Chapter 3 Teaching in A Multi Grade Classroom
Chapter 3 Teaching in A Multi Grade Classroom
Chapter 3 Teaching in A Multi Grade Classroom
Lessons 1-2
• Discuss the different strategies applied in multi-grade teaching
While, the (8) grade 2 pupils can read sight words and short
sentences in Filipino, but they struggle with spelling words
and writing sentences in English, and they haven't mastered
subtraction skills. However, they can work well together and
can follow basic directions on their own.
Case Study: Asuncion's Multi-grade Class
While the (7) grade three students, on the other hand, can
read and write sentences in both English and Filipino. They
understand addition and subtraction and can complete
activities on their own with minimal support from her.
Furthermore, there is one student who is always willing to
erase the markings on the board and help her classmates in
her little way. She noticed that all of the students like to
color, sing action songs, and play.
Case Analysis
1. Describe the characteristics of the pupils
Case Analysis
2. What are the challenges of the teacher?
Case Analysis
3. What does Ms. Ramos needs to do in order to cater the varying
needs of her students?
Case Analysis
4. What teaching strategies should Ms. Ramos use to effect
learning among her pupils?
Content (What)
• The information and ideas the
students need to learn to reach the
learning goals
Differentiating content
The essential principles that all students must understand and adjust the
complexity of the information as needed.
Differentiated Instruction
Process (How)
• How students take in and make
sense of the content
Differentiating process
The activities that students engage in order to understand or master the
Differentiated Instruction
Product (Assessment)
• How students show what they
know, understand and apply the
content learned
Differentiating product
It may take the form of exams, activities, projects, written work, and
or oral presentations.
Differentiated Instruction
Learning Environment
• Where students learn the various