OHS Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessments

 You have carefully thought out all the angles

 You have done it a hundred times
 It comes naturally to you
 You know what you are doing, it is what you have been
trained to do all your life
 So nothing could possibly go wrong

 Could it ??
Think Again!
Hazard and Risk

 Something with the potential to cause harm e.g. excessive


 The likelihood of harm occurring e.g. going deaf.
 It combines likelihood of occurrence and severity of ill
health or injury
Risk Concepts
What can go Wrong

How likely is it? What are the Impacts

Risk Level


Risk management includes control and monitoring of risks, as well

as communicating these risks
An exposure assessment
 is the process of discovering how people come into
contact with a hazardous substance and how long and
how much of the substance they are in contact with
on a continuous basis.
A risk characterization
 allows the decision makers to assess the nature of the
risk and act accordingly.
Risk assessment is the cornerstone of
health and safety and is absolutely
essential to a safe working environment
What is risk assessment?

 The identification of hazards, the calculation of risk

and the reduction of that risk either completely or to
an acceptable level.
 It is a technique for accident prevention
What is RA
 Friis(2006) describes risk assessment as the process of
determining adverse risks to health attributable to
environmental or other hazards.
 One difficulty in making this determination is that many
health effects resulting from chemical exposure have a
long latency or incubation period between exposure and
illness or disability.
 A risk assessment should of course lead to the action
of risk reduction or elimination, in which the
employer implements policies that decrease the
chance that workers will experience injury, illness, or
disease from a chemical exposure.
Why do we do risk assessment?
Legal requirements
 Risk assessment forms cornerstone of any OHS Management System
 mandatory for employer to conduct risk assessment & put appropriate control
measures i.e. companies are fined for failing to do risk assessment especially when
accidents happen

Financial benefits
 Reduction in accidents, legal liability, enhanced productivity and staff morale
 Managers need an idea of relative importance of risks and to know as much about
them as we can in order to make decisions on control measures which are
appropriate and cost effective

Moral reasons
 Employee moral reasons and conserving environment
 This process helps employer manage properly the risks faced by employees and
ensure their health and safety is not put at risk while at work.
Expectations of a risk assessment
1. Systematic –
methodology be clear and procedural in sense of steps to follow

2. Rigorous –
should come up with consistent and reasonable results

3. Structured –
a person with little training should understand methodology and outcomes

4. Repeatable –
be applied to same hazard or risk in the future

5. Consultative –
take different viewpoints and insights through consultations. Results be
defensible and auditable
Steps to be followed

Identify the hazards

 e.g. fumes, noise, poor lighting, fire etc
 Select a work activity
 Breakwork activity into logically sequenced
component tasks
 Identify the hazards in each component task
2. Decide who might be harmed and how
 Employees, residents, visitors, etc
Evaluate the risks
 For each hazard, note existing risk control measures
 Are recommended standards followed
 Determine the likelihood of harm occurring
 Determine the severity of harm, if it occurs
 Determine the risk rating
 Decide on additional risk control measures and prepare plan

Record the significant findings

a record of the preventive and protective measures in
place to control the risks;
 what further action, if any, needs to be taken to reduce
risk sufficiently;
 proof that a suitable and sufficient assessment has been
 This record of the significant findings will also form a
basis for a revision of the assessment.

Review and revise the assessment

 Look at it from time to time to see if everything is

still ok. If not do something about it.
 Attentionshould be paid when changes occur in
the workplace or if there is an accident or near

 If there is no significant risk as the current measures are judged to be

adequate, the risk assessment is finished
 If there is a significant risk, it must be evaluated and a decision made as to
what measures need to be taken to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
Categories of risk assessments

 Baseline risk assessment

 Issue based risk assessment

 Mainly during change of product, new legislation or incident

 Continuous risk assessment

 Mainly non documentary day to day assessment
 Risk assessment findings should be recorded and should contain:
 A statement of significant hazards identified (hazard details)
 Applicable standards
 Preventive/Control measure in place
 Date the assessment was made
 Date for next regular assessment
 A note to employees reminding them of their duty to inform employer
of any circumstances which might indicate a shortcoming in the
RISK ASSESSMENT – 6 steps (based on IOSH model)

1. Inventories ]
2. Hazard identification ] Risk Assessment
3. Risk rating ]

4. Workplace Precautions ]
5. Risk Control Systems ] Risk Control
6. New Risk rating ]
7. Monitor & Review – needs to be considered

But note apart from step 7, most people presently refer to the
whole process as risk assessment

Simply a systematic approach to determine where to spot

hazards. Look at;

a) Inputs – what comes into the business e.g. raw materials,

people (with disabilities?, pregnant females etc.), delivery
vans, vehicles, fuel, electricity etc.

b) Processes – what does the business do e.g. manufacturing,

cleaning, maintenance, use of computers, canteen/eating, etc.

c) Outputs – reports, finished products, completed work,

vehicles leaving premises and waste products (rubbish,
chemicals, litter, noise, etc.)
2. Hazard Identification
Hazard – anything (system of work, machinery,
chemical etc.) that has the potential to cause harm,
injury, ill-health.

There are 4 basic techniques of hazard

a) Observation of conditions and activities
b) Interviews
c) Inspections of records
d) Reading documents
Observation & Interviews

Observation - basically looking at the physical aspects of the work layout

and the activities undertaken.

Interviews – with staff, employee reps and management, ask how work is
done, what could improve matters, don’t create culture of fear or blame.
Record Inspection
 Incident/accident records
 Hazard records
 Maintenance records
 Repair records
 Insurance inspection records
 Staff absence records

Can look at all these to spot new or existing hazards.

What are the hazards in your job?
VDU Driving/Traffic Working

Severe weather/ snow Lone Working

Machinery / Access / trips / falls /

Loud noise
earthmoving slips
Hazards Manual Handling
Contact with
Waste Uneven /soft ground Chemicals
e.g Landfill
Work near / on
water Fire Vandalism/Sharps

Aggressive Contact with Sewage /

clients contamination
Environment and Workplace

Temperature Falling Welfare

Objects facilities
Weather Lighting First aid
Security Doors Ventilation
Access Furniture Windows
Space Cleanliness Noise
Fire Housekeeping Water
Plant, Equipment, Task
Electricity Chemicals Posture
Moving VDUs Pressure
parts systems
Entrapment Abrasive Maintenance
Wheels systems
Sharp edges Vehicle Lifting
safety Appliances
Manual Fall from Inspection
Handling height and test

Lone Communication Contractors

Aggression Competence Visitors

Stress Training Bonus

Age Health Experience
Protective Animal attack Supervision
3. Risk rating

 There is no absolute way to risk rate and there

are many systems used.
 We are looking at a simple risk rating method.

Types of risk assessments:

1. Qualitative risk assessment

2. Quantitative risk assessment
Risk rating

1. Qualitative risk assessment

 This is subjective, based on personal
judgment backed by generalized
information on risk

 Qualitative assessments are when no numerical values are

Qualitative risk matrix (RA 1)
This table helps in risk identification in the workplace

Department: Location: Date: last ass. Date:

Hazard Existing Is hazard a risk New measures Persons at risk
measures (yes/no) required or go
to RA 2

Assessors name (s): Name of competent person:

Qualitative risk matrix (RA 2)
This table helps to evaluate risks, identify control measures &
record implementation

TWO Dimensions:

Risk rating
2. Quantitative risk assessment

 This produces an objective probability statement based on

known risk information applied to circumstances being
considered. Its objective

 You simply multiply the two values together to produce a

risk assessment score from which you can prioritise risks
and thus tackle the worst ones first
 Can be Ranked quantitatively using risk rating formula:
 risk rating = severity estimate * probability estimate

 These estimates can be given any value as long as they

are consistently used. The simplest set of values offers a
16-point scale:
Risk Rating ‑ Theory

 Severity of Hazard could be - catastrophic, serious or

slight and a numerical value given for each. Consider
the Worst Potential Outcome within reason in the
circumstances e.g. trip on floor vs trip on scaffolding
at 5m height.
Severity rating Description Value

Catastrophic Imminent danger exists, hazard capable of 4

causing death & illness on a wide scale

Critical Hazard can result in serious illness, severe 3

injury, property and equipment damage

Marginal hazard can cause illness, injury or 2

equipment damage, but the results would
not be expected to be serious

Negligible Hazard will not result in serious injury or 1

illness, remote possibility of damage
beyond minor first aid scale
Example of Severity of Hazard

Injury Description (worst potential Score

outcome within reason)
Minor Not off work for >3 days 1

O3D Off work for >3 days 2

Major Fractures, amputations, 3

unconscious etc.
Fatality Single fatality 4

Fatality Multiple fatality 5

Risk Rating Theory

 Likelihood could be - High, Medium or Low

probabilities, such estimates could be based on
reference to relevant statistical data, accident books
or other guidance or they will be subjective
Probability Description Value
rating of hazard

Probable likely to occur immediately 4

or shortly
Reasonably probably will occur in time 3
Remote may occur in time 2

Extremely unlikely to occur 1

Example of Likelihood of Occurrence

Probability Description Score

Not No chance 1

Remote Unlikely 2

Reasonably Chance within reasonable timescale 3

Probable Likely 4

Very Probable Imminent 5

Urgency of Action
Total Scores Urgency of Action
>16 Very High

13-16 High

9-12 Moderate

5-8 Low

1-4 Very Low

Quantitative Risk Assessment
Severity of Hazard Likelihood of Risk Score Priority
(S) Occurrence (S x L)
3 3 9 1st

4 2 8 2nd

2 4 8 2nd

1 2 2 3rd
Probability / Likelihood Matrix

5 – Frequent
5 – Frequent
4 – Probable
4 – Probable
3 – Possible
3 – Possible
2 – Remote
2 – Remote
1 – Improbable
1 – Improbable

Can the hazard be Avoided, Eliminated or Substituted?
If not then we have to identify WPs & RCSs.

4. Identify Workplace Precautions (WPs) ] Controls

5. Identify Risk Control Systems (RCS)] Controls
6. Final Risk Rate
7. Monitor & Review
Hierarchy of Control
 Avoidance
 Avoid doing the task eg. Cleaning toilet hand towels
 Elimination
 fumes driven off from factory – open window
 Substitute
 Harmful substance with less harmful material
 Enclosure/Isolation
 Machine guards
 Adapt work to individual
 e. g alter work station for DSE work
 safety footwear this is last resort as injury may still occur e.g. safety headwear
only lessens severity of injury
Controlling Risk
 Risk Avoidance –
 This strategy involves a conscious decision on the part of the
organisation to avoid completely a particular risk by
discontinuing the operation producing the risk e.g. the replacing
a hazardous chemical by one with less or no risk potential.
 Risk Retention –
 The risk is retained in the organisation where any consequent
loss is financed by the company. There are two aspects to
consider here, risk retention with knowledge and risk retention
without knowledge.
Controlling Risk
 Risk Transfer –
 This refers to the legal assignment of the costs of
certain potential losses from one party to another.
The most common way is by insurance.
 Risk Reduction –
 Here the risks are systematically reduced through
control measures, according to the hierarchy of
risk control described in earlier sections.
Risk Control
What Are Reasonable Control Measures?

A balance between … Cost & Risk

Control measures are things done or action taken to control or

reduce the risks to people’s safety. “Reasonable” means that the
cost of taking the action is in proportion to the risk, ie the
higher the risk the higher the cost.
4. Workplace Precautions
 Workplace Precautions (WPs)
 those controls that have a DIRECT effect on H&S e.g. automated machinery,
enclosed booths for spraying cars, soundproof booths, ventilation, machine
guards, safe system of work - lifting properly, PPE - hard hats, gloves,
 For the first step in Risk Control you must identify WPs that control the
5. Risk Control Systems
Those systems that make sure the WPs are correct, used
properly and maintained etc.

 Purchase the correct guard

 Cleaning
 Proper storage (e.g. safety hats)
 Make sure sent to appropriate staff
 Maintained properly
 Repaired, replacement procedure
 Training
6. Residual Risk Rating

 Once the WPs and RCS are in place we can re-risk rate to
see what we are left with. This is the residual risk and
should be minimal, indicating we have done all that is
reasonably practicable.

 The procedure for residual risk rating is exactly the same as

Risk = Severity X Likelihood
Risk Assessment & Risk Control
Risk Assessment Risk Control
Inventories Hazards Risk Rate = Priority WPs RCS Residual Risk Review
(Sev x Likel) Rate = date

Inputs Haz 1 – note Assess risk – What Decide In place for Re-assess risk
what it is refer to tables order? individual WP?

Haz 2

Processes Haz 3

Haz 4

Outputs Haz 5

Haz 6

Waste? Haz 7

Haz 8
Problems With Risk Assessment
1. Uncertainty
a) Lack of Knowledge
b) The Randomness of Events

2. Erring on the Side of Safety

3. Risk Perception

4. Wider or Social Impacts of Risk

5. Erring on the side of long term consequencies

What Should Be Assessed?

1. The Management of Health and Safety

a) Are safe systems of work in place and used?
b) Are accident and hazard reporting procedures followed?
c) Are health checks adequate, if used?
d) Have workers most at risk due to inexperience, disability etc., been
e) Have hazards been identified and risk assessed?

2. The Workplace
a) Are walls, flooring, stairs and passages in good condition?
b) Is lighting adequate?
c) Is there proper ventilation, heating and cooling?
d) Is there sufficient space to work safely?
e) Are there adequate facilities for washing, eating and resting etc.
f) Is the workplace tidy and waste disposed of properly?
g) Is the noise adequately controlled?
h) Does everyone know emergency procedures and escape routes?
What Should Be Assessed?

3. Manual Handling
a) Is manual handling necessary or can it be automated or mechanised?

b) If necessary, are proper lifting and moving procedures followed?

i. Task ‑ is the load held properly? Is stooping, twisting or stretching involved or is the
load carried more than 10m?

ii. Load ‑ What is its weight and shape, is it difficult to handle?

iii. Working Environment ‑ Is posture affected by space, are floors slippery or uneven and
is lighting adequate?

iv. Individual's Capability ‑ Can most employees perform the task safely, are there risks
to those with health problems or who are pregnant, is special training required?

v. Clothing and PPE ‑ do special clothing and PPE increase or decrease the risk of
manual handling injury.
What Should Be Assessed?

4. Work Equipment and Work Practices

a) Is equipment properly safeguarded and safe and
suitable for the job?
b) Is equipment stored and maintained properly?
c) Are measures taken to protect against specific
hazards such as electricity, heat, fumes etc.
d) Is the equipment safely located?
e) Are hazardous substances identified and stored
f) Do employees have proper information, instruction,
training and supervision?
What Should Be Assessed?
5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
a) Is PPE used as a last resort only and are others
control methods considered first?
b) Does PPE meet current standards?
c) Is it suitable for the task i.e. does it enable the user to
carry out their work with no increased risk of a
different type of injury such as cuts from tools?
d) Have employees been properly trained to use PPE?
e) Is it used, maintained and stored properly?
What Should Be Assessed?

6. Display Screen Equipment

a) Is the work area set up correctly for the user i.e.
adequate space, support for hands at the keyboard,
an adjustable chair?
b) Is there any glare or reflections on the screen?
c) Do the users have breaks at regular intervals?
d) Do the users know about eye test requirements?
e) Is software adequate for the task?
f) Is the environment comfortable with regard to
heating, noise and humidity etc.
Please tick the answer you feel is correct:- 4. What is the difference between a
hazard and a risk?
1. Who is responsible for safety?
a) A hazard is the likelihood
a) your manager that a risk will cause an
b) you accident

c) your staff b) A risk is the likelihood that a

hazard will cause an
d) all of the above accident
2. Who has the responsibility for doing risk assessments? c) It has something to do with
a) agency staff
b) your manager 5. What should you do if a member
of your staff reports a hazard to
c) your staff you?
3. Why do we do risk assessments? a) Ignore it and hope it goes
a) Because it saves the Council money
b) Evacuate the building
b) Because it helps to keep people healthy and safe
c) Add it to your risk
c) It is the Law
assessment if it is a
d) all of the above significant risk and take
reasonable action control it.

6. If you decide a risk is Insignificant, you need not take any further action.

7. If you decide a risk is Significant, you need not take any further action.

8. What is a reasonable control measure?

a) One that balances the cost against the risk

b) One that costs as much money as possible

c) One that is very time consuming and bureaucratic
9. Personal protective equipment should only be used after
other control measures have been considered.

10. When your risk assessments are completed, what should you
do with them?
a) File them on a high shelf out of reach and let them gather
b) Lock them away for safe keeping so no-one else can see
c) Share them with your staff, keep a copy at the house or
patch base and review them at least annually

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