Programme at the Research Associate to the Japan Research Centre of the University of Osnabrück.
United Nations University. At the UNU, Kees’s main Garam BEL is the E-waste Officer for the Telecommuni-
tasks are to lead the statistical work, build institutional cation Development Bureau (BDT) of the International
capacity on waste statistics in various countries, and Telecommunication Union (ITU), based in Geneva.
waste policies, provide policy advice on e-waste to Working in the Environment and Emergency
countries, and supervise staff and the strategic Telecommunications Division (EET), he oversees the e-
development of the team. He is one of the founders of waste activities of BDT, covering policy development and
the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership. Kees is awareness-raising. As part of the Global E-waste
currently the co-chair of the Taskforce on Waste Statistics Statistics Partnership, Garam coordinates the input from
of the UNECE Conference of European Statisticians that BDT on capacity-building and awareness initiatives
is relating to e-waste quantification. Prior to joining ITU,
tasked with developing a framework for waste statistics that is sufficient for monitoring he worked for the Environment
current and future circular economy policies as well as waste policies. Additionally, Management Group, which is a system-wide UN coordination body on environment
Kees has been selected by the Dutch government as a member of the board of and human settlements. In this position, he led activities towards streamlining the
directors of the Dutch Waste Electronical and Electronic Appliances Register, a role various e-waste-related initiatives of UN agencies and programmes. Before moving to
he has held since 2015. In 2018, the Global E-waste Monitor 2017 won the European Geneva, Garam worked for a local government in Scotland in the area of municipal
Advanced SDG award from the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna. At Statistics solid waste. He holds a master's degree in Standardization, Social Regulation and
Netherlands, Kees received the Innovation Award for the Dutch Green Growth Sustainable Development from the University of Geneva.
publication in 2012. Previously, Kees worked at Statistics Netherlands as the deputy
head of the Environment Statistics team. He earned his PhD on hydrogen storage at
the Faculty of Chemistry at Utrecht University. About the Authors 95
Link to E-waste
Classifi cati on of E E E under the UN U- keys and correlati on of
96 U N U - key s with the categories under EU-6 classifi cati on
UNU- Description EEE category UNU- Description EEE category
KEY under EU-6 KEY under EU-6
0001 Central Heating (household installed) Large equipment 0112 Other Cooling equipment (e.g. dehumidifiers, heat Temp. exchange
pump dryers) equipment
0002 Photovoltaic Panels (incl. inverters) Large equipment 0113 Professional Cooling equipment (e.g. large air conditi- Temp. exchange
oners, cooling displays) equipment
0101 Professional Heating & Ventilation (excl. cooling Large equipment 0114 Microwaves (incl. combined, excl. grills) Small equipment
0102 Dish washers Large equipment 0201 Other small household equipment (e.g. small ventila- Small equipment
tors, irons, clocks, adapters)
0103 Kitchen equipment (e.g. large furnaces, ovens, Large equipment 0202 Equipment for food preparation (e.g. toaster, grills, Small equipment
cooking equipment) food processing, frying pans)
0104 Washing Machines (incl. combined dryers) Large equipment 0203 Small household equipment for hot water preparation Small equipment
(e.g. coffee, tea, water cookers)
0105 Dryers (washer-dryers, centrifuges) Large equipment 0204 Vacuum Cleaners (excl. professional) Small equipment
0106 Household Heating & Ventilation (e.g. hoods, ventila- Large equipment 0205 Personal Care equipment (e.g. tooth brushes, hair Small equipment
tors, space heaters) dryers, razors)
0108 Fridges (incl. combi fridges) Temp. exchange 0301 Small IT equipment (e.g. routers, mice, keyboards, ex- Small IT
equipment ternal drives, accessories)
0109 Freezers Temp. exchange 0302 Desktop PCs (excl. monitors, accessoires) Small IT
0111 Air Conditioners (household installed and portable) Temp. exchange 0303 Laptops (incl. tablets) Screens and
equipment monitors
0304 Printers (e.g. scanners, multifunctionals, faxes) Small IT 0406 Cameras (e.g. camcorders, photo & digital still came- Small equipment
0305 Telecommunication equipment (e.g. [cordless] Small IT 0407 Cathode Ray Tube TVs Screens and
phones, answering machines) monitors
0306 Mobile Phones (incl. smartphones, pagers) Small IT 0408 Flat Display Panel TVs (LCD, LED, Plasma) Screens and
0307 Professional IT equipment (e.g. servers, routers, data Large equipment 0501 Small Lighting equipment (excl. LED & incandescent) Small equipment
storage, copiers)
0308 Cathode Ray Tube Monitors Screens and 0502 Compact Fluorescent Lamps (incl. retrofit & Lamps
monitors non-retrofit)
0309 Flat Display Panel Monitors (LCD, LED) Screens and 0503 Straight Tube Fluorescent Lamps Lamps
0401 Small Consumer Electronics (e.g. headphones, remote Small equipment 0504 Special Lamps (e.g. professional mercury, high & Lamps
controls) low pressure sodium)
0402 Portable Audio & Video (e.g. MP3 players, e-readers, Small equipment 0505 LED Lamps (incl. retrofit LED lamps) Lamps
car navigation)
0403 Musical Instruments, Radio, Hi-Fi (incl. audio sets) Small equipment 0506 Household Luminaires (incl. household Small equipment
incandescent fittings & household LED luminaires)
0404 Video (e.g. Video recorders, DVD and Blu-ray players, Small equipment 0507 Professional Luminaires (offices, public space, Small equipment
set-top boxes) and Projectors industry)
0405 Speakers Small equipment 0601 Household Tools (e.g. drills, saws, high-pressure clea- Small equipment
ners, lawnmowers)
0701 Toys (e.g. car racing sets, electric trains, music toys, Small equipment
biking computers, drones)
1001 Non-cooled Dispensers (e.g. for vending, hot drinks, Large equipment
tickets, money)
1002 Cooled Dispensers (e.g. for vending, cold drinks) Temp. exchange
Calculation of EEE Placed on Market (POM), E-waste Generated, and Stocks Panels) because data are not available in the UN Comtrade
The calculation of e-waste generated is based on both empirical data from the database.
apparent consumption method for calculating the EEE POM and a sales-lifespan 6. Perform automatic corrections for outliers on the sales data. This is needed to
model. In this model, lifespan data for each product is subjected to the EEE POM detect values that were too low (due to the lack of domestic production data in
(using a Weibull function) to calculate the e-waste generated. The methodology some countries where domestic production is relatively large) or too high (due to
described to determine EEE Placed on the Market is compliant with the Common misreporting of codes or units). Those detected entries are replaced with more
Methodology approach as defined in Article 7 of the EU-WEEE Directive (Magalini et realistic sales values either from the time series of the origin country or from
al. 2014). comparable countries. These statistical routines lead to a harmonised dataset with
The data in this report was obtained and treated using the following a similar scope and consistent sales for a country based on their own trade
1. Select the relevant codes that describe EEE in the Harmonised Commodity statistics.
Description and Coding System (HS).(38) 7. Perform manual corrections based on the analysis of the automatic corrections.
This is needed to correct unreliable data using knowledge of the market.
2. For the European Union, the international trade statistical data was extracted from For instance, CRT TVs have not been sold in recent years. In addition, country
Eurostat in the eight-digit combined nomenclature (CN) codes. Domestic data on Placed on the Market kindly provided by Bosnia and Herzegovina were
production data was also extracted from Eurostat. For the other countries, substituted to the data estimated with the apparent consumption method.
statistical data on imports and exports was extracted from the UN Comtrade
database. This was done for 181 countries and approximately 220 HS codes for 8. Perform corrections based on the knowledge of the possession rates measured by
the years 1995-2018. Countries were then classified into five groups according to ITU for desktop PCs and by UNICEF (UNICEF 2018) for 75 countries and 5 UNU_
the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for the scenario business as usual, retrieved KEYS (0403, 0407, 0306, 0305, 0108).
from Riahi et al. 2017. This procedure was repeated for each year since the
Country’s PPP changes over the years, especially for developing countries. This 9. Extend the time series of Placed on the Market. Past POM are calculated back to
process was useful to make statistics comparable between countries and to 1980 based on the trends of the available data and the market entry of the
calculate trends between groups. appliance. Future POM are predicted until 2030 using sophisticated extrapolation
Group 1: highest PPP (higher than $32,312 USD per capita in methods. The principle takes into account the ratio between the POM and the
2016) Group 2: high PPP ($32,312 USD - $13,560 USD per PPP per county and uses that ratio to estimate the Placed on the Market with the
capita in 2016) Group 3: mid PPP ($13,560 - $6,217 USD per forecast of the PPP from the SS P Database (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways)
capita in 2016) (Riahi et al. 2017).
Group 4: low PPP ($6,217 - $1,769 USD per capita in 2016) 10. Determine the e-waste generated by country by using the Placed on the Market
Group 5: lowest PPP (lower than $1,769 USD per capita in and lifetime distributions. Lifetime data is obtained from the 28 EU member
2016) the units to weight using the average weight data per appliance type. The
3. Convert states using the Weibull distribution. Ideally, the lifetime of each product are
average weights are published in E-waste Statistics Guidelines (Forti, Baldé, and determined empirically per product per type of country. At this stage, only
Kuehr 2018). harmonised European residence times of EEE were available from extensive
studies performed for the EU and were found to be quite homogeneous across
4. Calculate the weight of Placed on the Market for the 54 UNU-KEYS by using the Europe, leading to a 10% deviation in final outcomes (Magalini et al. 2014). Due
apparent consumption approach: POM = Domestic Production + Import – Export to the absence of data, it was assumed that the higher residence times per
(this equation refers to the 28 EU member states). For countries other than the product in the EU were approximately applicable for non- EU countries as well. In
28 EU member states, data on domestic production was retrieved from the UNSD some cases, this would lead to an overestimation, as a product couldlastlonger in
database in CPC1.1(39) (UNSD 2019), while for China and Vietnam, data on developing countriesthan in developed countriesbecauseresidents of developing
domestic production was retrieved from national registries. When data on countries are likelier to repair products. However, it can also lead to an
domestic production was not available, the following approach was used: underestimation, as the quality of products is often lower in developing countries
POM = Import – Export. because reused equipment or more cheaply produced versions that don’t last as
5. The numbers presented in this report exclude the UNU-KEY 0002 (Photovoltaic long might enter the domestic market. But in general, it is assumed that this
process leads to relatively accurate estimates. It should be noted that the Placed
on the Market
are much more sensitive for the amount of e-waste generated than the lifespans. Unknown Flows
The e-waste gap is the amount of e-waste that is unaccounted for. The unknown flows
11. Determining the stock quantities as the difference between the historical Placed on are calculated by subtracting the e-waste quantities officially collected and the e-
the Market and the e-waste generated over the years. waste found in waste bins from the total amount of e-waste generated.
A literature review was conducted to assess the amount and type of refrigerants used
in cooling and freezing equipment. Relevant information was found for fridges and air
conditioners in Duan et al. 2018. Subsequently, the amount of refrigerants was linked
to the estimated amount of waste fridges and air conditioners generated by each of
the 181 countries analyzed, as well as by year. Lastly, the Global Warming Potential
(GWP) was researched for each type of refrigerant and linked the amount of
refrigerants found in fridges and air conditioners. It was discovered that in fridges, the
refrigerants R-11 and R-12 were used until 1994; they were then substituted with R-
134a and R-22 until 2017. Since 2017, only R-152a and R1234yf have been used. In air
conditioners, R-410a, R-134a, and R-22 were used until 2017, and the R-32 and R-
1234yf have been used since.
Country Region E-waste E-waste E-waste documen- National e-waste le-
generated (kt) generated ted to be collected gislation/policy or
(2019) (kg per and recycled (kt) regulation in place
China, Hong Kong Special Asia 153 20.2 55.8 (2013)(49) Yes
Administrative Region
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
What is EEE and E-waste? Global E-waste Key Statistics How E-waste Data Contribute
to the SDGs
ISBN Digital: 978-92-808-9114-0