Map Projections
Map Projections
Map Projections
• Goal: translate places on the Earth (3D)
to Cartesian coordinates (2D)
Map Projections
• The systematic transformation of
points on the Earth’s surface to
corresponding points on a plane
– Map projections always introduce some type
of distortion
– selection of a projection is done to minimize
distortion for the particular application
Why do we need a projection?
Creating maps
– we must choose an appropriate projection for the
map to communicate effectively
– part of good cartographic design
The light source's origin for the map projection is also the origin of the
spherical coordinate system, so simply extending the degree lines until
they reach the cylinder creates the map projection. The poles cannot be
displayed on the map projection because the projected 90 degree latitude
will never contact the cylinder. (ESRI Press)
Tangent vs. Secant Projections
Standard line
Standard line
Standard line
Standard Lines or Point
Azimuthal projections
• -preserve direction
• azimuths (lines of true direction) from the center point
of the projection to all other points are correct
Famous (and frequent) projection issue...
e.g., Molleweide
(equal area)
3-11 Map projections distortion (Cont.)
The Mercator
projection maintains
shape and direction.
The Sinusoidal and
Equal-Area Cylindrical
projections both
maintain area, but look
quite different from
each other. The
Robinson projection
does not enforce any
specific properties but
is widely used because
it makes the earth’s
surface and its features
"look right.“ (ESRI
Tissot’s Indicatrix
The Tissot indicatrix is a figure that shows how a projection changes the geometry.
It does so in a simple manner: by showing what a circle would look like on the map.
Antarctica’s shape
Equal-area example
Albers Equal Area
chord c = ???
θ = s/R x180/π
R = 6371007m
c2 = 2R2 – 2R2cosθ
θ Plot 200km on 25cm
= 2R2(1-cosθ)
Scale = 1 : 800 000
c = 199 991.79m
8.21m plots as 0.00001m = 0.01mm
Diff = - 8.21m