Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis
Profitability ratios in relation to sales:
• Gross Profit Margin
• Operating Profit margin
• Net Profit Margin
Profitability ratios in relation to investments
• Return on assets (ROA)
• Return on shareholder’s equity (ROE)
• Earnings per share (EPS)
• Dividend per share (DPS)
• Dividend payout ratio (D/P)
• Price earning ratio (P/E)
Gross Profit Margin
Gross profit margin shows how many pesos of gross profit is earned for every
peso of sale. It provides information regarding the ability of a company to
cover its manufacturing cost from its sales.
Remember that gross profit is just sales less cost of goods or cost of services.
Total Assets
Total assets exclude fictitious assets. As the total
assets at the beginning of the year and end of the year
may not be the same, average total assets may be used
as the denominator.
Return on Shareholders Equity
This ratio measures the relationship of profits to
owner’s funds. Shareholders fall into two
groups i.e. preference shareholders and equity
shareholders. So the variants of return on
shareholders equity are