MCR 514 Presentation 1
MCR 514 Presentation 1
MCR 514 Presentation 1
Rupiya Lawrence
Presentation Topic
Computer software with an interface between the user and the program,
launched in 2009 (Salman et al., 2021). of input data (weather, crop type, irrigation and field management, soil
and groundwater characteristics etc.).
Prior to running a simulation, user specifies in the Main menu the sowing
date, simulation period, appropriate environmental, initial and off-season
Aqua-Crop simulation
2. Crop transpiration (Tr): Water loss from the crop canopy and directly
proportional to CC.
Oceania (1 percent)
Aqua-Crop Geographical Coverage
Considers three thresholds for the water content in the root zone.
Divides the soil profile into small compartments with their own soil
physical characteristics.
Keeps track of the stresses which might develop in the root zone.
Used to quantify the effect of other irrigation, field and crop management
strategies on WPY (more crop per drop) in water-scarce regions
Model limited to only a few of the major crops, more rigorous testing is
needed for some of the crops.
Raes, D., Steduto, P., Hsiao, T. C., & Fereres, E., (2012). Reference Manual.
FAO, Land and Water Division, Rome, Italy. Aqua-Crop Version 4.0.
Salman, M., García-Vila, M., Fereres, E., Raes, D. and Steduto, P. (2021). The
Aqua-Crop model – Enhancing crop water productivity. Tenyears of development,
dissemination and implementation 2009–2019. FAO Water Report No. 47.
Rome, FAO.
References Accessible on;
Aqua-Crop Zotero public library, which can be accessed online (