• The emasculated flowers are tagged just after bagging. Generally circular tags
of about 3 cm or rectangular tags of about 3 x 2 cm are used. The tags are
attached to the base of flower or inflorescence with the help of thread.
• The information on tag must be as brief as possible but complete bearing
the following information:
• (i) Number referring to the field record
• (ii) Date of emasculation
• (iii) Date of crossing
• (iv) Name of the female parent is written first followed by a cross sign (x) and
then the male parent, e.g., C x D denotes that C is the female parent and D is
the male parent.
(vi) Crossing:
• It is the sixth step. It can be defined as the artificial cross-pollination
between the genetically unlike plants. In this method mature, fertile
and viable pollens from the male parent are placed on the receptive
stigma of emasculated flowers to bring about fertilization.
• Pollen grains are collected in petridishs (e.g., Wheat, cotton etc.) or in
paper bags {e.g., maize) and applied to the receptive stigmas with the
help of a camel hair brush, piece of paper, tooth pick or forceps. In
some crops (e.g., Jowar, Bajra) the inflorescences of both the parents
are enclosed in the same bag.
(vii) Harvesting and Storing the F1 Seeds:
• Crossed heads or pods of desirable plants are harvested and after
complete drying they are threshed. Seeds are stored properly with
original tags.
(viii) Raising the F1 generation:
• In the coming season, the stored seeds are sown separately to raise
the F1 generation. The plants of F1 generation are progenies of cross
seeds and therefore are hybrids.
Composite varieties
• A composite variety is produced by mixing the seeds of
several phenotypically outstanding lines and encouraging
open pollination for crosses in all combinations among the
mixed lines.
• The lines used to produce a composite variety are not tested
for combining ability with each other
• Therefore the yields of composite varieties cannot be
Synthetic variety
• Synthetic varieties are produced by open pollination among
a number of outstanding strains usually tested for combining
ability with each other
• These are commercial varieties and are maintained by open
pollination in isolation
• A synthetic variety is produced by crossing in all
combinations a number of lines that combine with each
• Once synthesized, the variety is maintained by open
pollination in isolation