PMS Un & Saarc
PMS Un & Saarc
PMS Un & Saarc
Rwanda massacres
To address its four key concerns - prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and
Regional Integration
Regional Integration
Two types
Positive integration
Negative Integration
Observer states: a status entitles them to express their opinion, engage in dual
agues, and give advice but denies them decision making and voting rights
The role of Obser
vers would, vary from one group to another
3 types of Observers
First - who wish to become members
Second - no interest in membership, but interested in keeping a tab on proceedings
Third - who may wish to be present at gatherings not to observe what members are
doing, but to observe other Observers
SAARC – Starters
3% of the world's area, 25% of population, ($2.9 trillion)
World’s most densely populated region – the most fertile areas
Official language – English
Headquarters - Kathmandu, Nepal – 16th January 1987
SG is appointed for a 3 year term by a Council of Ministers
Sri Lanka's diplomat Esala Weerakoon is the current SG - March 2020
Summits are usually held biennially
Hosted by member states in alphabetical order
Member state hosting the summit assumes the Chair of the SAARC
On December 8, 1985, first SAARC Summit held in Dhaka
Afghanistan added as full member - 13th Summit - New Delhi, 2007
Article 1 - Objectives
Article 2 - Principles
SAARC Charter adheres UN principles
Promoting peace, stability and progress in the region
National independence
Irrespective of the population, financial status, military status and strength all
India offered $10 million, “Any of us can use the fund to meet the
cost of immediate actions,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi told
regional leaders via video conference, adding that India would also
offer rapid response teams and other expertise to deal with the crisis
Other pledges include $5m by Sri Lanka, Bangladesh $1.5m, Nepal
and Afghanistan $1m each, Maldives $0.2m and Bhutan $0.1m
Pakistan was the last member state to contribute to the fund, which
now has pledges worth $3mn.
During Pandemic
Pak boycotted Video conference of trade officials (April 08)
Pak hosted Health Ministers’ Video Conference (April 23)
(Real-time sharing of information and clinical data, capacity building
and training of medical and paramedical staff, supply of medicines
and medical equipment, research coordination and enhancing
cooperation with frontline international organizations including the
WHO (World Health Organization) came under discussion)
Proposals to fast-track creation of linkages among medical
universities, academia and research institutions came under review.
Pakistan proposed greater coordination among health authorities of
SAARC member states and activating the SAARC Technical Committee
on Health and Population Activities)
During Pandemic
(For efficacy, meetings to be spearheaded by secretariat instead of India)
Pak hosted SAARC Planning Ministers meeting (Nov 26)
SA region and strategy for collection Action for development financing. Pak
emphasized affordable and effective provision of COVID-19 vaccine for
SAARC, which seems vital keeping in view the fact that region is home to
one-fourth of global population and further 96 million people in the region
live in extreme poverty. Pak deliberated the importance of debt relief and
availability of concessional financing for the SAARC region in order to tackle
COVID-19 pandemic proficiently) ‘Global Initiative for Debt Relief’
Pak Ready to host 19th annual Summit in Isb at the earliest
A Way Forward!
7 Reasons Why SAARC Could Not Create A Global Influence (