Leadership & Management Skills
Leadership & Management Skills
Leadership & Management Skills
- The evolution of Leadership
- Defining Leadership
- Characteristics of a Leader
- Principles of a Leader
- Leadership Styles
- Importance of Leader & Leadership
- Who is an ideal Leader ?
Evolution of Leadership
- In general, the role of a leader is to inspire
others (People, individuals , Teams etc)
- They motivate people to achieve desired
goals for human welfare
- They also motivate teams through challenging
times and guide individuals
- A leader is one who convinces other people to
Evolution of Leadership
• Simply speaking, “leadership” is defined as “the ability to
• Today leaders follow a model based on guiding and
• long ago the sole responsibility of someone in a leadership
position was to basically figure out what needed to be done
and then tell people how, when, what, and where to do it
4. Communication
Good leaders know that open communication is the hallmark of
good leadership. Without open communication, employees
have no idea what is expected of them.
Leadership principles
5. Continuously brush-up on your leadership
Good leaders know that practice makes perfect.
In order to continue to be a good leader every
day, you must practice and work at it. This can
involve reading books or articles, listening to
podcasts, attending workshops
Leadership Styles