Radar Systems - Unit1
Radar Systems - Unit1
Radar Systems - Unit1
IV B.Tech I Sem
Dr K Srinivasa Naik
Associate Professor
Dept. of ECE
Course Objectives
To provide an insight into the basic concepts of
RADAR engineering.
MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar
Tracking Radar
block diagrams of Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR), Phased array Radars and others.
Different radar receiver principles of direction
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
Understand the basic concepts of RADAR engineering
Understand the basic concepts of MTI and Pulse
Doppler Radar
Analyze Tracking Radar
Examine block diagrams of Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR), Phased array Radars and others.
Examine different radar receiver principles of
direction finders.
Unit-I: Introduction to RADAR:
Reference Books:
“Introduction to Radar Systems”, Skolnik, McGraw Hill,
Radar was invented for military purpose
before world war II in order to secretly detect
the presence of unknown objects.
Let the time taken for the signal to travel from Radar to
target and back to Radar be ‘T’. The two way distance
between the Radar and target will be 2R, since the
distance between the Radar and the target is R.
Terminology of Radar Systems
Terminology of Radar Systems
Pulse Repetition Frequency
Radar signals should be transmitted at every clock pulse.
The duration between the two clock pulses should be
properly chosen in such a way that the echo signal
corresponding to present clock pulse should be received
before the next clock pulse. A typical Radar wave form is
shown in the following figure.
Terminology of Radar Systems
As shown in the figure, Radar transmits a periodic
signal. It is having a series of narrow rectangular
shaped pulses. The time interval between the
successive clock pulses is called pulse repetition time
Pulse Transmission
Continuous Wave
Pulse Radar
The Radar, which operates with pulse signal is called
the Pulse Radar. Pulse Radars can be classified into
the following two types based on the type of the
target it detects.
Basic Pulse Radar
Moving Target Indication Radar
Basic Pulse Radar
The Radar, which operates with pulse signal for
detecting stationary targets, is called the Basic Pulse
Radar or simply, Pulse Radar.
Shored-based communications,
3KHz – 30KHz Very Low Frequency (VLF)
Shored-based communications,
30KHz – 300KHz Low Frequency (LF)
Line-of-sight communication to
300MHz – 3GHz Ultra High Frequency (UHF) 400Mhz, above this frequency
radar and special equipment
where R is the amplitude of the envelope of the filter output. The probability
that the envelope of the noise voltage will lie between the values of V1 and V2
The probability that the noise voltage envelope will exceed the
voltage threshold VT is
Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
Whenever the voltage envelope exceeds the threshold VT, a target is
considered to have been detected. Since the probability of a false
alarm is the probability that noise will cross the threshold, the above
equation gives the probability of a false alarm, denoted by Pfa.
The probability that the signal will be detected (which is the probability of
detection) is the same as the probability that the envelope R will exceed the
predetermined threshold VT. The probability of detection Pd is therefore:
On the other hand, the diffracted field is the total field in the presence of
the object. With radar backscatter, the two fields are the same, and one
may talk about scattering and diffraction interchangeably.
In theory, the scattered field, and hence the radar cross section, can be
determined by solving Maxwell's equations with the proper boundary
conditions applied. Unfortunately, the determination of the radar cross
section with Maxwell's equations can be accomplished only for the most
simple of shapes, and solutions valid over a large range of frequencies
are not easy to obtain.
Radar Cross Section of Targets
2. Optical region:
It is at the other extreme from the Rayleigh region where the dimensions of
the sphere are large compared with the wavelength (2πa/λ ˃1). For large
2πa/λ, the radar cross section approaches the optical cross section πa2.
The nose-on cross section of the cone-sphere varies, but its maximum
value is approximately 0.4λ2 and its minimum is 0.01λ2 for a wide range
of half-angles for frequencies above the Rayleigh region. The null
spacing is also relatively insensitive to the cone half-angle.
Radar cross section of a cone-sphere
In order to realize in practice the very low theoretical values of the
radar cross section for a cone sphere, the tip of the cone must be
sharp and not rounded, the surface must be smooth (roughness
small compared to a wavelength), the join between the cone and
the sphere must have a continuous first derivative, and there must
be no holes, windows, or protuberances on the surface.
Duty cycle: The ratio Pav/Pt, τ/TP, or τ.fP is called the duty cycle of the
radar. A pulse radar for detection of aircraft might have typically a duty
cycle of 0.001, while a CW radar which transmits continuously has a
duty cycle of unity.
Transmitter Power
Writing the radar equation in terms of the average power rather than the
peak power, we get
The bandwidth and the pulse width are grouped together since the
product of the two is usually of the order of unity in most pulse-
radar applications.
Pulse Repetition Frequencies and
Range Ambiguities
The pulse repetition frequency (prf) is determined primarily by the
maximum range at which targets are expected. If the prf is made too
high, the likelihood of obtaining target echoes from the wrong pulse
transmission is increased. Echo signals received after an interval
exceeding the pulse-repetition period are called multiple time
around echoes.
Consider the three targets labeled A, B, and C in the figure(a) below.
Target A is located within the maximum unambiguous range
Runamb [= C.TP /2] of the radar, target B is at a distance greater
than Runamb but less than 2Runamb and the target C is greater
than 2Runamb but less than 3Runamb
The appearance of the three targets on an A-scope is shown in the
figure (b)below. The multiple-time-around echoes on the A-scope
cannot be distinguished from proper target echoes actually within
the maximum unambiguous range. Only the range measured for
target A is correct; those for B and C are not.
Pulse Repetition Frequencies and
Range Ambiguities
One method of distinguishing multiple-time-around echoes from
unambiguous echoes is to operate with a varying pulse repetition frequency.
The echo signal from an unambiguous range target will appear at the same
place on the A-scope on each sweep no matter whether the prf is modulated
or not. However, echoes from multiple-time-around targets will be spread
over a finite range as shown in the figure (c) below. The number of separate
pulse repetition frequencies will depend upon the degree of the multiple time
around targets. Second-time targets need only two separate repetition
frequencies in order to be resolved.
Pulse Repetition Frequencies and
Range Ambiguities
The important parameters of radar antenna discussed here, in brief, are as follows:
Directivity or Directive gain
Power gain
Effective receiving aperture
Side lobes
Front to Back ratio
Beam efficiency
Power gain:
The power gain which is denoted by (G), includes the effect of the antenna
losses and any other related losses, which reduces the antenna efficiency.
In the directive gain definition, we have not considered the losses such as
ohmic heating, RF heating, or mismatched antenna, we have considered only
the radiation pattern, But these losses are taken into account while calculating
the power gain.
It may be defined as the ratio of maximum radiation intensity from a particular
antenna to the radiation intensity from an isotropic source with some power
The directive gain is always more significant than the power gain. if there are no
losses, both gains are more or less equal to each other.
Both are related by the radiation efficiency factor and can be defined as:
Effective Aperture:
One of the critical parameters related to the gain is the effective receiving aperture
or total scattering cross-section or effective area. It may be considered a measure of
the effective area presented by the antenna to the incident wave.
Beam Efficiency:
Beam efficiency is also an important parameter to judge the quality of the transmitting
and receiving antenna.
where,ΩA, is the total beam area solid angle and consists of the main beam (ΩM) and the main
lobe area (Ωm)
System Losses
The losses in a radar system reduce the signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver
output. They are two kinds, predictable with certain precision beforehand
and unpredictable. The antenna beam-shape loss, collapsing loss, and
losses in the microwave plumbing are examples of losses which are
predictable if the system configuration is known. These losses are real and
cannot be ignored.
Losses not readily subject to calculation and which are less predictable
include those due to field degradation and to operator fatigue or lack of
operator motivation. They are subject to considerable variation and
In S-band (3000 MHz) radar, for example, the typical plumbing losses will be
as follows:
100 ft of RG-113/U A1 waveguide transmission line (two-way):1.0 dB
Loss due to poor connections (estimate):0.5 dB
Rotary-joint loss:0.4 dB
Duplexer loss:1.5 dB
Total plumbing loss:3.4 dB
System Losses
Beam-shape loss: The antenna gain that appears in the radar equation
was assumed to be a constant equal to the maximum value. But in reality the
train of pulses returned from a target with scanning radar is modulated in
amplitude by the shape of the antenna beam. To properly take into account
the pulse-train modulation caused by the beam shape, the computations of
the probability of detection (as explained earlier) would have to be
performed assuming a modulated train of pulses rather than constant-
amplitude pulses. But since this computation is difficult, a beam-shape loss
is added to the radar equation and a maximum gain is employed in the radar
equation rather than a gain that changes pulse to pulse.
Scanning loss: When the antenna scans rapidly enough , the gain on
transmit is not the same as the gain on receive. An additional loss has to be
computed, called the scanning loss. The technique for computing scanning
loss is similar in principle to that for computing beam-shape loss. Scanning
loss is important for rapid-scan antennas or for very long range radars such
as those designed to view extraterrestrial objects.
Collapsing loss: If the radar were to integrate additional noise samples
along with the wanted Signal-to-noise pulses, the added noise results in
degradation called the collapsing loss.
System Losses
Non ideal equipment: The transmitter power in the radar equation
was assumed to be the specified output power (either peak or
average). However, all transmitting tubes are not uniform in quality,
and even any individual tube performance will not be same
throughout its useful life. Also, the power is not uniform over the
operating band of frequencies. Thus, for one reason or another, the
transmitted power may be other than the design value. To allow for
this variation, a loss factor of about 2 dB is introduced.
Operator loss: An alert, motivated, and well-trained operator
performs as described by theory. However, when distracted, tired,
overloaded, or not properly trained, operator performance will
decrease. The resulting loss in system performance is called
operator loss.
Receiver noise figure also varies over the operating frequency band.
Thus, if the best noise figure over the band is used in the radar
equation, a loss factor has to be introduced to account for its poorer
value elsewhere in the frequency band. If the receiver is not the
exact matched filter for the transmitted waveform, a loss in Signal-
to-noise ratio will occur.A typical value of loss for a non-matched
receiver might be about 1 dB.
We will see that Radars work by…
Acoustic Echo-location
Acoustic Echo-location
Hi !!
Hi !!
Target Range
Synchronizer Transmitter
Power Duplexer ANT.
Display Unit Receiver
Antenna Control
Continuous Wave Radar
Motion Away:
Echo Frequency Decreases
Motion Towards:
Echo Frequency Increases
Doppler Effect
Continuous Wave Radar
Transmitter Antenna
Oscillator OUT
Pulse Vs. Continuous Wave
Beamwidth vs Accuracy
Ship A Ship B
Determining Azimuth Angular
Ship’s Heading
N Angle
Target Angle
Determining Altitude
Determining Altitude
Angle of Elevation
– Uses reflectors and “lenses” to shape the beam
Wave Guides
Used as a medium for
high energy shielding.
Uses magnetic field to
keep energy centered
in the wave guide.
Filled with an inert gas
to prevent arcing due to
high voltages within the
wave guide.