GSU 07407 Research Methods - 1 1
GSU 07407 Research Methods - 1 1
GSU 07407 Research Methods - 1 1
for Engineers
GSU 07407
The main objective of this course is to
help students to:
use information systems effectively;
write a critical review of the relevant
identify a research problem;
develop and write a research proposal
for their discipline area;
Aim of Subject
propose and justify an appropriate research
plan for the chosen research problem;
choose and apply an appropriate
experimental design to a particular research
problem, if required;
understand and apply a range of standard
techniques for instrumentation and data
prepare a well written and concise research
thesis or report
Reference Books
Ranjit Kumar. "Research
Methodology: A step by step guide for
beginnners" Pearson, 2007
C.R.Kothari. “Research
Methodology:Methods and
Techniques” New Age Intenation,2004
Definition of Research
Correlational Explanatory
Applied research research Qualitative
research research
Source:Ranjit Kumar
Pure or basic or fundamental research
research carried out to increase
understanding of fundamental principles
the end results have no direct or immediate
commercial benefits
can be thought of as arising out of
curiosity;However, in the long term it is the
basis for many commercial products and
applied research.
Applied Research
Aims at finding a solution for an immediate
problem facing a society or indutrial/business
organization .
research that is applied, accessing and using
some part of the research communities' (the
academy's) accumulated theories,
knowledge, methods, and techniques, for a
specific, often state, commercial, or client
driven purpose.
Descriptive Research
Attempt to describe systematically a
situation, problem, phenomenon, service
or program, or provide information about,
say, the living conditions of a community,
or describes attitude towards anissues
Correlational Research
To discover or establish the existence of a
between 2 or more aspects of situation
Explanatory Research :To clarify
why and how there is a relationship
between 2 aspects of situation or
Quantitative Research: Research
Methodology that emphasize on precise,
objectivity, and Generalizability .
Methods: Measurement Design, Sampling
Design and Statistical Analysis Design
Qualitative Research: Research
Methodology that emphasize on depth of
understanding and the deeper meanings of
human experience,
experience and that aim to generate
theoretically richer observations.
Methods: Participant Observation, Direct
Observation, Unstructured or Intensive
Interviewing (In-dept Interview), Focus
Research Process
You must take time to think about your
research as this will save you problems
later . ask yourself the five ‘Ws’:
– What is my research?
– Why do I want to do the research?
– Who are my research participants?
– Where am I going to do the research?
– When am I going to do the research?
Then think of HOW
and steps in Methods and The Research Process
formulating a tools of data
research problem collection Source:Ranjit Kumar
Formulating Conceptualizing Writing a Writing a
an instrument Selecting Collecting Processing
a research a research research research
For data a sample data data
problem design proposal report