Lecturer/ Selection grade
EITPC, Kavindapadi
Surface study of thin film is characterized by employing scanning
Electron microscopy (SEM). The implementation of imge processing
algorithm is to determine the pores in the SEM images of thin film.
Image segmentation is applied to detect the pores in the thin film. In this
paper, ZnO thin film is used for the surface study by various edge
detection techniques. As the reqult canny edge detection gives the best
porosity information of ZnO thin film SEM images. This result is taken
by performing the statistical analysis (ie) finding the PSNT (Peak Signal
to Noise Ratio) values. This may help to identify the particular place of
pores and pits in thin film SEM images.
• Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is very useful technique to acquire the
high magnification images of the specimens. Secondary electron is predominately
used for surface property studies of the material under SEM technology. Thin film
technology is availed by many of the modern fields like MEMS, Nano technology
etc. Nowadays thin films are used to develop the solar cells. The quality of light
reflection depends on the surface of the thin films. Optical thin films are mostly
used in automotive industry for non-contact measurement of surcaces. This can be
achieved by observing the SEM images. SEM images are used to study the strain
measurement of the thin films with the help of image processing techniques. PSNR
is applied to develop the efficiency of the image segmentation results. In this
paper, we discuss the surface property of the ZnO thin film by image segmentation
(i.e. one of the image processing techniques). The objective result of the various
edge detection images are displayed and discussed in this paper.
• Image processing techniques for finding the porosity consist of
Image Acquisition, Image Enhancement, Image Segmentation and
Feature extraction. The below block diagram shows the proposed
approach. The thin films were analyzed and examined using Scanning
Electron microscopy. An SEM generates high energy electrons and
focuses them on a specimen. The thin films were subjected to
secondary electron imaging in SEM produces vivid images with good
resolution 1-5 m. The images from the SEM are in indexed mode so
that these images should be converted to gray scale mode. The process
of conversion of a gray scale image into a binary is clled thresholding.
In a binary image, object pizels are represented by 1s or the highest
intensity possible in the image.
Fig 1: Block diagram of proposed method
2.1.1 Sobel Operator
• The operator consists of a pair of 3 x 3 convolution kernels as
shown in Figure 2. One kernel is simply the other rotated by 90º.
Those thin films are subjected to Secondary electron imaging in scanning electron
miscroscopy under 5keV beam energy at a working distance of 500um. The SEM is saved
as graphic file format for further process in MATLAB environment. The image acquisition
is done by using ‘imread’ MATLAB command and it is converted into intensity to gray
image. The sholding is taken by converting the gray image into binary image. 2D adaptive
filter is introduced to reduce the noise in the SEM images. And this filtered image is
further processed by introducing various edge detection techniques. After applying edge
detection to the SEM image, quantitative measurement is taken using PSNR measures.
Click to adWe apply our method to SEM images. Our intention is to find the pores of
the thin films. Figure (1a) shows the graphics format of the thin film SEM image and
figure (1b) shows the filtered image of the ZnO thin films.
Figure (2a) and (2b) shows the edge detected image and corresponding pizel region
of the thin film. After filtering the image those images are subjected to edge detected
image shows the pixel regions of the pores as ones. From this result the pores of the ZnO
thin films are found using canny Click
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SI.NO Edge Detectors PSNR values
1. Sobel +2.38 dB
2. Roberts +2.27 dB
3. Prewitt +2.37 dB
4. Canny +2.40 dB