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You can give here a brief description of the
topic you want to talk about. For example, if
you want to talk about Mercury, you could
say that it’s the smallest planet in the entire
Solar System
Table of contents
01 02
Section Section
You can describe the topic of the You can describe the topic of the
section here section here
03 04
Section Section
You can describe the topic of the You can describe the topic of the
section here section here
Table of contents
Section Section
You can describe the
topic of the section here
01 02 You can describe the
topic of the section here
Section Section
You can describe the
topic of the section here
03 04 You can describe the
topic of the section here
This can be the part of the presentation
where you can introduce yourself, write
your email…
This can be the part of the presentation
where you can introduce yourself, write
your email…
Our objectives
It’s a gas giant and the biggest
planet in the Solar System
The Sun is the star at the
center of the Solar System
It’s the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest
Market size
Neptune is the farthest planet
from the Sun
Jupiter is the biggest planet of
them all
Main strategy
Earth Mars
Earth is the third planet Despite being red, Mars is
from the Sun actually a cold place
You can describe the topic of the
section here
This is a map
Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place
Venus has a very
beautiful name
It’s the farthest planet
from the Sun
What is marketing?
Mars Venus
Despite being red, Mars is actually Venus has a beautiful name and is
a very cold place. It’s full of iron the second planet from the Sun.
oxide dust It’s terribly hot
Core values
Venus has a very
beautiful name
Increase your followers
Despite being red,
Mars is cold
Earth is the planet
where we live on
Advertising & promotion
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest
Venus is terribly hot and its
atmosphere is poisonous
Mars is full of iron oxide dust,
which gives the planet its red cast
Budget allocation
Partner 1 Partner 2
Earth is the third planet Venus has a beautiful
from the Sun and the one name and is the second
that harbors life planet from the Sun
Partner 3 Partner 4
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is a gas giant and
planet to the Sun and the the biggest planet in the
smallest of them all Solar System
A picture always
reinforces the
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an image
instead of a long text. Your
audience will appreciate it
SWOT analysis
Strengths Weakness
Neptune is the farthest Mercury is the closest
planet from the Sun and planet to the Sun and the
the fourth-largest smallest
Opportunities Threats
Jupiter is a gas giant and Despite being red, Mars
the biggest planet in the is a cold place full of iron
Solar System oxide dust
Attract new clients
10% 30%
Venus Jupiter
Venus has a very It’s the biggest planet in
beautiful name the Solar System
20% 40%
Mars Neptune
Despite being red, Mars Neptune is the farthest
is a cold place planet from the Sun
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then
paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
Our prices
$250 Describe your product or $120
your service here
Describe your product or Describe your product or
your service here ● Characteristic your service here
● Characteristic
● Characteristic ● Characteristic
● Characteristic ● Characteristic
Team strategy
Neptune Earth
Neptune is the Earth is the third
farthest planet planet from the
from the Sun Sun and has life
Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the Mercury is the
biggest planet of closest planet to
them all the Sun
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then
paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Competition diagram
Competitor 1 Competitor 2
Neptune is very far Mercury is the Earth is where we Jupiter is the biggest
away from us smallest planet all live on planet
Buyer persona
Time shopping online
Internet Despite being red,
Mars is cold
Social Earth is the planet Time on social networks
where we live on 12h
Angelina Doe
Sport Mercury is the closest
Age: 25
planet to the Sun
Occupation: IT Time working online
Education: University Arts Ceres is located in the 8h
Personality: Extrovert main asteroid belt
Buyer persona
Profile Needs
Neptune is the farthest planet Jupiter is a gas giant and the
from the Sun and the fourth- biggest planet in the entire
largest of them all Solar System
Interests Skills
Venus 40% Earth 80%
Timmy Jimmy Ceres 75% Pluto 60%
Age: 31
Mars 90% Saturn 80%
Gender: Male
Occupation: Analyst
A timeline always works well
Mars Jupiter
Despite being red, Mars It’s the biggest planet of
is a cold place them all
Mercury Neptune
It’s the closest planet to It’s the farthest planet
the Sun from the Sun
Our team
Jupiter Neptune
It’s the biggest planet in the Neptune is the farthest
Solar System planet from the Sun
Venus Saturn
Venus is the second planet Saturn is a gas giant and has
from the Sun several rings
The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s
9h 55m 23s
Jupiter’s rotation period
386,000 km
Distance between Earth and the Moon
$9,78 billion 3,788
Global market value in 2020 Impressions during the last two years
35% +12%
Expected growth rate by 2026 New customers per year
This is a table
You can describe here your You can describe here your You can describe here your
Key action 1 items for the quarter items for the quarter items for the quarter
You can describe here your You can describe here your You can describe here your
Key action 2 items for the quarter items for the quarter items for the quarter
You can describe here your You can describe here your You can describe here your
Key action 3 items for the quarter items for the quarter items for the quarter
A picture is
worth a
A picture is worth a thousand words
This is an infographic
Mars Mercury
Despite being red, Mars Mercury is the closest
is a cold place planet to the Sun
Venus Saturn
Venus has a very Saturn is a gas giant and
beautiful name has several rings
Marketing infographics
Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Mars is It's composed mostly of
actually a cold place hydrogen and helium
Sun Jupiter
The Sun is the star at the It’s the fourth-brightest
center of the Solar System object in the night sky
Sales funnel
01 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
02 Saturn is the ringed planet
03 Earth is the third planet from the Sun
04 Despite being red, Mars is a cold place
Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun
Neptune is the farthest planet
from the Sun
Interaction percentages
Jupiter Neptune
4/5 3/5
Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest Neptune is the fourth-largest planet by
planet in the Solar System diameter in the Solar System
Saturn Mercury
3/5 2/5
It was named after the Roman god of It’s the closest planet to the Sun and
wealth and agriculture the smallest one in the Solar System
Upcoming projects
Venus Mercury
Venus is the second planet from Mercury is the smallest and
the Sun. It is named after a innermost planet in the entire
Roman goddess Solar System
Saturn Jupiter
Saturn is the sixth planet from Jupiter is the fifth planet from
the Sun and the second-largest the Sun and the largest in the
in the Solar System Solar System
Predicted growth
Period 1
Despite being red, Mars is actually
a very cold place
Period 2
Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
01 It was named after the Roman
god of the skies and lightning
02 The Sun is the star at the center
of the Solar System
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
delete this one and add yours
Tablet app
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
delete this one and add yours
Mobile app
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
delete this one and add yours
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik
Photos Vectors
● Colleagues working together at the office ● Pack of torn paper in different shapes
● Business people in meeting ● Hand-drawn timeline infographic
● Travel agent offering trip planning to clients ● Hand drawn bullet journal elements
● People having a meeting for a vacant job ● Hand drawn bullet journal elements I
● Close up business people working together ● Different bullet journal elements collection
● Startups entrepreneurs discussing strategies ● Pages and sticky notes of bullet journal template
● Business women talking about a project in a meetin ● Hand-drawn infographic with different colors
g ● Timeline infographic hand drawn design
● Coworkers discussing a new project together ● Hand drawn marketing infographics
Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for free at our other websites.
Photos Vectors
● Happy senior standing on her office ● Realistic torn paper set
● People having a meeting in the office ● Pack of drawn lovely washi tapes
● Top view roses flowers with copy space ● Paper style ransom note letter set
● Woman showing something to her colleagues durin ● Torn white papers with tape on dark background
g a meeting ● Set of different bullet journal elements
● Business people working together ● Monochrome bubbles with expressions
● Business people working on a project together ● Hand drawn bullet journal elements
● Close up people shaking hands ● Hand drawn infographic element collection
● Business man at his office smiling
● Marketing Icon Pack
Instructions for use (premium users)
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Fonts & colors used
DM Serif Display
Create your Story with our illustrated concepts. Choose the style you like the most, edit its colors, pick
the background and layers you want to show and bring them to life with the animator panel! It will boost
your presentation. Check out how it works.
You can easily resize these resources without losing quality. To change the color, just ungroup the resource
and click on the object you want to change. Then, click on the paint bucket and select the color you want.
Group the resource again when you’re done. You can also look for more infographics on Slidesgo.
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
...and our sets of editable icons
“Venus is the
“Neptune is the “Saturn is a gas
second planet from
farthest-known giant and has
the Sun and is
planet from the Sun” several rings”
terribly hot”
TITLE 1 “Mercury is closest
planet to the Sun
and the smallest”
“Mercury is closest
planet to the Sun
and the smallest”
“Mercury is closest
planet to the Sun
and the smallest”
Premium Icons
Digital Marketing
Premium Icons
Online Learning
Premium Icons
Premium Icons
Goals and Results
Premium Icons
Infographic Elements