Remediation Techniques For Oil Spills
Remediation Techniques For Oil Spills
Remediation Techniques For Oil Spills
• Oil spills
• Why it is necessary to remediate?
• Remediation techniques for marine environment
• Remediation techniques for soil
• Petroleum is one of the most important energy resource and a raw material for different industries.
• But oil spills during exploration, transportation, and refining can occur that cause some environmental
• There are various remediation techniques available for environmental restoration activities and can be
• Therefore, there are also some remediation techniques for oil spills as well in water or on land.
Oil Spills
• Oil spill is an environmental disaster that occurs due
to release of liquid petroleum into the environment.
• The largest spill that has taken place resulted into 210
million tons of oil loss occurred at Mexico in 2010.
• Remediation of oil spills is a serious issue because of its adverse effects on
the biosphere.
• Oil spreads on the top surface of water and form a horizontal smooth and
slippery surface known as slick.
• It forms thin coating on the bird’s feathers which loses its insulating
Why properties and results in freezing death.
Remediation • It will also reduce the amount of oxygen dissolving from air in water which
is necessary for marine life.
is Necessary • Oil spill has toxic impact on aquatic animals and damages their food
for Oil resources and habitats.
• Physical remediation methods are mostly to control oil spills in a water environment.
• There are two main steps in controlling the oil spills include containment and recovery.
• They are mainly used as a barrier to control the spreading oil spill without changing
its physical and chemical characteristics.
Physical Remediation Techniques
Different equipment's are used to control oil spills which are as
(A) Boomers
• Boomers are floatation device which act like physical barriers
which would not allow the oil to spread in water so that oil could
be recovered.
• During recovery period, they are sailed through the heaviest
sections of the spill at slow speed and a shipping vessel scoops
the oil and traps it between the angle of the boom and the vessel
• They are also characterized into fence boomer, curtain boomer
and fire-resistant boomer on the basis of floating tendency,
material with which they are made weight and stopping
(B) Skimmers
• They helps in the recovery of spread oil
with the help of boomers.
• Oleophilic skimmers try to trap the oil
from the surface with help of belts, disks,
continuous chain of oleophilic material and
then oil is squeezed out in the recovery
• Weir skimmers use dam for trapping the
oil inside and then it can be pumped out
through a pipe or hose to storage tank for
recycling purpose. Type and the thickness
of oil spill determine the success of
• Skimmers are effective and work efficiently
in calm water.
• But they can clogged by the debris in
• Absorbents which are oleophilic and hydrophobic in nature come out as a
good controller of oil spills.
• After skimming operation, adsorbent are used to clean the remaining oil.
• These adsorbents can be natural organic, inorganic or synthetic materials.
• Natural organic sorbents includes peat, hay, feathers, ground corncob
Adsorbent etc.
• They can soak up from 3 to 15 times their weight in oil.
Materials • Natural inorganic sorbent includes perlite vermiculite, glass, clay, wool,
sand and volcanic ash. They can absorb up to 4 to 20 times their weight
in oil.
• Synthetic absorbents include materials similar to plastic like polyethylene,
and nylon fibers. They can absorb up to 70 times weight in oil but cannot be
cleaned and reused.
Chemical Remediation
• Chemical remediation methods are among the best remediation techniques available for both on shore
and offshore.
• They not only block the spreading of oil spill but also protect the sensitive marine habitat.
• They are usually used in addition with physical methods in marine oil spill remediation.
• The chemicals which control oil spills include dispersants and solidifies.
• For different hydrocarbons there are different microorganisms that have been used.
• They work with different degradation mechanisms depending on the type of hydrocarbon
present in oil.
• Good concentration of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus are growth inhibitor of
• During bioremediation, microbes utilize chemical contaminants in the soil as an energy source
and, through oxidation-reduction reactions, metabolize the target contaminant into useable
energy for microbes.
• By-products (metabolites) released back into the environment are typically in a less toxic form
than the parent contaminants.
• For example, petroleum hydrocarbons can be degraded by microorganisms in the presence of
oxygen through aerobic respiration.
• The hydrocarbon loses electrons and is oxidized while oxygen gains electrons and is reduced.
• The result is formation of carbon dioxide and water .
• When oxygen is limited in supply or absent, as in saturated or anaerobic soils or lake sediment,
• Generally, inorganic compounds such as nitrate, sulfate, ferric iron, manganese, or carbon
1) Presence of a contaminant
2) An electron acceptor
• Petroleum hydrocarbons are naturally occurring chemicals; therefore, microorganisms which are
capable of attenuating or degrading hydrocarbons exist in the environment.